Пример #1
    def __init__(self, path):
        mndata = MNIST(path)
        images_train, self.labels_train = mndata.load_training()
        images_test, self.labels_test = mndata.load_testing()

        self.images_train_norm = normalize_images(images_train)
        self.images_test_norm = normalize_images(images_test)

        self.img_size = len(images_train[0])
        self.outputs = 10
Пример #2
    def test(self):
        # Import test images
        test_input_function = _get_input_fn(filenames=str(self.test_data_path),
        test_images = next(iter(test_input_function))
        test_images = test_images[0].numpy()
        test_images = normalize_images(test_images)

        # Results of Network
        holograms = self.get_hologram(test_images)
        multi_planes = self._prop_to_planes(holograms).numpy()
        multi_planes = normalize_images(multi_planes)
        mse_cnn = mean_sq_errs(multi_planes, test_images)
        ssim_cnn = tf.image.ssim(tf.cast(multi_planes, tf.float32),
                                 tf.cast(test_images, tf.float32),
        acc = self._acc(test_images, multi_planes)

        # Save results
        result_save = tqdm(range(test_images.shape[0]))
        result_save.set_description("Saving test results...")
        test_result_dir = self.path / "test_results" / self.model_name
        if not os.path.isdir(test_result_dir):
        for image_index in result_save:
            path = self.path / "test_results" / self.model_name / f"image_{image_index}.mat"
            test = {
                f"test_z{image_plane}": test_images[image_index, :, :,
                for image_plane in range(test_images.shape[-1])
            predict = {
                f"pred_z{image_plane}": multi_planes[image_index, :, :,
                for image_plane in range(test_images.shape[-1])
            test_result = {
                "test": test,
                "predict": predict,
                "mse": mse_cnn[image_index],
                "ssim": ssim_cnn.numpy()[image_index],
                "acc": acc.numpy()[image_index]
            scipy.io.savemat(path, test_result)
        scipy.io.savemat(test_result_dir / "errors.mat", {
            "mse": mse_cnn,
            "ssim": ssim_cnn.numpy(),
            "acc": acc.numpy()
Пример #3
    def load_images_from_numpy_records(self, start_idx, end_idx):
        """Loads images from numpy records

            start_idx: First index in the list
            end_idx  : End index in the list

            Images as pairs
        images_A = utils.normalize_images(self.t_images_data[start_idx:end_idx, 0].astype(np.float32))
        images_B = utils.normalize_images(self.t_images_data[start_idx:end_idx, 1].astype(np.float32))
        return images_A, images_B
Пример #4
    def load_images_from_files(self, start_idx, end_idx):
        """Loads images by reading images from files

            start_idx: First index in the list
            end_idx  : End index in the list

            Images as pairs
        img_dim = self.opts.h
        images_A = np.empty([self.opts.batch_size, img_dim, img_dim, 3], dtype=np.float32)
        images_B = np.empty([self.opts.batch_size, img_dim, img_dim, 3], dtype=np.float32)
        for idx, path in enumerate(self.t_image_paths[start_idx:end_idx]):
            # TODO: Generalize this method to load test/val images
            path = os.path.join(self.opts.dataset_dir, self.opts.dataset, 'train', path)
                image = utils.imread(path)
                image = utils.normalize_images(images=image)
            except IOError:
                raise IOError("Cannot read the image {}" % path)

            split_len = 600 if self.opts.dataset == 'maps' else 256
            images_A[idx] = image[:, :split_len, :]
            images_B[idx] = image[:, split_len:, :]

        return images_A, images_B
Пример #5
    def _preprocess_input_data(self, data_splits):
        train_data, validation_data, test_data = data_splits
        train_images, train_classes = train_data
        validation_images, validation_classes = validation_data
        test_images, test_classes = test_data

        # encode outputs into one hot vectors
        class_arg_splits = (train_classes, validation_classes, test_classes)
        categorical_data = [
            for class_arg_split in class_arg_splits
        train_classes, validation_classes, test_classes = categorical_data

        # flatten, add salt/pepper noise and normalize images
        image_splits = (train_images, validation_images, test_images)
        image_splits = [flatten(image_split) for image_split in image_splits]
        image_splits = [
            spice_up_images(image_split) for image_split in image_splits
        image_splits = [
            normalize_images(image_split) for image_split in image_splits

        train_images, validation_images, test_images = image_splits
        train_data = (train_images, train_classes)
        validation_data = (validation_images, validation_classes)
        test_data = (test_images, test_classes)
        preprocessed_data_split = (train_data, validation_data, test_data)
        return preprocessed_data_split
Пример #6
    def make_grid(self, *args):
        samples = self.model.generate_samples(self.latents, training=False)
        if self.show_blurred_samples:
            samples = self.model.blur(samples)

        samples = utils.normalize_images(samples)
        figure = utils.samples_grid(samples)  # TODO: write figure to a file?
        figure.savefig(self.log_dir + f"/samples_grid_{self.samples_seen:06}.png")
        image = utils.plot_to_image(figure)
        with self.model.summary_writer.as_default():
            tf.summary.image("samples_grid", image)
def test_model(model):
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
    while (True):
        ret, image = cap.read()
        cv2.imshow("capture", image)
        ret = model.predict(normalize_images([image]))[0]
        ret_index = np.argmax(ret)
        print(ret_index, GESTURE_TYPE[ret_index], ret[ret_index], ret)
        if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
Пример #8
def predict(images):
    labels = []

    solver = Solver()

    # process image & predict if it's an image or doc

    images = utils.process_images(images)
    is_image = np.round(
        solver.doc_image_classifier.predict(images)) == utils.IMAGE
    images = utils.normalize_images(images, is_img=is_image)

    # predict labels

    labels = solver.predict(images, is_image)

    return labels
Пример #9
    def load_val_batch(self):
        """Loads validation images"""

        img_dim = self.opts.h
        images_A = np.empty([self.opts.batch_size, img_dim, img_dim, 3], dtype=np.float32)
        images_B = np.empty([self.opts.batch_size, img_dim, img_dim, 3], dtype=np.float32)
        for idx, path in enumerate(self.v_image_paths[:self.opts.sample_num]):
            path = os.path.join(self.opts.dataset_dir, self.opts.dataset, 'val', path)
                image = utils.imread(path)
                image = utils.normalize_images(images=image)
            except IOError:
                raise IOError("Cannot read the image {}" % path)

            split_len = 600 if self.opts.dataset == 'maps' else 256
            images_A[idx] = image[:, :split_len, :]
            images_B[idx] = image[:, split_len:, :]

        return images_A, images_B
Пример #10
    def evaluate(self, paths):
        total = 0
        score = 0.0
        for path in paths:
            images = utils.get_images_from_path(path)
            images = utils.process_images(images)
            images = utils.normalize_images(images, not self.is_docs)
            images = np.asarray(images)
            tiles = np.sqrt(images.shape[0])
            tile_pairs = utils.tile_neighbors_lr[tiles] if not self.is_docs \
                else utils.tile_neighbors_ud[tiles]
            non_neighbor_pairs = utils.non_neighbor_tiles_lr[tiles] if not self.is_docs \
                else utils.non_neighbor_tiles_ud[tiles]
            total += len(tile_pairs) + len(non_neighbor_pairs)
            for i1, i2 in tile_pairs:
                pred = self.predict(images[i1], images[i2])
                score += (pred > 0.5)
            for i1, i2 in non_neighbor_pairs:
                pred = self.predict(images[i1], images[i2])
                score += (pred < 0.5)

        return score / total
Пример #11
def augment_images(images,
    """Augment images and/or masks.

    :param images: Images to augment;
        NumPy array of shape (H,W), (H,W,3), (N,H,W), or (N,H,W,3);
        values can be in range [0,1], [0,2^8-1], or [0,2^16-1]
    :param masks:
        (Optional) Masks to correspondingly augment;
        NumPy array of shape (H,W) or (N,H,W);
        values are 0 and positive integers
    :param num_aug:
        (Optional) Number of augmentations to perform;
        number of output images will be N * num_aug
    :type num_aug: int.
    :param do_composite:
        (Optional) Whether to do composite augmentations (multiple augmentations at once; True) or individual augmentations (for observing the effect of each augmentation; False)
    :type do_composite: bool.
    :param output_dir:
        (Optional) If not set to None, location where .tif images should be saved for observation purposes;
        if set to None, no saving will be done
    :type output_dir: str.
    :param AugSettings:
        (Optional)  Object of the class that inherists from AugmentationSettings specifying the augmentation parameters and sequences to apply; whether composite or individual augmentation is determined by the do_composite parameter

        if set to None, the default base class TestAugment, defined in this module, is used;
        to customize the augmentation parameters only, instantiate from TestAugment and modify the instance variables;
        to customize the sequences as well, inherit a custom derived class from AugmentationSettings and override the composite_sequence and/or individual_seqs_and_outnames methods
    :type AugSettingsClass: cls.
        * If do_composite=True: augmented images ((N,H,W,C)), and, if masks were input, augmented masks ((N,H,W)); these are both NumPy arrays of dtype='uint8'\n
        * If do_composite=False: list of augmented images ((N,H,W,C)), one for each individual augmentation; these are all NumPy arrays of dtype='uint8'\n

    # Import relevant modules
    import imgaug as ia
    from imgaug import augmenters as iaa
    import numpy as np
    from skimage import io
    import utils
    #from . import utils

    # Instantiate from the input augmentation settings class, whether a base class or derived
    if AugSettings == None:
        aug_settings = TestAugment()
        aug_settings = AugSettings

    import os
    if not os.path.isdir(output_dir):

    # Preprocess the images and masks (note that masks in imgaug are assumed to be integer-based, bool, or float-based; we're settling on int16)
    images = utils.normalize_images(
        images, 1
    )  # ensure the images are uint8; inputs can therefore be [0,1], [0,2^8-1], or [0,2^16-1]
    images, masks = utils.stack_and_color_images(
        masks=masks)  # allow for flexible dimensions of input images and masks

    # If multiple augmentations are desired, set up imgaug to do the multiple augmentations
    # images is (N,H,W,C) and masks is (N,H,W) due to the stack_and_color_images() function called above
    images = np.tile(images, (num_aug, 1, 1, 1))
    if masks is not None:
        masks = np.tile(masks, (num_aug, 1, 1))

    # Get the shapes of the images and masks
    N, H, W, C = images.shape

    # Optionally save .tif files to put the input in the same format as the output in order to do visual sanity checks
    if output_dir is not None:
        io.imsave(output_dir + '/' + 'input.tif', images)
        if masks is not None:
            utils.quick_overlay_output(images, masks,
                                       output_dir + '/' + 'input-overlay.tif')

    # If we want to do each augmentation individually in order to manually inspect exactly what each augmentation does...
    if not do_composite:

        # For each augmentation...
        image_aug_list = []
        for aug_num, seq_and_outname in enumerate(
                aug_settings.individual_seqs_and_outnames(), start=1):
            seq = seq_and_outname[0]
            outname = '{:02d}'.format(aug_num) + '-' + seq_and_outname[1]

            # For each image in the stack...
            image_aug = []
            for i in range(N):
                seq_det = seq.to_deterministic()
                img_channels = []
                for ic in range(C):
                        seq_det.augment_image(images[i, :, :, ic].squeeze()))

            # Convert the lists to numpy arrays
            image_aug = np.array(image_aug, dtype=np.uint8)
            # Transpose the indices since they come out like (N,C,H,W)
            image_aug = np.transpose(image_aug,
                                     [0, 2, 3, 1])  # comes out as (N,H,W,C)

            # Save the augmented images to a list

            # Optionally save the outputs as .tif files so you can check the individual augmentations
            if output_dir is not None:
                io.imsave(output_dir + '/' + outname + '.tif', image_aug)

        # Return the list of numpy arrays
        return (image_aug_list)

    # If we want to do a composite augmentation...

        # Determine if there are masks present
        if masks is not None:
            do_masks = True
            do_masks = False

        # Define the arrays to contain the stack for the current single augmentation
        image_aug = []
        if do_masks:
            mask_aug = []

        # For each image in the stack...
        for i in range(N):
            seq_det = aug_settings.composite_sequence().to_deterministic()
            img_channels = []
            for ic in range(C):
                    seq_det.augment_image(images[i, :, :, ic].squeeze()))
            if do_masks:
                #mask_segmap = ia.SegmentationMapOnImage(masks[i,:,:].squeeze(),shape=(H,W),nb_classes=2)
                mask_segmap = ia.SegmentationMapOnImage(
                    masks[i, :, :].squeeze(),
                    shape=(H, W),
                    nb_classes=np.max(masks[i, :, :]) + 1)

        # Convert the lists to numpy arrays
        image_aug = np.array(image_aug, dtype=np.uint8)
        if do_masks:
            mask_aug = np.array(mask_aug,
                                dtype=np.int16)  # comes out as (N,H,W)

        # Transpose the indices since they come out like (N,C,H,W)
        image_aug = np.transpose(image_aug,
                                 [0, 2, 3, 1])  # comes out as (N,H,W,C)

        # Optionally save the output as a .tif file and overlay the masks on the images and save as .tif
        if output_dir is not None:
            io.imsave(output_dir + '/' + 'output.tif', image_aug)
            if do_masks:
                    image_aug, mask_aug,
                    output_dir + '/' + 'output-overlay.tif')

        # Return the augmented images (and masks if they were input)
        if not do_masks:
            return (image_aug)
            return (image_aug, mask_aug)
Пример #12
    error_4_count = 0
    sum_4 = utils.AverageMeter()
    sum_16 = utils.AverageMeter()
    sum_25 = utils.AverageMeter()
    for idx, path in enumerate(X_img_test):
        images = list(utils.get_images_from_path(path))
        tiles = len(images)
        count += tiles
        labels = list(range(0, tiles))
        images, labels = shuffle(images, labels)
        new_labels = list(range(0, tiles))

        # process image & predict if it's an image or doc
        images = utils.process_images(images)
        is_image = True  #np.round(solver.doc_image_classifier.predict(images)) == utils.IMAGE
        images = utils.normalize_images(images, is_img=is_image)
        for i, label in enumerate(labels, 0):
            new_labels[label] = i
        labels = new_labels
        acc, predictions = solver.evaluate(images, labels, is_image)
        if acc < 1:
            error_counter += 1
        sum += acc * tiles
        if tiles == 4:
        if tiles == 16:
        if tiles == 25:
        # print('correct probability [{:.3f}], error probability [{:.3f}]'.format(corre_prob.avg, error_prob.avg))