Пример #1
    def __init__(self, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, gridSquareSize):
        :param fixMe
        self.xMin = xMin
        """X coordinate of left edge"""
        self.xMax = xMax
        """X coordinate of right edge"""
        self.yMin = yMin
        """Y coordinate of bottom edge"""
        self.yMax = yMax
        """Y coordinate of top edge"""
        self.xN = int(math.ceil(self.xMax / gridSquareSize))
        """number of cells in x dimension"""
        self.yN = int(math.ceil(self.yMax / gridSquareSize))
        """number of cells in y dimension"""
        self.xStep = gridSquareSize
        """size of a side of a cell in the x dimension"""
        self.yStep = gridSquareSize
        """size of a side of a cell in the y dimension"""

        ## Readjust the max dimensions to handle the fact that we need
        ## to have a discrete numer of grid cells
        self.xMax = gridSquareSize * self.xN
        self.yMax = gridSquareSize * self.yN

        self.grid = util.make2DArray(self.xN, self.yN, 0)
        """values stored in the grid cells"""

        self.growRadiusInCells = int(math.ceil(gridMap.robotRadius\
                                               / gridSquareSize))
Пример #2
    def solve(self):
        :returns: an instance of ``Solution``
        # Get a unique assignment of names to indices
        n2i = NameToIndex()
        for eq in self.equations:
            for name in eq.variableNames:

        # Be sure we have the same number of variables and equations
        numVars = len(n2i.names())
        numEqs = len(self.equations)
        assert numVars == numEqs, 'Number of variables, '\
               +str(numVars)+' does not match number of equations, '+str(numEqs)

        # Write the coefficients into the A matrix and the constants
        # in the c vector.  Return a vector of values.
        c = util.makeVector(numEqs, 0.0)
        A = util.make2DArray(numEqs, numVars, 0.0)
        for i in range(len(self.equations)):
            equation = self.equations[i]
            for (n, var) in zip(equation.coeffs, equation.variableNames):
                A[i][n2i.lookup(var)] = n
            c[i] = equation.constant
        return Solution(n2i, gauss.gaussSolve(A,c))
Пример #3
    def solve(self):
        @returns: an instance of C{Solution}
        # Get a unique assignment of names to indices
        n2i = NameToIndex()
        for eq in self.equations:
            for name in eq.variableNames:

        # Be sure we have the same number of variables and equations
        numVars = len(n2i.names())
        numEqs = len(self.equations)
        assert numVars == numEqs, 'Number of variables, '\
               +str(numVars)+' does not match number of equations, '+str(numEqs)

        # Write the coefficients into the A matrix and the constants
        # in the c vector.  Return a vector of values.
        c = util.makeVector(numEqs, 0.0)
        A = util.make2DArray(numEqs, numVars, 0.0)
        for i in range(len(self.equations)):
            equation = self.equations[i]
            for (n, var) in zip(equation.coeffs, equation.variableNames):
                A[i][n2i.lookup(var)] = n
            c[i] = equation.constant
        return Solution(n2i, gauss.gaussSolve(A, c))
    def __init__(self, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, gridSquareSize):
        @param fixMe
        self.xMin = xMin
        """X coordinate of left edge"""
        self.xMax = xMax
        """X coordinate of right edge"""
        self.yMin = yMin
        """Y coordinate of bottom edge"""
        self.yMax = yMax
        """Y coordinate of top edge"""
        self.xN = int(math.ceil(self.xMax / gridSquareSize))
        """number of cells in x dimension"""
        self.yN = int(math.ceil(self.yMax / gridSquareSize))
        """number of cells in y dimension"""
        self.xStep = gridSquareSize
        """size of a side of a cell in the x dimension"""
        self.yStep = gridSquareSize
        """size of a side of a cell in the y dimension"""

        ## Readjust the max dimensions to handle the fact that we need
        ## to have a discrete numer of grid cells
        self.xMax = gridSquareSize * self.xN
        self.yMax = gridSquareSize * self.yN

        self.grid = util.make2DArray(self.xN, self.yN, 0)
        """values stored in the grid cells"""

        self.growRadiusInCells = int(math.ceil(gridMap.robotRadius\
                                               / gridSquareSize))
Пример #5
    def makeStartingGrid(self):
        Returns the initial value for ``self.grid``.  Can depend on
        ``self.xN`` and ``self.yN`` being set.

        In this case, the grid is an array filled with the value
        ``False``, meaning that the cells are not occupied.
        return util.make2DArray(self.xN, self.yN, False)
Пример #6
    def makeStartingGrid(self):
        Returns the initial value for ``self.grid``.  Can depend on
        ``self.xN`` and ``self.yN`` being set.

        In this case, the grid is an array filled with the value
        ``False``, meaning that the cells are not occupied.
        return util.make2DArray(self.xN, self.yN, False)
Пример #7
    def makeStartingGrid(self):
        Returns the initial value for C{self.grid}.  Can depend on
        C{self.xN} and C{self.yN} being set.

        In this case, the grid is an array filled with the value
        C{False}, meaning that the cells are not occupied.
        return util.make2DArray(self.xN, self.yN, False)
Пример #8
    def makeStartingGrid(self):
        Returns the initial value for C{self.grid}.  Can depend on
        C{self.xN} and C{self.yN} being set.

        In this case, the grid is an array filled with the value
        C{False}, meaning that the cells are not occupied.
        return util.make2DArray(self.xN, self.yN, False)
Пример #9
    def makeStartingGrid(self):
        Called by C{gridMap.GridMap.__init__}.  Returns the initial
        value for the grid, which will be stored in C{self.Grid}.
        g = util.make2DArray(self.xN, self.yN, False)

        # write the walls into the grid, grown by robot radius
        # won't work if boxes are much bigger than robot
        for i in range(self.xN):
            for j in range(self.yN):
                boxSegs = self.indicesToBoxSegs((i, j))
                for wall in self.world.wallSegs:
                    for s in boxSegs:
                        if s.intersection(wall):
                            g[i][j] = True
        return g
Пример #10
    def __init__(self, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, gridSquareSize,
                 windowWidth = defaultWindowWidth):
        Basic initializer that determines the number of cells, and
        calls the C{makeStartingGrid} method that any subclass must
        provide, to get the initial values.  Makes a window and draws
        the initial world state in it.
        @param xMin: least real x coordinate
        @param xMax: greatest real x coordinate
        @param yMin: least real y coordinate
        @param yMax: greatest real y coordinate
        @param gridSquareSize: size, in world coordinates, of a grid
        @param windowWidth: size, in pixels, to make the window for
        drawing this map  
        self.xMin = xMin
        """X coordinate of left edge"""
        self.xMax = xMax
        """X coordinate of right edge"""
        self.yMin = yMin
        """Y coordinate of bottom edge"""
        self.yMax = yMax
        """Y coordinate of top edge"""
        self.xN = int(math.ceil((self.xMax - self.xMin) / gridSquareSize))
        """number of cells in x dimension"""
        self.yN = int(math.ceil((self.yMax - self.yMin) / gridSquareSize))
        """number of cells in y dimension"""
        self.xStep = gridSquareSize
        """size of a side of a cell in the x dimension"""
        self.yStep = gridSquareSize
        """size of a side of a cell in the y dimension"""

        ## Readjust the max dimensions to handle the fact that we need
        ## to have a discrete numer of grid cells
        self.xMax = gridSquareSize * self.xN + self.xMin
        self.yMax = gridSquareSize * self.yN + self.yMin

        self.grid = self.makeStartingGrid()
        """values stored in the grid cells"""
        self.graphicsGrid = util.make2DArray(self.xN, self.yN, None)
        """graphics objects"""

Пример #11
    def makeStartingGrid(self):
        Called by C{gridMap.GridMap.__init__}.  Returns the initial
        value for the grid, which will be stored in C{self.Grid}.
        g = util.make2DArray(self.xN, self.yN, False)

        # write the walls into the grid, grown by robot radius
        # won't work if boxes are much bigger than robot
        for i in range(self.xN):
            for j in range(self.yN):
                boxSegs = self.indicesToBoxSegs((i, j))
                for wall in self.world.wallSegs:
                    for s in boxSegs:
                        if s.intersection(wall):
                            g[i][j] = True
        return g