Пример #1
	async def add_safe_bytes(self, context, name, author_id, image_data: bytes, *, reason=None):
		"""Try to add an emote from bytes. On error, return a string that should be sent to the user.

		If the image is static and there are not enough free static slots, convert the image to a gif instead.
		counts = collections.Counter(map(operator.attrgetter('animated'), context.guild.emojis))
		# >= rather than == because there are sneaky ways to exceed the limit
		if counts[False] >= context.guild.emoji_limit and counts[True] >= context.guild.emoji_limit:
			# we raise instead of returning a string in order to abort commands that run this function in a loop
			raise commands.UserInputError('This server is out of emote slots.')

		static = utils.image.mime_type_for_image(image_data) != 'image/gif'
		converted = False
		if static and counts[False] >= context.guild.emoji_limit:
			image_data = await utils.image.convert_to_gif_in_subprocess(image_data)
			converted = True

			emote = await self.create_emote_from_bytes(context.guild, name, author_id, image_data, reason=reason)
		except discord.InvalidArgument:
			return discord.utils.escape_mentions(f'{name}: The file supplied was not a valid GIF, PNG, JPEG, or WEBP file.')
		except discord.HTTPException as ex:
			return discord.utils.escape_mentions(
				f'{name}: An error occurred while creating the the emote:\n'
				+ utils.format_http_exception(ex))
		s = f'Emote {emote} successfully created'
		return s + ' as a GIF.' if converted else s + '.'
Пример #2
    async def rename(self, context, old, new_name):
        """Rename an emote on this server.

		old: the name of the emote to rename, or the emote itself
		new_name: what you'd like to rename it to
        emote = await self.parse_emote(context, old)

        if utils.emote.RE_NAME.search(new_name):
            raise commands.BadArgument(
                'New name should only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores!'

        if not 32 >= len(new_name) >= 2:
            raise commands.BadArgument(
                'New name should be between 2 and 32 characters long!')

            await emote.edit(
                f'Renamed by {utils.format_user(self.bot, context.author.id)}')
        except discord.HTTPException as ex:
            return await context.send(
                'An error occurred while renaming the emote:\n' +

        await context.send(fr'Emote successfully renamed to \:{new_name}:')
Пример #3
	async def add_safe(self, guild, name, url, author_id, *, reason=None):
		"""Try to add an emote. Returns a string that should be sent to the user."""
			emote = await self.add_from_url(guild, name, url, author_id, reason=reason)
		except discord.HTTPException as ex:
			return (
				'An error occurred while creating the emote:\n'
				+ utils.format_http_exception(ex))
		except asyncio.TimeoutError:
			return 'Error: retrieving the image took too long.'
		except ValueError:
			return 'Error: Invalid URL.'
			return f'Emote {emote} successfully created.'
Пример #4
	async def rename(self, context, old, new_name):
		"""Rename an emote on this server.

		old: the name of the emote to rename, or the emote itself
		new_name: what you'd like to rename it to
		emote = await self.parse_emote(context, old)
			await emote.edit(
				reason=f'Renamed by {utils.format_user(self.bot, context.author.id)}')
		except discord.HTTPException as ex:
			return await context.send(
				'An error occurred while renaming the emote:\n'
				+ utils.format_http_exception(ex))

		await context.send(fr'Emote successfully renamed to \:{new_name}:')
Пример #5
	async def rename(self, context, old, new_name):
		"""Rename an emote on this server.

		old: the name of the emote to rename, or the emote itself
		new_name: what you'd like to rename it to
		emote = await self.parse_emote(context, old)
			await emote.edit(
				reason=f'Renamed by {utils.format_user(self.bot, context.author.id)}')
		except discord.HTTPException as ex:
			return await context.send(
				'An error occurred while renaming the emote:\n'
				+ utils.format_http_exception(ex))

		await context.send(f'Emote successfully renamed to \:{new_name}:')