Пример #1
def castRayBetweenRegions(p1, q1, ls_list, junctions, reg_i, reg_j):

    # collect intersecting edges
    intersec_set = set()
    for i, ls in enumerate(ls_list):
        k, l = ls
        p2, q2 = junctions[k], junctions[l]
        if doIntersect(p1, q1, p2, q2):
            intersec_set.add((k, l))
            # print(k, l)
            # print(intersec_set)
            # # DEBUG
            # comb_reg = np.stack([reg_i, reg_j])
            # comb_reg = np.clip(np.sum(comb_reg, 0), 0, 1)
            # comb_reg = Image.fromarray(comb_reg*255.0).convert('RGB')
            # dr = ImageDraw.Draw(comb_reg)
            # x1, y1 = p1
            # x2, y2 = q1
            # x3, y3 = p2
            # x4, y4 = q2
            # dr.line((x1, y1, x2, y2), fill='green', width=4)
            # dr.line((x3, y3, x4, y4), fill='red', width=1)
            # print(doIntersect(p1, q1, p2, q2))
            # plt.figure()
            # plt.imshow(comb_reg)
            # plt.show()

    return intersec_set
Пример #2
def castRay(pt,

    # compute ray
    x1, y1 = int(pt[0]), int(pt[1])
    rad = np.radians(th)
    dy = np.sin(rad) * ray_length
    dx = np.cos(rad) * ray_length
    x2, y2 = x1 + dx, y1 + dy

    # collect intersecting edges
    intersec_set = set()
    for i, ls in enumerate(ls_list):
        k, l = ls
        p1, q1 = (x1, y1), (x2, y2)
        p2, q2 = junctions[k], junctions[l]
        if doIntersect(p1, q1, p2, q2):
            intersec_set.add((k, l))

    # # DEBUG
    # deb = Image.fromarray(region_small*255.0).convert('RGB')
    # dr = ImageDraw.Draw(deb)
    # for ls in list(intersec_set):
    #     k, l = ls
    #     p2, q2 = junctions[k], junctions[l]
    #     x3, y3 = p2
    #     x4, y4 = q2
    #     dr.line((x3, y3, x4, y4), fill='red', width=1)
    # dr.line((x1, y1, x2, y2), fill='green', width=4)
    # plt.imshow(deb)
    # plt.show()

    # check intersection with other regions
    intersec_region = False
    if len(other_regions) > 0:
        comb_reg = np.clip(np.sum(np.array(other_regions), 0), 0, 1)

        # cast ray
        ray_im = Image.new('L', (256, 256))
        dr = ImageDraw.Draw(ray_im)
        dr.line((x1, y1, x2, y2), fill='white', width=8)
        ray = np.array(ray_im) / 255.0
        intersec = np.array(np.where(np.logical_and(ray, comb_reg) > 0))
        intersec_region = (intersec.shape[1] > 0)

        # # DEBUG
        # print(comb_reg.shape)
        # comb_reg = Image.fromarray(comb_reg*255.0).convert('RGB')
        # dr = ImageDraw.Draw(comb_reg)
        # dr.line((x1, y1, x2, y2), fill='green', width=4)

        # print(intersec)
        # print(intersec_region)
        # plt.figure()
        # plt.imshow(comb_reg)
        # plt.show()

    # check self intersection
    ray_im = Image.new('L', (256, 256))
    dr = ImageDraw.Draw(ray_im)
    dr.line((x1, y1, x2, y2), fill='white', width=8)
    dr.ellipse((x1 - 4, y1 - 4, x1 + 4, y1 + 4), fill='black')
    ray = np.array(ray_im) / 255.0
    self_intersect = np.logical_and(ray,
                                    region_small).sum() / (ray.sum() + 1e-8)
    self_inter = False
    if self_intersect > thresh:
        intersec_region = True
        self_inter = True
    # # DEBUG
    # print(self_intersect)
    # deb = Image.fromarray(region_small*255.0).convert('RGB')
    # dr = ImageDraw.Draw(deb)
    # # for k, l in list(intersec_set):
    # #     p2, q2 = junctions[k], junctions[l]
    # #     x3, y3 = p2
    # #     x4, y4 = q2
    # #     dr.line((x3, y3, x4, y4), fill='red', width=1)

    # print(intersec_region)

    # dr.line((x1, y1, x2, y2), fill='green', width=1)
    # plt.imshow(deb)
    # plt.show()
    # # DEBUG

    return intersec_set, intersec_region, self_inter
Пример #3
def castRayRegion(pt,

    # compute ray
    x1, y1 = int(pt[0]), int(pt[1])
    rad = np.radians(th)
    dy = np.sin(rad) * ray_length
    dx = np.cos(rad) * ray_length
    x2, y2 = x1 + dx, y1 + dy
    p1, q1 = (x1, y1), (x2, y2)

    # render ray
    ray_im = Image.new('L', (256, 256))
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(ray_im)
    draw.line((x1, y1, x2, y2), fill='white')
    ray = np.array(ray_im)

    # check region intersection
    background = np.zeros((256, 256))
    comb_reg = np.zeros((256, 256))
    for _id, l_reg_j, sm_reg_j in zip(other_regs_id, l_other_regs,
        reg_j_tag = np.array(sm_reg_j)
        inds = np.where(reg_j_tag > 0)
        reg_j_tag[inds] = _id + 1
        comb_reg += reg_j_tag
        background += l_reg_j
    background += l_reg

    intersect = np.logical_and(ray, comb_reg)
    inds = np.where(intersect > 0)
    intersect_tags = np.array(comb_reg[inds])

    # DEBUG
    comb_reg = np.clip(comb_reg, 0, 1)
    comb_reg = Image.fromarray(comb_reg * 255.0).convert('RGB')
    dr = ImageDraw.Draw(comb_reg)
    dr.line((x1, y1, x2, y2), fill='green')
    dr.ellipse((x1 - 2, y1 - 2, x1 + 2, y1 + 2), fill='blue')
    # DEBUG

    # compute distances
    intersec_set = set()
    self_intersect = None
    region_id = None
    inds = np.array(inds)
    if inds.shape[1] > 0:
        px = np.array([x1, y1])[np.newaxis, :]
        pts = inds.transpose(1, 0)[:, ::-1]
        dists = np.sqrt((np.sum((pts - px)**2, -1)))
        closest_pt = pts[np.argmin(dists), :]
        region_id = intersect_tags[np.argmin(dists)] - 1
        xc, yc = closest_pt

        # collect intersecting edges
        for i, ls in enumerate(ls_list):
            k, l = ls
            p2, q2 = junctions[k], junctions[l]
            if doIntersect(p1, closest_pt, p2, q2):
                intersec_set.add((k, l))

        # DEBUG -- Draw intersecting edges
        for ls in list(intersec_set):
            k, l = ls
            p2, q2 = junctions[k], junctions[l]
            x3, y3 = p2
            x4, y4 = q2
            dr.line((x3, y3, x4, y4), fill='red', width=1)
        # DEBUG

        # DEBUG
        dr.ellipse((xc - 2, yc - 2, xc + 2, yc + 2), fill='magenta')
        # DEBUG

        # check self intersection
        ray_im = Image.new('L', (256, 256))
        dr = ImageDraw.Draw(ray_im)
        dr.line((x1, y1, xc, yc), fill='white', width=16)
        dr.ellipse((x1 - 4, y1 - 4, x1 + 4, y1 + 4), fill='black')
        ray = np.array(ray_im) / 255.0
        self_intersect = np.logical_and(ray,
                                        sm_reg_i).sum() / (ray.sum() + 1e-8)
        self_intersect = self_intersect > thresh

        # render ray
        ray_im = Image.new('L', (256, 256))
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(ray_im)
        draw.line((x1, y1, xc, yc), fill='white', width=16)
        ray = np.array(ray_im) / 255.0

        # check background intersection
        background_im = Image.fromarray(background * 255.0)
        background_im = background_im.filter(ImageFilter.MaxFilter(9))
        background = 1.0 - (np.array(background_im) / 255.0)
        background[background > 0.5] = 1.0
        background[background <= 0.5] = 0.0
        background_intersection = np.logical_and(ray, background).sum()
        if background_intersection > 0:
            self_intersect = True

        # # DEBUG
        # deb = Image.fromarray(background*255.0).convert('RGB')
        # dr = ImageDraw.Draw(deb)
        # dr.line((x1, y1, xc, yc), fill='green')
        # print(background_intersection)
        # plt.imshow(deb)
        # plt.show()

        # # DEBUG
        # print(self_intersect)
        # plt.imshow(comb_reg)
        # plt.show()

    return intersec_set, region_id, self_intersect
Пример #4
def reconstructBuildingBaseline(junctions, edge_map, regions=None, with_weighted_junctions=True, with_corner_variables=False, with_edge_confidence=False,
    with_corner_edge_confidence=False, \
    lw_from_cls=None, use_edge_classifier=False,\
    corner_min_degree_constraint=False, ignore_invalid_corners=False, use_junctions_with_var=False, \
    use_regions=False, corner_suppression=False, corner_penalty=False, \
    junction_suppression=False, \
    intersection_constraint=False, angle_constraint=False, use_junctions=False, use_loops=False, \
    dist_thresh=None, angle_thresh=None, edge_threshold=None, corner_edge_thresh=None, thetas=None, corner_confs=None, \
    theta_threshold=0.2, region_hit_threshold=None, theta_confs=None, filter_size=11, \
    region_weight=1000.0, post_process=False, \
    edge_map_weight=1.0, junctions_weight=1.0, inter_region_weight=1.0, wrong_dir_weight=1.0, closed_region_weight=1.0,
    closed_region_lowerbound=False, closed_region_upperbound=False,\
    region_intersection_constraint=False, inter_region_constraint=False,\

    # create a new model
    m = Model("building_reconstruction_baseline")
    m.setParam('OutputFlag', False)
    obj = LinExpr(0)
    num_junc = len(junctions)

    # list primitives
    js_list = [k for k in range(num_junc)]

    if ignore_invalid_corners:
        js_list = [k for k in js_list if len(thetas[k]) >= 2]

    ls_list = [(k, l) for k in js_list for l in js_list if l > k]

    # create variables
    if with_corner_variables:
        js_var_dict = {}
        for j in js_list:
            js_var_dict[j] = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY,

    ls_var_dict = {}
    for k, l in ls_list:
        ls_var_dict[(k, l)] = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY,
                                       name="line_{}_{}".format(k, l))

    # edgeness objective
    if with_edge_confidence:
        for k, l in ls_list:
            if use_edge_classifier:
                    lw = lw_from_cls[(k, l)]
                    lw = lw_from_cls[(l, k)]
                lw = getLineWeight(edge_map, junctions[k], junctions[l])
            obj += (lw - edge_threshold) * ls_var_dict[
                (k, l)]  # favor edges with over .5?

    elif with_corner_edge_confidence:
        for k, l in ls_list:
            if use_edge_classifier:
                    lw = lw_from_cls[(k, l)]
                    lw = lw_from_cls[(l, k)]
                lw = getLineWeight(edge_map, junctions[k], junctions[l])
            #obj += (lw-0.1)*ls_var_dict[(k, l)]
            #obj += (corner_confs[k]-corner_threshold)*(corner_confs[l]-corner_threshold)*(lw-edge_threshold)*ls_var_dict[(k, l)] # favor edges with over .5?
            #print((np.prod([corner_confs[k], corner_confs[l], lw])-corner_edge_thresh))
            obj += edge_map_weight * (
                np.prod([corner_confs[k], corner_confs[l], lw]) -
                corner_edge_thresh) * ls_var_dict[
                    (k, l)]  # favor edges with over .5?
        for k, l in ls_list:
            obj += ls_var_dict[(k, l)]

    if with_corner_variables:
        # corner-edge connectivity constraint
        for k, l in ls_list:
            m.addConstr((js_var_dict[k] + js_var_dict[l] - 2) *
                        ls_var_dict[(k, l)] == 0, "c_{}_{}".format(k, l))

############################################### OPTIONAL #################################################

    if use_regions:
        reg_list = []
        reg_var_ls = {}
        reg_sm = {}
        reg_contour = {}
        for i, reg in enumerate(regions):

            # apply min filter
            reg_small = Image.fromarray(reg * 255.0)
            reg_small = reg_small.filter(ImageFilter.MinFilter(filter_size))
            reg_small = np.array(reg_small) / 255.0

            # ignore too small regions
            inds = np.argwhere(reg_small > 0)
            if np.array(inds).shape[0] > 0:

                ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(
                    np.array(reg_small * 255.0).astype('uint8'), 127, 255, 0)
                _, contours, _ = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE,
                lg_contour = [None, 0]

                for c in contours:
                    cont = Image.new('L', (256, 256))
                    dr = ImageDraw.Draw(cont)
                    c = c.reshape(-1, 2)
                    c = [(x, y) for x, y in c]
                    if len(c) <= 2:
                    dr.polygon(c, fill='white')
                    # plt.imshow(cont)
                    # plt.show()
                    size = (np.array(cont) / 255.0).sum()
                    if size > lg_contour[1]:
                        lg_contour = [c, size]
                contours = lg_contour[0]
                contours = np.array(contours)

                if len(contours.shape) > 0:
                    reg_contour[i] = contours.reshape(-1, 2)
                    inds = np.linspace(0,
                                       min(int(reg_contour[i].shape[0] / 2),
                    reg_contour[i] = reg_contour[i][inds, :]
                    reg_var_ls[i] = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY,
                    reg_sm[i] = reg_small
                    obj += region_weight * reg_var_ls[i]

        for i in reg_list:

            if region_intersection_constraint:
                # compute intersection constraint
                for k, l in ls_list:
                    intersec = getIntersection(reg_sm[i], junctions[k],
                    if intersec >= region_hit_threshold:
                        m.addConstr(ls_var_dict[(k, l)] * reg_var_ls[i] == 0,
                                    "r1_{}_{}".format(k, l))

            # add loop constraints
            ths, pts = compute_normals(reg_contour[i], reg_sm[i])

            # # DEBUG -- SAMPLED POINTS
            # deb = Image.fromarray(reg_sm[i]*255.0).convert('RGB')
            # dr = ImageDraw.Draw(deb)
            # for pt in pts:
            #     x, y = pt
            #     dr.ellipse((x-2, y-2, x+2, y+2), fill='green')
            # plt.imshow(deb)
            # plt.show()

            other_regions = [regions[j] for j in reg_list if i != j]
            sm_other_regions = [reg_sm[j] for j in reg_list if i != j]
            for pt, th in zip(pts, ths):

                # closed region soft constraint -- upperbound
                intersec_edges, intersec_region, self_intersect = castRay(
                # if self_intersect:
                #     intersec_edges, intersec_region, self_intersect = castRay(pt, th, ls_list, junctions, regions[i], reg_sm[i], other_regions, ray_length=20.0)

                sum_in_set = LinExpr(0)
                for e in list(intersec_edges):
                    k, l = e
                    sum_in_set += ls_var_dict[(k, l)]
                if not intersec_region and closed_region_upperbound:
                    slack_var = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.INTEGER,
                                         name="slack_var_{}_{}".format(th, i))
                        sum_in_set * reg_var_ls[i] <=
                        reg_var_ls[i] + slack_var, "r2_{}_{}".format(th, i))
                    obj -= closed_region_weight * slack_var
                    m.addConstr(slack_var >= 0)

                if closed_region_lowerbound:
                    # closed region hard constraint -- lowerbound
                    slack_var = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.INTEGER)
                        sum_in_set * reg_var_ls[i] >=
                        reg_var_ls[i] - slack_var, "r2_{}".format(th))
                    obj -= closed_region_weight * slack_var
                    m.addConstr(slack_var >= 0)

                if inter_region_constraint:
                    # inter region soft constraint
                    other_regions_id = [j for j in reg_list if i != j]
                    intersec_set, region_id, self_intersect = castRayRegion(
                        pt, th, ls_list, junctions, reg_sm[i],
                        sm_other_regions, regions[i], other_regions,
                    if (region_id is not None) and (not self_intersect):
                        sum_in_set = LinExpr(0)

                        # DEBUG
                        # deb = Image.fromarray(reg_sm[i]*255.0).convert('RGB')
                        # dr = ImageDraw.Draw(deb)
                        # DEBUG
                        for e in list(intersec_set):
                            k, l = e
                            sum_in_set += ls_var_dict[(k, l)]

                        #     # DEBUG
                        #     p2, q2 = junctions[k], junctions[l]
                        #     x3, y3 = p2
                        #     x4, y4 = q2
                        #     dr.line((x3, y3, x4, y4), fill='red', width=1)
                        # plt.imshow(deb)
                        # plt.show()
                        # DEBUG

                        slack_var_up = m.addVar(
                            name="slack_var_inter_up_{}_{}".format(th, i))
                        slack_var_low = m.addVar(
                            name="slack_var_inter_low_{}_{}".format(th, i))
                        #m.addConstr(sum_in_set*reg_var_ls[i] == reg_var_ls[i] + slack_var, "r3_{}_{}".format(th, i))
                            sum_in_set * reg_var_ls[i] >= 1 - slack_var_low)
                            sum_in_set * reg_var_ls[i] <= 1 + slack_var_up)
                        m.addConstr(slack_var_low >= 0)
                        m.addConstr(slack_var_up >= 0)
                        obj -= inter_region_weight * slack_var_low + inter_region_weight * slack_var_up

    # if corner_penalty:
    #     for j in js_list:
    #         obj -= 2*js_var_dict[j]

    if intersection_constraint:
        # intersection constraint
        for k, (j0, j1) in enumerate(ls_list):
            for l, (j2, j3) in enumerate(ls_list):
                if l > k:
                    p1, q1 = junctions[j0], junctions[j1]
                    p2, q2 = junctions[j2], junctions[j3]
                    if doIntersect(p1, q1, p2, q2):
                            ls_var_dict[(j0, j1)] * ls_var_dict[(j2, j3)] == 0,
                            "i_{}_{}_{}_{}".format(j0, j1, j2, j3))

    if use_junctions_with_var or use_junctions:

        for j1 in js_list:

            # consider only valid degrees
            # if len(thetas[j1]) >= 2:

            # create list of lines for each junction
            lines_sets = [LinExpr(0) for _ in range(len(thetas[j1]) + 1)]
            lines_sets_deb = [list() for _ in range(len(thetas[j1]) + 1)]
            lines_max_in_sets = [0.0 for _ in range(len(thetas[j1]) + 1)]
            for j2 in js_list:
                if j1 != j2:

                    # get line var
                    if (j1, j2) in ls_var_dict:
                        ls_var = ls_var_dict[(j1, j2)]
                        ls_var = ls_var_dict[(j2, j1)]

                    # check each line angle at junction
                    in_sets = False
                    for i, a in enumerate(thetas[j1]):

                        lb = (a - angle_thresh) if (
                            a -
                            angle_thresh) >= 0 else 360.0 + (a - angle_thresh)
                        up = (a + angle_thresh) % 360.0

                        pt1 = junctions[j1]
                        pt2 = junctions[j2]
                        ajl = getAngle(pt1, pt2)
                        if inBetween(ajl, lb, up):
                            if use_edge_classifier:
                                    lw = lw_from_cls[(j1, j2)]
                                    lw = lw_from_cls[(j2, j1)]
                                lw = getLineWeight(edge_map, pt1, pt2)
                            lines_max_in_sets[i] = max(lines_max_in_sets[i],
                            lines_sets[i] += ls_var
                            in_sets = True
                        #print(i, j1, j2, ajl, a, lb, up, inBetween(ajl, lb, up))

                    # not in any direction set
                    if not in_sets:
                        lines_sets[-1] += ls_var

            # print(lines_sets_deb)
            # # Debug
            # x1, y1 = junctions[j1]
            # for angle_i, line_set in enumerate(lines_sets_deb):
            #   im_deb = Image.new('RGB', (256, 256))
            #   dr = ImageDraw.Draw(im_deb)
            #   dr.ellipse((x1-2, y1-2, x1+2, y1+2), fill='blue')
            #   for v in line_set:
            #       x2, y2 = junctions[v]
            #       dr.line((x1, y1, x2, y2), fill='green', width=2)
            #       dr.ellipse((x2-2, y2-2, x2+2, y2+2), fill='red')
            #   if angle_i < len(thetas[j1]):
            #       print(thetas[j1][angle_i])
            #   else:
            #       print('Others')
            #   plt.imshow(im_deb)
            #   plt.show()

            # add to constraints
            #set_sum = QuadExpr(0)

            # add all sets
            for i in range(len(thetas[j1])):

                if use_junctions_with_var:
                    junc_th_var = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY,
                    obj += junctions_weight * junc_th_var * (
                        np.prod([corner_confs[j1], theta_confs[j1][i]]) -
                    m.addConstr(lines_sets[i] == junc_th_var,
                                "a_{}_{}".format(i, j1))
                    #  OLD
                    #obj += (np.prod([lines_max_in_sets[i], theta_confs[j1][i]])-theta_threshold)*junc_th_var
                    #set_sum += junc_th_var*lines_sets[i]
                    #m.addConstr(lines_sets[i] <= 1.0, "a_{}_{}".format(i, j1))
                    m.addConstr(lines_sets[i] <= 1.0, "a_{}_{}".format(i, j1))
                    #  OLD
                    #set_sum += junc_th_var*lines_sets[i]

            # # add not in set -- SOFT
            if junctions_soft:
                slack_var = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.INTEGER,
                m.addConstr(lines_sets[-1] - slack_var == 0,
                            "a_{}_{}".format(-1, j1))
                obj -= wrong_dir_weight * slack_var
                m.addConstr(slack_var >= 0)
                # add not in set -- HARD
                m.addConstr(lines_sets[-1] == 0, "a_{}_{}".format(-1, j1))

            #  OLD
            #set_sum += junc_th_var*lines_sets[-1]
            # if use_junctions_with_var:
            #   # final constraint
            #   m.addConstr(set_sum == junc_th_var*len(thetas[j1]), "a_sum_{}".format(j1))

    if corner_suppression:

        # junction spatial constraint
        junc_sets = set()
        for j1 in js_list:
            junc_intersec_set = []
            for j2 in js_list:
                pt1 = np.array(junctions[j1])
                pt2 = np.array(junctions[j2])
                dist = np.linalg.norm(pt1 - pt2)
                if dist < dist_thresh:
            junc_intersec_set = tuple(np.sort(junc_intersec_set))

        # avoid duplicated constraints
        for js_tuple in junc_sets:
            junc_expr = LinExpr(0)
            for j in np.array(js_tuple):
                junc_expr += js_var_dict[j]
            m.addConstr(junc_expr <= 1, "s_{}".format(j1))

    if junction_suppression:
        angs = []
        for j1 in js_list:

            # compute angles and degree at each junction
            deg_j1 = QuadExpr(0)
            angs = []
            for j2 in js_list:

                if j1 != j2:
                    deg_j1 += ls_var_dict[(j1, j2)] if (
                        j1, j2) in ls_var_dict else ls_var_dict[(j2, j1)]
                    pt1 = junctions[j1]
                    pt2 = junctions[j2]
                    a12 = getAngle(pt1, pt2)

            angs = np.array(angs)
            ang_diffs = np.abs(180.0 - np.abs(angs[:, np.newaxis] -
                                              angs[np.newaxis, :]))
            inds = np.array(np.where(ang_diffs <= 10.0)).transpose(1, 0)
            keep_track = []
            for j2, j3 in inds:
                if j1 != j2 and j2 != j3 and j3 != j1:
                    js = tuple(np.sort([j1, j2, j3]))
                    if js not in keep_track:
                        ls_var_12 = ls_var_dict[(j1, j2)] if (
                            j1, j2) in ls_var_dict else ls_var_dict[(j2, j1)]
                        ls_var_13 = ls_var_dict[(j1, j3)] if (
                            j1, j3) in ls_var_dict else ls_var_dict[(j3, j1)]
                        m.addConstr((deg_j1 - 2) * js_var_dict[j1] >=
                                    ls_var_12 * ls_var_13,
                                    "j_3_{}_{}_{}".format(j1, j2, j3))

    if corner_min_degree_constraint:
        # degree constraint
        for j in js_list:

            # degree expression
            deg_j = QuadExpr(0)
            for k, l in ls_list:
                if (j == k) or (j == l):
                    deg_j += ls_var_dict[(k, l)]

            # degree constraint - active junctions must have degree >= 2
            m.addConstr(deg_j * js_var_dict[j] >= 2 * js_var_dict[j],

    # set optimizer
    m.setObjective(obj, GRB.MAXIMIZE)

    # parse solution
    juncs_on = []
    lines_on = []
    regs_sm_on = []
    for v in m.getVars():
        if 'junc' in v.varName and v.x >= .5:
        elif 'line' in v.varName and v.x >= .5:
                (int(v.varName.split('_')[-2]), int(v.varName.split('_')[-1])))
        elif 'reg' in v.varName and v.x >= .5:
            #print('REGION ON')
            reg_id = int(v.varName.split('_')[-1])
            reg = regions[reg_id]
            reg_small = Image.fromarray(reg * 255.0)
            reg_small = reg_small.filter(ImageFilter.MinFilter(filter_size))
        elif 'slack_var_inter' in v.varName:
            print(v.varName, v.x)

    if not with_corner_variables:
        juncs_on = np.array(list(set(sum(lines_on, ()))))

    if use_regions:
        if post_process:
            juncs_on, lines_on = remove_junctions(junctions, juncs_on,
        return junctions, juncs_on, lines_on, regs_sm_on

    if post_process:
        juncs_on, lines_on = remove_junctions(junctions, juncs_on, lines_on)

    return junctions, juncs_on, lines_on
Пример #5
def reconstructBuildingBaseline(junctions, edge_map, regions=None, with_weighted_junctions=True, with_corner_variables=False, with_edge_confidence=False,
    with_corner_edge_confidence=False, \
    corner_min_degree_constraint=False, ignore_invalid_corners=False, use_junctions_with_var=False, \
    use_regions=False, corner_suppression=False, corner_penalty=False, \
    intersection_constraint=False, angle_constraint=False, use_junctions=False, use_loops=False, \
    dist_thresh=None, angle_thresh=None, edge_threshold=None, corner_edge_thresh=None, thetas=None, corner_confs=None, \
    theta_threshold=0.2, region_hit_threshold=None, theta_confs=None, filter_size=11, \

    # create a new model
    m = Model("building_reconstruction_baseline")
    obj = LinExpr(0)
    num_junc = len(junctions)

    # list primitives
    js_list = [k for k in range(num_junc)]

    if ignore_invalid_corners:
        js_list = [k for k in js_list if len(thetas[k]) >= 2]

    ls_list = [(k, l) for k in js_list for l in js_list if l > k]

    # create variables
    if with_corner_variables:
        js_var_dict = {}
        for j in js_list:
            js_var_dict[j] = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY,

    ls_var_dict = {}
    for k, l in ls_list:
        ls_var_dict[(k, l)] = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY,
                                       name="line_{}_{}".format(k, l))

    # edgeness objective
    if with_edge_confidence:
        for k, l in ls_list:
            lw = getLineWeight(edge_map, junctions[k], junctions[l])
            obj += (lw - edge_threshold) * ls_var_dict[
                (k, l)]  # favor edges with over .5?

    elif with_corner_edge_confidence:
        for k, l in ls_list:
            lw = getLineWeight(edge_map, junctions[k], junctions[l])
            #obj += (lw-0.1)*ls_var_dict[(k, l)]
            #obj += (corner_confs[k]-corner_threshold)*(corner_confs[l]-corner_threshold)*(lw-edge_threshold)*ls_var_dict[(k, l)] # favor edges with over .5?
            #print((np.prod([corner_confs[k], corner_confs[l], lw])-corner_edge_thresh))
            obj += (np.prod([corner_confs[k], corner_confs[l], lw]) -
                    corner_edge_thresh) * ls_var_dict[
                        (k, l)]  # favor edges with over .5?

        for k, l in ls_list:
            obj += ls_var_dict[(k, l)]

    if with_corner_variables:
        # corner-edge connectivity constraint
        for k, l in ls_list:
            m.addConstr((js_var_dict[k] + js_var_dict[l] - 2) *
                        ls_var_dict[(k, l)] == 0, "c_{}_{}".format(k, l))

############################################### OPTIONAL #################################################

    if use_regions:
        reg_list = []
        reg_var_ls = {}
        reg_sm = {}
        reg_contour = {}
        for i, reg in enumerate(regions):

            # apply min filter
            reg_small = Image.fromarray(reg * 255.0)
            reg_small = reg_small.filter(ImageFilter.MinFilter(filter_size))
            reg_small = np.array(reg_small) / 255.0

            # ignore too small regions
            inds = np.argwhere(reg_small > 0)
            if np.array(inds).shape[0] > 0:
                reg_var_ls[i] = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY,
                reg_sm[i] = reg_small
                obj += region_weight * reg_var_ls[i]
                ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(
                    np.array(reg_small * 255.0).astype('uint8'), 127, 255, 0)
                _, contours, _ = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE,
                contours = np.concatenate(contours, 0)
                contours = np.array(contours)
                reg_contour[i] = contours.reshape(-1, 2)

        for i in reg_list:
            # compute intersection constraint
            for k, l in ls_list:
                intersec = getIntersection(reg_sm[i], junctions[k],
                if intersec >= region_hit_threshold:
                    m.addConstr(ls_var_dict[(k, l)] * reg_var_ls[i] == 0,
                                "r1_{}_{}".format(k, l))

            # closed region constraint
            inds = np.linspace(0,
                               min(10, reg_contour[i].shape[0]),
            sampled_pts_1 = reg_contour[i][inds, :]

            # # DEBUG -- SAMPLED POINTS
            # deb = Image.fromarray(reg_sm[i]*255.0).convert('RGB')
            # dr = ImageDraw.Draw(deb)
            # for pt in sampled_pts_1:
            #     x, y = pt
            #     dr.ellipse((x-2, y-2, x+2, y+2), fill='green')
            # plt.imshow(deb)
            # plt.show()

            other_regions = [regions[j] for j in reg_list if i != j]
            for pt in sampled_pts_1:
                for th in range(0, 360, 10):
                    intersec_edges, intersec_region = castRay(
                        pt, th, ls_list, junctions, regions[i], reg_sm[i],
                    sum_in_set = LinExpr(0)
                    for e in list(intersec_edges):
                        k, l = e
                        sum_in_set += ls_var_dict[(k, l)]

                    if not intersec_region:
                        slack_var = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.INTEGER,
                                                 th, i))
                        m.addConstr(sum_in_set - slack_var <= reg_var_ls[i],
                                    "r2_{}_{}".format(th, i))
                        obj -= 0.05 * slack_var

                    #     m.addConstr(sum_in_set >= reg_var_ls[i], "r2_{}".format(th))
                        m.addConstr(sum_in_set >= reg_var_ls[i],

            # # inter region constraint
            # other_regions_id = [j for j in reg_list if i != j]
            # inds1 = np.array(np.argwhere(reg_sm[i]>0))
            # sampled_pts_1 = inds1[np.random.choice(inds1.shape[0], min(10, inds1.shape[0]), replace=False), :]
            # for j in other_regions_id:
            #     inds2 = np.array(np.argwhere(reg_sm[j]>0))
            #     sampled_pts_2 = inds2[np.random.choice(inds2.shape[0], min(1, inds2.shape[0]), replace=False), :]
            #     if i > j: # make order
            #         for pt1 in sampled_pts_1:
            #             for pt2 in sampled_pts_2:
            #                 intersec_edges = castRayBetweenRegions(pt1[::-1], pt2[::-1], ls_list, junctions, reg_sm[i], reg_sm[j])
            #                 sum_in_set = LinExpr(0)
            #                 for e in list(intersec_edges):
            #                     k, l = e
            #                     sum_in_set += ls_var_dict[(k, l)]
            #                 m.addConstr(sum_in_set >= reg_var_ls[i]*reg_var_ls[j], "r3_{}_{}".format(k, l))

    #if corner_penalty:
    # corner penalty
    # for j in js_list:
    #     obj -= 0.1*js_var_dict[j]

    if intersection_constraint:
        # intersection constraint
        for k, (j0, j1) in enumerate(ls_list):
            for l, (j2, j3) in enumerate(ls_list):
                if l > k:
                    p1, q1 = junctions[j0], junctions[j1]
                    p2, q2 = junctions[j2], junctions[j3]
                    if doIntersect(p1, q1, p2, q2):
                            ls_var_dict[(j0, j1)] * ls_var_dict[(j2, j3)] == 0,
                            "i_{}_{}_{}_{}".format(j0, j1, j2, j3))

    if use_junctions_with_var or use_junctions:

        for j1 in js_list:

            # consider only valid degrees
            # if len(thetas[j1]) >= 2:

            # create list of lines for each junction
            lines_sets = [LinExpr(0) for _ in range(len(thetas[j1]) + 1)]
            lines_sets_deb = [list() for _ in range(len(thetas[j1]) + 1)]
            lines_max_in_sets = [0.0 for _ in range(len(thetas[j1]) + 1)]
            for j2 in js_list:
                if j1 != j2:

                    # get line var
                    if (j1, j2) in ls_var_dict:
                        ls_var = ls_var_dict[(j1, j2)]
                        ls_var = ls_var_dict[(j2, j1)]

                    # check each line angle at junction
                    in_sets = False
                    for i, a in enumerate(thetas[j1]):

                        lb = (a - angle_thresh) if (
                            a -
                            angle_thresh) >= 0 else 360.0 + (a - angle_thresh)
                        up = (a + angle_thresh) % 360.0

                        pt1 = junctions[j1]
                        pt2 = junctions[j2]
                        ajl = getAngle(pt1, pt2)
                        if inBetween(ajl, lb, up):
                            lw = getLineWeight(edge_map, pt1, pt2)
                            lines_max_in_sets[i] = max(lines_max_in_sets[i],
                            lines_sets[i] += ls_var
                            in_sets = True
                        #print(i, j1, j2, ajl, a, lb, up, inBetween(ajl, lb, up))

                    # not in any direction set
                    if not in_sets:
                        lines_sets[-1] += ls_var

            # print(lines_sets_deb)
            # # Debug
            # x1, y1 = junctions[j1]
            # for angle_i, line_set in enumerate(lines_sets_deb):
            #   im_deb = Image.new('RGB', (256, 256))
            #   dr = ImageDraw.Draw(im_deb)
            #   dr.ellipse((x1-2, y1-2, x1+2, y1+2), fill='blue')
            #   for v in line_set:
            #       x2, y2 = junctions[v]
            #       dr.line((x1, y1, x2, y2), fill='green', width=2)
            #       dr.ellipse((x2-2, y2-2, x2+2, y2+2), fill='red')
            #   if angle_i < len(thetas[j1]):
            #       print(thetas[j1][angle_i])
            #   else:
            #       print('Others')
            #   plt.imshow(im_deb)
            #   plt.show()

            # add to constraints
            set_sum = QuadExpr(0)

            # add all sets
            for i in range(len(thetas[j1])):

                if use_junctions_with_var:
                    junc_th_var = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY,
                    #obj += lines_sets[i] * (np.min([lines_max_in_sets[i], corner_confs[j1], theta_confs[j1][i]]) - theta_threshold)
                    #obj += (np.prod([lines_max_in_sets[i], theta_confs[j1][i]])-theta_threshold)*junc_th_var
                    m.addConstr(lines_sets[i] <= 1.0, "a_{}_{}".format(i, j1))
                    set_sum += junc_th_var * lines_sets[i]
                    m.addConstr(lines_sets[i] <= 1.0, "a_{}_{}".format(i, j1))
                    #set_sum += junc_th_var*lines_sets[i]

            # add not in set
            slack_var = m.addVar(vtype=GRB.INTEGER,
                                 name="slack_var_{}_{}".format(i, j1))
            m.addConstr(lines_sets[-1] - slack_var == 0,
                        "a_{}_{}".format(-1, j1))
            obj -= 0.1 * slack_var
            set_sum += junc_th_var * lines_sets[-1]

            # if use_junctions_with_var:
            #   # final constraint
            #   m.addConstr(set_sum == junc_th_var*len(thetas[j1]), "a_sum_{}".format(j1))

    if corner_suppression:

        # junction spatial constraint
        junc_sets = set()
        for j1 in js_list:
            junc_intersec_set = []
            for j2 in js_list:
                pt1 = np.array(junctions[j1])
                pt2 = np.array(junctions[j2])
                dist = np.linalg.norm(pt1 - pt2)
                if dist < dist_thresh:
            junc_intersec_set = tuple(np.sort(junc_intersec_set))

        # avoid duplicated constraints
        for js_tuple in junc_sets:
            junc_expr = LinExpr(0)
            for j in np.array(js_tuple):
                junc_expr += js_var_dict[j]
            m.addConstr(junc_expr <= 1, "s_{}".format(j1))

    if corner_min_degree_constraint:
        # degree constraint
        for j in js_list:

            # degree expression
            deg_j = QuadExpr(0)
            for k, l in ls_list:
                if (j == k) or (j == l):
                    deg_j += ls_var_dict[(k, l)]

            # degree constraint - active junctions must have degree >= 2
            m.addConstr(deg_j * js_var_dict[j] >= 2 * js_var_dict[j],

    # set optimizer
    m.setObjective(obj, GRB.MAXIMIZE)

    # parse solution
    juncs_on = []
    lines_on = []
    regs_sm_on = []
    for v in m.getVars():
        if 'junc' in v.varName and v.x >= .5:
        elif 'line' in v.varName and v.x >= .5:
                (int(v.varName.split('_')[-2]), int(v.varName.split('_')[-1])))
        elif 'reg' in v.varName and v.x >= .5:
            print('REGION ON')
            reg_id = int(v.varName.split('_')[-1])
            reg = regions[reg_id]
            reg_small = Image.fromarray(reg * 255.0)
            reg_small = reg_small.filter(ImageFilter.MinFilter(filter_size))

    if not with_corner_variables:
        juncs_on = np.array(list(set(sum(lines_on, ()))))

    if use_regions:
        return junctions, juncs_on, lines_on, regs_sm_on
    return junctions, juncs_on, lines_on
Пример #6
def extract_regions_v2(junctions, juncs_on, lines_on):
    # is_closed, degree_list = check_polygon(lines_on, degree_list=True)
    # print(is_closed, degree_list)

    # handle intersections
    edges_intersect = set()
    for k, (p1, q1) in enumerate(lines_on):
        for l, (p2, q2) in enumerate(lines_on):
            if k > l:
                if doIntersect(junctions[p1], junctions[q1], junctions[p2], junctions[q2]):
                    edges_intersect.add((p1, q1))
                    edges_intersect.add((p2, q2))

    # remove dangling edges
    junctions, juncs_on, lines_on = remove_dangling(junctions, juncs_on, lines_on)

    # init variables
    lines_on = [tuple([x, y]) for x, y in lines_on]
    tracker = set() # (clockwise, anticlockwise)

    if len(junctions) == 0:
        return [], []

    # find contour
    tracker = find_contour(junctions, lines_on, tracker)

    # extract regions
    start_edge = lines_on[0]
    regions = []
    while True: 

        # find loop, updating tracker
        region, updated_tracker, is_repeated = find_loop(junctions, start_edge, start_edge[1], lines_on, tracker)
        if region is None:
            region, updated_tracker, is_repeated = find_loop(junctions, start_edge, start_edge[0], lines_on, tracker)
        tracker = updated_tracker
        if not is_repeated:

        # find next edge that does not appear twice in tracker
        start_edge = None
        for (i, j) in lines_on:
            if ((i, j) not in tracker):
                start_edge = (i, j)
                tracker.add((i, j))
            if ((j, i) not in tracker):
                start_edge = (j, i)
                tracker.add((j, i))

        # else stop
        if start_edge is None:

    # mark regions using edges with intersection
    false_pos = []
    for l, poly in enumerate(regions):
        for k in range(len(poly)-1):
            i, j = poly[k], poly[k+1]
            if ((i, j) in edges_intersect) or ((j, i) in edges_intersect):

    # extract region masks
    region_mks = []
    for poly in regions:
        rm = Image.new('L', (256, 256))
        dr = ImageDraw.Draw(rm)
        poly_coords = [tuple(junctions[x]) for x in poly]
        dr.polygon(poly_coords, fill='white')

    #     ### DEBUG
    #     print(false_pos)
    #     print(poly_coords)
    #     plt.imshow(rm)
    #     plt.show()
    # print('test:', len(region_mks))

    return region_mks, false_pos