def interact(self, args): rospy.wait_for_service('voice_control') srv = rospy.ServiceProxy('voice_control', voice_control) try: success = srv() print 'Voice control called: ' + str(success) except: print 'No response from voice control'
def serve(self, args): coffee = args[6:] print 'Serving coffee "' + coffee + '"' rospy.wait_for_service('coffee_machine') srv = rospy.ServiceProxy('coffee_machine', coffee_machine) try: resp = srv(coffee) print resp except rospy.ServiceExecution, e: print 'Service call failed: ' + e
def moveIt(self): rate = rospy.Rate(self.frequency) timeout = 0.1 originFrame = 'torso_1' destFrame = 'base_link' while not rospy.is_shutdown(): while self.pause: rate.sleep() id = self.pickPersonToFollow() originFrame = 'torso_' + str(id) t0 = rospy.Time().now() while - t0 < rospy.Duration(3, 0): while self.pause: rate.sleep() self.linearSpeed = 0.0 self.angularSpeed = 0.0 #rospy.loginfo(originFrame) now = rospy.Time(0) try: self.listener.waitForTransform(destFrame, originFrame, now, rospy.Duration(timeout)) (trans, rot) = self.listener.lookupTransform(destFrame, originFrame, now) except: #traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) rate.sleep() continue tInput = PointStamped() tOutput = PointStamped() tInput.header.frame_id = originFrame tInput.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) tInput.point.x = 0.0 tInput.point.y = 0.0 tInput.point.z = 0.0 tOutput = self.listener.transformPoint(destFrame, tInput) distance = sqrt(pow(tOutput.point.x, 2) + pow(tOutput.point.y, 2)) angle = atan2(tOutput.point.y, tOutput.point.x) self.computeSpeed(distance, angle) rospy.loginfo('Distance: ' + str(distance)) rospy.loginfo('Angle: ' + str(angle)) rospy.loginfo('------------------------') self.publish(self.linearSpeed, self.angularSpeed) if self.linearSpeed == 0 and self.angularSpeed == 0: #if we're not moving anymore, call voice-control service rospy.wait_for_service('voice_control') srv = rospy.ServiceProxy('voice_control', voice_control) try: success = srv() rospy.loginfo('Called voice-control, success: ' + str(success)) except: rospy.logerr('Voice control server failed to respond, call Rich and insult him') if self.restart: break rate.sleep() return 0