Пример #1
def fit(cnf, predict, per_patient, features_file, n_iter, blend_cnf, test_dir):

    config = util.load_module(cnf).config
    image_files = data.get_image_files(config.get('train_dir'))
    names = data.get_names(image_files)
    labels = data.get_labels(names).astype(np.float32)[:, np.newaxis]

    if features_file is not None:
        runs = {'run': [features_file]}
        runs = data.parse_blend_config(yaml.load(open(blend_cnf)))

    scalers = {run: StandardScaler() for run in runs}

    tr, te = data.split_indices(image_files, labels)

    y_preds = []
    for i in range(n_iter):
        print("iteration {} / {}".format(i + 1, n_iter))
        for run, files in runs.items():
            print("fitting features for run {}".format(run))
            X = data.load_features(files)
            X = scalers[run].fit_transform(X)
            X = data.per_patient_reshape(X) if per_patient else X
            est = get_estimator(X.shape[1], image_files, labels,
                                eval_size=0.0 if predict else 0.1)
            est.fit(X, labels)
            if not predict:
                y_pred = est.predict(X[te]).ravel()
                y_pred = np.mean(y_preds, axis=0)
                y_pred = np.clip(np.round(y_pred).astype(int),
                                 np.min(labels), np.max(labels))
                print("kappa after run {}, iter {}: {}".format(
                    run, i, util.kappa(labels[te], y_pred)))
                print("confusion matrix")
                print(confusion_matrix(labels[te], y_pred))
                X = data.load_features(files, test=True)
                X = scalers[run].transform(X)
                X = data.per_patient_reshape(X) if per_patient else X
                y_pred = est.predict(X).ravel()

    if predict:
        y_pred = np.mean(y_preds, axis=0)
        y_pred = np.clip(np.round(y_pred),
                         np.min(labels), np.max(labels)).astype(int)
        submission_filename = util.get_submission_filename()
        image_files = data.get_image_files(test_dir or config.get('test_dir'))
        names = data.get_names(image_files)
        image_column = pd.Series(names, name='image')
        level_column = pd.Series(y_pred, name='level')
        predictions = pd.concat([image_column, level_column], axis=1)

        print("tail of predictions file")

        predictions.to_csv(submission_filename, index=False)
        print("saved predictions to {}".format(submission_filename))
Пример #2
def fit(cnf, predict, per_patient, features_file, n_iter, blend_cnf, test_dir):

    config = util.load_module(cnf).config
    image_files = data.get_image_files(config.get('train_dir'))
    names = data.get_names(image_files)
    labels = data.get_labels(names).astype(np.float32)[:, np.newaxis]

    if features_file is not None:
        runs = {'run': [features_file]}
        runs = data.parse_blend_config(yaml.load(open(blend_cnf)))

    scalers = {run: StandardScaler() for run in runs}

    tr, te = data.split_indices(image_files, labels)

    y_preds = []
    for i in range(n_iter):
        print("iteration {} / {}".format(i + 1, n_iter))
        for run, files in list(runs.items()):
            print("fitting features for run {}".format(run))
            X = data.load_features(files)
            X = scalers[run].fit_transform(X)
            X = data.per_patient_reshape(X) if per_patient else X
            est = get_estimator(X.shape[1], image_files, labels,
                                eval_size=0.0 if predict else 0.1)
            est.fit(X, labels)
            if not predict:
                y_pred = est.predict(X[te]).ravel()
                y_pred = np.mean(y_preds, axis=0)
                y_pred = np.clip(np.round(y_pred).astype(int),
                                 np.min(labels), np.max(labels))
                print("kappa after run {}, iter {}: {}".format(
                    run, i, util.kappa(labels[te], y_pred)))
                print("confusion matrix")
                print(confusion_matrix(labels[te], y_pred))
                X = data.load_features(files, test=True)
                X = scalers[run].transform(X)
                X = data.per_patient_reshape(X) if per_patient else X
                y_pred = est.predict(X).ravel()

    if predict:
        y_pred = np.mean(y_preds, axis=0)
        y_pred = np.clip(np.round(y_pred),
                         np.min(labels), np.max(labels)).astype(int)
        submission_filename = util.get_submission_filename()
        image_files = data.get_image_files(test_dir or config.get('test_dir'))
        names = data.get_names(image_files)
        image_column = pd.Series(names, name='image')
        level_column = pd.Series(y_pred, name='level')
        predictions = pd.concat([image_column, level_column], axis=1)

        print("tail of predictions file")

        predictions.to_csv(submission_filename, index=False)
        print("saved predictions to {}".format(submission_filename))
def main(cnf, classes, weights_from, predict):

    config = util.load_module(cnf).config
    files = data.get_image_files(config.get('train_dir'))
    names = data.get_names(files)
    names = [int(x) for x in names ]
    data.classes = int(classes)
    labels = data.get_labels(names)
    net = create_net(config)
    print files.shape
    print labels.shape
    if predict : 
    	if weights_from is None:
        	weights_from = config.weights_file
        	weights_from = str(weights_from)
	print weights_from    
        	print("loaded weights from {}".format(weights_from))
    	except IOError:
        	print("couldn't load weights starting from scratch")
    if not predict:
    	print("fitting ...")
    	net.fit(files, labels)
	print("predicting ...")
    	test_files = data.get_image_files(config.get('test_dir'))
    	y_pred = net.predict(test_files)
	y_pred = y_pred.transpose()
	print y_pred
        y_pred = np.clip(np.round(y_pred),
                         np.min(labels), np.max(labels)).astype(int)
        #print y_pred
	submission_filename = util.get_submission_filename()
        image_files = data.get_image_files(config.get('test_dir'))
        names = data.get_names(image_files)
        image_column = pd.Series(names, name='photo_id')
        level_column = pd.DataFrame(y_pred)#name='labels')
	level_column = level_column.apply(lambda x : string_submit(x))        
        predictions = pd.concat([image_column, level_column], axis=1)
        print("tail of predictions file")
	predictions.columns = ['photo_id', 'labels']
        predictions.to_csv(submission_filename, index=False)
        print("saved predictions to {}".format(submission_filename))
def main(cnf, classes, weights_from, predict):

    config = util.load_module(cnf).config
    files = data.get_image_files(config.get('train_dir'))
    names = data.get_names(files)
    names = [int(x) for x in names]
    data.classes = int(classes)
    labels = data.get_labels(names)
    net = create_net(config)

    print files.shape
    print labels.shape
    if predict:
        if weights_from is None:
            weights_from = config.weights_file
            weights_from = str(weights_from)
        print weights_from
            print("loaded weights from {}".format(weights_from))
        except IOError:
            print("couldn't load weights starting from scratch")
    if not predict:
        print("fitting ...")
        net.fit(files, labels)
        print("predicting ...")
        test_files = data.get_image_files(config.get('test_dir'))
        y_pred = net.predict(test_files)
        y_pred = y_pred.transpose()
        print y_pred
        y_pred = np.clip(np.round(y_pred), np.min(labels),
        #print y_pred
        submission_filename = util.get_submission_filename()
        image_files = data.get_image_files(config.get('test_dir'))
        names = data.get_names(image_files)
        image_column = pd.Series(names, name='photo_id')
        level_column = pd.DataFrame(y_pred)  #name='labels')
        level_column = level_column.apply(lambda x: string_submit(x))
        predictions = pd.concat([image_column, level_column], axis=1)
        print("tail of predictions file")
        predictions.columns = ['photo_id', 'labels']
        predictions.to_csv(submission_filename, index=False)
        print("saved predictions to {}".format(submission_filename))
Пример #5
            print("kappa after run {}, iter {}: {}".format(
                run, i, util.kappa(labels[te], y_pred)))
            print("confusion matrix")
            print(confusion_matrix(labels[te], y_pred))
            X = data.load_features(files, test=True)
            X = np.nan_to_num(X)
            X = scalers[run].transform(X)
            X = data.per_patient_reshape(X) if per_patient else X
            y_pred = est.predict(X).ravel()

if predict:
    y_pred = np.mean(y_preds, axis=0)
    y_pred = np.clip(np.round(y_pred),
                     np.min(labels), np.max(labels)).astype(int)
    submission_filename = util.get_submission_filename()
    image_files = data.get_image_files(test_dir or config.get('test_dir'))
    names = data.get_names(image_files)
    image_column = pd.Series(names, name='image')
    level_column = pd.Series(y_pred, name='level')
    predictions = pd.concat([image_column, level_column], axis=1)

    print("tail of predictions file")

    predictions.to_csv(submission_filename, index=False)
    print("saved predictions to {}".format(submission_filename))