Пример #1
def assign_colors(photos, tags):
    Assigns photo color to most common tag
    used_colors = {}
    cluster_info = defaultdict(list)
    #assign color of photo to the color of the most related tag
    for photo in photos:
        min_count = len(photos) + 1
        photo_tags = photo['tags'].split(' ')
        #for photos with tag with search term, assign initially to first item
        best_tag = photo_tags[0]
        #find most common tag
        for tag in photo_tags:
            assoc_tag = tags[tag]
            #found a common tag, not including one common to all photos
            if assoc_tag['count'] < min_count:
                min_count = assoc_tag['count']
                best_tag = tag
        #generate a color for tag if it does not have one
        if tags[best_tag]['color'] is None:
            tags[best_tag]['color'] = gen_hex_color(used_colors)
        photo['iconcolor'] = tags[best_tag]['color']
    return cluster_info                
Пример #2
def get_centroids(photos):
    Gets the centroids used in K-means computation
    max_int = len(photos) - 1
    used_colors = {}
    centroids = []
    #get the random images
    selections = random.sample(range(0, max_int), CLUSTER_COUNT)

    #assign random unique colors
    for selection in selections:
        new_color = gen_hex_color(used_colors)
        photo = photos[selection]
        photo['iconcolor'] = new_color
        centroids.append({'lat':float(photo['lat']), 'lon':photo['lon'], 'color':new_color, 'photos':[]})
    return centroids