Пример #1
    def __init__(self, node, db_schema):
        self.top_node = node

        self.name = Parser.getNodeVal(self, self.top_node, "name")
        method_nodes = Parser.getNodeList(self, self.top_node, "method")
        self.methods = [MethodTemplate(method_node, db_schema) for method_node in method_nodes]

        self.method_map = {}
        for method in self.methods:
            self.method_map[method.name] = method
Пример #2
    def __getDataSet(self, dsNode):
        desc = {}
        dsName = Parser.getNodeVal(self, dsNode, "name")
        dsRows = Parser.getNodeVal(self, dsNode, "rows")
        desc["rows"] = dsRows

        mtList = Parser.getNodeList(self, dsNode, "method")
        for mt in mtList :
            mtName = Parser.getNodeVal(self, mt, "name")
            paraList = Parser.getNodeList(self, mt, "parameter")

            paras = []
            for para in paraList:
                pName = Parser.getNodeVal(self, para, "name")
                pVal = Parser.getNodeVal(self, para, "value")
                paras.append("--" + pName + " " + pVal)
            desc[mtName] = " ".join(paras)  # method's parameter string

        self.descs[dsName] = desc
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, xml, db_schema="madlib"):
        Parser.__init__(self, xml)
        self.algorithms = {}

        algorithms = Parser.getNodeTag(self, self.xmlDoc, "algorithms")
        algorithm_list = Parser.getNodeList(self, algorithms, "algorithm")
        self.algorithm_map = {}
        self.algorithms = [AlgorithmTemplate(algorithm, db_schema) for algorithm in algorithm_list]
        for algorithm in self.algorithms:
            self.algorithm_map[algorithm.name] = algorithm
Пример #4
    def __getDataSet(self, dsNode):
        desc = {}
        dsName = Parser.getNodeVal(self, dsNode, "name")
        dsRows = Parser.getNodeVal(self, dsNode, "rows")
        desc["rows"] = dsRows

        mtList = Parser.getNodeList(self, dsNode, "method")
        for mt in mtList:
            mtName = Parser.getNodeVal(self, mt, "name")
            paraList = Parser.getNodeList(self, mt, "parameter")

            paras = []
            for para in paraList:
                pName = Parser.getNodeVal(self, para, "name")
                pVal = Parser.getNodeVal(self, para, "value")
                paras.append("--" + pName + " " + pVal)
            desc[mtName] = " ".join(paras)  # method's parameter string

        self.descs[dsName] = desc
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, node, db_schema):
        self.top_node = node
        self.db_schema = db_schema

        self.name = Parser.getNodeVal(self, self.top_node, "name")
        self.create = Parser.getNodeVal(self, self.top_node, "create")
        self.template = Parser.getNodeVal(self, self.top_node, "template")
        input_para_nodes = Parser.getNodeList(self, self.top_node, "input_parameter")
        self.input_paras = [InputParameter(input_para_node) for input_para_node in input_para_nodes]
        self.output_paras = [
            for output_para_node in Parser.getNodeList(self, self.top_node, "output_parameter")

        self.para_map = {}
        for para in self.output_paras:
            self.para_map[para.name] = para
        # input parameter can overwrite output parameter
        for para in self.input_paras:
            self.para_map[para.name] = para
Пример #6
    def __multiTestSuite(self, mlTs, tsType, debug):
        """Parse one multi-test suite.

            mlTs: multi-test suite node
            tsType: <test_type>

        algorithm   =   Parser.getNodeVal(self, mlTs, "algorithm")
        # parse pre parameters (hash table)
        methods     =   Parser.getNodeTag(self, mlTs, "methods")
        mtdNodeList =   Parser.getNodeList(self, methods, "method")
        preParas    =   self.__preParas(mtdNodeList)
        # get test suite nodes list
        tsNodeList  =   Parser.getNodeList(self, mlTs, "test_suite")
        # init a MutiTestSuite instance
        mlTs        =   multi_testsuite.MultiTestSuite(self.configer, self.analyticsTools, \
                                      self.datasets, self.paraHandler, algorithm, preParas, \
                                      tsNodeList, tsType, self.caseScheduleFileHd, \
                                      self.caseSQLFileHd, self.testSuiteSqlHd, self.testItemSqlHd)
Пример #7
    def GenCase(self, mtdList, exeIteration, tsType, debug):
        """generate each test case
            mtdList: method node list
            exeIteration: number of this execution iteration
            tsType: test suite type

        mtSeq = 0
        for mtd in mtdList:

            caseItem = []
            caseItemPara = []
            caseItemRows = 0
            caseItemDataset = ""

            # test case start command, which is the path of template executor

            # try to attach pre parameters, it is optional
                mtdName = Parser.getNodeVal(self, mtd, "name")

                #configuration for template executor
                caseItemPara.append("--method " + mtdName)
                caseItemPara.append("--algorithm " + self.algorithm)
                caseItemPara.append("--spec_file " + os.path.join(
                    os.getcwd(), Path.CfgSpecPath + Path.algorithmsSpecXml))


            except Exception, exp:
                #print 'pre', str(exp)

            # try to attach parameters, it is optional
                paraList = Parser.getNodeList(self, mtd, "parameter")
                for para in paraList:
                    paraName = Parser.getNodeVal(self, para, "name")
                    paraVal = Parser.getNodeVal(self, para, "value")
                        self.paraHandler.handle(paraName, paraVal, "para",

                    if "dataset" == paraName:
                        caseItemDataset = paraVal
                    if "rows" == paraName:
                        caseItemRows = paraVal
            except Exception, exp:
Пример #8
    def getDataSets(self):
        """Return map of datasets.
        key: datasetName  value: dic(method : parameter)
        datasets = Parser.getNodeTag(self, self.xmlDoc, "datasets")

        dsList = Parser.getNodeList(self, datasets, "dataset")

        self.num = len(dsList)
        for dsNode in dsList:
        return self.descs
Пример #9
    def __init__(self, node, db_schema):
        self.top_node = node

        self.name = Parser.getNodeVal(self, self.top_node, "name")
        method_nodes = Parser.getNodeList(self, self.top_node, "method")
        self.methods = [
            MethodTemplate(method_node, db_schema)
            for method_node in method_nodes

        self.method_map = {}
        for method in self.methods:
            self.method_map[method.name] = method
Пример #10
    def __init__(self, xml, db_schema='madlib'):
        Parser.__init__(self, xml)
        self.algorithms = {}

        algorithms = Parser.getNodeTag(self, self.xmlDoc, "algorithms")
        algorithm_list = Parser.getNodeList(self, algorithms, "algorithm")
        self.algorithm_map = {}
        self.algorithms = [
            AlgorithmTemplate(algorithm, db_schema)
            for algorithm in algorithm_list
        for algorithm in self.algorithms:
            self.algorithm_map[algorithm.name] = algorithm
Пример #11
    def getDataSets(self):
        """Return map of datasets.
        key: datasetName  value: dic(method : parameter)
        datasets = Parser.getNodeTag(self, self.xmlDoc,"datasets")

        dsList = Parser.getNodeList(self, datasets, "dataset")

        self.num = len(dsList)
        for dsNode in dsList:
        return self.descs
Пример #12
    def GenCase(self, mtdList, exeIteration, tsType, debug):
        """generate each test case
            mtdList: method node list
            exeIteration: number of this execution iteration
            tsType: test suite type

        mtSeq = 0
        for mtd in  mtdList:

            caseItem = []
            caseItemPara = []
            caseItemRows = 0
            caseItemDataset = ""

            # test case start command, which is the path of template executor

            # try to attach pre parameters, it is optional
            try :
                mtdName = Parser.getNodeVal(self, mtd , "name")

                #configuration for template executor
                caseItemPara.append("--method "+mtdName)
                caseItemPara.append("--algorithm "+self.algorithm)
                caseItemPara.append("--spec_file "+ os.path.join( 
                    os.getcwd(), Path.CfgSpecPath + Path.algorithmsSpecXml))


            except Exception, exp:
                #print 'pre', str(exp)

            # try to attach parameters, it is optional
            try :
                paraList = Parser.getNodeList(self, mtd,"parameter")
                for para in paraList:
                    paraName = Parser.getNodeVal(self, para, "name")
                    paraVal  = Parser.getNodeVal(self, para, "value")
                        paraVal, "para", mtdName))

                    if "dataset" == paraName :
                        caseItemDataset = paraVal
                    if "rows" == paraName :
                        caseItemRows = paraVal
            except Exception, exp:
Пример #13
    def __init__(self, node, db_schema):
        self.top_node = node
        self.db_schema = db_schema

        self.name = Parser.getNodeVal(self, self.top_node, "name")
        self.create = Parser.getNodeVal(self, self.top_node, "create")
        self.template = Parser.getNodeVal(self, self.top_node, "template")
        input_para_nodes = Parser.getNodeList(self, self.top_node,
        self.input_paras = [
            for input_para_node in input_para_nodes
        self.output_paras = [
            InputParameter(output_para_node) for output_para_node in
            Parser.getNodeList(self, self.top_node, "output_parameter")

        self.para_map = {}
        for para in self.output_paras:
            self.para_map[para.name] = para
        # input parameter can overwrite output parameter
        for para in self.input_paras:
            self.para_map[para.name] = para
Пример #14
    def __preParas(self, mtdNodeList):
        """Get prepared parameters.

            mtdNodeList: method node list.
            preParameters Hash tablb, the table format.
        key:methodName, value : method's preParameters array (including parameter name)

        preParas = {}
        for mtd in mtdNodeList:
            prePara = []
            mtdName = Parser.getNodeVal(self, mtd,"name")
            for para in Parser.getNodeList(self, mtd,"parameter"):
                pName = Parser.getNodeVal(self, para, "name")
                pVal = Parser.getNodeVal(self, para, "value")
                prePara.extend(self.paraHandler.handle(pName, pVal, "pre", mtdName))
            preParas[mtdName] = prePara
        return preParas
Пример #15
    def GenCases(self, debug = False):
        """Generate cases for each test case xml spec file

        Parse the root tag <test_suites>.
        <test_type> has two options: feature and performance. For performance test,
        each test case should be wraped by gpstart and gpstop
            1) one case schedule file which include gpstart/gpstop and test case file name,
               as caseScheduleF in __init__'s para
            2) multiply test case file with executor commands
            3) one sql output file, as caseSQLF in __init__'s para
            4) one sql file of inserting test suite, as tsSqlF in __init__'s para
            5) one sql file of inserting test case, as tiSqlF in __init__'s para

        ts          =   Parser.getNodeTag(self, self.xmlDoc, "test_suites")
        tsType      =   Parser.getNodeVal(self, ts, "test_type")
        mulTsList   =   Parser.getNodeList(self, ts, "multi_test_suites")
        # loop to parse each multi test suite
        for mulTs in mulTsList:
            self.__multiTestSuite(mulTs, tsType, debug)