Пример #1
    def terms_within(self, fieldname, text, maxdist, prefix=0):
        """Returns a generator of words in the given field within ``maxdist``
        Damerau-Levenshtein edit distance of the given text.
        Important: the terms are returned in **no particular order**. The only
        criterion is that they are within ``maxdist`` edits of ``text``. You
        may want to run this method multiple times with increasing ``maxdist``
        values to ensure you get the closest matches first. You may also have
        additional information (such as term frequency or an acoustic matching
        algorithm) you can use to rank terms with the same edit distance.
        :param maxdist: the maximum edit distance.
        :param prefix: require suggestions to share a prefix of this length
            with the given word. This is often justifiable since most
            misspellings do not involve the first letter of the word.
            Using a prefix dramatically decreases the time it takes to generate
            the list of words.
        :param seen: an optional set object. Words that appear in the set will
            not be yielded.

        for word in self.expand_prefix(fieldname, text[:prefix]):
            k = distance(word, text, limit=maxdist)
            if k <= maxdist:
                yield word
Пример #2
    def terms_within(self, fieldname, text, maxdist, prefix=0):
        Returns a generator of words in the given field within ``maxdist``
        Damerau-Levenshtein edit distance of the given text.

        Important: the terms are returned in **no particular order**. The only
        criterion is that they are within ``maxdist`` edits of ``text``. You
        may want to run this method multiple times with increasing ``maxdist``
        values to ensure you get the closest matches first. You may also have
        additional information (such as term frequency or an acoustic matching
        algorithm) you can use to rank terms with the same edit distance.

        :param maxdist: the maximum edit distance.
        :param prefix: require suggestions to share a prefix of this length
            with the given word. This is often justifiable since most
            misspellings do not involve the first letter of the word.
            Using a prefix dramatically decreases the time it takes to generate
            the list of words.
        :param seen: an optional set object. Words that appear in the set will
            not be yielded.

        fieldobj = self.schema[fieldname]
        for btext in self.expand_prefix(fieldname, text[:prefix]):
            word = fieldobj.from_bytes(btext)
            k = distance(word, text, limit=maxdist)
            if k <= maxdist:
                yield word
Пример #3
    def terms_within(self, fieldname, text, maxdist, prefix=0, seen=None):
        """Returns a generator of words in the given field within ``maxdist``
        Damerau-Levenshtein edit distance of the given text.
        :param maxdist: the maximum edit distance.
        :param prefix: require suggestions to share a prefix of this length
            with the given word. This is often justifiable since most
            misspellings do not involve the first letter of the word.
            Using a prefix dramatically decreases the time it takes to generate
            the list of words.
        :param seen: an optional set object. Words that appear in the set will
            not be yielded.

        if self.has_word_graph(fieldname):
            node = self.word_graph(fieldname)
            for word in within(node, text, maxdist, prefix=prefix, seen=seen):
                yield word
            if seen is None:
                seen = set()
            for word in self.expand_prefix(fieldname, text[:prefix]):
                if word in seen:
                if (word == text
                    or distance(word, text, limit=maxdist) <= maxdist):
                    yield word
Пример #4
    def terms_within(self, fieldname, text, maxdist, prefix=0, seen=None):
        """Returns a generator of words in the given field within ``maxdist``
        Damerau-Levenshtein edit distance of the given text.
        :param maxdist: the maximum edit distance.
        :param prefix: require suggestions to share a prefix of this length
            with the given word. This is often justifiable since most
            misspellings do not involve the first letter of the word.
            Using a prefix dramatically decreases the time it takes to generate
            the list of words.
        :param seen: an optional set object. Words that appear in the set will
            not be yielded.

        if self.has_word_graph(fieldname):
            node = self.word_graph(fieldname)
            for word in within(node, text, maxdist, prefix=prefix, seen=seen):
                yield word
            if seen is None:
                seen = set()
            for word in self.expand_prefix(fieldname, text[:prefix]):
                if word in seen:
                k = distance(word, text, limit=maxdist)
                if k <= maxdist:
                    yield word
Пример #5
 def keyfn(a):
     return distance(text, a[0])
Пример #6
 def keyfn(a):
     return 0 - (1/distance(text, a[0])) * a[1]
Пример #7
 def keyfn(a):
     return distance(text, a[0])
Пример #8
 def keyfn(a):
     return 0 - (1 / distance(text, a[0])) * a[1]