Пример #1
 def get_accuracy(self, pred, labels):
     """computes accuracy for classification / segmentation """
     if self.opt.dataset_mode == 'classification':
         correct = pred.eq(labels).sum()
     elif self.opt.dataset_mode == 'segmentation':
         correct = seg_accuracy(pred, self.soft_label, self.mesh)
     return correct
Пример #2
 def get_accuracy(self, pred, labels):
     """computes accuracy for classification / segmentation """
     if self.opt.dataset_mode == 'classification':
         correct = pred.eq(labels).sum()
     elif self.opt.dataset_mode == 'segmentation':
         correct = seg_accuracy(pred, self.soft_label, self.mesh)
     elif self.opt.dataset_mode == 'autoencoder' :
         correct = torch.nn.functional.l1_loss(pred, labels)
     return correct
Пример #3
 def get_accuracy(self, pred, labels):
     """computes accuracy for classification / segmentation """
     if self.opt.dataset_mode == 'classification' or self.opt.dataset_mode == 'binary_class':
         correct = pred.eq(labels).sum()
     elif self.opt.dataset_mode == 'segmentation':
         correct = seg_accuracy(pred, self.soft_label, self.mesh)
     elif self.opt.dataset_mode == 'regression':
         mean_abs_err = torch.nn.functional.l1_loss(pred,
         correct = mean_abs_err
     return correct
Пример #4
    def get_accuracy(self, pred, labels):
        """computes accuracy for classification / segmentation """
        if self.opt.dataset_mode == 'classification':
            correct = pred.eq(labels).sum()
        elif self.opt.dataset_mode == 'segmentation':
            correct = seg_accuracy(pred, self.soft_label, self.mesh)
        elif self.opt.dataset_mode == 'distance_field':
            #correct = abs((pred-labels)/(labels+1e-10)).sum()/len(labels[0])
            correct = 0
            for i, mesh in enumerate(self.mesh):

                pred_i = pred[i, :, :mesh.edges_count].cpu()
                label_i = labels[i, :, :mesh.edges_count].cpu()
                correct += (abs(pred_i - label_i)).sum() / abs(label_i).sum()
            correct /= len(self.mesh) * len(self.opt.lm_ids)
            #correct = ((pred-labels)**2).sum()/len(labels)

        return correct
Пример #5
def run_test(dataset_name, meshcnn_root, soft_labels_folder, verbose):
    opt = Opt(dataset_name)

    # Initialize counter.
    accuracy_counter = PdMeshNetAccuracyCounter()

    folder_original_meshes = os.path.join(meshcnn_root,

    mesh_filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join(folder_original_meshes, '*.obj'))
    for mesh_filename in mesh_filenames:
        # Load original mesh.
        mesh = Mesh(file=mesh_filename, opt=opt, hold_history=False)
        mesh_name = mesh_filename.rsplit('.')[0].rpartition('/')[-1]
        mesh_name = f'{mesh_name}_aug_0_clusterized'
        if (verbose):
            print(f"Original mesh filename = '{mesh_filename}'.")
        # Load predicted soft labels.
        pred_soft_labels_file = os.path.join(
            soft_labels_folder, f'{dataset_name}/sseg/{mesh_name}.seseg')
        predicted_soft_labels = np.loadtxt(open(pred_soft_labels_file, 'r'),
        num_edges = len(predicted_soft_labels)
        # Pad with zero the last class of coseg `chairs` (MeshCNN provides an
        # empty column for the 4th class, although the classes are 3).
        predicted_soft_labels_new = np.zeros([num_edges, opt.nclasses])
        predicted_soft_labels_new[:, :predicted_soft_labels.
                                  shape[1]] = predicted_soft_labels
        predicted_soft_labels = predicted_soft_labels_new

        assert (mesh.edges_count == num_edges)
        assert (predicted_soft_labels.ndim == 2 and
                predicted_soft_labels.shape[1] == opt.nclasses)
        num_predictions = predicted_soft_labels.shape[0]
        # Create two versions (cf. Supplementary Material `.pdf`), in each of
        # which one of the two predicted soft labels of each edge is considered
        # as 'hard label'.
        predicted_versions = np.empty([num_predictions, 2], dtype=np.long)
        for prediction_idx, prediction in enumerate(predicted_soft_labels):
            nonzero_pred = [b.item() for b in np.argwhere(prediction > 0)]
            assert (len(nonzero_pred) in [1, 2])
            if (len(nonzero_pred) == 1):
                nonzero_pred = 2 * nonzero_pred
            predicted_versions[prediction_idx] = nonzero_pred

        short_mesh_name = mesh_name.split('_aug')[0]
        # Load ground-truth softlabels.
        gt_soft_labels_file = os.path.join(
        gt_soft_labels = read_sseg(gt_soft_labels_file)
        # Load ground-truth hard labels.
        gt_hard_labels_file = os.path.join(
            meshcnn_root, f'datasets/{dataset_name}/seg/{short_mesh_name}.eseg')
        gt_hard_labels = read_seg(gt_hard_labels_file) - 1
        edge_labels = np.empty([num_edges], dtype=np.float)

        # Compute accuracy based on soft edge labels.
        correct = 0.5 * seg_accuracy(
            torch.from_numpy(predicted_versions[:, 0].reshape(1, -1)),
                1, -1, opt.nclasses)), [mesh]) + 0.5 * seg_accuracy(
                    torch.from_numpy(predicted_versions[:, 1].reshape(1, -1)),
                        1, -1, opt.nclasses)), [mesh])
        # Compute accuracy based on hard edge labels.
        correct_hard = 0.5 * ((
            np.nonzero(predicted_versions[:, 0] == gt_hard_labels)[0].shape[0] +
            np.nonzero(predicted_versions[:, 1] == gt_hard_labels)[0].shape[0])
                             ) / num_edges
        if (verbose):
                "\tThe percentage of the mesh that was correct labelled "
                f"according to ground-truth soft labels is {correct * 100:.4}%."
            print("\tThe percentage of the mesh that was correct labelled "
                  "according to ground-truth hard labels is "
                  f"{correct_hard * 100:.4}%.")
    accuracy_counter.print_acc(accuracy_counter.acc, accuracy_counter.acc_hard)