Пример #1
def asArgsObject(args):
    seed = args['seed']
    assert seed is not None
    prng = random.Random(seed)
    return MockArgs(map(fromStackDict, args.get('operandValues')),
                    py_rng=random.Random(prng.randint(1, 2**31 - 1)),
                    np_rng=npr.RandomState(prng.randint(1, 2**31 - 1)),
Пример #2
def testGradientOfSimulateOfLookup2():
    from venture.lite.sp_registry import builtInSPs
    sp = builtInSPs()["lookup"]
    args = [vv.VentureArrayUnboxed([0, 0], t.Number), vv.VentureNumber(1)]
    grad = sp.outputPSP.gradientOfSimulate(MockArgs(args, sp.constructSPAux()),
    assert grad[0].lookup(vv.VentureNumber(0)) == vv.VentureNumber(0)
    assert grad[0].lookup(vv.VentureNumber(1)) == vv.VentureNumber(1)
    assert grad[1] == 0
Пример #3
def log_density_crp_joint(assignments, alpha):
    aux = CRPSPAux()
    args = MockArgs([], aux)
    psp = CRPOutputPSP(alpha, 0)  # No dispersion

    def log_d_sample(datum):
        val = psp.logDensity(datum, args)
        psp.incorporate(datum, args)
        return val

    return sum(map(log_d_sample, assignments))
Пример #4
def simulate_fully_uncurried(name, sp, args_lists, py_rng, np_rng):
    if isinstance(sp, VentureSPRecord):
        sp, aux = sp.sp, sp.spAux
        aux = carefully(sp.constructSPAux)
    if not isinstance(sp.requestPSP, NullRequestPSP):
        raise SkipTest("SP %s returned a requesting SP" % name)
    args = MockArgs(args_lists[0], aux, py_rng, np_rng)
    answer = carefully(sp.outputPSP.simulate, args)
    if len(args_lists) == 1:
        return answer
        return simulate_fully_uncurried(name, answer, args_lists[1:], py_rng,
Пример #5
def draw_crp_samples(n, alpha, np_rng=None):
    """Jointly draw n samples from CRP(alpha).

  This returns an assignment of n objects to clusters, given by a
  length-n list of cluster ids.
    aux = CRPSPAux()
    args = MockArgs([], aux, np_rng=np_rng)
    psp = CRPOutputPSP(alpha, 0)  # No dispersion

    def draw_sample():
        ans = psp.simulate(args)
        psp.incorporate(ans, args)
        return ans

    ans = [draw_sample() for _ in range(n)]
    return ans
Пример #6
def propGradientOfSimulate(args_lists, name, sp):
    if final_return_type(
            sp.venture_type().gradient_type()).__class__ == t.ZeroType:
        # Do not test gradients of things that return elements of
        # 0-dimensional vector spaces
    if not len(args_lists) == 1:
        raise SkipTest(
            "TODO: Write the code for testing simulation gradients of curried SPs"
    if name == "mul" and len(args_lists[0]) is not 2:
        raise ArgumentsNotAppropriate(
            "TODO mul only has a gradient in its binary form")
    py_rng = random.Random()
    np_rng = npr.RandomState()
    args = MockArgs(args_lists[0], sp.constructSPAux(), py_rng, np_rng)
    randomness = FixedRandomness(py_rng, np_rng)
    with randomness:
        value = carefully(sp.outputPSP.simulate, args)

    # Use the value itself as the test direction in order to avoid
    # having to coordinate compound types (like the length of the list
    # that 'list' returns being the same as the number of arguments)
    direction = asGradient(value)
    expected_grad_type = sp.venture_type().gradient_type().args_types
        computed_gradient = carefully(sp.outputPSP.gradientOfSimulate, args,
                                      value, direction)
        for (g, tp) in zip(computed_gradient, expected_grad_type):
            if g == 0:
                pass  # OK
                assert g in tp
    except VentureBuiltinSPMethodError:
        raise SkipTest(
            "%s does not support computing gradient of simulate :(" % name)

    def sim_displacement_func():
        with randomness:
            ans = sp.outputPSP.simulate(args)
        return vv.vv_dot_product(direction, asGradient(ans))

    numerical_gradient = carefully(num.gradient_from_lenses,
    assert_gradients_close(numerical_gradient, computed_gradient)
Пример #7
def log_density_fully_uncurried(name, sp, args_lists, value):
    if isinstance(sp, VentureSPRecord):
        sp, aux = sp.sp, sp.spAux
        aux = carefully(sp.constructSPAux)
    if not isinstance(sp.requestPSP, NullRequestPSP):
        raise SkipTest("SP %s returned a requesting SP" % name)
    args = MockArgs(args_lists[0], aux)
    if len(args_lists) == 1:
        return carefully(sp.outputPSP.logDensity, value, args)
        # TODO Is there a good general interface to
        # log_density_fully_uncurried that would let the client put in
        # this check?
        if sp.outputPSP.isRandom():
            raise SkipTest(
                "The log density of the result of random curried SP %s is not actually deterministic"
                % name)
        answer = carefully(sp.outputPSP.simulate, args)
        return log_density_fully_uncurried(name, answer, args_lists[1:], value)