Пример #1
 def test_consul_restore(self):
     'test if we can restore a Consul key/value store from backup'
     from utils import get_consul_session
     from utils import get_records_from_consul
     from utils import consul_restore_from_backup
     # File from which to restore backup
     current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
     backup_file = '%s/adsabs_consul_kv.2015-10-21.json' % current_dir
     # and check that it really exists
     # Get session
     session = get_consul_session('localhost', '8500')
     # Did we get a proper Consul session object back?
     expected = 'Consul'
     class_name = session.__class__.__name__
     self.assertEqual(class_name, expected)
     # Assuming we successfully connected to the Consul cluster,
     # we should be able to ask for "peers"
     peers = session.status.peers()
     # which should be a list
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(peers, list))
     # of length 3
     self.assertEqual(len(peers), 3)
     # Restore from backup and then test querying URL
     consul_restore_from_backup(session, backup_file)
     # Get the records from Consul
     records = get_records_from_consul(session)
     # and check whether they are what we expect
     expected_records = '[["key1", 0, "value1"], ["key2", 0, "value2"], ["key3", 0, "value3"]]'
     self.assertEqual(json.dumps(records), expected_records)
Пример #2
 def test_consul_restore(self):
     'test if we can restore a Consul key/value store from backup'
     from utils import get_consul_session
     from utils import get_records_from_consul
     from utils import consul_restore_from_backup
     # File from which to restore backup
     current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
     backup_file = '%s/adsabs_consul_kv.2015-10-21.json' % current_dir
     # and check that it really exists
     # Get session
     session = get_consul_session('localhost', '8500')
     # Did we get a proper Consul session object back?
     expected = 'Consul'
     class_name = session.__class__.__name__
     self.assertEqual(class_name, expected)
     # Assuming we successfully connected to the Consul cluster,
     # we should be able to ask for "peers"
     peers = session.status.peers()
     # which should be a list
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(peers, list))
     # of length 3
     self.assertEqual(len(peers), 3)
     # Restore from backup and then test querying URL
     consul_restore_from_backup(session, backup_file)
     # Get the records from Consul
     records = get_records_from_consul(session)
     # and check whether they are what we expect
     expected_records = '[["key1", 0, "value1"], ["key2", 0, "value2"], ["key3", 0, "value3"]]'
     self.assertEqual(json.dumps(records), expected_records)
Пример #3
 def test_consul_restore(self):
     'test if we can restore a Consul key/value store from backup'
     from utils import get_consul_session
     from utils import get_records_from_consul
     from utils import consul_restore_from_backup
     # File from which to restore backup
     current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
     backup_file = '%s/adsabs_consul_kv.2015-10-21.json' % current_dir
     # and check that it really exists
     # Get session
     session = get_consul_session('localhost', '8500')
     # Did we get a proper Consul session object back?
     expected = 'Consul'
     class_name = session.__class__.__name__
     self.assertEqual(class_name, expected)
     # Assuming we successfully connected to the Consul cluster,
     # we should be able to ask for "peers"
     peers = session.status.peers()
     # which should be a list
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(peers, list))
     # of length 3
     self.assertEqual(len(peers), 3)
     # Restore from backup and then test querying URL
     consul_restore_from_backup(session, backup_file, False)
     # Get the records from Consul
     records = get_records_from_consul(session)
     # and check whether they are what we expect
     expected_records = '[["key1", 0, "value1"], ["key2", 0, "value2"], ["key3", 0, "value3"]]'
     self.assertEqual(json.dumps(records), expected_records)
     # Now we "accidentally" change one of the key/value pairs in the store
     # First check that this actually happened
     self.assertEqual(session.kv.get("key1"), "oops")
     # Now perform a restore without overwriting records
     consul_restore_from_backup(session, backup_file, False)
     # The "accidental" change should still be there
     self.assertEqual(session.kv.get("key1"), "oops")
     # Now perform the restore, allowing overwriting records
     consul_restore_from_backup(session, backup_file, True)
     # Now the value from the backup should have overwritten the "accidental" one
     self.assertEqual(session.kv.get("key1"), "value1")
Пример #4
 def test_consul_backup(self):
     'test making backup of Consul key/value store'
     from utils import get_consul_session
     from utils import get_records_from_consul
     from utils import save_records
     import json
     # Get session
     session = get_consul_session('localhost', '8500')
     # Did we get a proper Consul session object back?
     expected = 'Consul'
     class_name = session.__class__.__name__
     self.assertEqual(class_name, expected)
     # Assuming we successfully connected to the Consul cluster,
     # we should be able to ask for "peers"
     peers = session.status.peers()
     # which should be a list
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(peers, list))
     # of length 3
     self.assertEqual(len(peers), 3)
     # Now add some data to the key/value store
     for key, value in test_data.items():
         session.kv[key] = value
     # Now retrieve the records
     records = get_records_from_consul(session)
     # Did we get the expected data back?
     expected_records = '[["key1", 0, "value1"], ["key2", 0, "value2"], ["key3", 0, "value3"]]'
     self.assertEqual(json.dumps(records), expected_records)
     # Now test file creation
     current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
     backup_file = '%s/test_backup.json' % current_dir
     save_records(records, backup_file)
     # Check that the file was created
     # Now check if its contents are what we expect
     backup = open(backup_file).read().strip()
     self.assertEqual(backup, expected_records)
     # Delete the backup file
Пример #5
 def test_consul_backup(self):
     'test making backup of Consul key/value store'
     from utils import get_consul_session
     from utils import get_records_from_consul
     from utils import save_records
     import json
     # Get session
     session = get_consul_session('localhost', '8500')
     # Did we get a proper Consul session object back?
     expected = 'Consul'
     class_name = session.__class__.__name__
     self.assertEqual(class_name, expected)
     # Assuming we successfully connected to the Consul cluster,
     # we should be able to ask for "peers"
     peers = session.status.peers()
     # which should be a list
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(peers, list))
     # of length 3
     self.assertEqual(len(peers), 3)
     # Now add some data to the key/value store
     for key,value in test_data.items():
         session.kv[key] = value
     # Now retrieve the records
     records = get_records_from_consul(session)
     # Did we get the expected data back?
     expected_records = '[["key1", 0, "value1"], ["key2", 0, "value2"], ["key3", 0, "value3"]]'
     self.assertEqual(json.dumps(records), expected_records)
     # Now test file creation
     current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
     backup_file = '%s/test_backup.json' % current_dir
     save_records(records, backup_file)
     # Check that the file was created
     # Now check if its contents are what we expect
     backup = open(backup_file).read().strip()
     self.assertEqual(backup, expected_records)
     # Delete the backup file
Пример #6
action = os.environ.get('ACTION')
if not action:
    action = 'backup'
# If we need to restore, we need to be able to identify the backup file to be restored
# and if this has not been set, we need to exit
if action == 'restore':
    restore_id = os.environ.get('RESTORE_ID')
    if not restore_id:
        logging.error('Restore was requested, but no RESTORE_ID was set!')
    # See if we are in "overwrite" mode
    overwrite = os.environ.get('OVERWRITE',False)
# Register the Consul client with the server
logging.info("Registering consulate with %s on port %s"%(consul_host, consul_port))
    session = get_consul_session(consul_host, consul_port)
except Exception,e:
    logging.error("Failed to register consulate: %s"%e)
# Request status info to check that we established a connection
    leader = session.status.leader()
except Exception, e:
    logging.error("Failed to register consulate: %s"%e)
# Now take the appropriate action depending on the value of the ACTION variable
if action == 'backup':
    # Get today's date for the time stamp
    now = str(datetime.datetime.now().date())
    # Construct the name of the backup file
    fname = os.environ.get('BACKUP_FILE','adsabs_consul_kv')
Пример #7
tmp_dir = os.environ.get('TMP_DIR','/tmp')
# If no action was specified, the default action is backup
action = os.environ.get('ACTION')
if not action:
    action = 'backup'
# If we need to restore, we need to be able to identify the backup file to be restored
# and if this has not been set, we need to exit
if action == 'restore':
    restore_id = os.environ.get('RESTORE_ID')
    if not restore_id:
        logging.error('Restore was requested, but no RESTORE_ID was set!')
# Register the Consul client with the server
logging.info("Registering consulate with %s on port %s"%(consul_host, consul_port))
    session = get_consul_session(consul_host, consul_port)
except Exception,e:
    logging.error("Failed to register consulate: %s"%e)
# Request status info to check that we established a connection
    leader = session.status.leader()
except Exception, e:
    logging.error("Failed to register consulate: %s"%e)
# Now take the appropriate action depending on the value of the ACTION variable
if action == 'backup':
    # Get today's date for the time stamp
    now = str(datetime.datetime.now().date())
    # Construct the name of the backup file
    backup_file = '%s/adsabs_consul_kv.%s.json' % (tmp_dir,now)