Пример #1
    def data_last_updated(self, update=False, view=None, pval=None):
        Return the date the data for this widget was last updated.

        update: If true, the objects last-updated cache is flushed and recalculated.
        view, pval: One of these must be supplied for a parametised widget (unless a non-None wd has been passed in)
        pval = resolve_pval(self.parametisation, view=view, pval=pval)
        if pval:
            if self._lud_cache and self._lud_cache.get(pval.id) and not update:
                return self._lud_cache[pval.id]
            if not self._lud_cache:
                self._lud_cache = {}
            latest = None
            Statistic = apps.get_app_config("widget_def").get_model("Statistic")
            for s in Statistic.objects.filter(tile__widget=self):
                slu = s.data_last_updated(update, view, pval)
                if latest is None:
                    latest = slu
                elif slu and slu > latest:
                    latest = slu
            self._lud_cache[pval.id] = latest
            return self._lud_cache[pval.id]
            if self._lud_cache and not update:
                return self._lud_cache
            lud_statdata = StatisticData.objects.filter(statistic__tile__widget=self).aggregate(lud=models.Max('last_updated'))['lud']
            lud_listdata = StatisticListItem.objects.filter(statistic__tile__widget=self).aggregate(lud=models.Max('last_updated'))['lud']
            lud_graphdata = GraphData.objects.filter(graph__tile__widget=self).aggregate(lud=models.Max("last_updated"))["lud"]
            luds_mapdata = [None]
            for t in self.tiledefinition_set.all():
                for ds in t.geo_datasets.all():
            self._lud_cache = max_with_nulls(lud_statdata, lud_listdata, lud_graphdata, *luds_mapdata)
            return self._lud_cache
Пример #2
    def data_last_updated(self, update=False, view=None, pval=None):
        Return the date the data for this widget was last updated.

        update: If true, the objects last-updated cache is flushed and recalculated.
        view, pval: One of these must be supplied for a parametised widget (unless a non-None wd has been passed in)
        pval = resolve_pval(self.parametisation, view=view, pval=pval)
        if pval:
            if self._lud_cache and self._lud_cache.get(pval.id) and not update:
                return self._lud_cache[pval.id]
            if not self._lud_cache:
                self._lud_cache = {}
            latest = None
            Statistic = apps.get_app_config("widget_def").get_model(
            for s in Statistic.objects.filter(tile__widget=self):
                slu = s.data_last_updated(update, view, pval)
                if latest is None:
                    latest = slu
                elif slu and slu > latest:
                    latest = slu
            self._lud_cache[pval.id] = latest
            return self._lud_cache[pval.id]
            if self._lud_cache and not update:
                return self._lud_cache
            lud_statdata = StatisticData.objects.filter(
            lud_listdata = StatisticListItem.objects.filter(
            lud_graphdata = GraphData.objects.filter(
            luds_mapdata = [None]
            for t in self.tiles.all():
                for ds in t.geo_datasets.all():
            self._lud_cache = max_with_nulls(lud_statdata, lud_listdata,
                                             lud_graphdata, *luds_mapdata)
            return self._lud_cache
Пример #3
 def data_last_updated(self, update=False):
     if update or not self._lud_cache:
         lud_feature = GeoFeature.objects.filter(dataset=self).aggregate(lud=models.Max('last_updated'))['lud']
         lud_property = GeoProperty.objects.filter(feature__dataset=self).aggregate(lud=models.Max('last_updated'))['lud']
         self._lud_cache = max_with_nulls(lud_feature, lud_property)
     return self._lud_cache
Пример #4
 def data_last_updated(self, update=False):
     if update or not self._lud_cache:
         lud_feature = GeoFeature.objects.filter(dataset=self).aggregate(lud=models.Max('last_updated'))['lud']
         lud_property = GeoProperty.objects.filter(feature__dataset=self).aggregate(lud=models.Max('last_updated'))['lud']
         self._lud_cache = max_with_nulls(lud_feature, lud_property)
     return self._lud_cache