Пример #1
    def __init__(self,
        self._debug = debug
        self.ebook_root = pathof(ebook_root)
        # plugins and plugin containers can get name and user plugin dir
        self.plugin_dir = pathof(plugin_dir)
        self.plugin_name = plugin_name
        self.outdir = pathof(outdir)
        # dictionaries used to map opf manifest information
        self.id_to_href = {}
        self.id_to_mime = {}
        self.href_to_id = {}
        self.spine_ppd = None
        self.spine = []
        self.guide = []
        self.package_tag = ''
        self.metadataxml = ''
        self.op = op
        if self.op is not None:
            # copy in data from parsing of initial opf
            self.opfname = op.opfname
            self.id_to_href = op.get_manifest_id_to_href_dict().copy()
            self.id_to_mime = op.get_manifest_id_to_mime_dict().copy()
            self.href_to_id = op.get_href_to_manifest_id_dict().copy()
            self.spine_ppd = op.get_spine_ppd()
            self.spine = op.get_spine()
            self.guide = op.get_guide()
            self.package_tag = op.get_package_tag()
            self.metadataxml = op.get_metadataxml()
        self.other = []  # non-manifest file information
        self.id_to_filepath = {}
        self.modified = {}
        self.added = []
        self.deleted = []

        # walk the ebook directory tree building up initial list of
        # all unmanifested (other) files
        for filepath in unipath.walk(ebook_root):
            book_href = filepath.replace(os.sep, "/")
            # OS X file names and paths use NFD form. The EPUB
            # spec requires all text including filenames to be in NFC form.
            book_href = unicodedata.normalize('NFC', book_href)
            # if book_href file in manifest convert to manifest id
            id = None
            if book_href.startswith('OEBPS/'):
                href = book_href[6:]
                id = self.href_to_id.get(href, None)
            if id is None:
                self.id_to_filepath[book_href] = filepath
                self.id_to_filepath[id] = filepath
Пример #2
def epub_zip_up_book_contents(ebook_path, epub_filepath):
    outzip = zipfile.ZipFile(pathof(epub_filepath), 'w')
    files = unipath.walk(ebook_path)
    if 'mimetype' in files:
        outzip.write(pathof(os.path.join(ebook_path, 'mimetype')), pathof('mimetype'), zipfile.ZIP_STORED)
        raise Exception('mimetype file is missing')
    for file in files:
        filepath = os.path.join(ebook_path, file)
Пример #3
def epub_zip_up_book_contents(ebook_path, epub_filepath):
    outzip = zipfile.ZipFile(pathof(epub_filepath), 'w')
    files = unipath.walk(ebook_path)
    if 'mimetype' in files:
        outzip.write(pathof(os.path.join(ebook_path, 'mimetype')),
                     pathof('mimetype'), zipfile.ZIP_STORED)
        raise Exception('mimetype file is missing')
    for file in files:
        filepath = os.path.join(ebook_path, file)
        outzip.write(pathof(filepath), pathof(file), zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, ebook_root, outdir, op, plugin_dir, plugin_name, debug=False):
        self._debug = debug
        self.ebook_root = pathof(ebook_root)
        # plugins and plugin containers can get name and user plugin dir
        self.plugin_dir = pathof(plugin_dir)
        self.plugin_name = plugin_name
        self.outdir = pathof(outdir)
        # dictionaries used to map opf manifest information
        self.id_to_href = {}
        self.id_to_mime = {}
        self.href_to_id = {}
        self.spine_ppd = None
        self.spine = []
        self.guide = []
        self.package_tag = ""
        self.metadataxml = ""
        self.op = op
        if self.op is not None:
            # copy in data from parsing of initial opf
            self.opfname = op.opfname
            self.id_to_href = op.get_manifest_id_to_href_dict().copy()
            self.id_to_mime = op.get_manifest_id_to_mime_dict().copy()
            self.href_to_id = op.get_href_to_manifest_id_dict().copy()
            self.spine_ppd = op.get_spine_ppd()
            self.spine = op.get_spine()
            self.guide = op.get_guide()
            self.package_tag = op.get_package_tag()
            self.metadataxml = op.get_metadataxml()
        self.other = []  # non-manifest file information
        self.id_to_filepath = {}
        self.modified = {}
        self.added = []
        self.deleted = []

        # walk the ebook directory tree building up initial list of
        # all unmanifested (other) files
        for filepath in unipath.walk(ebook_root):
            book_href = filepath.replace(os.sep, "/")
            # OS X file names and paths use NFD form. The EPUB
            # spec requires all text including filenames to be in NFC form.
            book_href = unicodedata.normalize("NFC", book_href)
            # if book_href file in manifest convert to manifest id
            id = None
            if book_href.startswith("OEBPS/"):
                href = book_href[6:]
                id = self.href_to_id.get(href, None)
            if id is None:
                self.id_to_filepath[book_href] = filepath
                self.id_to_filepath[id] = filepath
Пример #5
    def __init__(self,
        self._debug = debug
        self.ebook_root = pathof(ebook_root)
        # plugins and plugin containers can get name and user plugin dir
        self.plugin_dir = pathof(plugin_dir)
        self.plugin_name = plugin_name
        self.outdir = pathof(outdir)

        # initialize the sigil cofiguration info passed in outdir with sigil.cfg
        self.appdir = None
        self.usrsupdir = None
        # Location of directory containing hunspell dictionaries on Linux
        self.linux_hunspell_dict_dirs = []
        # Sigil interface language code
        self.sigil_ui_lang = None
        # Default Sigil spell check dictionary
        self.sigil_spellcheck_lang = None
        # status of epub inside Sigil (isDirty) and CurrentFilePath of current epub file
        self.epub_isDirty = False
        self.epub_filepath = ""
        # File selected in Sigil's Book Browser
        self.selected = []
        cfg = ''
        with open(os.path.join(self.outdir, 'sigil.cfg'), 'rb') as f:
            cfg = f.read().decode('utf-8')
        cfg = cfg.replace("\r", "")
        cfg_lst = cfg.split("\n")
        if len(cfg_lst) >= 2:
            self.appdir = cfg_lst.pop(0)
            self.usrsupdir = cfg_lst.pop(0)
            if not sys.platform.startswith(
                    'darwin') and not sys.platform.startswith('win'):
                self.linux_hunspell_dict_dirs = cfg_lst.pop(0).split(":")
            self.sigil_ui_lang = cfg_lst.pop(0)
            self.sigil_spellcheck_lang = cfg_lst.pop(0)
            self.epub_isDirty = (cfg_lst.pop(0) == "True")
            self.epub_filepath = cfg_lst.pop(0)
            self.selected = cfg_lst
        os.environ['SigilGumboLibPath'] = self.get_gumbo_path()

        # dictionaries used to map opf manifest information
        self.id_to_href = {}
        self.id_to_mime = {}
        self.href_to_id = {}
        self.id_to_props = {}
        self.id_to_fall = {}
        self.id_to_over = {}
        self.spine_ppd = None
        self.spine = []
        self.guide = []
        self.bindings = []
        self.package_tag = None
        self.epub_version = None
        # self.metadata_attr = None
        # self.metadata = []
        self.metadataxml = ''
        self.op = op
        if self.op is not None:
            # copy in data from parsing of initial opf
            self.opfname = op.opfname
            self.id_to_href = op.get_manifest_id_to_href_dict().copy()
            self.id_to_mime = op.get_manifest_id_to_mime_dict().copy()
            self.href_to_id = op.get_href_to_manifest_id_dict().copy()
            self.id_to_props = op.get_manifest_id_to_properties_dict().copy()
            self.id_to_fall = op.get_manifest_id_to_fallback_dict().copy()
            self.id_to_over = op.get_manifest_id_to_overlay_dict().copy()
            self.spine_ppd = op.get_spine_ppd()
            self.spine = op.get_spine()
            self.guide = op.get_guide()
            self.package_tag = op.get_package_tag()
            self.epub_version = op.get_epub_version()
            self.bindings = op.get_bindings()
            # self.metadata = op.get_metadata()
            # self.metadata_attr = op.get_metadata_attr()
            self.metadataxml = op.get_metadataxml()
        self.other = []  # non-manifest file information
        self.id_to_filepath = {}
        self.book_href_to_filepath = {}
        self.modified = {}
        self.added = []
        self.deleted = []

        # walk the ebook directory tree building up initial list of
        # all unmanifested (other) files
        for filepath in unipath.walk(ebook_root):
            book_href = filepath.replace(os.sep, "/")
            # OS X file names and paths use NFD form. The EPUB
            # spec requires all text including filenames to be in NFC form.
            book_href = unicodedata.normalize('NFC', book_href)
            # if book_href file in manifest convert to manifest id
            id = None
            if book_href.startswith('OEBPS/'):
                href = book_href[6:]
                id = self.href_to_id.get(href, None)
            if id is None:
                self.book_href_to_filepath[book_href] = filepath
                self.id_to_filepath[id] = filepath
Пример #6
    def __init__(self, ebook_root, outdir, op, plugin_dir, plugin_name, debug = False):
        self._debug = debug
        self.ebook_root = pathof(ebook_root)
        # plugins and plugin containers can get name and user plugin dir
        self.plugin_dir = pathof(plugin_dir)
        self.plugin_name = plugin_name
        self.outdir = pathof(outdir)

        # initialize the sigil cofiguration info passed in outdir with sigil.cfg
        self.appdir = None
        self.usrsupdir = None
        self.selected = []
        cfg = ''
        with open(os.path.join(self.outdir, 'sigil.cfg'), 'rb') as f:
            cfg = f.read().decode('utf-8')
        cfg = cfg.replace("\r", "")
        cfg_lst = cfg.split("\n")
        if len(cfg_lst) >= 2:
            self.appdir = cfg_lst.pop(0)
            self.usrsupdir = cfg_lst.pop(0)
            self.selected = cfg_lst
        os.environ['SigilGumboLibPath'] = self.get_gumbo_path()

        # dictionaries used to map opf manifest information
        self.id_to_href = {}
        self.id_to_mime = {}
        self.href_to_id = {}
        self.id_to_props = {}
        self.id_to_fall = {}
        self.id_to_over = {}
        self.spine_ppd = None
        self.spine = []
        self.guide = []
        self.package_tag = None
        self.epub_version = None
        # self.metadata_attr = None
        # self.metadata = []
        self.metadataxml = ''
        self.op = op
        if self.op is not None:
            # copy in data from parsing of initial opf
            self.opfname = op.opfname
            self.id_to_href = op.get_manifest_id_to_href_dict().copy()
            self.id_to_mime = op.get_manifest_id_to_mime_dict().copy()
            self.href_to_id = op.get_href_to_manifest_id_dict().copy()
            self.id_to_props = op.get_manifest_id_to_properties_dict().copy()
            self.id_to_fall = op.get_manifest_id_to_fallback_dict().copy()
            self.id_to_over = op.get_manifest_id_to_overlay_dict().copy()
            self.spine_ppd = op.get_spine_ppd()
            self.spine = op.get_spine()
            self.guide = op.get_guide()
            self.package_tag = op.get_package_tag()
            self.epub_version = op.get_epub_version()
            # self.metadata = op.get_metadata()
            # self.metadata_attr = op.get_metadata_attr()
            self.metadataxml = op.get_metadataxml()
        self.other = []  # non-manifest file information
        self.id_to_filepath = {}
        self.modified = {}
        self.added = []
        self.deleted = []

        # walk the ebook directory tree building up initial list of
        # all unmanifested (other) files
        for filepath in unipath.walk(ebook_root):
            book_href = filepath.replace(os.sep, "/")
            # OS X file names and paths use NFD form. The EPUB
            # spec requires all text including filenames to be in NFC form.
            book_href = unicodedata.normalize('NFC', book_href)
            # if book_href file in manifest convert to manifest id
            id = None
            if book_href.startswith('OEBPS/'):
                href = book_href[6:]
                id = self.href_to_id.get(href,None)
            if id is None:
                self.id_to_filepath[book_href] = filepath
                self.id_to_filepath[id] = filepath
Пример #7
    def __init__(self, ebook_root, outdir, op, plugin_dir, plugin_name, debug = False):
        self._debug = debug
        self.ebook_root = pathof(ebook_root)
        # plugins and plugin containers can get name and user plugin dir
        self.plugin_dir = pathof(plugin_dir)
        self.plugin_name = plugin_name
        self.outdir = pathof(outdir)

        # initialize the sigil cofiguration info passed in outdir with sigil.cfg
        self.appdir = None
        self.usrsupdir = None
        self.selected = []
        cfg = ''
        with open(os.path.join(self.outdir, 'sigil.cfg'), 'rb') as f:
            cfg = f.read().decode('utf-8')
        cfg = cfg.replace("\r", "")
        cfg_lst = cfg.split("\n")
        if len(cfg_lst) >= 2:
            self.appdir = cfg_lst.pop(0)
            self.usrsupdir = cfg_lst.pop(0)
            self.selected = cfg_lst
        os.environ['SigilGumboLibPath'] = self.get_gumbo_path()

        # dictionaries used to map opf manifest information
        self.id_to_href = {}
        self.id_to_mime = {}
        self.href_to_id = {}
        self.id_to_props = {}
        self.spine_ppd = None
        self.spine = []
        self.guide = []
        self.package_tag = None
        # self.metadata_attr = None
        # self.metadata = []
        self.metadataxml = ''
        self.op = op
        if self.op is not None:
            # copy in data from parsing of initial opf
            self.opfname = op.opfname
            self.id_to_href = op.get_manifest_id_to_href_dict().copy()
            self.id_to_mime = op.get_manifest_id_to_mime_dict().copy()
            self.href_to_id = op.get_href_to_manifest_id_dict().copy()
            self.id_to_props = op.get_manifest_id_to_properties_dict().copy()
            self.spine_ppd = op.get_spine_ppd()
            self.spine = op.get_spine()
            self.guide = op.get_guide()
            self.package_tag = op.get_package_tag()
            # self.metadata = op.get_metadata()
            # self.metadata_attr = op.get_metadata_attr()
            self.metadataxml = op.get_metadataxml()
        self.other = []  # non-manifest file information
        self.id_to_filepath = {}
        self.modified = {}
        self.added = []
        self.deleted = []

        # walk the ebook directory tree building up initial list of
        # all unmanifested (other) files
        for filepath in unipath.walk(ebook_root):
            book_href = filepath.replace(os.sep, "/")
            # OS X file names and paths use NFD form. The EPUB
            # spec requires all text including filenames to be in NFC form.
            book_href = unicodedata.normalize('NFC', book_href)
            # if book_href file in manifest convert to manifest id
            id = None
            if book_href.startswith('OEBPS/'):
                href = book_href[6:]
                id = self.href_to_id.get(href,None)
            if id is None:
                self.id_to_filepath[book_href] = filepath
                self.id_to_filepath[id] = filepath