Пример #1
def complete_alias_choice(obj_type, field, data, prefix, completions, no_command, other=None, scoped=None):
    Complete selections from an external object (unlreated to this
    object stack's details), only returning unique keys, either
    aliases for the obj_type, or primary keys.

    This ought to be improved, objects_starting_with() in
    the cli.py, is primarily intended to be use within cli.py
    if not mi.obj_type_exists(obj_type):
        raise error.CommandDescriptionError("Unknown obj-type: %s" % obj_type)

    if sdnsh.description:  # description debugging
        print "complete_alias_choice:", obj_type, field, other, data, prefix, scoped

    if other and no_command == False:
        parts = other.split("|")
        obj_type = parts[0]
        if len(parts) > 1:
            # what to do with more parts?
            field = parts[1]

    if not mi.obj_type_has_field(obj_type, field):
        raise error.CommandDescriptionError("Unknown field %s for obj-type: %s" % (field, obj_type))

    # quote string?  alias choices ought to never have special characters
    result = utif.add_delim(objects_starting_with(obj_type, prefix, field), " ")
    completions.update(dict([[x, "%s alias selection" % pretty(obj_type)] for x in result]))
def complete_alias_choice(obj_type,
    Complete selections from an external object (unlreated to this
    object stack's details), only returning unique keys, either
    aliases for the obj_type, or primary keys.

    This ought to be improved, objects_starting_with() in
    the cli.py, is primarily intended to be use within cli.py
    if not mi.obj_type_exists(obj_type):
        raise error.CommandDescriptionError("Unknown obj-type: %s" % obj_type)

    if sdnsh.description:  # description debugging
        print "complete_alias_choice:", obj_type, field, other, data, prefix, scoped

    if other and no_command == False:
        parts = other.split('|')
        obj_type = parts[0]
        if len(parts) > 1:
            # what to do with more parts?
            field = parts[1]

    if not mi.obj_type_has_field(obj_type, field):
        raise error.CommandDescriptionError(
            "Unknown field %s for obj-type: %s" % (field, obj_type))

    # quote string?  alias choices ought to never have special characters
    result = utif.add_delim(objects_starting_with(obj_type, prefix, field),
                            ' ')
        dict([[x, "%s alias selection" % pretty(obj_type)] for x in result]))
Пример #3
def collect_object_fields(
    obj_type, field, data, mode, completions, prefix=None, other=None, parent_field=None, parent_id=None, scoped=None
    Returns the list of possible completions for a particular obj-type.

    data = dict(data)
    if parent_field:
        data[parent_field] = parent_id
    if prefix:
        data[field + "__startswith"] = prefix

    key = mi.pk(obj_type)
    if scoped:
        obj_id = sdnsh.get_current_mode_obj()
        if sdnsh.current_mode() != mode:
            # XXX needs to be covered, shouldn't reach in like this
            for x in sdnsh.mode_stack:
                if x["mode_name"] == mode:
                    obj_id = x["obj"]
        obj_d = {key: obj_id}

        if obj_type in mi.alias_obj_types:
            # the submode ought to identify the foreign key
            data[mi.alias_obj_type_field(obj_type)] = obj_id
            mi.split_compound_into_dict(obj_type, key, obj_d, is_prefix=True)
            for (k, v) in obj_d.items():
                if k != key and not k in data:
                    data[k] = v

    # if this is one of the obj_type's associated with aliases, should
    # the list of values be back-transformed into alias names?
    # yes, because if the current value has an inverse alias, the existing
    # inverse for the type implies that during a previous insert of this
    # value, it was converted from its alias name to the current name.
    # collect the complete collection of aliases, since its likely
    # more than one back-to-alias conversion will be required, and query
    # its value before obj_type in the hope that it was recently cached.
    alias_obj_type = mi.obj_type_related_config_obj_type(obj_type)
    if other and other in mi.alias_obj_type_xref:
        alias_obj_type = mi.alias_obj_type_xref[other][0]
    elif field != mi.pk(obj_type):
        if mi.is_foreign_key(obj_type, field):
            (alias_obj_type, fk_name) = mi.foreign_key_references(obj_type, field)
            alias_obj_type = mi.obj_type_related_config_obj_type(alias_obj_type)
            if alias_obj_type in mi.alias_obj_type_xref:
                alias_obj_type = mi.alias_obj_type_xref[alias_obj_type][0]
                alias_obj_type = None
            if sdnsh.description:  # description debugging
                print "collect_object_fields: no alias for %s " "field %s not pk, and not fk" % (obj_type, field)
            alias_obj_type = None
    elif obj_type in mi.alias_obj_type_xref:
        alias_obj_type = mi.alias_obj_type_xref[obj_type][0]
        alias_obj_type = None

    alias_dict = {}
    if alias_obj_type:
        foreign_field = mi.alias_obj_type_field(alias_obj_type)
        alias_dict = create_obj_type_dict(alias_obj_type, foreign_field)
        alias_key = mi.pk(alias_obj_type)

    # Remove any data fields which have values of None, these are fields
    # which are getting reset.
    for reset_fields in [x for x in data.keys() if data[x] == None]:
        del data[reset_fields]

    # collect complete obj_type
    if not mi.obj_type_has_model(obj_type):
        result = rest_to_model.get_model_from_url(obj_type, data)
        result = sdnsh.rest_query_objects(obj_type, data)
    if sdnsh.description:  # description debugging
        print "collect_object_fields:", obj_type, field, data, result

    is_compound = mi.is_compound_key(obj_type, key)
    d = {}
    for item in result:
        if is_compound:
            mi.split_compound_into_dict(obj_type, key, item)
        value = item.get(field)
        # XXX hack to correctly format tag completions
        if obj_type == "tag" and field == "id":
            value = "%s.%s=%s" % tuple(value.split("|"))
        # remember to only add new items
        if value:
            if type(value) == list:
                # Need a mechanism to select values from the list, field's not enough
                for item in value:
                    if utif.quote_string(str(item)) not in completions:
                        if str(item) in alias_dict:
                            alias_item = alias_dict[str(item)][0][alias_key]
                            if alias_item.startswith(prefix):
                                item = alias_item
                        d[utif.quote_string(str(item))] = None
            elif utif.quote_string(str(value)) not in completions:
                if str(value) in alias_dict:
                    alias_value = alias_dict[str(value)][0][alias_key]
                    if alias_value.startswith(prefix):
                        value = alias_value
                d[utif.quote_string(str(value))] = None

    # if there's an alias for this object, and a prefix is included,
    # then the alias'es which match also need to be directly included,
    # since its not clear whether the prefix applies to the actual
    # id or the alias.  since alias_dict is already the complete
    # collection of aliases for this obj-type, use it for matching names
    if alias_obj_type and prefix and prefix != "":
        alias_pk = mi.pk(alias_obj_type)
        for (n, v) in alias_dict.items():
            # 'n' here is the foreign key reference to this obj-type
            for item in [x[alias_pk] for x in v if x[alias_pk].startswith(prefix)]:
                if utif.quote_string(str(item)) not in completions:
                    d[utif.quote_string(str(item))] = None

    return utif.add_delim(list(d), " ")
Пример #4
def complete_from_another(
    Completion function used when another obj_type is used to populate
    values for the current obj_type

    the 'other' field identifies the obj_type to use to collect choices from,
    it can consist of two parts  other|field.  When field isn't described here,
    it comes from the description parameter, however, the 'field' value there may
    be in use to describe the value of the associated action.

    if sdnsh.description:  # description debugging
        print "complete_from_another:", other, field, data, parent_field, parent_id, scoped

    # complete_from_another is intended to include other fields, which
    # shouldn't apply for a no command.
    if no_command:

    if other.find("|") >= 0:
        parts = other.split("|")
        other = parts[0]
        field = parts[1]

    if not mi.obj_type_exists(other):
        raise error.CommandDescriptionError("Unknown obj-type/other: %s" % other)

    id = mi.pk(other)
    data = dict(data)
    if parent_field and parent_id:
        data[parent_field] = parent_id
    if prefix:
        data[field + "__startswith"] = prefix
    key = mi.pk(other)
    if scoped:
        key = mi.pk(other)
        if type(scoped) == str and scoped in data:
            obj_d = {key: data[scoped]}
            obj_d = {key: sdnsh.get_current_mode_obj()}
        mi.split_compound_into_dict(other, key, obj_d, is_prefix=True)
        for (k, v) in obj_d.items():
            if k != key and not k in data:
                data[k] = v
    if mi.is_primitive_compound_key(other, key):
        # try to use the field values to populate the primary key...
        value = ""
        s = mi.compound_key_separator(other, key)
        missing = None
        for kf in mi.deep_compound_key_fields(other, key):
            if kf in data:
                value += data[kf] + s
                # the fields must appear in order
                missing = kf
        # For prefix extention to work here, the other field must have
        # named the field, for example switch's interface completion,
        # uses "other : 'port|number'"
        post_prefix_match = False
        if prefix:
            post_prefix_match = True
            if missing == field:
                value += prefix
                post_prefix_match = False
        if mi.obj_type_has_model(other):
            result = sdnsh.get_table_from_store(other, key, value)
            result = rest_to_model.get_model_from_url(other, {key: value})

        if post_prefix_match:
            # try to match the missing field, more work ought to be done
            # to identify whether the 'missing' field is the correect to match against
            result = [x for x in result if field in x and str(x[field]).startswith(prefix)]
    elif mi.is_compound_key(other, key):
        search = {}
        if parent_id:
            from_id = {mi.pk(obj_type): parent_id}
            mi.split_compound_into_dict(obj_type, mi.pk(obj_type), from_id, is_prefix=True)
            # the field name used to collapse the result is the last
            # field in the compound key (id of 'other'),  this may need
            # improvement for other commands
            for deep_field in mi.deep_compound_key_fields(other, key):
                if deep_field in from_id:
                    search[deep_field] = from_id[deep_field]
                if deep_field in data:
                    search[deep_field] = data[deep_field]
        if scoped:
            # move known compound fields from obj_d into search.
            for deep_field in mi.deep_compound_key_fields(other, key):
                if deep_field in obj_d:
                    search[deep_field] = obj_d[deep_field]
        # possibly other search keys?
        if prefix:
            search[field + "__startswith"] = prefix
        if explicit:
            search[scoped] = data[scoped]
            if prefix:
                search[field + "__startswith"] = prefix
        if mi.obj_type_has_model(other):
            result = sdnsh.rest_query_objects(other, search)
            result = rest_to_model.get_model_from_url(other, search)
    elif mi.obj_type_has_field(other, field) and mi.is_primary_key(other, field):
        result = utif.add_delim(objects_starting_with(other, prefix), " ")
        completions.update(dict([[x, "%s selection" % pretty(other)] for x in result]))
    elif mi.obj_type_has_field(obj_type, field) and mi.is_foreign_key(obj_type, field):
        # look up the values of the foreign key's from the other table
        (fk_obj_type, fk_fn) = mi.foreign_key_references(obj_type, field)
        result = sdnsh.get_table_from_store(fk_obj_type, fk_fn, prefix)
        field = fk_fn
    elif mi.obj_type_has_field(obj_type, field) and field == other:
        # In this situation, this obj_type has a field, which seems to be named
        # based on the other model's name, which seems to be requesting to
        # search the other model.
        field = mi.pk(other)
        result += utif.add_delim(objects_starting_with(other, prefix), " ")
        completions.update(dict([[x, "%s selection" % pretty(other)] for x in result]))
        if mi.obj_type_has_model(other):
            result = sdnsh.rest_query_objects(other, data)
            result = rest_to_model.get_model_from_url(other, data)

    if sdnsh.description:  # description debugging
        print "complete_from_another:", other, field, data, len(result)

    d = {}
    for item in result:
        value = item.get(field)
        # XXX hack to correctly format tag completions
        if other == "tag":
            value = "%s.%s=%s" % tuple(value.split("|"))
        # assume that 'values' are 'unique' within results
        if value and utif.quote_string(value) not in completions:
            d[utif.quote_string(str(value))] = None

    if sdnsh.description:  # description debugging
        print "complete_from_another: final", other, field, data, d.keys()

    result = utif.add_delim(list(d), " ")
    completions.update(dict([[x, "%s selection" % pretty(other)] for x in result]))
def collect_object_fields(obj_type,
    Returns the list of possible completions for a particular obj-type.

    data = dict(data)
    if parent_field:
        data[parent_field] = parent_id
    if prefix:
        data[field + '__startswith'] = prefix

    key = mi.pk(obj_type)
    if scoped:
        obj_id = sdnsh.get_current_mode_obj()
        if sdnsh.current_mode() != mode:
            # XXX needs to be covered, shouldn't reach in like this
            for x in sdnsh.mode_stack:
                if x['mode_name'] == mode:
                    obj_id = x['obj']
        obj_d = {key: obj_id}

        if obj_type in mi.alias_obj_types:
            # the submode ought to identify the foreign key
            data[mi.alias_obj_type_field(obj_type)] = obj_id
            mi.split_compound_into_dict(obj_type, key, obj_d, is_prefix=True)
            for (k, v) in obj_d.items():
                if k != key and not k in data:
                    data[k] = v

    # if this is one of the obj_type's associated with aliases, should
    # the list of values be back-transformed into alias names?
    # yes, because if the current value has an inverse alias, the existing
    # inverse for the type implies that during a previous insert of this
    # value, it was converted from its alias name to the current name.
    # collect the complete collection of aliases, since its likely
    # more than one back-to-alias conversion will be required, and query
    # its value before obj_type in the hope that it was recently cached.
    alias_obj_type = mi.obj_type_related_config_obj_type(obj_type)
    if other and other in mi.alias_obj_type_xref:
        alias_obj_type = mi.alias_obj_type_xref[other][0]
    elif field != mi.pk(obj_type):
        if mi.is_foreign_key(obj_type, field):
             fk_name) = mi.foreign_key_references(obj_type, field)
            alias_obj_type = mi.obj_type_related_config_obj_type(
            if alias_obj_type in mi.alias_obj_type_xref:
                alias_obj_type = mi.alias_obj_type_xref[alias_obj_type][0]
                alias_obj_type = None
            if sdnsh.description:  # description debugging
                print 'collect_object_fields: no alias for %s ' \
                      'field %s not pk, and not fk' % (obj_type, field)
            alias_obj_type = None
    elif obj_type in mi.alias_obj_type_xref:
        alias_obj_type = mi.alias_obj_type_xref[obj_type][0]
        alias_obj_type = None

    alias_dict = {}
    if alias_obj_type:
        foreign_field = mi.alias_obj_type_field(alias_obj_type)
        alias_dict = create_obj_type_dict(alias_obj_type, foreign_field)
        alias_key = mi.pk(alias_obj_type)

    # Remove any data fields which have values of None, these are fields
    # which are getting reset.
    for reset_fields in [x for x in data.keys() if data[x] == None]:
        del data[reset_fields]

    # collect complete obj_type
    if not mi.obj_type_has_model(obj_type):
        result = rest_to_model.get_model_from_url(obj_type, data)
        result = sdnsh.rest_query_objects(obj_type, data)
    if sdnsh.description:  # description debugging
        print "collect_object_fields:", obj_type, field, data, result

    is_compound = mi.is_compound_key(obj_type, key)
    d = {}
    for item in result:
        if is_compound:
            mi.split_compound_into_dict(obj_type, key, item)
        value = item.get(field)
        # XXX hack to correctly format tag completions
        if obj_type == 'tag' and field == 'id':
            value = '%s.%s=%s' % tuple(value.split('|'))
        # remember to only add new items
        if value:
            if type(value) == list:
                # Need a mechanism to select values from the list, field's not enough
                for item in value:
                    if utif.quote_string(str(item)) not in completions:
                        if str(item) in alias_dict:
                            alias_item = alias_dict[str(item)][0][alias_key]
                            if alias_item.startswith(prefix):
                                item = alias_item
                        d[utif.quote_string(str(item))] = None
            elif utif.quote_string(str(value)) not in completions:
                if str(value) in alias_dict:
                    alias_value = alias_dict[str(value)][0][alias_key]
                    if alias_value.startswith(prefix):
                        value = alias_value
                d[utif.quote_string(str(value))] = None

    # if there's an alias for this object, and a prefix is included,
    # then the alias'es which match also need to be directly included,
    # since its not clear whether the prefix applies to the actual
    # id or the alias.  since alias_dict is already the complete
    # collection of aliases for this obj-type, use it for matching names
    if alias_obj_type and prefix and prefix != '':
        alias_pk = mi.pk(alias_obj_type)
        for (n, v) in alias_dict.items():
            # 'n' here is the foreign key reference to this obj-type
            for item in [
                    x[alias_pk] for x in v if x[alias_pk].startswith(prefix)
                if utif.quote_string(str(item)) not in completions:
                    d[utif.quote_string(str(item))] = None

    return utif.add_delim(list(d), ' ')
def complete_from_another(other,
    Completion function used when another obj_type is used to populate
    values for the current obj_type

    the 'other' field identifies the obj_type to use to collect choices from,
    it can consist of two parts  other|field.  When field isn't described here,
    it comes from the description parameter, however, the 'field' value there may
    be in use to describe the value of the associated action.

    if sdnsh.description:  # description debugging
        print "complete_from_another:", other, field, data, parent_field, parent_id, scoped

    # complete_from_another is intended to include other fields, which
    # shouldn't apply for a no command.
    if no_command:

    if other.find('|') >= 0:
        parts = other.split('|')
        other = parts[0]
        field = parts[1]

    if not mi.obj_type_exists(other):
        raise error.CommandDescriptionError("Unknown obj-type/other: %s" %

    id = mi.pk(other)
    data = dict(data)
    if parent_field and parent_id:
        data[parent_field] = parent_id
    if prefix:
        data[field + '__startswith'] = prefix
    key = mi.pk(other)
    if scoped:
        key = mi.pk(other)
        if type(scoped) == str and scoped in data:
            obj_d = {key: data[scoped]}
            obj_d = {key: sdnsh.get_current_mode_obj()}
        mi.split_compound_into_dict(other, key, obj_d, is_prefix=True)
        for (k, v) in obj_d.items():
            if k != key and not k in data:
                data[k] = v
    if mi.is_primitive_compound_key(other, key):
        # try to use the field values to populate the primary key...
        value = ""
        s = mi.compound_key_separator(other, key)
        missing = None
        for kf in mi.deep_compound_key_fields(other, key):
            if kf in data:
                value += data[kf] + s
                # the fields must appear in order
                missing = kf
        # For prefix extention to work here, the other field must have
        # named the field, for example switch's interface completion,
        # uses "other : 'port|number'"
        post_prefix_match = False
        if prefix:
            post_prefix_match = True
            if missing == field:
                value += prefix
                post_prefix_match = False
        if mi.obj_type_has_model(other):
            result = sdnsh.get_table_from_store(other, key, value)
            result = rest_to_model.get_model_from_url(other, {key: value})

        if post_prefix_match:
            # try to match the missing field, more work ought to be done
            # to identify whether the 'missing' field is the correect to match against
            result = [
                x for x in result
                if field in x and str(x[field]).startswith(prefix)
    elif mi.is_compound_key(other, key):
        search = {}
        if parent_id:
            from_id = {mi.pk(obj_type): parent_id}
            # the field name used to collapse the result is the last
            # field in the compound key (id of 'other'),  this may need
            # improvement for other commands
            for deep_field in mi.deep_compound_key_fields(other, key):
                if deep_field in from_id:
                    search[deep_field] = from_id[deep_field]
                if deep_field in data:
                    search[deep_field] = data[deep_field]
        if scoped:
            # move known compound fields from obj_d into search.
            for deep_field in mi.deep_compound_key_fields(other, key):
                if deep_field in obj_d:
                    search[deep_field] = obj_d[deep_field]
        # possibly other search keys?
        if prefix:
            search[field + '__startswith'] = prefix
        if explicit:
            search[scoped] = data[scoped]
            if prefix:
                search[field + '__startswith'] = prefix
        if mi.obj_type_has_model(other):
            result = sdnsh.rest_query_objects(other, search)
            result = rest_to_model.get_model_from_url(other, search)
    elif mi.obj_type_has_field(other, field) and mi.is_primary_key(
            other, field):
        result = utif.add_delim(objects_starting_with(other, prefix), ' ')
            dict([[x, "%s selection" % pretty(other)] for x in result]))
    elif mi.obj_type_has_field(obj_type, field) and \
      mi.is_foreign_key(obj_type, field):
        # look up the values of the foreign key's from the other table
        (fk_obj_type, fk_fn) = mi.foreign_key_references(obj_type, field)
        result = sdnsh.get_table_from_store(fk_obj_type, fk_fn, prefix)
        field = fk_fn
    elif mi.obj_type_has_field(obj_type, field) and field == other:
        # In this situation, this obj_type has a field, which seems to be named
        # based on the other model's name, which seems to be requesting to
        # search the other model.
        field = mi.pk(other)
        result += utif.add_delim(objects_starting_with(other, prefix), ' ')
            dict([[x, "%s selection" % pretty(other)] for x in result]))
        if mi.obj_type_has_model(other):
            result = sdnsh.rest_query_objects(other, data)
            result = rest_to_model.get_model_from_url(other, data)

    if sdnsh.description:  # description debugging
        print "complete_from_another:", other, field, data, len(result)

    d = {}
    for item in result:
        value = item.get(field)
        # XXX hack to correctly format tag completions
        if other == 'tag':
            value = '%s.%s=%s' % tuple(value.split('|'))
        # assume that 'values' are 'unique' within results
        if value and utif.quote_string(value) not in completions:
            d[utif.quote_string(str(value))] = None

    if sdnsh.description:  # description debugging
        print "complete_from_another: final", other, field, data, d.keys()

    result = utif.add_delim(list(d), ' ')
        dict([[x, "%s selection" % pretty(other)] for x in result]))