Пример #1
 def read_partition_performance(self, version_stype, input_stype, debug=False):
     """ Read new partitions from self.dirs['new'], and put the comparison numbers in self.perf_info (compare either to true, for simulation, or to the partition in reference dir, for data). """
     ptest = "partition-" + input_stype + "-simu"
     if args.quick and ptest not in self.quick_tests:
     if debug:
         print "  version %s input %s partitioning" % (version_stype, input_stype)
         print "    adj mi   ccf under/over        test                    description"
     for ptest in [k for k in self.tests.keys() if "partition" in k and input_stype in k]:
         if args.quick and ptest not in self.quick_tests:
         cp = ClusterPath(-1)
         cp.readfile(self.dirs[version_stype] + "/" + ptest + ".csv")
         if "data" in ptest:
             raise Exception("needs fixing")
             ref_cp = ClusterPath(-1)
             ref_cp.readfile(self.dirs["xxxref"] + "/" + ptest + ".csv")
             self.perf_info["xxx"][ptest] = utils.adjusted_mutual_information(
                 cp.partitions[cp.i_best], ref_cp.partitions[ref_cp.i_best]
             )  # adj mi between the reference and the new data partitions
             if debug:
                 print "    %5.2f   %-28s   to reference partition" % (self.perf_info["xxx"][ptest], ptest)
             self.perf_info[version_stype][ptest + "-adj_mi"] = cp.adj_mis[cp.i_best]  # adj mi to true partition
             self.perf_info[version_stype][ptest + "-ccf_under"], self.perf_info[version_stype][
                 ptest + "-ccf_over"
             ] = cp.ccfs[cp.i_best]
             if debug:
                 print "    %5.2f    %5.2f %5.2f      %-28s   to true partition" % (
                     self.perf_info[version_stype][ptest + "-adj_mi"],
                     self.perf_info[version_stype][ptest + "-ccf_under"],
                     self.perf_info[version_stype][ptest + "-ccf_over"],
Пример #2
    def calculate_missing_values(self, reco_info, only_ip=None):
        for ip in range(len(self.partitions)):
            if only_ip is not None and ip != only_ip:

            if self.adj_mis[ip] is not None:  # already have it/them
                assert self.ccfs[ip][0] is not None and self.ccfs[ip][1] is not None

            true_partition = utils.get_true_partition(reco_info, ids=[uid for cluster in self.partitions[ip] for uid in cluster])
            self.adj_mis[ip] = utils.adjusted_mutual_information(self.partitions[ip], true_partition)
            assert self.ccfs[ip] == [None, None]
            self.ccfs[ip] = utils.correct_cluster_fractions(self.partitions[ip], reco_info)
            self.we_have_an_adj_mi = True