Пример #1
  def _execute(self, modify_how, what):
    """Executes this BlipRefs object.

      modify_how: What to do. Any of the operation declared at the top.
      what: Depending on the operation. For delete, has to be None.
            For the others it is a singleton, a list or a function returning
            what to do; for ANNOTATE tuples of (key, value), for the others
            either string or elements.
            If what is a function, it takes three parameters, the content of
            the blip, the beginning of the matching range and the end.
      IndexError when trying to access content outside of the blip.
      ValueError when called with the wrong values.
      self for chainability.
    blip = self._blip

    if modify_how != BlipRefs.DELETE:
      if type(what) != list:
        what = [what]
      next_index = 0

    matched = []
    # updated_elements is used to store the element type of the
    # element to update
    updated_elements = []
    # For now, if we find one markup, we'll use it everywhere.
    next = None
    hit_found = False

    for start, end in self._hits():
      hit_found = True
      if start < 0:
        start += len(blip)
        if end == 0:
          end += len(blip)
      if end < 0:
        end += len(blip)
      if len(blip) == 0:
        if start != 0 or end != 0:
          raise IndexError('Start and end have to be 0 for empty document')
      elif start < 0 or end < 1 or start >= len(blip) or end > len(blip):
        raise IndexError('Position outside the document')
      if modify_how == BlipRefs.DELETE:
        for i in range(start, end):
          if i in blip._elements:
            del blip._elements[i]
        blip._delete_annotations(start, end)
        blip._shift(end, start - end)
        blip._content = blip._content[:start] + blip._content[end:]
        if callable(what):
          next = what(blip._content, start, end)
          next = what[next_index]
          next_index = (next_index + 1) % len(what)
        if isinstance(next, str):
          next = next.decode('utf-8')
        if modify_how == BlipRefs.ANNOTATE:
          key, value = next
          blip.annotations._add_internal(key, value, start, end)
        elif modify_how == BlipRefs.CLEAR_ANNOTATION:
          blip.annotations._delete_internal(next, start, end)
        elif modify_how == BlipRefs.UPDATE_ELEMENT:
          el = blip._elements.get(start)
          if not element:
            raise ValueError('No element found at index %s' % start)
          # the passing around of types this way feels a bit dirty:
          updated_elements.append(element.Element(el.type, properties=next))
          for k, b in next.items():
            setattr(el, k, b)
          if modify_how == BlipRefs.INSERT:
            end = start
          elif modify_how == BlipRefs.INSERT_AFTER:
            start = end
          elif modify_how == BlipRefs.REPLACE:
            raise ValueError('Unexpected modify_how: ' + modify_how)

          if isinstance(next, element.Element):
            text = ' '
            text = next

          # in the case of a replace, and the replacement text is shorter,
          # delete the delta.
          if start != end and len(text) < end - start:
            blip._delete_annotations(start + len(text), end)

          blip._shift(end, len(text) + start - end)
          blip._content = blip._content[:start] + text + blip._content[end:]

          if isinstance(next, element.Element):
            blip._elements[start] = next

    # No match found, return immediately without generating op.
    if not hit_found:

    operation = blip._operation_queue.document_modify(blip.wave_id,
    for param, value in self._params.items():
      operation.set_param(param, value)

    modify_action = {'modifyHow': modify_how}
    if modify_how == BlipRefs.DELETE:
    elif modify_how == BlipRefs.UPDATE_ELEMENT:
      modify_action['elements'] = updated_elements
    elif (modify_how == BlipRefs.REPLACE or
          modify_how == BlipRefs.INSERT or
          modify_how == BlipRefs.INSERT_AFTER):
      if callable(what):
        what = matched
      if what:
        if not isinstance(next, element.Element):
          modify_action['values'] = [util.force_string(value) for value in what]
          modify_action['elements'] = what
    elif modify_how == BlipRefs.ANNOTATE:
      modify_action['values'] = [x[1] for x in what]
      modify_action['annotationKey'] = what[0][0]
    elif modify_how == BlipRefs.CLEAR_ANNOTATION:
      modify_action['annotationKey'] = what[0]
    operation.set_param('modifyAction', modify_action)

    return self
Пример #2
 def testForceString(self):
   self.assertEquals("aaa", util.force_string("aaa"))
   self.assertEquals("12", util.force_string(12))