Пример #1
 def boundsLocation(self, userData):
         #print 'Checking boundsLocation for :', userData
         if UsersData.isPartitioned():
             #print 'data is partitioned'
             # If the users data has been partitioned and each user has a label that 
             # corresponds to the region it is assigned to
             if userData[4] == self._expertise:
                 #print 'User is an expert'
                 # If this user is an expert then it will have the label of the region
                 # to which it belongs to. So we just compare the label to the name of the current 
                 # region
                 if userData[5] ==  self._name:
                     #print 'User belongs to the region ', self._name
                     return True
                     #print 'User does not belong to region', self._name
                     return False
                 # If this user is not an expert then we only consider its location
                 # to judge whether it belongs to the region or not
                 #print 'User is not an expert'
         #print 'Checking location'
         location = (userData[2], userData[3])
         if location[0] >= self._rightBottom[0] and location[0] <= self._leftTop[0] :
             if location[1] <= self._rightBottom[1] and location[1] >= self._leftTop[1]:
                 #print 'Passed!!'
                 return True
         #print 'Failed!!'
         print userData
     return False