Пример #1
    async def close(self) -> None:
        Explicit exit. If so configured, populate cache to prove all creds in
        wallet offline if need be, archive cache, and purge prior cache archives.

        :return: current object

        LOGGER.debug('HolderProver.close >>>')

        if self.cfg.get('archive-cache-on-close', False):
            await self.load_cache(True)
            Caches.purge_archives(self.dir_cache, True)

        await super().close()
        for path_rr_id in Tails.links(self._dir_tails):
            rr_id = basename(path_rr_id)
                await self._sync_revoc(rr_id)
            except ClosedPool:
                    'HolderProver sync-revoc on close required ledger for %s but pool was closed',

        LOGGER.debug('HolderProver.close <<<')
Пример #2
    def rev_regs(self) -> list:
        Return list of revocation registry identifiers for which HolderProver has tails files.

        :return: list of revocation registry identifiers for which HolderProver has tails files

        LOGGER.debug('HolderProver.rev_regs >>>')

        rv = [basename(f) for f in Tails.links(self._dir_tails)]
        LOGGER.debug('HolderProver.rev_regs <<< %s', rv)
        return rv
Пример #3
    async def open(self) -> 'Issuer':
        Explicit entry. Perform ancestor opening operations,
        then synchronize revocation registry to tails tree content.

        :return: current object

        LOGGER.debug('Issuer.open >>>')

        await super().open()
        for path_rr_id in Tails.links(self._dir_tails, self.did):
            await self._sync_revoc(basename(path_rr_id))

        LOGGER.debug('Issuer.open <<<')
        return self
Пример #4
    async def open(self) -> 'HolderProver':
        Explicit entry. Perform ancestor opening operations,
        then parse cache from archive if so configured, and
        synchronize revocation registry to tails tree content.

        :return: current object

        LOGGER.debug('HolderProver.open >>>')

        await super().open()
        if self.cfg.get('parse-cache-on-open', False):

        for path_rr_id in Tails.links(self._dir_tails):
            await self._sync_revoc(basename(path_rr_id))

        LOGGER.debug('HolderProver.open <<<')
        return self
Пример #5
    async def get_box_ids_json(self) -> str:
        Return json object on lists of all unique box identifiers (schema identifiers,
        credential definition identifiers, and revocation registry identifiers) for
        all credential definitions and credentials issued; e.g.,


            "schema_id": [
            "cred_def_id": [
            "rev_reg_id": [

        An issuer must issue a credential definition to include its schema identifier
        in the returned values; the schema identifier in isolation belongs properly
        to an Origin, not necessarily to an Issuer.

        The operation may be useful for a Verifier agent going off-line to seed its
        cache before doing so.

        :return: tuple of sets for schema ids, cred def ids, rev reg ids

        LOGGER.debug('Issuer.get_box_ids_json >>>')

        cd_ids = [
            d for d in listdir(self._dir_tails)
            if isdir(join(self._dir_tails, d))
            and d.startswith('{}:3:'.format(self.did))
        s_ids = []
        for cd_id in cd_ids:
                    json.loads(await self.get_schema(cred_def_id2seq_no(cd_id)
            except AbsentSchema:
                    'Issuer %s has issued cred def %s but no corresponding schema on ledger',
                    self.wallet.name, cd_id)
        rr_ids = [
            basename(link) for link in Tails.links(self._dir_tails, self.did)

        rv = json.dumps({
            'schema_id': s_ids,
            'cred_def_id': cd_ids,
            'rev_reg_id': rr_ids
        LOGGER.debug('Issuer.get_box_ids_json <<< %s', rv)
        return rv