Пример #1
 def getSessionsInWishlistByConference(self, request):
     """ List the wishlist items for the specified conference. """
     # validate the websafe conference key
     conference_key = validate_websafe_key(request.websafeConferenceKey,
     # confirm the user
     user = endpoints.get_current_user()
     if not user:
         raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required.')
     user_id = getUserId(user)
     user_key = ndb.Key(Profile, user_id)
     # get the user's wishlist sessions as a projection
     q_wishlist = WishList.query(ancestor=user_key)
     # wl_sessions = q_wishlist.fetch(1, projection=[WishList.sessions])
     wishlist = q_wishlist.fetch(1)[0]
     wishlist_session_keys = []
     # for session in wl_sessions:
     for session in wishlist.sessions:
     # query Sessions where the specified Conference is the ancestor
     session_q = Session.query(ancestor=conference_key)
     # filter the Sessions to include only the sessions in the wishlist
     session_q = session_q.filter(Session.key.IN(wishlist_session_keys))
     # get the keys of those sessions, which are the ones we're looking for
     conf_session_keys = session_q.fetch(keys_only=True)
     # create a wishlist
     short_wishlist = WishList()
     # copy the found Session keys into the wishlist as websafe keys
     for key in conf_session_keys:
     # return the reduced wishlist as a message
     return self._copyWishListToForm(short_wishlist)
Пример #2
 def getSpeaker(self, request):
     """ Get all the information about a speaker. """
     # validate the websafe speaker key and retrieve the entity key
     speaker_key = validate_websafe_key(request.websafeSpeakerKey,
     # get the speaker from the db
     speaker = speaker_key.get()
     # return a message object with the speaker info
     return self._copySpeakerToForm(speaker)
Пример #3
 def _createSessionObject(self, request):
     :param request: the endpoint request
     :return: session_form, message of the newly created session
     user = endpoints.get_current_user()
     if not user:
         raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required.')
     user_id = getUserId(user)
     # make sure we're given a websafe conference key
     conference_key = validate_websafe_key(request.websafeConferenceKey,
     # if we're given a websafe speaker key, make sure it's valid
     if request.speaker:
         validate_websafe_key(request.speaker, 'Speaker')
     # get the conference
     conference = conference_key.get()
     # make sure the user can edit this conference
     if conference.organizerUserId != user_id:
         raise endpoints.BadRequestException(
             'You cannot edit this conference.')
     # create a session object
     session = Session()
     # list the fields we want to exclude
     exclusions = ['websafeConferenceKey', 'typeOfSession']
     # use our handy copy function to copy the other fields
     session = message_to_ndb(request, session, exclusions)
     # deal with typeOfSession and get the enum value
     if request.typeOfSession:
         session.typeOfSession = str(SessionType(request.typeOfSession))
         session.typeOfSession = str(SessionType.NOT_SPECIFIED)
     # allocate an id and create the key
     session_id = Session.allocate_ids(size=1, parent=conference_key)[0]
     session.key = ndb.Key(Session, session_id, parent=conference_key)
     # save the session to ndb
     # kick off the featured speaker task
                   params={'conference_key': conference_key.urlsafe()})
     # return the newly created session
     return self._copySessionToForm(session)
Пример #4
 def getConferenceFeaturedSpeaker(self, request):
     """ Gets the featured speaker for a conference """
     ws_conference_key = validate_websafe_key(request.websafeConferenceKey,
                                              'Conference', False)
     # Get the memcache key we're looking for
     memcache_key = self._featured_speaker_memcache_key(ws_conference_key)
     # retrieve the message from memcache
     message = memcache.get(memcache_key)
     # If there is a message, return it
     if message is None:
         message = ""
     return StringMessage(data=message)
Пример #5
 def getSessionsBySpeaker(self, request):
     """ Get the sessions at which a speaker is speaker across all
     # Validate the websafe speaker key and retrieve the entity key
     speaker_key = validate_websafe_key(request.websafeSpeakerKey,
     # query sessions where the speaker is the requested speaker
     q = Session.query()
     q = q.filter(Session.speaker == speaker_key.urlsafe())
     sessions = q.fetch()
     # return the list of sessions
     return SessionForms(
         items=[self._copySessionToForm(session) for session in sessions])
Пример #6
 def updateWishlist(self, request):
     """ Add or remove sessions to the logged in user's wishlist """
     user = endpoints.get_current_user()
     if not user:
         raise endpoints.UnauthorizedException('Authorization required.')
     # Validate the websafe session key to add
     ws_add_key = None
     ws_remove_key = None
     if request.add:
         ws_add_key = validate_websafe_key(request.add, 'Session', False)
     # Validate the websafe session key to remove
     if request.remove:
         ws_remove_key = validate_websafe_key(request.remove, 'Session',
     # Get the user wishlist
     user_id = getUserId(user)
     user_key = ndb.Key(Profile, user_id)
     wishlist = WishList.query(ancestor=user_key).fetch(1)
     # If there wasn't previously a wishlist, create it
     if not wishlist:
         wishlist = self._createWishlist(user_key)
         wishlist = wishlist[0]
     # If there is a session to add, add it
     if ws_add_key:
         if ws_add_key not in wishlist.sessions:
     # If there is a session to remove, remove it
     if ws_remove_key:
         if ws_remove_key in wishlist.sessions:
     # Save the wishlist to db
     # Create a message of the newly created wishlist
     wishlist_form = self._copyWishListToForm(wishlist)
     return wishlist_form
Пример #7
 def getConferenceSessions(self, request):
     """ Get the list of sessions for a conference. """
     conference_key = validate_websafe_key(request.websafeConferenceKey,
     # Get all the sessions where the provided Conference is the ancestor
     q = Session.query(ancestor=conference_key)
     # If sessionType is provided as a query string, apply as a filter
     if request.sessionType:
         session_type = request.sessionType.upper()
         if hasattr(SessionType, session_type):
             q = q.filter(Session.typeOfSession == session_type)
     # return the list of sessions
     q = q.order(Session.startTime)
     return SessionForms(
         items=[self._copySessionToForm(session) for session in q])
Пример #8
 def conferenceQueryProblem(self, request):
     """ Returns sessions before 7pm that are not workshops """
     # Validate the websafe conference key and retrieve the entity key
     conference_key = validate_websafe_key(request.websafeConferenceKey,
     # Query for all sessions which are children of the conference
     q = Session.query(ancestor=conference_key)
     # Filter for startTime less than 7pm (19:00)
     startTimeFilter = datetime.strptime('19:00:00', '%H:%M:%S').time()
     q = q.filter(Session.startTime < startTimeFilter)
     q = q.filter(Session.startTime != None)
     q = q.order(Session.startTime)
     # Get the result with a projection of typeOfSession
     earlySessions = q.fetch(projection=[Session.typeOfSession])
     # Iterate through the results and keep only non-workshop results
     keys = [s.key for s in earlySessions if s.typeOfSession != 'WORKSHOP']
     # Get the db results for the reduced set of keys
     sessions = ndb.get_multi(keys)
     # Return the result as a list of sessions
     return SessionForms(
         items=[self._copySessionToForm(session) for session in sessions])