Пример #1
def test(p, parameters):
    Runs the quality control check on profile p and returns a numpy array 
    of quality control decisions with False where the data value has 
    passed the check and True where it failed. 
    cruise = p.cruise()
    uid = p.uid()
    # don't bother if cruise == 0 or None, or if timestamp is corrupt
    if (cruise in [0, None]) or (None in [p.year(), p.month(), p.day(), p.time()]):
        return np.zeros(1, dtype=bool)
    # don't bother if this has already been analyzed
    command = 'SELECT en_track_check FROM ' + parameters["table"] + ' WHERE uid = ' + str(uid) + ';'
    en_track_result = main.dbinteract(command)
    if en_track_result[0][0] is not None:
        en_track_result = main.unpack_row(en_track_result[0])[0]
        result = np.zeros(1, dtype=bool)
        result[0] = np.any(en_track_result)
        return result
    # some detector types cannot be assessed by this test; do not raise flag.
    if p.probe_type() in [None]:
        return np.zeros(1, dtype=bool)
    # fetch all profiles on track, sorted chronologically, earliest first (None sorted as highest)
    command = 'SELECT uid, year, month, day, time, lat, long, probe FROM ' + parameters["table"] + ' WHERE cruise = ' + str(cruise) + ' and year is not null and month is not null and day is not null and time is not null ORDER BY year, month, day, time, uid ASC;'
    track_rows = main.dbinteract(command)

    # start all as passing by default:
    EN_track_results = {}
    for i in range(len(track_rows)):
        EN_track_results[track_rows[i][0]] = np.zeros(1, dtype=bool)
    # copy the list of headers;
    # remove entries as they are flagged.
    passed_rows = copy.deepcopy(track_rows)
    rejects = findOutlier(passed_rows, EN_track_results)
    while rejects != []:
        passed_index = [x for x in range(len(passed_rows)) if x not in rejects ]
        passed_rows = [passed_rows[index] for index in passed_index ]
        rejects = findOutlier(passed_rows, EN_track_results)
    # if more than half got rejected, reject everyone
    if len(passed_rows) < len(track_rows) / 2:
        for i in range(len(track_rows)):
            EN_track_results[track_rows[i][0]][0] = True
    # write all to db
    result = []
    for i in range(len(track_rows)):
        result.append((main.pack_array(EN_track_results[track_rows[i][0]]), track_rows[i][0]))

    query = "UPDATE " + sys.argv[1] + " SET en_track_check=? WHERE uid=?"
    main.interact_many(query, result)

    return EN_track_results[uid]
Пример #2
def test(p, parameters):
    Runs the quality control check on profile p and returns a numpy array
    of quality control decisions with False where the data value has
    passed the check and True where it failed.

    country = p.primary_header['Country code'] 
    cruise = p.cruise()
    originator_cruise = p.originator_cruise()
    uid = p.uid()

    # don't bother if this has already been analyzed
    command = 'SELECT en_track_check FROM ' + parameters["table"] + ' WHERE uid = ' + str(uid) + ';'
    en_track_result = main.dbinteract(command)
    if en_track_result[0][0] is not None:
        en_track_result = main.unpack_row(en_track_result[0])[0]
        result = np.zeros(1, dtype=bool)
        result[0] = np.any(en_track_result)
        return result

    # make sure this profile makes sense in the track check
    if not assess_usability(p):
        return np.zeros(1, dtype=bool)

    # fetch all profiles on track, sorted chronologically, earliest first (None sorted as highest), then by uid
    command = 'SELECT uid, year, month, day, time, lat, long, probe, raw FROM ' + parameters["table"] + ' WHERE cruise = ' + str(cruise) + ' and country = "' + str(country) + '" and ocruise = "' + str(originator_cruise) + '" and year is not null and month is not null and day is not null and time is not null ORDER BY year, month, day, time, uid ASC;'
    track_rows = main.dbinteract(command)

    # avoid inappropriate profiles
    track_rows = [tr for tr in track_rows if assess_usability_raw(tr[8][1:-1])]

    # start all as passing by default
    EN_track_results = {}
    for i in range(len(track_rows)):
        EN_track_results[track_rows[i][0]] = np.zeros(1, dtype=bool)

    # copy the list of headers;
    # remove entries as they are flagged.
    passed_rows = copy.deepcopy(track_rows)
    rejects = findOutlier(passed_rows, EN_track_results)

    while rejects != []:
        passed_index = [x for x in range(len(passed_rows)) if x not in rejects ]
        passed_rows = [passed_rows[index] for index in passed_index ]
        rejects = findOutlier(passed_rows, EN_track_results)

    # if more than half got rejected, reject everyone
    if len(passed_rows) < len(track_rows) / 2:
        for i in range(len(track_rows)):
            EN_track_results[track_rows[i][0]][0] = True

    # write all to db
    result = []
    for i in range(len(track_rows)):
        result.append((main.pack_array(EN_track_results[track_rows[i][0]]), track_rows[i][0]))

    query = "UPDATE " + sys.argv[1] + " SET en_track_check=? WHERE uid=?"
    main.interact_many(query, result)
    return EN_track_results[uid]
def stdLevelData(p, parameters):
    Combines data that have passed other QC checks to create a 
    set of observation minus background data on standard levels.

    # Combine other QC results.
    preQC = (EN_background_check.test(p, parameters) | 
             EN_constant_value_check.test(p, parameters) | 
             EN_increasing_depth_check.test(p, parameters) | 
             EN_range_check.test(p, parameters) |
             EN_spike_and_step_check.test(p, parameters) | 
             EN_stability_check.test(p, parameters))

    # Get the data stored by the EN background check.
    # As it was run above we know that the data is available in the db.
    query = 'SELECT origlevels, ptlevels, bglevels FROM enbackground WHERE uid = ' + str(p.uid())
    enbackground_pars = main.dbinteract(query)
    enbackground_pars = main.unpack_row(enbackground_pars[0])
    origlevels = enbackground_pars[0]
    ptlevels = enbackground_pars[1]
    bglevels = enbackground_pars[2]
    origLevels = np.array(origlevels)
    diffLevels = (np.array(ptlevels) - np.array(bglevels))
    nLevels    = len(origLevels)
    if nLevels == 0: return None # Nothing more to do.

    # Remove any levels that failed previous QC.
    nLevels, origLevels, diffLevels = filterLevels(preQC, origLevels, diffLevels)
    if nLevels == 0: return None

    levels, assocLevs = meanDifferencesAtStandardLevels(origLevels, diffLevels, p.z(), parameters)

    return levels, origLevels, assocLevs
Пример #4
def test(p, parameters):
    Runs the quality control check on profile p and returns a numpy array
    of quality control decisions with False where the data value has
    passed the check and True where it failed.

    country = p.primary_header['Country code'] 
    cruise = p.cruise()
    originator_cruise = p.originator_cruise()
    uid = p.uid()

    # don't bother if this has already been analyzed
    command = 'SELECT en_track_check FROM ' + parameters["table"] + ' WHERE uid = ' + str(uid) + ';'
    en_track_result = main.dbinteract(command)
    if en_track_result[0][0] is not None:
        en_track_result = main.unpack_row(en_track_result[0])[0]
        result = np.zeros(1, dtype=bool)
        result[0] = np.any(en_track_result)
        return result

    # make sure this profile makes sense in the track check
    if not assess_usability(p):
        return np.zeros(1, dtype=bool)

    # fetch all profiles on track, sorted chronologically, earliest first (None sorted as highest), then by uid
    command = 'SELECT uid, year, month, day, time, lat, long, probe, raw FROM ' + parameters["table"] + ' WHERE cruise = ' + str(cruise) + ' and country = "' + str(country) + '" and ocruise = "' + str(originator_cruise) + '" and year is not null and month is not null and day is not null and time is not null ORDER BY year, month, day, time, uid ASC;'
    track_rows = main.dbinteract(command)

    # avoid inappropriate profiles
    track_rows = [tr for tr in track_rows if assess_usability_raw(tr[8][1:-1])]

    # start all as passing by default
    EN_track_results = {}
    for i in range(len(track_rows)):
        EN_track_results[track_rows[i][0]] = np.zeros(1, dtype=bool)

    # copy the list of headers;
    # remove entries as they are flagged.
    passed_rows = copy.deepcopy(track_rows)
    rejects = findOutlier(passed_rows, EN_track_results)

    while rejects != []:
        passed_index = [x for x in range(len(passed_rows)) if x not in rejects ]
        passed_rows = [passed_rows[index] for index in passed_index ]
        rejects = findOutlier(passed_rows, EN_track_results)

    # if more than half got rejected, reject everyone
    if len(passed_rows) < len(track_rows) / 2:
        for i in range(len(track_rows)):
            EN_track_results[track_rows[i][0]][0] = True

    # write all to db
    result = []
    for i in range(len(track_rows)):
        result.append((main.pack_array(EN_track_results[track_rows[i][0]]), track_rows[i][0]))

    query = "UPDATE " + sys.argv[1] + " SET en_track_check=? WHERE uid=?"
    main.interact_many(query, result)
    return EN_track_results[uid]
Пример #5
def test(p, parameters):
    Runs the quality control check on profile p and returns a numpy array 
    of quality control decisions with False where the data value has 
    passed the check and True where it failed. 

    # Check if the QC of this profile was already done and if not
    # run the QC.
    query = 'SELECT en_constant_value_check FROM ' + parameters["table"] + ' WHERE uid = ' + str(p.uid()) + ';'
    qc_log = main.dbinteract(query)
    qc_log = main.unpack_row(qc_log[0])
    if qc_log[0] is not None:
        return qc_log[0]
    return run_qc(p, parameters)
def test(p, parameters):
    Runs the quality control check on profile p and returns a numpy array
    of quality control decisions with False where the data value has
    passed the check and True where it failed.

    # Check if the QC of this profile was already done and if not
    # run the QC.
    query = 'SELECT en_increasing_depth_check FROM ' + parameters["table"] + ' WHERE uid = ' + str(p.uid()) + ';'
    qc_log = main.dbinteract(query)
    qc_log = main.unpack_row(qc_log[0])
    if qc_log[0] is not None:
        return qc_log[0]

    return run_qc(p, parameters)
Пример #7
def stdLevelData(p, parameters):
    Combines data that have passed other QC checks to create a 
    set of observation minus background data on standard levels.

    # Combine other QC results.
    preQC = (EN_background_check.test(p, parameters)
             | EN_constant_value_check.test(p, parameters)
             | EN_increasing_depth_check.test(p, parameters)
             | EN_range_check.test(p, parameters)
             | EN_spike_and_step_check.test(p, parameters)
             | EN_stability_check.test(p, parameters))

    # Get the data stored by the EN background check.
    # As it was run above we know that the data is available in the db.
    query = 'SELECT origlevels, ptlevels, bglevels FROM enbackground WHERE uid = ' + str(
    enbackground_pars = main.dbinteract(query)
    enbackground_pars = main.unpack_row(enbackground_pars[0])
    origlevels = enbackground_pars[0]
    ptlevels = enbackground_pars[1]
    bglevels = enbackground_pars[2]
    origLevels = np.array(origlevels)
    diffLevels = (np.array(ptlevels) - np.array(bglevels))
    nLevels = len(origLevels)
    if nLevels == 0: return None  # Nothing more to do.

    # Remove any levels that failed previous QC.
    nLevels, origLevels, diffLevels = filterLevels(preQC, origLevels,
    if nLevels == 0: return None

    levels, assocLevs = meanDifferencesAtStandardLevels(
        origLevels, diffLevels, p.z(), parameters)

    return levels, origLevels, assocLevs
Пример #8
def test(p, parameters, allow_level_reinstating=True):
    Runs the quality control check on profile p and returns a numpy array 
    of quality control decisions with False where the data value has 
    passed the check and True where it failed. 

    If allow_level_reinstating is set to True then rejected levels can be
    reprieved by comparing with levels above and below. NB this is done by
    default in EN processing.

    # Define an array to hold results.
    qc = np.zeros(p.n_levels(), dtype=bool)

    # Obtain the obs minus background differences on standard levels.
    result = stdLevelData(p, parameters)
    if result is None:
        return qc

    # Unpack the results.
    levels, origLevels, assocLevels = result
    # Retrieve the background and observation error variances and
    # the background values.
    query = 'SELECT bgstdlevels, bgevstdlevels FROM enbackground WHERE uid = ' + str(
    enbackground_pars = main.dbinteract(query)
    enbackground_pars = main.unpack_row(enbackground_pars[0])
    bgsl = enbackground_pars[0]
    slev = parameters['enbackground']['depth']
    bgev = enbackground_pars[1]
    obev = parameters['enbackground']['obev']

    #find initial pge
    pgeData = determine_pge(levels, bgev, obev, p)

    # Find buddy.
    profiles = get_profile_info(parameters)
    minDist = 1000000000.0
    iMinDist = None
    for iProfile, profile in enumerate(profiles):
        pDist = assessBuddyDistance(p, profile)
        if pDist is not None and pDist < minDist:
            minDist = pDist
            iMinDist = iProfile

    # Check if we have found a buddy and process if so.
    if minDist <= 400000:
        pBuddy = main.get_profile_from_db(profiles[iMinDist][0])

        # buddy vetos
        Fail = False
        if pBuddy.var_index() is None:
            Fail = True
        if Fail == False:
            if np.sum(pBuddy.t().mask == False) == 0:
                Fail = True

        if Fail == False:

            result = stdLevelData(pBuddy, parameters)

            query = 'SELECT bgevstdlevels FROM enbackground WHERE uid = ' + str(
            buddy_pars = main.dbinteract(query)

            buddy_pars = main.unpack_row(buddy_pars[0])

            if result is not None:
                levelsBuddy, origLevelsBuddy, assocLevelsBuddy = result
                bgevBuddy = buddy_pars[0]
                pgeBuddy = determine_pge(levels, bgevBuddy, obev, pBuddy)
                pgeData = update_pgeData(pgeData, pgeBuddy, levels,
                                         levelsBuddy, minDist, p, pBuddy, obev,
                                         bgev, bgevBuddy)

    # Check if levels should be reinstated.
    if allow_level_reinstating:
        if np.abs(p.latitude()) < 20.0:
            depthTol = 300.0
            depthTol = 200.0
        stdLevelFlags = pgeData >= 0.5
        for i, slflag in enumerate(stdLevelFlags):
            if slflag:
                # Check for non rejected surrounding levels.
                okbelow = False
                if i > 0:
                    if stdLevelFlags[i - 1] == False and levels.mask[
                            i - 1] == False and bgsl.mask[i - 1] == False:
                        okbelow = True
                okabove = False
                nsl = len(stdLevelFlags)
                if i < nsl - 1:
                    if stdLevelFlags[i + 1] == False and levels.mask[
                            i + 1] == False and bgsl.mask[i + 1] == False:
                        okabove = True
                # Work out tolerances.
                if slev[i] > depthTol + 100:
                    tolFactor = 0.5
                elif slev[i] > depthTol:
                    tolFactor = 1.0 - 0.005 * (slev[i] - depthTol)
                    tolFactor = 1.0
                ttol = 0.5 * tolFactor
                if okbelow == True and okabove == True:
                    xmax = levels[i - 1] + bgsl[i - 1] + ttol
                    xmin = levels[i + 1] + bgsl[i + 1] - ttol
                elif okbelow == True:
                    xmax = levels[i - 1] + bgsl[i - 1] + ttol
                    xmin = levels[i - 1] + bgsl[i - 1] - ttol
                elif okabove == True:
                    xmax = levels[i + 1] + bgsl[i + 1] + ttol
                    xmin = levels[i + 1] + bgsl[i + 1] - ttol
                # Reassign PGE if level is within the tolerances.
                if levels[i] + bgsl[i] >= xmin and levels[i] + bgsl[i] <= xmax:
                    pgeData[i] = 0.49

    # Assign the QC flags to original levels.
    for i, pge in enumerate(pgeData):
        if pgeData.mask[i]: continue
        if pge < 0.5: continue
        for j, assocLevel in enumerate(assocLevels):
            if assocLevel == i:
                origLevel = origLevels[j]
                qc[origLevel] = True

    return qc
Пример #9
def run_qc(p, suspect):

    # check for pre-registered suspect tabulation, if that's what we want:
    if suspect:
        query = 'SELECT suspect FROM enspikeandstep WHERE uid = ' + str(p.uid()) + ';'
        susp = main.dbinteract(query)
        if len(susp) > 0:
            return main.unpack_row(susp[0])[0]
    # Define tolerances used.
    tolD     = np.array([0, 200, 300, 500, 600])
    tolDTrop = np.array([0, 300, 400, 500, 600])
    tolT     = np.array([5.0, 5.0, 2.5, 2.0, 1.5])  

    # Define an array to hold results.
    qc    = np.zeros(p.n_levels(), dtype=bool)

    # Get depth and temperature values from the profile.
    z = p.z()
    t = p.t()

    # Find which levels have data.
    isTemperature = (t.mask==False)
    isDepth = (z.mask==False)
    isData = isTemperature & isDepth

    # Array to hold temperature differences between levels and gradients.
    dt, gt = composeDT(t, z, p.n_levels())
    # Spikes and steps detection.
    for i in range(1, p.n_levels()):
        if i >= 2:
            if (isData[i-2] and isData[i-1] and isData[i]) == False:
            if z[i] - z[i-2] >= 5.0:
                wt1 = (z[i-1] - z[i-2]) / (z[i] - z[i-2])
                wt1 = 0.5
            if (isData[i-1] and isData[i]) == False:
            wt1 = 0.5
        dTTol = determineDepthTolerance(z[i-1], np.abs(p.latitude()))
        gTTol = 0.05

        # Check for low temperatures in the Tropics.
        # This might be more appropriate to appear in a separate EN regional
        # range check but is included here for now for consistency with the
        # original code.
        if (np.abs(p.latitude()) < 20.0 and z[i-1] < 1000.0 and
            t[i-1] < 1.0):
               dt[i] = np.ma.masked 
               if suspect == True: qc[i-1] = True
        qc, dt = conditionA(dt, dTTol, qc, wt1, i, suspect)                
        qc, dt = conditionB(dt, dTTol, gTTol, qc, gt, i, suspect)
        qc = conditionC(dt, dTTol, z, qc, t, i, suspect)
    # End of loop over levels.
    # Step or 0.0 at the bottom of a profile.
    if isData[-1] and dt.mask[-1] == False:
        dTTol = determineDepthTolerance(z[-1], np.abs(p.latitude()))
        if np.abs(dt[-1]) > dTTol:
            if suspect == True: qc[-1] = True
    if isTemperature[-1]:
        if t[-1] == 0.0:
            if suspect == True: qc[-1] = True
    # If 4 levels or more than half the profile is rejected then reject all.
    if suspect == False:
        nRejects = np.count_nonzero(qc)
        if nRejects >= 4 or nRejects > p.n_levels()/2:
            qc[:] = True

    # register suspects, if computed, to db
    if suspect:
        query = "REPLACE INTO enspikeandstep VALUES(?,?);"
        main.dbinteract(query, [p.uid(), main.pack_array(qc)] )

    return qc
Пример #10
def run_qc(p, suspect, parameters):

    # check for pre-registered suspect tabulation, if that's what we want:
    if suspect:
        query = 'SELECT suspect FROM enspikeandstep WHERE uid = ' + str(
            p.uid()) + ';'
        susp = main.dbinteract(query, targetdb=parameters["db"])
        if len(susp) > 0:
            return main.unpack_row(susp[0])[0]

    # Define tolerances used.
    tolD = np.array([0, 200, 300, 500, 600])
    tolDTrop = np.array([0, 300, 400, 500, 600])
    tolT = np.array([5.0, 5.0, 2.5, 2.0, 1.5])

    # Define an array to hold results.
    qc = np.zeros(p.n_levels(), dtype=bool)

    # Get depth and temperature values from the profile.
    z = p.z()
    t = p.t()

    # Find which levels have data.
    isTemperature = (t.mask == False)
    isDepth = (z.mask == False)
    isData = isTemperature & isDepth

    # Array to hold temperature differences between levels and gradients.
    dt, gt = composeDT(t, z, p.n_levels())

    # Spikes and steps detection.
    for i in range(1, p.n_levels()):
        if i >= 2:
            if (isData[i - 2] and isData[i - 1] and isData[i]) == False:
            if z[i] - z[i - 2] >= 5.0:
                wt1 = (z[i - 1] - z[i - 2]) / (z[i] - z[i - 2])
                wt1 = 0.5
            if (isData[i - 1] and isData[i]) == False:
            wt1 = 0.5

        dTTol = determineDepthTolerance(z[i - 1], np.abs(p.latitude()))
        gTTol = 0.05

        # Check for low temperatures in the Tropics.
        # This might be more appropriate to appear in a separate EN regional
        # range check but is included here for now for consistency with the
        # original code.
        if (np.abs(p.latitude()) < 20.0 and z[i - 1] < 1000.0
                and t[i - 1] < 1.0):
            dt[i] = np.ma.masked
            if suspect == True: qc[i - 1] = True

        qc, dt = conditionA(dt, dTTol, qc, wt1, i, suspect)
        qc, dt = conditionB(dt, dTTol, gTTol, qc, gt, i, suspect)
        qc = conditionC(dt, dTTol, z, qc, t, i, suspect)

    # End of loop over levels.

    # Step or 0.0 at the bottom of a profile.
    if isData[-1] and dt.mask[-1] == False:
        dTTol = determineDepthTolerance(z[-1], np.abs(p.latitude()))
        if np.abs(dt[-1]) > dTTol:
            if suspect == True: qc[-1] = True
    if isTemperature[-1]:
        if t[-1] == 0.0:
            if suspect == True: qc[-1] = True

    # If 4 levels or more than half the profile is rejected then reject all.
    if suspect == False:
        nRejects = np.count_nonzero(qc)
        if nRejects >= 4 or nRejects > p.n_levels() / 2:
            qc[:] = True

    # register suspects, if computed, to db
    if suspect:
        query = "REPLACE INTO enspikeandstep VALUES(?,?);"
        main.dbinteract(query, [p.uid(), main.pack_array(qc)],

    return qc
def test(p, parameters, allow_level_reinstating=True):
    Runs the quality control check on profile p and returns a numpy array 
    of quality control decisions with False where the data value has 
    passed the check and True where it failed. 

    If allow_level_reinstating is set to True then rejected levels can be
    reprieved by comparing with levels above and below. NB this is done by
    default in EN processing.

    # Define an array to hold results.
    qc = np.zeros(p.n_levels(), dtype=bool)

    # Obtain the obs minus background differences on standard levels.
    result = stdLevelData(p, parameters)
    if result is None:
        return qc
    # Unpack the results.
    levels, origLevels, assocLevels = result
    # Retrieve the background and observation error variances and
    # the background values.
    query = 'SELECT bgstdlevels, bgevstdlevels FROM enbackground WHERE uid = ' + str(p.uid())
    enbackground_pars = main.dbinteract(query)
    enbackground_pars = main.unpack_row(enbackground_pars[0])
    bgsl = enbackground_pars[0]
    slev = parameters['enbackground']['depth']
    bgev = enbackground_pars[1]
    obev = parameters['enbackground']['obev']

    #find initial pge
    pgeData = determine_pge(levels, bgev, obev, p)

    # Find buddy.
    profiles = get_profile_info(parameters)
    minDist  = 1000000000.0
    iMinDist = None
    for iProfile, profile in enumerate(profiles):
        pDist = assessBuddyDistance(p, profile)
        if pDist is not None and pDist < minDist:
            minDist  = pDist
            iMinDist = iProfile

    # Check if we have found a buddy and process if so.
    if minDist <= 400000:
        pBuddy = main.get_profile_from_db(profiles[iMinDist][0])

        # buddy vetos
        Fail = False
        if pBuddy.var_index() is None:
            Fail = True
        if Fail == False:
            if np.sum(pBuddy.t().mask == False) == 0:
                Fail = True

        if Fail == False:

          result = stdLevelData(pBuddy, parameters)

          query = 'SELECT bgevstdlevels FROM enbackground WHERE uid = ' + str(pBuddy.uid())
          buddy_pars = main.dbinteract(query)

          buddy_pars = main.unpack_row(buddy_pars[0])

          if result is not None: 
            levelsBuddy, origLevelsBuddy, assocLevelsBuddy = result
            bgevBuddy = buddy_pars[0]
            pgeBuddy  = determine_pge(levels, bgevBuddy, obev, pBuddy)
            pgeData   = update_pgeData(pgeData, pgeBuddy, levels, levelsBuddy, minDist, p, pBuddy, obev, bgev, bgevBuddy)

    # Check if levels should be reinstated.
    if allow_level_reinstating:
        if np.abs(p.latitude()) < 20.0:
            depthTol = 300.0
            depthTol = 200.0
        stdLevelFlags = pgeData >= 0.5
        for i, slflag in enumerate(stdLevelFlags):
            if slflag:
                # Check for non rejected surrounding levels.
                okbelow = False
                if i > 0:
                    if stdLevelFlags[i - 1] == False and levels.mask[i - 1] == False and bgsl.mask[i - 1] == False:
                        okbelow = True
                okabove = False
                nsl = len(stdLevelFlags)
                if i < nsl - 1:
                    if stdLevelFlags[i + 1] == False and levels.mask[i + 1] == False and bgsl.mask[i + 1] == False:
                        okabove = True
                # Work out tolerances.
                if slev[i] > depthTol + 100: 
                    tolFactor = 0.5
                elif slev[i] > depthTol:
                    tolFactor = 1.0 - 0.005 * (slev[i] - depthTol)
                    tolFactor = 1.0
                ttol = 0.5 * tolFactor 
                if okbelow == True and okabove == True:
                    xmax = levels[i - 1] + bgsl[i - 1] + ttol
                    xmin = levels[i + 1] + bgsl[i + 1] - ttol
                elif okbelow == True:
                    xmax = levels[i - 1] + bgsl[i - 1] + ttol
                    xmin = levels[i - 1] + bgsl[i - 1] - ttol
                elif okabove == True:
                    xmax = levels[i + 1] + bgsl[i + 1] + ttol
                    xmin = levels[i + 1] + bgsl[i + 1] - ttol
                # Reassign PGE if level is within the tolerances.
                if levels[i] + bgsl[i] >= xmin and levels[i] + bgsl[i] <= xmax:
                    pgeData[i] = 0.49      

    # Assign the QC flags to original levels.
    for i, pge in enumerate(pgeData):
        if pgeData.mask[i]: continue
        if pge < 0.5: continue
        for j, assocLevel in enumerate(assocLevels):
            if assocLevel == i:
                origLevel = origLevels[j]        
                qc[origLevel] = True

    return qc