Пример #1
def oparl_streets():
  start_time = time.time()
  jsonp_callback = request.args.get('callback', None)
  rs = util.get_rs()
  if not rs:
  lon = request.args.get('lon', '')
  lat = request.args.get('lat', '')
  radius = request.args.get('radius', '1000')
  if lat == '' or lon == '':
  lon = float(lon)
  lat = float(lat)
  radius = int(radius)
  radius = min(radius, 500)
  result = db.get_locations(rs, lon, lat, radius)
  ret = {
    'status': 0,
    'duration': round((time.time() - start_time) * 1000),
    'request': {
      'rs': rs,
      'lon': lon,
      'lat': lat,
      'radius': radius
    'response': result
    json_output = json.dumps(ret, cls=util.MyEncoder, sort_keys=True)
  except AttributeError:
    print >> sys.stderr, ret
    return null
  if jsonp_callback is not None:
    json_output = jsonp_callback + '(' + json_output + ')'
  response = make_response(json_output, 200)
  response.mimetype = 'application/json'
  response.headers['Expires'] = util.expires_date(hours=24)
  response.headers['Cache-Control'] = util.cache_max_age(hours=24)
  return response
Пример #2
def api_locations():
    start_time = time.time()
    jsonp_callback = request.args.get("callback", None)
    rs = util.get_rs()
    street = request.args.get("street", "")
    if street == "":
    result = db.get_locations_by_name(street)
    ret = {
        "status": 0,
        "duration": round((time.time() - start_time) * 1000),
        "request": {"street": street},
        "response": result,
    json_output = json.dumps(ret, cls=util.MyEncoder, sort_keys=True)
    if jsonp_callback is not None:
        json_output = jsonp_callback + "(" + json_output + ")"
    response = make_response(json_output, 200)
    response.mimetype = "application/json"
    response.headers["Expires"] = util.expires_date(hours=24)
    response.headers["Cache-Control"] = util.cache_max_age(hours=24)
    return response
Пример #3
def oparl_locations():
  start_time = time.time()
  jsonp_callback = request.args.get('callback', None)
  rs = util.get_rs()
  street = request.args.get('street', '')
  if street == '':
  result = db.get_locations_by_name(rs, street)
  ret = {
    'status': 0,
    'duration': round((time.time() - start_time) * 1000),
    'request': {
      'street': street
    'response': result
  json_output = json.dumps(ret, cls=util.MyEncoder, sort_keys=True)
  if jsonp_callback is not None:
    json_output = jsonp_callback + '(' + json_output + ')'
  response = make_response(json_output, 200)
  response.mimetype = 'application/json'
  response.headers['Expires'] = util.expires_date(hours=24)
  response.headers['Cache-Control'] = util.cache_max_age(hours=24)
  return response
Пример #4
def oparl_documentsss():
  API-Methode zur Suche von Dokumenten bzw. zum Abruf eines einzelnen
  Dokuments anhand einer Kennung (reference).
  Ist der URL-Parameter "reference" angegeben, handelt es sich um eine
  Dokumentenabfrage anhand der Kennung(en). Ansonsten ist es eine Suche.
  start_time = time.time()
  jsonp_callback = request.args.get('callback', None)
  ref = request.args.get('reference', '')
  references = ref.split(',')
  if references == ['']:
    references = None
  output = request.args.get('output', '').split(',')
  rs = util.get_rs()
  q = request.args.get('q', '*:*')
  fq = request.args.get('fq', '')
  sort = request.args.get('sort', 'score desc')
  start = int(request.args.get('start', '0'))
  numdocs = int(request.args.get('docs', '10'))
  date_param = request.args.get('date', '')
  get_attachments = 'attachments' in output
  get_thumbnails = 'thumbnails' in output and get_attachments
  get_consultations = 'consultations' in output
  get_facets = 'facets' in output
  #get_relations = 'relations' in output
  request_info = {}  # Info über die Anfrage
  query = False
  docs = False
  submission_ids = []
  # TODO: entscheiden, was mit get_relations passiert
  Anhand der übergebenen Parameter wird entschieden, ob eine ES-Suche
  durchgeführt wird, oder ob die Abfrage direkt anhand von Kennungen
  (references) erfolgen kann.
  if references is None:
    # Suche wird durchgeführt
    # (References-Liste via Suchmaschine füllen)
    query = db.query_submissions(rs=rs, q=q, fq=fq, sort=sort, start=start,
               docs=numdocs, date=date_param, facets=get_facets)
    if query['numhits'] > 0:
      submission_ids = [x['_id'] for x in query['result']]
      docs = []
    # Direkte Abfrage
    request_info = {
      'references': references
  request_info['output'] = output

  # Abrufen der benötigten Dokumente aus der Datenbank
  if references is not None:
    docs = db.get_submissions(rs=rs, references=references,
  elif len(submission_ids) > 0:
    docs = db.get_submissions(rs=rs, submission_ids=submission_ids,

  ret = {
    'status': 0,
    'duration': int((time.time() - start_time) * 1000),
    'request': request_info,
    'response': {}
  if docs:
    ret['response']['documents'] = docs
    ret['response']['numdocs'] = len(docs)
    if query and 'maxscore' in query:
      ret['response']['maxscore'] = query['maxscore']
    for n in range(len(docs)):
      docs[n]['reference'] = docs[n]['identifier']
      del docs[n]['identifier']

  if query:
    ret['response']['numhits'] = query['numhits']
    if get_facets and 'facets' in query:
      ret['response']['facets'] = query['facets']
  ret['response']['start'] = start
  ret['request']['sort'] = sort
  ret['request']['fq'] = fq

  json_output = json.dumps(ret, cls=util.MyEncoder, sort_keys=True)
  if jsonp_callback is not None:
    json_output = jsonp_callback + '(' + json_output + ')'
  response = make_response(json_output, 200)
  response.mimetype = 'application/json'
  response.headers['Expires'] = util.expires_date(hours=24)
  response.headers['Cache-Control'] = util.cache_max_age(hours=24)
  return response