Пример #1
def unused(inp):
	api = wikidotapi.connection() 
	api.Site = "scp-wiki"
	pages = api.refresh_pages()
	scps = []
	for page in pages:
			if "scp" in taglist[page]:
				val = page 
		except (KeyError,IndexError):
	for i in range(001,2999):
		x = str(i)
		if i<100:
		if i<10:
		if x in val:
			if api.page_exists("scp-"+x):
				return "The first unused page found is SCP-"+x+" - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-"+x
Пример #2
def showmore(inp):
	global seaiter
	global searesults
	api = wikidotapi.connection() #creates API connection
	api.Site = "scp-wiki"
	pages = api.refresh_pages() #refresh page list provided by the API, is only a list of strings
	final = ""
	minval = seaiter*3+1
	maxval = seaiter*3+3
	__builtin__.seaiter +=1
	val= 0
	for result in searesults:
		if val == minval:
			title = api.get_page_item(result,"title")
			rating = api.get_page_item(result,"rating")
			final+= ""+title+""+"(Rating:"+str(rating)+")"
		if val<=maxval and val != minval and val>minval:
			title = api.get_page_item(result,"title")
			rating = api.get_page_item(result,"rating")
			final+= ", "+title+""+"(Rating:"+str(rating)+")"
	if val>maxval:
		final += ", With " + str(val-maxval) + " more matches."
	if final == "":
		return "There are no more matches to show."
	return final 
Пример #3
def unused(inp):
	api = wikidotapi.connection() #creates API connection
	api.Site = "scp-wiki"
	pages = api.refresh_pages() #refresh page list provided by the API, is only a list of strings
	scps = []
	for page in pages:
			if "scp" in taglist[page]:
				val = page[3]+page[4]+page[5]+page[6]
		except (KeyError,IndexError):
	for i in range(001,2999):
		x = str(i)
		if i<100:
		if i<10:
		if x in val:
			if api.page_exists("scp-"+x):
				return "The first unused page found is SCP-"+x+" - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-"+x
Пример #4
def scp(inp):  #this is for WL use, easily adaptable to SCP
    ".scp <Article #> -- Will return exact match of 'SCP-Article#'"
    api = wikidotapi.connection()  #creates API connection
    api.Site = "scp-wiki"
    pages = api.refresh_pages(
    )  #refresh page list provided by the API, is only a list of strings
    line = re.sub(
        "[ ,']", '-', inp
    )  #removes spaces and apostrophes and replaces them with dashes, per wikidot's standards
    for page in pages:
        if "scp-" + line.lower() == page:  #check for first match to input
            if api.page_exists(page.lower(
            )):  #only api call in .tale, verification of page existence
                try:  #must do error handling as the key will be wrong for most of the items
                    if "scp" in api.get_page_item(page,
                                                  "tags"):  #check for tag
                        rating = api.get_page_item(page, "rating")
                        if rating < 0:
                            ratesign = "-"
                        if rating >= 0:
                            ratesign = "+"  #adds + or minus sign in front of rating
                        ratestring = "Rating[" + ratesign + str(rating) + "]"
                        author = api.get_page_item(page, "created_by")
                        authorstring = "Written by " + author
                        title = api.get_page_item(page, "title")
                        sepstring = ", "
                        return "nonick::" + title + " (" + ratestring + sepstring + authorstring + ") - http://scp-wiki.net/" + page.lower(
                        )  #returns the string, nonick:: means that the caller's nick isn't prefixed
                except KeyError:
                    return "nonick::Match found but page does not exist, please consult pixeltasim for error."
    return "nonick::Page not found"
Пример #5
def scpregexlowercase(match):
	if ' ' not in match.string:
		if match.string.startswith("scp-") or match.string.startswith("!scp-"):
			api = wikidotapi.connection() #creates API connection
			api.Site = "scp-wiki"
			pages = api.refresh_pages() #refresh page list provided by the API, is only a list of strings
			page = re.sub("[!]",'',match.string.lower())
			if api.page_exists(page): #only api call in .tale, verification of page existence
				if "scp" in api.get_page_item(page,"tags"): #check for tag
					rating = api.get_page_item(page,"rating")
					if rating < 0:
						ratesign = "-"
					if rating >= 0:
						ratesign = "+" #adds + or minus sign in front of rating
					ratestring = "Rating:"+ratesign+str(rating)+"" 
					author = api.get_page_item(page,"created_by")
					if author == None:
						author = "unknown"
					authorstring = "Written by "+author
					title = api.get_page_item(page,"title")
					sepstring = ", "
					return ""+title+" ("+ratestring+sepstring+authorstring+") - http://scp-wiki.net/"+page.lower() #returns the string, nonick:: means that the caller's nick isn't prefixed
					return "Page exists but is either untagged or not an scp." 
			return "Page does not exist, but you can create it here: " + "http://scp-wiki.net/"+page
Пример #6
def unused(inp):
	api = wikidotapi.connection() 
	api.Site = "scp-wiki"
	pages = api.refresh_pages()
	scps = []
	for page in pages:
			if "scp" in taglist[page]:
				val = page 
		except (KeyError,IndexError):
	for i in range(001,2999):
		x = str(i)
		if i<100:
		if i<10:
		if x in val:
			if api.page_exists("scp-"+x):
				return "The first unused page found is SCP-"+x+" - http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-"+x
Пример #7
def scp(inp): #this is for WL use, easily adaptable to SCP
	".scp <Article #> -- Will return exact match of 'SCP-Article#'"
	api = wikidotapi.connection() #creates API connection
	api.Site = "scp-wiki"
	pages = api.refresh_pages() #refresh page list provided by the API, is only a list of strings
	line = re.sub("[ ,']",'-',inp) #removes spaces and apostrophes and replaces them with dashes, per wikidot's standards
	for page in pages: 
		if "scp-"+line.lower() == page: #check for first match to input
			if api.page_exists(page.lower()): #only api call in .tale, verification of page existence
				try: #must do error handling as the key will be wrong for most of the items
					if "scp" in api.get_page_item(page,"tags"): #check for tag
						rating = api.get_page_item(page,"rating")
						if rating < 0:
							ratesign = "-"
						if rating >= 0:
							ratesign = "+" #adds + or minus sign in front of rating
						ratestring = "Rating["+ratesign+str(rating)+"]" 
						author = api.get_page_item(page,"created_by")
						authorstring = "Written by "+author
						title = api.get_page_item(page,"title")
						sepstring = ", "
						return "nonick::"+title+" ("+ratestring+sepstring+authorstring+") - http://scp-wiki.net/"+page.lower() #returns the string, nonick:: means that the caller's nick isn't prefixed
				except KeyError:
					return "nonick::Match found but page does not exist, please consult pixeltasim for error."
	return "nonick::Page not found"
Пример #8
def tale(inp): #this is for WL use, easily adaptable to SCP
	".tale <Article Name> -- Will return first page containing exact match to Article Name"
	api = wikidotapi.connection() #creates API connection
	api.Site = "scp-wiki"
	pages = api.refresh_pages() #refresh page list provided by the API, is only a list of strings
	line = re.sub("[ ,']",'-',inp) #removes spaces and apostrophes and replaces them with dashes, per wikidot's standards
	for page in pages: 
		if line.lower() in page.lower(): #check for first match to input
			if api.page_exists(page.lower()): #only api call in .tale, verification of page existence
				if "tale" in api.get_page_item(page,"tags"): #check for tag
					rating = api.get_page_item(page,"rating")
					if rating < 0:
						ratesign = "-"
					if rating >= 0:
						ratesign = "+" #adds + or minus sign in front of rating
					ratestring = "Rating:"+ratesign+str(rating)+"" 
					author = api.get_page_item(page,"created_by")
					authorstring = "Written by "+author
					title = api.get_page_item(page,"title")
					sepstring = ", "
					return ""+title+" ("+ratestring+sepstring+authorstring+") - http://scp-wiki.net/"+page.lower() #returns the string, nonick:: means that the caller's nick isn't prefixed
					print page
					return "Page was found but it is either untagged or an administrative page."
				return "Match found but page does not exist, please consult pixeltasim for error."
	return "Page not found"
def cache_refresh():
	global pagecache
	api = wikidotapi.connection()
	pages = api.refresh_pages()
	print "Refreshing cache"
	for page in pages:
		pagecache.append(api.server.pages.get_meta({"site": api.Site, "pages": [page]}))
Пример #10
def lastcreated(inp):
	api = wikidotapi.connection() #creates API connection
	api.Site = "scp-wiki"
	pages = api.refresh_pages() 
	final = ""
	final+=""+api.get_page_item(pages[-1],"title")+"(Rating:"+str(api.get_page_item(pages[-1],"rating"))+") - http://www.scp-wiki.net/"+pages[-1]+" - "
	final+=""+api.get_page_item(pages[-2],"title")+"(Rating:"+str(api.get_page_item(pages[-2],"rating"))+") - http://www.scp-wiki.net/"+pages[-2]+" - "
	final+=""+api.get_page_item(pages[-3],"title")+"(Rating:"+str(api.get_page_item(pages[-3],"rating"))+") - http://www.scp-wiki.net/"+pages[-3]
	return  final
Пример #11
def wandererslibrary(inp): #this is for WL use, easily adaptable to SCP
	".tale <Article Name> -- Will return first page containing exact match to Article Name"
	api = wikidotapi.connection() #creates API connection
	api.Site = "wanderers-library"
	pages = api.refresh_pages() #refresh page list provided by the API, is only a list of strings
	line = re.sub("[ ,']",'-',inp) #removes spaces and apostrophes and replaces them with dashes, per wikidot's standards
	for page in pages: 
		for item in pagecache: #iterates through ever attribute in the pagecache, similar to .author
			if line.lower() in page: #check for first match to input
				if api.page_exists(page.lower()): #only api call in .tale, verification of page existence
					try: #must do error handling as the key will be wrong for most of the items
						if "entry" in item[page]["tags"]: #check for tag
							rating = item[page]["rating"] 
							if rating < 0:
								ratesign = "-"
							if rating >= 0:
								ratesign = "+" #adds + or minus sign in front of rating
							ratestring = "Rating:"+ratesign+str(rating)+"" 
							author = item[page]["created_by"]
							authorstring = "Written by "+author
							title = item[page]["title"]
							sepstring = ", "
							return "nonick::"+title+" ("+ratestring+sepstring+authorstring+") - http://wanderers-library.wikidot.com/"+page.lower() #returns the string, nonick:: means that the caller's nick isn't prefixed
					except KeyError:
					return "nonick::Match found but page does not exist, please consult pixeltasim for error."
	for page in pages: 
		for item in pagecache: #iterates through ever attribute in the pagecache, similar to .author
				if inp.lower() in item[page]["title"].lower(): #check for first match to input
					print item[page]["title"].lower()
					if api.page_exists(page.lower()): #only api call in .tale, verification of page existence
						#must do error handling as the key will be wrong for most of the items
							if "entry" in item[page]["tags"]: #check for tag
								rating = item[page]["rating"] 
								if rating < 0:
									ratesign = "-"
								if rating >= 0:
									ratesign = "+" #adds + or minus sign in front of rating
								ratestring = "Rating:"+ratesign+str(rating)+"" 
								author = item[page]["created_by"]
								authorstring = "Written by "+author
								title = item[page]["title"]
								sepstring = ", "
								return "nonick::"+title+" ("+ratestring+sepstring+authorstring+") - http://wanderers-library.wikidot.com/"+page.lower() #returns the string, nonick:: means that the caller's nick isn't prefixed
								return "nonick::Page was found but it is either untagged or an administrative page."
						return "nonick::Match found but page does not exist, please consult pixeltasim for error."
			except KeyError:
	return "nonick::Page not found"

Пример #12
def author(inp):
	".author <Author Name> -- Will return details regarding the author"
	if firstrefresh == 0:#make sure the cache actually exists
		return "Cache has not yet updated, please wait a minute and search again."
	api = wikidotapi.connection()
	api.Site = "wanderers-library"
	pages = api.refresh_pages()
	authpages = []
	totalrating = 0
	pagetotal = 0
	pagerating = 0
	author = "None"
	multimatch = []
	authorpage = ""
	for page in pages:
		for item in pagecache: #these two for loops iterate through every item within each page dictionary, the proper syntax for accessing a specific item is item[page][itemname],
				if "entry" in item[page]["tags"]: #makes sure only articles are counted
					if author == item[page]["created_by"]:
						pagetitle = item[page]["title"]
						pagerating = item[page]["rating"]
						totalrating = totalrating + pagerating
						print page
						pagetotal = pagetotal + 1 
					if inp.lower() in item[page]["created_by"].lower() and author == "None": #this just matches the author with the first author match
						author = item[page]["created_by"]
						pagetitle = item[page]["title"]
						pagerating = item[page]["rating"]
						totalrating = totalrating + pagerating
						print page
						pagetotal = pagetotal + 1 #all lines above provide page data, math is pretty easy and self-explanatory
					if "author" in item[page]["tags"]:
						if author == item[page]["created_by"]:
							authorpage = "http://wanderers-library.wikidot.com/"+item[page]["fullname"] +" - "
			except KeyError: #must do error handling for code to be valid, iterates through incorrect keys multiple times, do not print things in the except clause, slows down program immensely 
	for page in pages: #this loop checks to see if multiple authors match input 
		for item in pagecache:
				if "entry" in item[page]["tags"]:
					if inp.lower() in item[page]["created_by"].lower():
			except KeyError:
	for authors in multimatch: #checks to see if multiple authors found 
		if authors != author:
			return "There are "+ str(len(multimatch)) + " authors matching you query. Please be more specifc. " 
	avgrating = 0
	if pagetotal is not 0: #just so no division by zero
		avgrating = totalrating/pagetotal
	if not authpages: #if no author pages are added 
		return "Author not found."
	return "nonick::"+ authorpage+""+author +" has written " + str(pagetotal) + " pages. They have " + str(totalrating)+ " net upvotes with an average rating of " + str(avgrating) + ". Their most recent article is " + pagetitle + "(Rating:" + str(pagerating) + ")"#+"- http://wanderers-library.wikidot.com/" + authpages[-1].lower()
Пример #13
def updatebans(inp, conn= None,chan = None):
	if chan == "#site67":
			__builtin__.alertops = 0
			api = wikidotapi.connection()
			#overwrite update
			localbancache = {}
			__builtin__.bancache = {}
			api.Site = "05command"
			pages = api.refresh_pages() #refresh page list provided by the API, is only a list of strings
			source = api.server.pages.get_one({"site":api.Site,"page":"alexandra-s-ban-page"})
			content = source["content"]
			fs = content.split("-----")
			banlist = fs[1]
			invbans = banlist.split("\n")
			for ban in invbans:
				parts = ban.split("||")
				val = 0
				_list = []
				nick = ""
				author = ""
				for part in parts:
					if val ==2:
						nick = part 
					if val ==3:
					if val ==4:
						#unban date
						if part != "Ban Status":
							if part != "Perma":
								date = datetime.datetime.strptime(part,"%m/%d/%Y")
								today =datetime.datetime.today()
								if date.date() <= today.date():
									part = "Unbanned"
					if val ==5:
				if nick != "Nick(s)":
					localbancache[nick] = _list
			__builtin__.bancache = localbancache
			print "Ban update complete."
			__builtin__.hugs = 0
			ts = time.time()
			__builtin__.lastbanrefresh = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
			conn.msg(chan, "Ban List Updated")
		except Exception as e:
			conn.msg(chan, "Ban List Update Failed, please check ban list for errors. Error is: "+e.message)
def ban_refresh():
    threading.Timer(900, ban_refresh).start()
    api = wikidotapi.connection()
    #overwrite update
    localbancache = {}
    __builtin__.bancache = {}
    api.Site = "05command"
    pages = api.refresh_pages(
    )  #refresh page list provided by the API, is only a list of strings
    source = api.server.pages.get_one({
        "site": api.Site,
        "page": "alexandra-s-ban-page"
    content = source["content"]
    fs = content.split("-----")
    banlist = fs[1]
    invbans = banlist.split("\n")
    for ban in invbans:
        parts = ban.split("||")
        val = 0
        _list = []
        nick = ""
        author = ""
        for part in parts:
            val += 1
            if val == 2:
                nick = part
            if val == 3:
            if val == 4:
                #unban date
                if part != "Ban Status":
                    if part != "Perma":
                        date = datetime.datetime.strptime(part, "%m/%d/%Y")
                        today = datetime.datetime.today()
                        if date.date() <= today.date():
                            part = "Unbanned"
            if val == 5:
        if nick != "Nick(s)":
            localbancache[nick] = _list
    __builtin__.bancache = localbancache
    print "Ban update complete."
    __builtin__.hugs = 0
    ts = time.time()
    __builtin__.lastbanrefresh = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime(
        '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
def cache_refresh():
    global pagecache
    api = wikidotapi.connection()
    pages = api.refresh_pages()
    print "Refreshing cache"
    for page in pages:
                "site": api.Site,
                "pages": [page]
def ban_refresh():
	threading.Timer(900, ban_refresh).start (); 
	api = wikidotapi.connection()
	#overwrite update
	localbancache = {}
	__builtin__.bancache = {}
	api.Site = "05command"
	pages = api.refresh_pages() #refresh page list provided by the API, is only a list of strings
	source = api.server.pages.get_one({"site":api.Site,"page":"alexandra-s-ban-page"})
	content = source["content"]
	fs = content.split("-----")
	banlist = fs[1]
	invbans = banlist.split("\n")
	for ban in invbans:
		parts = ban.split("||")
		val = 0
		_list = []
		nick = ""
		author = ""
		for part in parts:
			if val ==2:
				nick = part 
			if val ==3:
			if val ==4:
				#unban date
				if part != "Ban Status":
					if part != "Perma":
						date = datetime.datetime.strptime(part,"%m/%d/%Y")
						today =datetime.datetime.today()
						if date.date() <= today.date():
							part = "Unbanned"
			if val ==5:
		if nick != "Nick(s)":
			localbancache[nick] = _list
	__builtin__.bancache = localbancache
	print "Ban update complete."
	__builtin__.hugs = 0
	ts = time.time()
	__builtin__.lastbanrefresh = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

def cache_refresh(): #calls itself automatically once called for the first time
	api = wikidotapi.connection()
	pages = api.refresh_pages()
	print "Refreshing cache"
	newpagecache = [] #the newpagecache is so that while it is updating you can still use the old one
	for page in pages:
		newpagecache.append(api.server.pages.get_meta({"site": api.Site, "pages": [page]}))
		time.sleep(0.4) #this keeps the api calls within an acceptable threshold
	print "Cache refreshed!"
	__builtin__.pagecache= newpagecache #__builtin__ means that pagecache is global and can be used by plugins
	ts = time.time()
	__builtin__.lastcacherefresh = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
	time.sleep(3600) #one hour 
	cache_refresh() #calls itself again
Пример #18
def untagged(inp):
	api = wikidotapi.connection() #creates API connection
	api.Site = "scp-wiki"
	pages = api.refresh_pages() #refresh page list provided by the API, is only a list of strings
	final = "The following pages are untagged: "
	first = 1
	for page in pages:
			if taglist[page] == "":
				first =0
				final += titlelist[page] +"."
		except KeyError:
	if first == 1:
		final = "No untagged pages found!"
	return final
Пример #19
def lastcreated(inp):
    api = wikidotapi.connection()  #creates API connection
    api.Site = "scp-wiki"
    pages = api.refresh_pages()
    final = ""
    final += "" + api.get_page_item(pages[-1], "title") + "(Rating:" + str(
            "rating")) + ") - http://www.scp-wiki.net/" + pages[-1] + " - "
    final += "" + api.get_page_item(pages[-2], "title") + "(Rating:" + str(
            "rating")) + ") - http://www.scp-wiki.net/" + pages[-2] + " - "
    final += "" + api.get_page_item(pages[-3], "title") + "(Rating:" + str(
            pages[-3], "rating")) + ") - http://www.scp-wiki.net/" + pages[-3]
    return final
Пример #20
def sea(inp): #this is for WL use, easily adaptable to SCP
	".sea <Article Name> -- Will return first three pages containing exact matches to Article Name, with number of other matches"
	api = wikidotapi.connection() #creates API connection
	api.Site = "scp-wiki"
	pages = api.refresh_pages() #refresh page list provided by the API, is only a list of strings
	line = re.sub("[ ,']",'-',inp) #removes spaces and apostrophes and replaces them with dashes, per wikidot's standards
	results = []
	for page in titlelist: 
		if line.lower() in page.lower(): #check for first match to input
			if api.page_exists(page.lower()): #only api call in .tale, verification of page existence
				if "tale" in api.get_page_item(page,"tags") or "scp" in api.get_page_item(page,"tags"): #check for tag
				return "Match found but page does not exist, please consult pixeltasim for error."
		if inp.lower() in titlelist[page].lower():
			if api.page_exists(page.lower()): #only api call in .tale, verification of page existence
				if "tale" in api.get_page_item(page,"tags") or "scp" in api.get_page_item(page,"tags"): #check for tag
	if results == []:
		return "No matches found."
	final = ""
	third = 0
	for result in results:
		if third == 1:
			title = api.get_page_item(result,"title")
			rating = api.get_page_item(result,"rating")
			final+= ""+title+""+"(Rating:"+str(rating)+")"
		if third<=3 and third != 1:
			title = api.get_page_item(result,"title")
			rating = api.get_page_item(result,"rating")
			final+= ", "+title+""+"(Rating:"+str(rating)+")"
	if third>3:
		final += ", With " + str(third-3) + " more matches."
	if third==1:
		page = results[0]
		title = titlelist[page]
		rating = api.get_page_item(page,"rating")
		final = ""+title+""+"(Rating:"+str(rating)+") - http://www.scp-wiki.net/"+page
	__builtin__.seaiter = 1
	__builtin__.searesults = results
	return final
Пример #21
def linkregex(inp):
	api = wikidotapi.connection() #creates API connection
	api.Site = "scp-wiki"
	pages = api.refresh_pages() #refresh page list provided by the API, is only a list of strings
	substrings = inp.string.split()
	for ss in substrings:
		if "http://www.scp-wiki.net/" in ss:
			page = ss[24:]
			if api.page_exists(page): #only api call in .tale, verification of page existence
				rating = api.get_page_item(page,"rating")
				if rating < 0:
					ratesign = "-"
				if rating >= 0:
					ratesign = "+" #adds + or minus sign in front of rating
				ratestring = "Rating:"+ratesign+str(rating)+"" 
				author = api.get_page_item(page,"created_by")
				authorstring = "Written by "+author
				title = api.get_page_item(page,"title")
				sepstring = ", "
				return ""+title+" ("+ratestring+sepstring+authorstring+") - http://scp-wiki.net/"+page.lower() #returns the string, nonick:: means that the caller's nick isn't prefixed
Пример #22
def cache_refresh(
):  #calls itself automatically once called for the first time
    api = wikidotapi.connection()
    pages = api.refresh_pages()
    print "Refreshing cache"
    newpagecache = [
    ]  #the newpagecache is so that while it is updating you can still use the old one
    for page in pages:
                "site": api.Site,
                "pages": [page]
            0.4)  #this keeps the api calls within an acceptable threshold
    print "Cache refreshed!"
    __builtin__.pagecache = newpagecache  #__builtin__ means that pagecache is global and can be used by plugins
    ts = time.time()
    __builtin__.lastcacherefresh = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
        ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    time.sleep(3600)  #one hour
    cache_refresh()  #calls itself again
Пример #23
def scp(inp): #this is for WL use, easily adaptable to SCP
	".scp <Article #> -- Will return exact match of 'SCP-Article#'"
	api = wikidotapi.connection() #creates API connection
	api.Site = "scp-wiki"
	pages = api.refresh_pages() #refresh page list provided by the API, is only a list of strings
	line = re.sub("[ ,']",'-',inp) #removes spaces and apostrophes and replaces them with dashes, per wikidot's standards
	page = "scp-"+inp.lower()
	if api.page_exists(page): #only api call in .tale, verification of page existence
		if "scp" in api.get_page_item(page,"tags"): #check for tag
			rating = api.get_page_item(page,"rating")
			if rating < 0:
				ratesign = "-"
			if rating >= 0:
				ratesign = "+" #adds + or minus sign in front of rating
			ratestring = "Rating:"+ratesign+str(rating)+"" 
			author = api.get_page_item(page,"created_by")
			authorstring = "Written by "+author
			title = api.get_page_item(page,"title")
			sepstring = ", "
			return ""+title+" ("+ratestring+sepstring+authorstring+") - http://scp-wiki.net/"+page.lower() #returns the string, nonick:: means that the caller's nick isn't prefixed
			return "Page exists but is either untagged or not an scp." 
	return "Page does not exist, but you can create it here: " + "http://scp-wiki.net/"+page
Пример #24
def untagged(inp):
	api = wikidotapi.connection() 
	api.Site = "scp-wiki"
	pages = api.refresh_pages() 
	final = "The following pages are untagged: "
	first = 1
	for page in pages:
			if taglist[page]:
				if page.startswith("forum:") or page.startswith("system") or page.startswith("nav") or page.startswith("css") or page.startswith("admin")or page.startswith("component")or page.startswith("search"):
					first = 0 
					final +=" - "+ page
		except KeyError:
			first = 0 
			final += page+" - "
	if first == 1:
		final = "No untagged pages found!"
	return final
Пример #25
def untagged(inp):
	api = wikidotapi.connection() 
	api.Site = "scp-wiki"
	pages = api.refresh_pages() 
	final = "The following pages are untagged: "
	first = 1
	for page in pages:
			if taglist[page]:
				if page.startswith("forum:") or page.startswith("system") or page.startswith("nav") or page.startswith("css") or page.startswith("admin")or page.startswith("component")or page.startswith("search"):
					first = 0 
					final +=" - "+ page
		except KeyError:
			first = 0 
			final += page+" - "
	if first == 1:
		final = "No untagged pages found!"
	return final
Пример #26
def tale(inp):  #this is for WL use, easily adaptable to SCP
    ".tale <Article Name> -- Will return first page containing exact match to Article Name"
    if firstrefresh == 0:  #make sure the cache actually exists
        return "Cache has not yet updated, please wait a minute and search again."
    api = wikidotapi.connection()  #creates API connection
    api.Site = "wanderers-library"
    pages = api.refresh_pages(
    )  #refresh page list provided by the API, is only a list of strings
    line = re.sub(
        "[ ,']", '-', inp
    )  #removes spaces and apostrophes and replaces them with dashes, per wikidot's standards
    for page in pages:
        for item in pagecache:  #iterates through ever attribute in the pagecache, similar to .author
            if line.lower() in page:  #check for first match to input
                if api.page_exists(page.lower(
                )):  #only api call in .tale, verification of page existence
                    try:  #must do error handling as the key will be wrong for most of the items
                        if "entry" in item[page]["tags"]:  #check for tag
                            rating = item[page]["rating"]
                            if rating < 0:
                                ratesign = "-"
                            if rating >= 0:
                                ratesign = "+"  #adds + or minus sign in front of rating
                            ratestring = "Rating[" + ratesign + str(
                                rating) + "]"
                            author = item[page]["created_by"]
                            authorstring = "Written by " + author
                            title = item[page]["title"]
                            sepstring = ", "
                            return "nonick::" + title + " (" + ratestring + sepstring + authorstring + ") - http://wanderers-library.wikidot.com/" + page.lower(
                            )  #returns the string, nonick:: means that the caller's nick isn't prefixed
                    except KeyError:
                    return "nonick::Match found but page does not exist, please consult pixeltasim for error."
    for page in pages:
        for item in pagecache:  #iterates through ever attribute in the pagecache, similar to .author
                if inp.lower() in item[page]["title"].lower(
                ):  #check for first match to input
                    print item[page]["title"].lower()
                    if api.page_exists(
                    ):  #only api call in .tale, verification of page existence
                        #must do error handling as the key will be wrong for most of the items
                        if "entry" in item[page]["tags"]:  #check for tag
                            rating = item[page]["rating"]
                            if rating < 0:
                                ratesign = "-"
                            if rating >= 0:
                                ratesign = "+"  #adds + or minus sign in front of rating
                            ratestring = "Rating[" + ratesign + str(
                                rating) + "]"
                            author = item[page]["created_by"]
                            authorstring = "Written by " + author
                            title = item[page]["title"]
                            sepstring = ", "
                            return "nonick::" + title + " (" + ratestring + sepstring + authorstring + ") - http://wanderers-library.wikidot.com/" + page.lower(
                            )  #returns the string, nonick:: means that the caller's nick isn't prefixed
                            return "nonick::Page was found but it is either untagged or an administrative page."
                        return "nonick::Match found but page does not exist, please consult pixeltasim for error."
            except KeyError:
    return "nonick::Page not found"
Пример #27
def ban(inp):
	api = wikidotapi.connection() #creates API connection
	api.Site = "scp-wiki"
	pages = api.refresh_pages() #refresh page list provided by the API, is only a list of strings
	source = api.server.pages.get_one({"site":api.Site,"page":"scp-2900"})
	return "This function is for testing purposes."
Пример #28
def authordetails(inp, nick=None):
    authpages = []
    totalrating = 0
    taletotal = 0
    scptotal = 0
    goitotal = 0
    pagerating = 0
    author = inp
    multimatch = []
    authorpage = ""
    found = 0
    exact = 0
    rewrite = 0
    orgauth = ""
    newauth = ""
    rewriteauthor = 0
    pagetitle = ""
    scprating = 0
        for page in scppages:
            if "scp" in taglist[page] or "tale" in taglist[
                    page] or "goi-format" in taglist[
                        page]:  #makes sure only articles are counted
                if ":rewrite:" in authorlist[page]:
                    bothauths = authorlist[page].split(":rewrite:")
                    orgauth = bothauths[0]
                    newauth = bothauths[1]
                    if author == newauth:
                        rewriteauthor = 1
                if author == authorlist[page] or rewriteauthor == 1:
                    found = 1
                    rewriteauthor = 0

                    pagetitle = titlelist[page]
                    pagerating = ratinglist[page]
                    totalrating = totalrating + pagerating
                    if "scp" in taglist[page]:
                        scptotal += 1
                        scprating += pagerating
                    if "tale" in taglist[page]:
                        taletotal += 1
                    if "goi-format" in taglist[page]:
                        goitotal += 1
                    if inp.lower() in authorlist[page].lower(
                    ):  #this just matches the author with the first author match
                        if inp.lower() == authorlist[page].lower():
                            exact += 1
                        if exact == 1:
                            author = authorlist[page]
                            authpages = []
                            multimatch = [authorlist[page]]
                        elif exact < 1:
                        if inp.lower() in authorlist[page].lower(
                        ) and found == 0:
                            author = authorlist[page]
                            if ":rewrite:" in authorlist[page]:
                                bothauths = authorlist[page].split(":rewrite:")
                                orgauth = bothauths[0]
                                newauth = bothauths[1]
                                if inp.lower() in orgauth.lower():
                                    author = orgauth
                                if inp.lower() in newauth.lower():
                                    author = newauth
                                rewrite = 1
                            found = 1
                            pagetitle = titlelist[page]
                            pagerating = ratinglist[page]
                            totalrating = totalrating + pagerating
                            if "scp" in taglist[page]:
                                scptotal += 1
                                scprating += pagerating
                            if "tale" in taglist[page]:
                                taletotal += 1
                            if "goi-format" in taglist[page]:
                                goitotal += 1
                except AttributeError:
                if "author" in taglist[page]:
                    if ":rewrite:" in authorlist[page]:
                        bothauths = authorlist[page].split(":rewrite:")
                        orgauth = bothauths[0]
                        newauth = bothauths[1]
                        if newauth == author:
                            authorpage = "http://scp-wiki.net/" + page + " - "
                    if author == authorlist[page]:
                        authorpage = "http://scp-wiki.net/" + page + " - "
    except KeyError:
    plusauth = []
    moreauthors = 1
    for authors in multimatch:  #checks to see if multiple authors found
        z = 0
        if ":rewrite:" in authors:
        for foundauthor in plusauth:
            if foundauthor == authors:
                z = 1
        if authors != author:
            if z == 0:
                moreauthors += 1
    if moreauthors > 1:
        x = 0
        final = "Did you mean "
        for auth in plusauth:
            x += 1
            if x == 1:
                final += auth + ""
            if x == 2 and moreauthors == 2:
                final += " or " + auth + "?"
            if x == 2 and moreauthors > 2:
                final += ", " + auth + ""
            if x == 3 and moreauthors == 3:
                final += ", or " + auth + "?"
            if x == 3 and moreauthors > 3:
                final += ", or " + auth + "? With " + str(
                    moreauthors) + " more authors matching your query."
        return final
    avgrating = 0
    if taletotal + scptotal + goitotal is not 0:  #just so no division by zero
        avgrating = totalrating / (taletotal + scptotal + goitotal)
    if not authpages:  #if no author pages are added
        return "Author not found."
    api = wikidotapi.connection()
    api.Site = "alexandra-scp"
    table = ""
    for page in authpages:
        table += "||**" + titlelist[page] + "**||Rating: " + str(
            ratinglist[page]) + "||Tags: " + str(
                taglist[page]) + "|| http://scp-wiki.net/" + page + "||\n"
    api.set_page_item(author.replace(" ", "-").lower(),
                      "**Pages Authored:" + str(len(authpages)) +
                      "**\n \n**Number of SCPs Written:** " + str(scptotal) +
                      "\n**Number of Tales Written:** " + str(taletotal) +
                      "\n**Number of GOI Formats Written:** " + str(goitotal) +
                      "\n \n**Net Upvotes Received:** " + str(totalrating) +
                      "\n**Average Rating per Page:** " + str(avgrating) +
                      "\n**Average SCP Rating:** " +
                      str(scprating / scptotal) +
                      "\n++ Articles\n||Title||Rating||Tags||Link||\n" + table,
    return "Author detail page created http://alexandra-scp.wikidot.com/" + author.replace(
        " ", "-").lower()
Пример #29
def test(inp, input=None, chan=None, nick=None):
    #check bans
        with open("bans.bans", "r+b") as f:
            data = f.readlines()
            val = 0
            for line in data:
                parts = line.split()
                host = parts[0]
                mtime = parts[1]
                if (datetime.datetime.now() -
                        mtime) > datetime.timedelta(minutes=1):
                    print "Unbanning " + host
                val += 1
    except EOFError:
    api = wikidotapi.connection()  #creates API connection
    #ban update
    localbandict = {}
        with open("ban.cache", "rb") as f:
            localbanddict = pickle.load(f)
    except EOFError:
    __builtin__.bandict = localbandict
    localbandict = {}
    api.Site = "05command"
    pages = api.refresh_pages(
    )  #refresh page list provided by the API, is only a list of strings
    source = api.server.pages.get_one({
        "site": api.Site,
        "page": "alexandra-s-ban-page"
    content = source["content"]
    fs = content.split("-----")
    banlist = fs[1]
    invbans = banlist.split("\n")
    for ban in invbans:
        parts = ban.split("||")
        val = 0
        banlist = []
        nick = ""
        for part in parts:
            val += 1
            if val == 2:
                nick = part
            if val == 3:
            if val == 4:
                if nick != "Nick":
                    if part != "Perma":
                        mtime = datetime.datetime.strptime(part, "%m/%d/%Y")
                        if datetime.datetime.today() >= mtime:
                            print datetime.datetime.today()
                            print mtime
            if val == 5:

        if nick != "Nick":
            localbandict[nick] = banlist
    print localbandict
    __builtin__.bandict = localbandict
    print "Ban update complete."

    with open("ban.cache", "wb") as f:
        pickle.dump(localbandict, f)
    ts = time.time()
    __builtin__.lastbanrefresh = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime(
        '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
Пример #30
def refresh_cache():
	api = wikidotapi.connection()
	pages =  api.refresh_pages()
	for page in pages:
		 pagecache.append(api.server.pages.get_meta({"site": api.Site, "pages": [page]}))
	print "\n" + time.ctime()
Пример #31
def updatebans(inp, conn=None, chan=None):
    if chan == "#site67":
            __builtin__.alertops = 0
            api = wikidotapi.connection()
            #overwrite update
            localbancache = {}
            __builtin__.bancache = {}
            api.Site = "05command"
            pages = api.refresh_pages(
            )  #refresh page list provided by the API, is only a list of strings
            source = api.server.pages.get_one({
                "site": api.Site,
                "page": "alexandra-s-ban-page"
            content = source["content"]
            fs = content.split("-----")
            banlist = fs[1]
            invbans = banlist.split("\n")
            for ban in invbans:
                parts = ban.split("||")
                val = 0
                _list = []
                nick = ""
                author = ""
                for part in parts:
                    val += 1
                    if val == 2:
                        nick = part
                    if val == 3:
                    if val == 4:
                        #unban date
                        if part != "Ban Status":
                            if part != "Perma":
                                date = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                                    part, "%m/%d/%Y")
                                today = datetime.datetime.today()
                                if date.date() <= today.date():
                                    part = "Unbanned"
                    if val == 5:
                if nick != "Nick(s)":
                    localbancache[nick] = _list
            __builtin__.bancache = localbancache
            print "Ban update complete."
            __builtin__.hugs = 0
            ts = time.time()
            __builtin__.lastbanrefresh = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
                ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
            conn.msg(chan, "Ban List Updated")
        except Exception as e:
                "Ban List Update Failed, please check ban list for errors. Error is: "
                + e.message)
Пример #32
def test(inp,input = None,chan =None,nick = None   ):
	#check bans
		with open("bans.bans","r+b") as f:
			data = f.readlines()
			val = 0
			for line in data:
				parts = line.split()
				host = parts[0]
				mtime = parts[1]
				if (datetime.datetime.now()-mtime)>datetime.timedelta(minutes=1): 
					print "Unbanning "+host 
				val +=1
	except EOFError:
	api = wikidotapi.connection() #creates API connection
	#ban update 
		with open("ban.cache","rb") as f:
			localbanddict = pickle.load(f)
	except EOFError:
	__builtin__.bandict = localbandict
	localbandict = {}
	api.Site = "05command"
	pages = api.refresh_pages() #refresh page list provided by the API, is only a list of strings
	source = api.server.pages.get_one({"site":api.Site,"page":"alexandra-s-ban-page"})
	content = source["content"]
	fs = content.split("-----")
	banlist = fs[1]
	invbans = banlist.split("\n")
	for ban in invbans:
		parts = ban.split("||")
		val = 0
		banlist = []
		nick = ""
		for part in parts:
			if val ==2:
				nick = part
			if val ==3:
			if val ==4:
				if nick != "Nick":
					if part != "Perma":
						mtime = datetime.datetime.strptime(part,"%m/%d/%Y")
						if datetime.datetime.today() >= mtime:
							print datetime.datetime.today()
							print mtime
			if val ==5:
		if nick != "Nick":
			localbandict[nick] = banlist
	print localbandict
	__builtin__.bandict = localbandict
	print "Ban update complete."
	with open("ban.cache","wb") as f:
	ts = time.time()
	__builtin__.lastbanrefresh = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
def cache_refresh(): #calls itself automatically once called for the first time
	api = wikidotapi.connection()

	#file reading
	localauthorlist = {}
	localtitlelist = {}
	localtaglist = {}
	scpcache = {}
	api.Site = "scp-wiki"
	pages = api.refresh_pages()
		with open("cache.cache","rb") as f:
			scpcache = pickle.load(f)
	except EOFError:
	if len(scpcache) != 0:
		print "Reading cache"
		__builtin__.scppagecache = scpcache
		for page in pages:
			for item in scpcache:
					localauthorlist[page] = item[page]["created_by"]
					localtitlelist[page] = item[page]["title"]
					localtaglist[page] = item[page]["tags"]
				except KeyError:
	__builtin__.authorlist = localauthorlist
	__builtin__.titlelist = localtitlelist
	__builtin__.taglist = localtaglist
	__builtin__.callsmade = 0
	api.Site = "wanderers-library"
	pages = api.refresh_pages()
	__builtin__.totalpagescurcache = len(pages)
	print "Refreshing WL cache"
	newpagecache = [] #the newpagecache is so that while it is updating you can still use the old one
	for page in pages:
		newpagecache.append(api.server.pages.get_meta({"site": api.Site, "pages": [page]}))
		time.sleep(0.4) #this keeps the api calls within an acceptable threshold
	print "Cache refreshed!"
	__builtin__.pagecache= newpagecache #__builtin__ means that pagecache is global and can be used by plugins
	ts = time.time()
	__builtin__.lastcacherefresh = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
	__builtin__.callsmade = 0
	api.Site = "scp-wiki"
	pages = api.refresh_pages()
	__builtin__.totalpagescurcache = len(pages)
	print "Refreshing SCP cache"
	__builtin__.totalpagescurcache = len(pages)
	newpagecache = [] #the newpagecache is so that while it is updating you can still use the old one
	localauthorlist = {}
	localtitlelist = {}
	localtaglist = {}
	for page in pages:
		x = api.server.pages.get_meta({"site": api.Site, "pages": [page]})
		cache = {}
		cache[page] = x[page]
		localauthorlist[page] = cache[page]["created_by"]
		localtitlelist[page] = cache[page]["title"]
		localtaglist[page] = cache[page]["tags"]
		time.sleep(0.3) #this keeps the api calls within an acceptable threshold
		__builtin__.callsmade +=1 
	__builtin__.authorlist = localauthorlist
	__builtin__.titlelist = localtitlelist
	__builtin__.taglist = localtaglist
	print "Cache refreshed!"
	__builtin__.scppagecache= newpagecache #__builtin__ means that pagecache is global and can be used by plugins
	with open("cache.cache","wb") as f:

	ts = time.time()
	lastcacherefresh = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
	time.sleep(3600) #one hour 
	cache_refresh() #calls itself again
Пример #34
def authordetails(inp,nick=None):
	authpages = []
	totalrating = 0
	taletotal = 0
	scptotal = 0
	goitotal = 0
	pagerating = 0
	author = inp
	multimatch = []
	authorpage = ""
	found = 0
	exact = 0
	rewrite =0
	orgauth = ""
	newauth = ""
	rewriteauthor =0
	pagetitle = ""
	scprating = 0
		for page in scppages:
			if "scp" in taglist[page] or "tale" in taglist[page] or "goi-format" in taglist[page]: #makes sure only articles are counted
				if ":rewrite:" in authorlist[page]: 
					bothauths = authorlist[page].split(":rewrite:")
					orgauth = bothauths[0]
					newauth = bothauths[1]
					if author == newauth: 
						rewriteauthor = 1
				if author == authorlist[page] or rewriteauthor ==1:
					found =1 
					rewriteauthor = 0
					pagetitle = titlelist[page]
					pagerating = ratinglist[page]
					totalrating = totalrating + pagerating
					if "scp" in taglist[page]:
						scptotal +=1
					if  "tale" in taglist[page]:
					if  "goi-format" in taglist[page]:
					if inp.lower() in authorlist[page].lower(): #this just matches the author with the first author match
						if inp.lower() == authorlist[page].lower():
							exact +=1
						if exact == 1:
							author = authorlist[page]
							authpages = []
							multimatch = [authorlist[page]]
						elif exact < 1:
						if inp.lower() in authorlist[page].lower() and found == 0:
							author = authorlist[page]
							if ":rewrite:" in authorlist[page]:
								bothauths = authorlist[page].split(":rewrite:")
								orgauth = bothauths[0]
								newauth = bothauths[1]
								if inp.lower() in orgauth.lower():
									author = orgauth
								if inp.lower() in newauth.lower():
									author = newauth 
								rewrite = 1
							found = 1
							pagetitle = titlelist[page]
							pagerating = ratinglist[page] 
							totalrating = totalrating + pagerating
							if "scp" in taglist[page]:
								scptotal +=1
							if  "tale" in taglist[page]:
							if  "goi-format" in taglist[page]:
				except AttributeError:
				if "author" in taglist[page]:
					if ":rewrite:" in authorlist[page]:
						bothauths = authorlist[page].split(":rewrite:")
						orgauth = bothauths[0]
						newauth = bothauths[1]
						if newauth == author:
							authorpage = "http://scp-wiki.net/"+page+" - "
					if author == authorlist[page]:
						authorpage = "http://scp-wiki.net/"+page+" - "
	except KeyError:
	plusauth = []
	moreauthors = 1
	for authors in multimatch: #checks to see if multiple authors found 
		z =0 
		if ":rewrite:" in authors:
		for foundauthor in plusauth:
			if foundauthor ==authors:
				z =1
		if authors != author:
			if z == 0:
				moreauthors +=1
	if moreauthors>1:
		x = 0
		final = "Did you mean "
		for auth in plusauth:
			if x ==1:
			if x ==2 and moreauthors ==2:
				final+=" or "+auth+"?"
			if x==2 and moreauthors >2:
				final+=", "+auth+""
			if x==3 and moreauthors ==3:
				final += ", or "+auth+"?"
			if x==3 and moreauthors >3:
				final += ", or "+auth+"? With " + str(moreauthors) + " more authors matching your query."
		return final
	avgrating = 0
	if taletotal+scptotal+goitotal is not 0: #just so no division by zero
		avgrating = totalrating/(taletotal+scptotal+goitotal)
	if not authpages: #if no author pages are added 
		return "Author not found."
	api = wikidotapi.connection()
	api.Site = "alexandra-scp"
	table = ""
	for page in authpages:
		table+="||**"+titlelist[page]+"**||Rating: "+str(ratinglist[page])+"||Tags: "+str(taglist[page])+"|| http://scp-wiki.net/"+page+"||\n"
	api.set_page_item(author.replace(" ","-").lower(), "content", "**Pages Authored:"+str(len(authpages))+"**\n \n**Number of SCPs Written:** "+str(scptotal)+"\n**Number of Tales Written:** "+str(taletotal)+"\n**Number of GOI Formats Written:** "+str(goitotal)+"\n \n**Net Upvotes Received:** "+str(totalrating)+"\n**Average Rating per Page:** "+str(avgrating)+"\n**Average SCP Rating:** "+str(scprating/scptotal)+"\n++ Articles\n||Title||Rating||Tags||Link||\n"+table, create=True)
	return "Author detail page created http://alexandra-scp.wikidot.com/"+author.replace(" ","-").lower()
def cache_refresh(): #calls itself automatically once called for the first time
	threading.Timer(3600, cache_refresh).start (); 
	api = wikidotapi.connection()
	#overwrite update
	overwritecache = {}
	api.Site = "05command"
	pages = api.refresh_pages() #refresh page list provided by the API, is only a list of strings
	source = api.server.pages.get_one({"site":api.Site,"page":"alexandra-rewrite"})
	content = source["content"]
	fs = content.split("-----")
	rewritelist = fs[1]
	invrewrite = rewritelist.split("\n")
	for rewrite in invrewrite:
		parts = rewrite.split("||")
		val = 0
		writelist = []
		first = ""
		author = ""
		for part in parts:
			if val ==2:
				first = part 
			if val ==3:
				author = part 
		if first != "Page":
			overwritecache[first.lower()] = author 
	print "Rewrite update complete."
	#file reading
	localauthorlist = {}
	localtitlelist = {}
	localtaglist = {}
	localratinglist = {}
	scpcache = {}
	api.Site = "scp-wiki"
	pages = api.refresh_pages()
	__builtin__.scppages = api.refresh_pages()
		with open("cache.cache","rb") as f:
			scpcache = pickle.load(f)
	except EOFError:
	if len(scpcache) != 0:
		print "Reading cache"
		__builtin__.scppagecache = scpcache
		for page in pages:
			for item in scpcache:
					localauthorlist[page] = item[page]["created_by"]
					if localauthorlist[page] == None:
						localauthorlist[page] = ""
					localtitlelist[page] = item[page]["title"]
					localtaglist[page] = item[page]["tags"]
					if localtaglist[page] == None:
						localtaglist[page] = ""
					localratinglist[page] = item[page]["rating"]
					if overwritecache[page.lower()]:
						localauthorlist[page] = localauthorlist[page]+":rewrite:"+overwritecache[page.lower()]
						if ":override:" in localauthorlist[page]:
							bothauths = localauthorlist[page].split(":rewrite:")
							newauth = bothauths[1]
							localauthorlist[page] = newauth[10:]
				except KeyError:
	__builtin__.authorlist = localauthorlist
	__builtin__.titlelist = localtitlelist
	__builtin__.taglist = localtaglist
	__builtin__.ratinglist = localratinglist
	#scp titles 
	print "Updating SCP titles"
	localscptitles = {}
	api.site = "scp-wiki"
	pages = api.refresh_pages()
	page_one_blank = api.server.pages.get_one({"site":api.Site,"page":"scp-series"})
	page_one = page_one_blank["content"]
	page_two_blank = api.server.pages.get_one({"site":api.Site,"page":"scp-series-2"})
	page_two = page_two_blank["content"]
	page_three_blank = api.server.pages.get_one({"site":api.Site,"page":"scp-series-3"})
	page_three = page_three_blank["content"]
	page_j_blank = api.server.pages.get_one({"site":api.Site,"page":"joke-scps"})
	page_j = page_j_blank["content"]
	page_arc_b = api.server.pages.get_one({"site":api.Site,"page":"archived-scps"})
	page_arc = page_arc_b["content"]
	page_decon_b = api.server.pages.get_one({"site":api.Site,"page":"decommissioned-scps"})
	page_decon = page_decon_b["content"]
	page_ex_b = api.server.pages.get_one({"site":api.Site,"page":"scp-ex"})
	page_ex = page_ex_b["content"]
	page_one_split = page_one.split("\n")
	for part in page_one_split:
		if part.startswith("* [[[SCP-"):
			num = part[9:12]
			title = part[18:].encode("ascii","ignore")
			page = "scp-"+num  
			if "]" not in num:
				localscptitles[page.lower()] = title
	page_two_split = page_two.split("\n")
	for part in page_two_split:
		if part.startswith("* [[[SCP-"):
			num = part[9:13]
			title = part[19:].encode("ascii","ignore")
			page = "scp-"+num  
			if "]" not in num:
				localscptitles[page.lower()] = title
	page_three_split = page_three.split("\n")
	for part in page_three_split:
		if part.startswith("* [[[SCP-"):
			num = part[9:13]
			title = part[19:].encode("ascii","ignore")
			page = "scp-"+num  
			if "]" not in num:
				localscptitles[page.lower()] = title
	page_j_split = page_j.split("\n")
	for part in page_j_split:
		if part.startswith("* [[[SCP-"):
			segments = part.split(" - ")
			first = segments[0]
			num = part[9:end]
			if "|" in first:
				secend = num.index("|")
				num = num[:secend]
			title = segments[1].encode("ascii","ignore")
			page = "scp-"+num
			localscptitles[page.lower()] = title
	page_arc_split = page_arc.split("\n")
	for part in page_arc_split:
		if part.startswith("* [[[SCP-"):
			segments = part.split(" - ")
			first = segments[0]
			num = part[9:end]
			title = segments[1].encode("ascii","ignore")
			page = "scp-"+num
			localscptitles[page.lower()] = title
	page_decon_split = page_decon.split("\n")
	for part in page_decon_split:
		if part.startswith("* [[[SCP-"):
			segments = part.split(" - ")
			first = segments[0]
			num = part[9:end]
			title = segments[1].encode("ascii","ignore")
			page = "decomm:scp-"+num
			localscptitles[page.lower()] = title
	page_ex_split = page_ex.split("\n")
	for part in page_ex_split:
		if part.startswith("* [[[SCP-"):
			segments = part.split(" - ")
			first = segments[0]
			num = part[9:end]
			title = segments[1].encode("ascii","ignore")
			page = "scp-"+num
			localscptitles[page.lower()] = title
	__builtin__.scptitles = localscptitles
	__builtin__.callsmade = 0
	api.Site = "wanderers-library"
	__builtin__.wlpages = api.refresh_pages()
	pages = api.refresh_pages()
	__builtin__.totalpagescurcache = len(pages)
	print "Refreshing WL cache"
	newpagecache = [] #the newpagecache is so that while it is updating you can still use the old one
	for page in pages:
		newpagecache.append(api.server.pages.get_meta({"site": api.Site, "pages": [page]}))
		time.sleep(0.4) #this keeps the api calls within an acceptable threshold
	print "Cache refreshed!"
	__builtin__.pagecache= newpagecache #__builtin__ means that pagecache is global and can be used by plugins
	ts = time.time()
	__builtin__.lastcacherefresh = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

	__builtin__.callsmade = 0
	api.Site = "scp-wiki"
	pages = api.refresh_pages()
	__builtin__.totalpagescurcache = len(pages)
	print "Refreshing SCP cache"
	__builtin__.totalpagescurcache = len(pages)
	newpagecache = [] #the newpagecache is so that while it is updating you can still use the old one
	localauthorlist = {}
	localtitlelist = {}
	localtaglist = {}
	localratinglist = {}
	for page in pages:
		x = api.server.pages.get_meta({"site": api.Site, "pages": [page]})
		cache = {}
		cache[page] = x[page]
			localauthorlist[page] = cache[page]["created_by"]
			if localauthorlist[page] == None:
				localauthorlist[page] = ""
			localtitlelist[page] = cache[page]["title"]
			localtaglist[page] = cache[page]["tags"]
			if localtaglist[page] == None:
				localtaglist[page] = ""
			localratinglist[page] = cache[page]["rating"]
			if overwritecache[page.lower()]:
				localauthorlist[page] = localauthorlist[page]+":rewrite:"+overwritecache[page.lower()]
				if ":override:" in localauthorlist[page]:
					bothauths = localauthorlist[page].split(":rewrite:")
					newauth = bothauths[1]
					localauthorlist[page] = newauth[10:]
		except KeyError:
		time.sleep(0.3) #this keeps the api calls within an acceptable threshold
		__builtin__.callsmade +=1 
	__builtin__.authorlist = localauthorlist
	__builtin__.titlelist = localtitlelist
	__builtin__.taglist = localtaglist
	__builtin__.ratinglist = localratinglist
	print "Cache refreshed!"
	__builtin__.scppagecache= newpagecache #__builtin__ means that pagecache is global and can be used by plugins

	with open("cache.cache","wb") as f:

	ts = time.time()
	lastcacherefresh = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
Пример #36
def author(inp):
	".author <Author Name> -- Will return details regarding the author"
	api = wikidotapi.connection()
	api.Site = "scp-wiki"
	pages = api.refresh_pages()
	authpages = []
	totalrating = 0
	taletotal = 0
	scptotal = 0
	pagerating = 0
	author = "None"
	multimatch = []
	authorpage = ""
		for page in pages:
			if "scp" in taglist[page] or "tale" in taglist[page]: #makes sure only articles are counted
				if author == authorlist[page]:
					pagetitle = titlelist[page]
					pagerating = api.get_page_item(page,"rating")
					totalrating = totalrating + pagerating
					if "scp" in taglist[page]:
						scptotal +=1
					if  "tale" in taglist[page]:
					if inp.lower() in authorlist[page].lower(): #this just matches the author with the first author match
						if author == "None":
							author = authorlist[page]
							pagetitle = titlelist[page]
							pagerating = api.get_page_item(page,"rating")
							totalrating = totalrating + pagerating
							if "scp" in taglist[page]:
								scptotal +=1
							if  "tale" in taglist[page]:
				except AttributeError:
				if "author" in taglist[page]:
					if author == authorlist[page]:
						authorpage = "http://scp-wiki.net/"+page+" - "
						if author == "DrEverettMann": #hardcode because yes
							authorpage = "http://www.scp-wiki.net/dr-manns-personnel-file - "

	except KeyError:
	plusauth = []
	moreauthors = 1
	for authors in multimatch: #checks to see if multiple authors found 
		z =0 
		for foundauthor in plusauth:
			if foundauthor ==authors:
				z =1
		if authors != author:
			if z == 0:
				moreauthors +=1

	if moreauthors>1:
		x = 0
		final = "Did you mean "
		for auth in plusauth:
			if x ==1:
			if x ==2 and moreauthors ==2:
				final+=" or "+auth+"?"
			if x==2 and moreauthors >2:
				final+=", "+auth+""
			if x==3 and moreauthors ==3:
				final += ", or  "+auth+"?"
			if x==3 and moreauthors >3:
				final += ", or  "+auth+"? With " + str(moreauthors) + " more authors matching your query."
		return final
	avgrating = 0
	if taletotal+scptotal is not 0: #just so no division by zero
		avgrating = totalrating/(taletotal+scptotal)
	if not authpages: #if no author pages are added 
		return "Author not found."
	return authorpage+""+author +" has written " + str(scptotal) + " SCPs and "+str(taletotal)+" tales. They have " + str(totalrating)+ " net upvotes with an average rating of " + str(avgrating) + ". Their most recent article is " + pagetitle + "(Rating:" + str(pagerating) + ")"#+"- http://scp-wiki.net/" + authpages[-1].lower()
Пример #37
def scpregex(match):
	if ' ' not in match.string:
		if match.string.lower().startswith("scp-") or match.string.lower().startswith("!scp-"):
			page = re.sub("[!,_,?,,,',.]",'',match.string.lower())
			if "--" in page:
				count = page.index("-")
				page = page[:count]+page[count+1:]
				rating = ratinglist[page]
				ratesign = ""
				if rating >= 0:
					ratesign = "+" #adds + or minus sign in front of rating
				ratestring = "Rating:"+ratesign+str(rating)+"" 
				author = authorlist[page]
				if author == "":
					author = "unknown"
				authorstring = "Written by "+author
				if ":rewrite:" in author:
					bothauths = authorlist[page].split(":rewrite:")
					orgauth = bothauths[0]
					newauth = bothauths[1]
					authorstring = "Originally written by "+orgauth +", rewritten by "+newauth
				title = titlelist[page]
				scptitle = scptitles[page]
				sepstring = ", "
				link = "http://scp-wiki.net/"+page.lower() 
				return ""+title+" ("+scptitle+sepstring+authorstring+sepstring+ratestring+") - "+link 
			except KeyError:
				api = wikidotapi.connection() 
				api.Site = "scp-wiki"
				rating = api.get_page_item(page,"rating")
				ratesign = ""
				if rating >= 0:
					ratesign = "+" #adds + or minus sign in front of rating
				ratestring = "Rating:"+ratesign+str(rating)+"" 
				author = api.get_page_item(page,"created_by")
				if author == "":
					author = "unknown"
				authorstring = "Written by "+author
				title = api.get_page_item(page,"title")
				sepstring = ", "
				link = "http://scp-wiki.net/"+page.lower() 
				return ""+title+" ("+ratestring+sepstring+authorstring+") - "+link 
			#return "Page does not exist, but you can create it here: " + "http://scp-wiki.net/"+page
		matches = match.string.lower().split()
		scp_match = ""
		for part in matches:
			if part.startswith("!scp-"):
				page = re.sub("[!,_,?,,,',.]",'',part.lower())
					rating = ratinglist[page]
					ratesign = ""
					if rating >= 0:
						ratesign = "+" #adds + or minus sign in front of rating
					ratestring = "Rating:"+ratesign+str(rating)+"" 
					author = authorlist[page]
					if author == "":
						author = "unknown"
					authorstring = "Written by "+author
					if ":rewrite:" in author:
						bothauths = authorlist[page].split(":rewrite:")
						orgauth = bothauths[0]
						newauth = bothauths[1]
						authorstring = "Originally written by "+orgauth +", rewritten by "+newauth
					title = titlelist[page]
					scptitle = scptitles[page]
					sepstring = ", "
					link = "http://scp-wiki.net/"+page.lower() 
					return ""+title+" ("+scptitle+sepstring+authorstring+sepstring+ratestring+") - "+link 
				except KeyError:
					api = wikidotapi.connection() 
					api.Site = "scp-wiki"
					rating = api.get_page_item(page,"rating")
					ratesign = ""
					if rating >= 0:
						ratesign = "+" #adds + or minus sign in front of rating
					ratestring = "Rating:"+ratesign+str(rating)+"" 
					author = api.get_page_item(page,"created_by")
					if author == "":
						author = "unknown"
					authorstring = "Written by "+author
					title = api.get_page_item(page,"title")
					sepstring = ", "
					link = "http://scp-wiki.net/"+page.lower() 
					return ""+title+" ("+ratestring+sepstring+authorstring+") - "+link 
def cache_refresh(
):  #calls itself automatically once called for the first time
    twitter_api = twitter.Api(consumer_key='',
    threading.Timer(3600, cache_refresh).start()
    api = wikidotapi.connection()
    #overwrite update
    overwritecache = {}
    api.Site = "05command"
    pages = api.refresh_pages(
    )  #refresh page list provided by the API, is only a list of strings
    source = api.server.pages.get_one({
        "site": api.Site,
        "page": "alexandra-rewrite"
    content = source["content"]
    fs = content.split("-----")
    rewritelist = fs[1]
    invrewrite = rewritelist.split("\n")
    for rewrite in invrewrite:
        parts = rewrite.split("||")
        val = 0
        writelist = []
        first = ""
        author = ""
        for part in parts:
            val += 1
            if val == 2:
                first = part
            if val == 3:
                author = part
        if first != "Page":
            overwritecache[first.lower()] = author
    print "Rewrite update complete."
    source = api.server.pages.get_one({
        "site": api.Site,
        "page": "alexandra-glossary"
    content = source["content"]
    fs = content.split("-----")
    glossarylist = fs[1]
    invglossary = glossarylist.split("\n")
    localglossary = {}
    for terms in invglossary:
        parts = terms.split("||")
        val = 0
        writelist = []
        first = ""
        definition = ""
        for part in parts:
            val += 1
            if val == 2:
                first = part
            if val == 3:
                definition = part
        if first != "Word":
            localglossary[first] = definition
    __builtin__.termlist = localglossary
    print "Glossary update complete."
    #file reading
    localauthorlist = {}
    localtitlelist = {}
    localtaglist = {}
    localratinglist = {}
    scpcache = {}
    api.Site = "scp-wiki"
    pages = api.refresh_pages()
    __builtin__.scppages = api.refresh_pages()
        with open("cache.cache", "rb") as f:
            scpcache = pickle.load(f)
    except EOFError:
    if len(scpcache) != 0:
        print "Reading cache"
        __builtin__.scppagecache = scpcache
        for page in pages:
            for item in scpcache:
                    localauthorlist[page] = item[page]["created_by"]
                    if localauthorlist[page] == None:
                        localauthorlist[page] = ""
                    localtitlelist[page] = item[page]["title"]
                    localtaglist[page] = item[page]["tags"]
                    if localtaglist[page] == None:
                        localtaglist[page] = ""
                    localratinglist[page] = item[page]["rating"]
                    if overwritecache[page.lower()]:
                        localauthorlist[page] = localauthorlist[
                            page] + ":rewrite:" + overwritecache[page.lower()]
                        if ":override:" in localauthorlist[page]:
                            bothauths = localauthorlist[page].split(
                            newauth = bothauths[1]
                            localauthorlist[page] = newauth[10:]
                except KeyError:
    __builtin__.authorlist = localauthorlist
    __builtin__.titlelist = localtitlelist
    __builtin__.taglist = localtaglist
    __builtin__.ratinglist = localratinglist
    #scp titles
    print "Updating SCP titles"
    localscptitles = {}
    api.site = "scp-wiki"
    pages = api.refresh_pages()
    page_one_blank = api.server.pages.get_one({
        "site": api.Site,
        "page": "scp-series"
    page_one = page_one_blank["content"]
    page_two_blank = api.server.pages.get_one({
        "site": api.Site,
        "page": "scp-series-2"
    page_two = page_two_blank["content"]
    page_three_blank = api.server.pages.get_one({
        "site": api.Site,
        "page": "scp-series-3"
    page_three = page_three_blank["content"]
    page_j_blank = api.server.pages.get_one({
        "site": api.Site,
        "page": "joke-scps"
    page_j = page_j_blank["content"]
    page_arc_b = api.server.pages.get_one({
        "site": api.Site,
        "page": "archived-scps"
    page_arc = page_arc_b["content"]
    page_decon_b = api.server.pages.get_one({
        "site": api.Site,
        "page": "decommissioned-scps"
    page_decon = page_decon_b["content"]
    page_ex_b = api.server.pages.get_one({"site": api.Site, "page": "scp-ex"})
    page_ex = page_ex_b["content"]

    page_one_split = page_one.split("\n")
    for part in page_one_split:
        if part.startswith("* [[[SCP-"):
            num = part[9:12]
            title = part[18:].encode("ascii", "ignore")
            page = "scp-" + num
            if "]" not in num:
                localscptitles[page.lower()] = title
    page_two_split = page_two.split("\n")
    for part in page_two_split:
        if part.startswith("* [[[SCP-"):
            num = part[9:13]
            title = part[19:].encode("ascii", "ignore")
            page = "scp-" + num
            if "]" not in num:
                localscptitles[page.lower()] = title
    page_three_split = page_three.split("\n")
    for part in page_three_split:
        if part.startswith("* [[[SCP-"):
            num = part[9:13]
            title = part[19:].encode("ascii", "ignore")
            page = "scp-" + num
            if "]" not in num:
                localscptitles[page.lower()] = title
    page_j_split = page_j.split("\n")
    for part in page_j_split:
        if part.startswith("* [[[SCP-"):
            segments = part.split(" - ")
            first = segments[0]
            end = first.index("]")
            num = part[9:end]
            if "|" in first:
                secend = num.index("|")
                num = num[:secend]
            title = segments[1].encode("ascii", "ignore")
            page = "scp-" + num
            localscptitles[page.lower()] = title
    page_arc_split = page_arc.split("\n")
    for part in page_arc_split:
        if part.startswith("* [[[SCP-"):
            segments = part.split(" - ")
            first = segments[0]
            end = first.index("]")
            num = part[9:end]
            title = segments[1].encode("ascii", "ignore")
            page = "scp-" + num
            localscptitles[page.lower()] = title
    page_decon_split = page_decon.split("\n")
    for part in page_decon_split:
        if part.startswith("* [[[SCP-"):
            segments = part.split(" - ")
            first = segments[0]
            end = first.index("]")
            num = part[9:end]
            title = segments[1].encode("ascii", "ignore")
            page = "decomm:scp-" + num
            localscptitles[page.lower()] = title
    page_ex_split = page_ex.split("\n")
    for part in page_ex_split:
        if part.startswith("* [[[SCP-"):
            segments = part.split(" - ")
            first = segments[0]
            end = first.index("]")
            num = part[9:end]
            title = segments[1].encode("ascii", "ignore")
            page = "scp-" + num
            localscptitles[page.lower()] = title
    __builtin__.scptitles = localscptitles
    __builtin__.callsmade = 0
    api.Site = "wanderers-library"
    __builtin__.wlpages = api.refresh_pages()
    pages = api.refresh_pages()
    __builtin__.totalpagescurcache = len(pages)
    print "Refreshing WL cache"
    newpagecache = [
    ]  #the newpagecache is so that while it is updating you can still use the old one
    for page in pages:
                "site": api.Site,
                "pages": [page]
            0.4)  #this keeps the api calls within an acceptable threshold
        __builtin__.callsmade += 1
    print "Cache refreshed!"
    __builtin__.pagecache = newpagecache  #__builtin__ means that pagecache is global and can be used by plugins
    ts = time.time()
    __builtin__.lastcacherefresh = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
        ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

    __builtin__.callsmade = 0
    api.Site = "scp-wiki"
    pages = api.refresh_pages()
    __builtin__.totalpagescurcache = len(pages)
    print "Refreshing SCP cache"
    __builtin__.totalpagescurcache = len(pages)
    newpagecache = [
    ]  #the newpagecache is so that while it is updating you can still use the old one
    localauthorlist = {}
    localtitlelist = {}
    localtaglist = {}
    localratinglist = {}
    __builtin__.oldratinglist = ratinglist
    for page in pages:
        x = api.server.pages.get_meta({"site": api.Site, "pages": [page]})
        cache = {}
        cache[page] = x[page]
            localauthorlist[page] = cache[page]["created_by"]
            if localauthorlist[page] == None:
                localauthorlist[page] = ""
            localtitlelist[page] = cache[page]["title"]
            localtaglist[page] = cache[page]["tags"]
            if localtaglist[page] == None:
                localtaglist[page] = ""
            localratinglist[page] = cache[page]["rating"]
            if overwritecache[page.lower()]:
                localauthorlist[page] = localauthorlist[
                    page] + ":rewrite:" + overwritecache[page.lower()]
                if ":override:" in localauthorlist[page]:
                    bothauths = localauthorlist[page].split(":rewrite:")
                    newauth = bothauths[1]
                    localauthorlist[page] = newauth[10:]
        except KeyError:
            0.3)  #this keeps the api calls within an acceptable threshold
        __builtin__.callsmade += 1
    __builtin__.authorlist = localauthorlist
    __builtin__.titlelist = localtitlelist
    __builtin__.taglist = localtaglist
    __builtin__.ratinglist = localratinglist

    print "Cache refreshed!"
    statuses = twitter_api.GetUserTimeline("scpwiki")
    final = ""
    for page in pages:
        done = 0
        for s in statuses:
            if titlelist[page].lower() in s.text.lower():
                done = 1
        if done == 0:
                if oldratinglist[page] < 20:
                    if ratinglist[page] >= 20:
                            if scptitles[page]:
                                final = scptitles[page] + "- " + titlelist[
                                    page] + " by " + authorlist[
                                        page] + ". http://scp-wiki.net/" + page
                                status = twitter_api.PostUpdate(final)
                        except KeyError:
                            final = "[ACCESS GRANTED] " + titlelist[
                                page] + " by " + authorlist[
                                    page] + ". http://scp-wiki.net/" + page
                            status = twitter_api.PostUpdate(final)
            except KeyError:
                if ratinglist[page] >= 20:
                        if scptitles[page]:
                            final = scptitles[page] + "- " + titlelist[
                                page] + " by " + authorlist[
                                    page] + ". http://scp-wiki.net/" + page
                            status = twitter_api.PostUpdate(final)
                    except KeyError:
                        final = "[ACCESS GRANTED] " + titlelist[
                            page] + " by " + authorlist[
                                page] + ". http://scp-wiki.net/" + page
                        status = twitter_api.PostUpdate(final)
    print "Tweets sent"
    __builtin__.scppagecache = newpagecache  #__builtin__ means that pagecache is global and can be used by plugins

    with open("cache.cache", "wb") as f:
        pickle.dump(newpagecache, f)

    ts = time.time()
    lastcacherefresh = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime(
        '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
Пример #39
def author(inp):
    ".author <Author Name> -- Will return details regarding the author"
    if firstrefresh == 0:  #make sure the cache actually exists
        return "Cache has not yet updated, please wait a minute and search again."
    api = wikidotapi.connection()
    api.Site = "wanderers-library"
    pages = api.refresh_pages()
    authpages = []
    totalrating = 0
    pagetotal = 0
    pagerating = 0
    author = "None"
    multimatch = []
    authorpage = ""
    for page in pages:
        for item in pagecache:  #these two for loops iterate through every item within each page dictionary, the proper syntax for accessing a specific item is item[page][itemname],
                if "entry" in item[page][
                        "tags"]:  #makes sure only articles are counted
                    if author == item[page]["created_by"]:
                        pagetitle = item[page]["title"]
                        pagerating = item[page]["rating"]
                        totalrating = totalrating + pagerating
                        print page
                        pagetotal = pagetotal + 1
                    if inp.lower() in item[page]["created_by"].lower(
                    ) and author == "None":  #this just matches the author with the first author match
                        author = item[page]["created_by"]
                        pagetitle = item[page]["title"]
                        pagerating = item[page]["rating"]
                        totalrating = totalrating + pagerating
                        print page
                        pagetotal = pagetotal + 1  #all lines above provide page data, math is pretty easy and self-explanatory
                    if "author" in item[page]["tags"]:
                        if author == item[page]["created_by"]:
                            authorpage = "http://wanderers-library.wikidot.com/" + item[
                                page]["fullname"] + " - "
            except KeyError:  #must do error handling for code to be valid, iterates through incorrect keys multiple times, do not print things in the except clause, slows down program immensely
    for page in pages:  #this loop checks to see if multiple authors match input
        for item in pagecache:
                if "entry" in item[page]["tags"]:
                    if inp.lower() in item[page]["created_by"].lower():
            except KeyError:
    for authors in multimatch:  #checks to see if multiple authors found
        if authors != author:
            return "There are " + str(
            ) + " authors matching you query. Please be more specifc. "
    avgrating = 0
    if pagetotal is not 0:  #just so no division by zero
        avgrating = totalrating / pagetotal
    if not authpages:  #if no author pages are added
        return "Author not found."
    return "nonick::" + authorpage + "" + author + " has written " + str(
    ) + " pages. They have " + str(
    ) + " net upvotes with an average rating of " + str(
    ) + ". Their most recent article is " + pagetitle + "(Rating:" + str(
    ) + ")"  #+"- http://wanderers-library.wikidot.com/" + authpages[-1].lower()
Пример #40
				rating = ratinglist[page]
				ratesign = ""
				if rating >= 0:
					ratesign = "+" #adds + or minus sign in front of rating
				ratestring = "Rating:"+ratesign+str(rating)+"" 
				author = authorlist[page]
				authorstring = makeauthorstring(author)
				title = titlelist[page]
				scptitle = scptitles[page]
				sepstring = ", "
				link = "http://scp-wiki.net/"+page.lower() 
				return ""+title+" ("+scptitle+sepstring+authorstring+sepstring+ratestring+") - "+link 
<<<<<<< HEAD
			except KeyError as e:
				api = wikidotapi.connection() 
				api.Site = "scp-wiki"
				if api.page_exists(page):
					rating = api.get_page_item(page,"rating")
					ratesign = ""
					if rating >= 0:
						ratesign = "+" #adds + or minus sign in front of rating
					ratestring = "Rating:"+ratesign+str(rating)+"" 
					author = api.get_page_item(page,"created_by")
					if author == "":
						author = "unknown"
					authorstring = "Written by "+author
					title = api.get_page_item(page,"title")
					sepstring = ", "
					link = "http://scp-wiki.net/"+page.lower() 
					return ""+title+" ("+ratestring+sepstring+authorstring+") - "+link 
Пример #41
from whiffle import wikidotapi

api = wikidotapi.connection()
pages = api.Pages
total = 0
for page in pages:
	total += 1
print total

def author(inp):
	".author <Author Name> -- Will return details regarding the author"
	authpages = []
	item for item in pagecache:
		if item["created_by"] == inp:
	total = 0
	pagetotal = 0
	for page in authpages:
		total += page["rating"]
		pagetotal += 1
	return inp +" has created " + pagetotal + " pages. With an average rating of "+ total/pagetotal+ ". Their most recently created page is " + authpages[-1]["title"]
pagecache = []

def refresh_cache():
	api = wikidotapi.connection()
	pages =  api.refresh_pages()
	for page in pages: