Пример #1
def create_cart_id_value(request):
    print("generating cart_value...")
    cart_value = generate_Cart_ID()
    print("Done, cart_value is: " + cart_value)

    #while cart_value in CART.objects.get(CartId=cart_value):
    #	cart_value = generate_Cart_ID()

    print("Generated value was unique, great!")

    request.session['CartID'] = cart_value

    #add cart_value to the CART database
    c = CART(Cart_ID=cart_value)

    return cart_value
Пример #2
def makeCartCookie(request):
    print("Creating cookie CartID...")

    #Before we continue, if the user already had a CartID cookie
    #   then don't create a new one. Instead just leave their CartID
    #   cookie how it is.
    for key in request.session.keys():
        print(key + " :=> " + request.session.get(key))

    if request.session.get("sessionid"):
        print("There was a session key in request.session")
        print("There was no session key in request.session...")

    if request.session.get("CartID"):
        print("There was a CartID in request.session")
        print("There is no CartID in request.session")

    if 'CartID' in request.COOKIES:
        print("In request.COOKIES there is a CartID")
        print("The CarID is: " + request.COOKIES['CartID'])
        print("In request.COOKIES there is no CartID")

    if request.session.get("CartID") is None:
        print("No CartID cookie detected in client. Creating one now.")

        #generate a random string 32 chars long
        val = CART.generate_Cart_ID()
        print("Value generated is: " + val)

        #set the cookie
        response = HttpResponse("")
        max_age = 86400  #1 day
        expires = datetime.datetime.strftime(
            datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=max_age),
            "%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S GMT")
        response.set_cookie('CartID', val, max_age=86400, expires=expires)

        response.write("<h1>Cookie has been set</h1>")
        print("Cookie has been set.")

        return response
        print("The request already has a CartID cookie.")
        print("The value of the cookie is: " + request.session.get("CartID"))

        return HttpResponse(
            "A cookie had already been set. It will not be changed.")
Пример #3
def createCookieAndCart(request, cookie_value=""):
    print("Setting a cookie for the user. Adding ")
    cookie_value = CART.generate_Cart_ID()
    c = CART()
    value = cookie_value
    c.Cart_ID = value
    request.set_cookie("CartID", cookie_value)
    return ""  #test
Пример #4
def index(request):
    print("View [index] was called.")
    COOKIE_NAME = 'CartID'
    context = {}
    Cart_ID = ''

    #problems: if user has cookies disabled, might be infinite loop
    if COOKIE_NAME in request.COOKIES:
        print(COOKIE_NAME + " is a cookie in the request")
        print("The value of " + COOKIE_NAME + " is: " +

        cookieValue = request.COOKIES[COOKIE_NAME]

        #Search every cart until we find a match
        for cart in CART.objects.all():
            if cart.Cart_ID == cookieValue:  #We've found a match
                    "The cookie's value matches a Cart_ID value of a CART object"
                #Success! Load the page!
                print("TEST:" + str(cart.Cart_ID) + " length = " +

                cart_content_list = cart.cart_content_set.all()
                print("cart_content_list contains: " + str(cart_content_list))

                context["cart_content_list"] = cart_content_list
                context["Cart_ID"] = cart.Cart_ID

                #create the context later
                print("Context is: " + str(context))
                return render(request, 'myCart/myCart.html', context=context)

        #No match was found in the database
        #   Do: 1)Create cookie  2)Store Data in CART DB table  3)Set the cookie on the response
            "The cookie value DOES NOT match any Cart_ID value in the CART table"

        #do nothing for now
        return HttpResponse("Under construction")

        ''' there was no CartID associated with the session, make one, \
            update the DB and then reload the page'''

        #This response's cookie will be set below
        response = HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('index', args=None))

        print("CartID is not a cookie in the request. Making a cookie now.")

        #max_age = 86400 #Remove this CartID after it has been the the DB for 7 days

        #generate a cookie value
        cookie_value = CART.generate_Cart_ID()
        print("Generated a cookie, the value is: " + cookie_value +
              " setting the key/value pair now.")
        response.set_cookie("CartID", cookie_value)
        print("Done setting cookie")
        print("Done creating cookie, redirecting user now.")

        print("Creating a cart")
        c = CART()
        value = c.generate_Cart_ID(
        )  #generater random string of len 32 via static function
        c.Cart_ID = value
        print("Done creating a cart.")

        print("Reloading page.")
        #reload the page now that the cookie has been set
        return response