Пример #1
def isstatic(line):
  if line is None:  return FALSE
  if len(line) < 10: return FALSE    # min is "static int"
  words = wstring.split(line, " \t\r\n*;[](){}?:,", "*")
  i = 0
  if string.lower(words[0]) == "extern": i = i + 1
  return string.lower(words[i]) == "static"
Пример #2
def openstruct(line):
 if line is None: return FALSE
 line = removecomment(line)
 if len(line) == 0: return FALSE
 temp = string.lower(line)

 words = wstring.split(temp, " \t\r\n")
 if len(words) < 2: return FALSE     # 2 tokens or 1 token and 1 ident
 first  = string.lower(words[0])
 second = string.lower(words[1])
 if first in ["typedef"]: return FALSE
 if first in ["struct", "enum"]:  return TRUE
 if first in ["extern"]:
   if second not in [ "struct"] : return FALSE
   # following code keep instances of struct inside classes
   # but I have decided to put them oustide classes along with decl.
   if ';' in temp:
     if not '{' in temp: return FALSE
     if not '}' in temp: return FALSE
     k = string.rfind(temp, '}')
     if i < k: return FALSE
   return TRUE
 return FALSE
Пример #3
def gettypeident(decl):
  l = wstring.split(decl, " *;", "*")
  t = []
  n = ""
  for w in l:
    if w in types: t.append(w)
    else:          n = w
  #print "gettypeident", decl, l,"type", t, "name=", n
  return t, n
Пример #4
def lastword(line):
  words = wstring.split(line, symstr)
  #print "lastword in", words
  l = len(words)
  if l < 1: return None
  last = words[l -1]
  #print "is ident?", last
  if not isident(last): return None
  return last
Пример #5
def typename(line):
 i = string.rfind(line, '}')
 if i == -1: i = 0;
 words = wstring.split(line[i:], " };*", "*")
 l = len(words)
 if l == 0: return None
 last = words[l - 1]
 if last in types: return None
 return last
Пример #6
def islocalvar(line):
 #print "isvardef", line

 if line is None: return FALSE
 line = removecomment(line)

 if len(line) < 6: return FALSE    # Minimum is int a;
 if line[0] == "#": return FALSE   # Define statement

 # I keep separators for further tests and * that is a keyword
 words = wstring.split(line, vardelimiters, '*,;[]()=')
 if len(words) < 3: return FALSE

 # extern declaration not concerned,  * require a type before
 if words[0] in [ "extern", "*" ]: return FALSE

 # modifier concern either a var or a function
 if words[0] in modifiers : return TRUE

 if structinstance(words):  return TRUE
 if linestruct(line): return TRUE

 if words[0] in predefined:
    if words[0] == '*':
   # skipping all type keywords
   if words[0] not in types: return FALSE
   while words[0] in types:
     if len(words) == 0: return FALSE

 # Unknown statement, requires at last:  ident and delimiter
 if len(words) < 2: return FALSE
 if not isident(words[0]): return FALSE

 second = words[1]
 if second == ';': return TRUE          # End of declaration
 if second == ',': return TRUE          # Multiple declarations
 if second == '[': return TRUE          # Array
 if second == '=': return TRUE          # Assignent

 if second == '(': return FALSE         # Function

 if isident(second):
  print words[0], "is a type defined by the programmer"
  return TRUE
 if second in [ '*', 'huge', 'far', 'near']:
   if isident(words[2]):
     return TRUE
 print "What is \"" + second + "\" ->", line + '?'
 return FALSE
Пример #7
def typeonly(line):
 # Removing any embedded or trailing comment
 while commentfound(line): line = nocomment(line)
 if len(line) < 3: return FALSE     # Minimum is: int

 words = wstring.split(line, " \t\r\n*;", "*;")  #  * is a word
 if len(words) < 1: return FALSE
 if words[0] == "extern": return FALSE
 for w in words:
  if w not in types: return FALSE
 return TRUE
Пример #8
def multivar(line):
  line = removecomment(line)
  line = wstring.strip(line)
  #print "in multivar", line
  l = wstring.split(line, ",;")
  #print "result=", len(l)
  if len(l) > 1: return TRUE
  if ',' in line:
    print "Error in multi-declaration, string", line
  return FALSE
Пример #9
  def right(dec):
    i = string.find(dec, "(")
    j = string.find(dec, ")")
    right = dec[i+1:j]
    w = wstring.split(right, " ,\t*", '*')

    # I keep only the types in the list of words
    pw = []
    for n in w:
      if n in reserved: pw.append(n)   # word in list of types
    return pw
Пример #10
def getident(line):
 line = removecomment(line)
 l = wstring.split(line, symstr, '*')   # * is both delimiter and keyword in C
 #print "getident", line, l
 for w in l:
  wi = string.lower(w)
  if wi == "typedef": continue
  if w in types: continue      # Skipping type keywords
  if isident(w): return w      # Identifier returned
  return None                  # Anything else is not of concern
 return None
Пример #11
def getvarnames(line):
 vlist = []
 l = wstring.split(line, " *;,\t\r\n", '*')
 for w in l:
   i = string.find(w, '[')
   if i != -1:
     w = w[:i]
   w = wstring.strip(w)
   if w in types: continue
   if isident(w): vlist.append(w)
 return vlist
Пример #12
def structname(line):
 line = removecomment(line)
 words = wstring.split(line, " {;")
 if len(words) < 2: return None
 first = string.lower(words[0])
 second = string.lower(words[1])
 if first == "extern":
   if len(words) < 3: return None
   first = second
   second = string.lower(words[2])
 if first == "struct": return second
 return None
Пример #13
def splitvardef(str):
 # split into strings separated by "," or ";" and remove trailing ";"
 # when curly braces openned, a flag is set and separators ignored
 # until curly braces closed

 str = removecomment(str)
 #print str

 words = []
 newword = ""
 flag = FALSE
 str = wstring.strip(str)                     # Remove spaces

 for c in str:
   if (c in ",;") & (flag == FALSE):          # char in delimiter list
     if newword != "": words.append(newword)  # then word ended, add it
     newword = ""                             # clear it
   else:                                      # else char in a word
     newword = newword + c                    # add char to word
     if c == '{': flag = TRUE
     if c == '}': flag = FALSE

 # End of string, either a word or a delimiter sequence remains here
 if newword != "": words.append(newword)

 # get types from the first string and remove it from the list
 first = words[0]

 tlist = wstring.split(first, " \t*=", "*=")
 #print tlist
 flag = FALSE
 commontype = ""
 idfound = ""
 # get type keywords
 for v in tlist:
   if v == "=": break     # right part of an assignment is ignored here
   if v in types:
     if flag == FALSE:
       commontype = commontype + v + ' '
     print "Error, keyword \'" + v + "\' follows ident \'" + idfound + "\' in", str
   flag = TRUE
   idfound = v

 newlist = []                            # list of separated vars
 newlist.append(addsemicolon(first))     # first string unchanged
 for n in words:
   if not isdeclaration(n):
     n = commontype + n
   newlist.append(n + ';')  # add type to each other
 return newlist
Пример #14
def vartypelist(line):
 while commentfound(line):
  line = nocomment(line)

 words =  wstring.split(line, " \t*;[", '*')
 t = []
 # Adding all type keyword but "extern"
 # exiting when encountering the variable's name
 for w in words:
  if w in types:
   if w != "extern": t.append(w)
  else: break
 return t
Пример #15
def typedefstruct(line):
 if line is None: return FALSE
 line = removecomment(line)
 if len(line) == 0: return FALSE
 temp = string.lower(line)

 words = wstring.split(temp, " \t\r\n")
 if len(words) < 2: return FALSE     # 2 tokens or 1 token and 1 ident
 first  = string.lower(words[0])
 second = string.lower(words[1])
 if first not in ["typedef"]: return FALSE
 if second not in ["struct", "enum"]:  return FALSE
 return TRUE
Пример #16
def getargs(line):
  i = string.find(line, '(')
  j = string.find(line, ')')
  if i == -1: return None, 0,0
  if j <= i: return None, 0 ,0
  line = line[i + 1: j]            # Keeping arguments
  if line == None: return None, 0, 0
  alist = wstring.split(line, ',')
  #print "getargs", arglist
  arglist = []
  for w in alist:
  return arglist, i, j
Пример #17
def istypstruct(line):
  words = wstring.split(line, vardelimiters, "*")
  for w in words:
    if w in typstruct:
      #print "istypstruct - ", w, "in typedef struct"
      return TRUE
    if w in types:
      #print w, "in type"
    if isident(w):
      #print w, "in ident"
      return FALSE
  return FALSE
Пример #18
def isfunction(line):
  global shortened

  if line is None:  return FALSE

  # Is the line blank or too short?
  # The shortest seems to be a(), 3 characters long
  if len(line) < 3: return FALSE

  # Removing any embedded or trailing comment
  line = removecomment(line)

  if len(line) < 3: return FALSE   # test again
  if line[0] == "#": return FALSE

  # Removing any block of statements
  i = string.find(line, "{")
  if i >= 0: line = line[:i]

  # test again
  if len(line) < 3: return FALSE

  # Is the last character a ; or a : ?

  if line[-1] == ";": return FALSE
  if line[-1] == ':': return FALSE

  # This code must be found
  if string.find(line, '(') == -1: return FALSE

  # Is the line splitted? Not handled here
  if line[-1] == "\\": return FALSE

  # Is the line starting a construct?

  w = wstring.split(line, " (")
  first = w[0]
  if first in constructs: return FALSE

  # Anything else starts a function definition

  # Is the return type missing? Add the default "int" type

  newreturn = "int "
  if first in reserved:  newreturn = ""     # Add nothing

  shortened = newreturn + line
  #print "function >", line
  return TRUE
Пример #19
def isdefinition(line):
 if line == None: return FALSE
 line = wstring.strip(line)
 le = len(line)
 if le < 3: return FALSE          # minimum length:   f()
 # I get the left part
 j = 0
 for c in line:
  if c in [ '(', '[', ';', '=', ',' ]: break
  j = j + 1

 # function name without type not a call (terminated by semicolon)
 soleident = ((c == '(') & (line[-1:] != ';'))
 #print "solident", line, soleident, line[-1:]
 le = min(le, j)

 # Analysing the left part of the line
 line = line[:le]
 if line == "": return FALSE
 words = wstring.split(line, " *", '*')

 if len(words) == 0: return FALSE
 if len(words) == 1:
  if isident(words[0]):
    return soleident       # True is a identifier followed by (

 #print "words >>>", words

 # Handling case of the *ident= assignment inside block
 if words[0] == '*': return FALSE

 tflag = FALSE
 iflag = FALSE
 for w in words:
  if w == "extern": return FALSE   # External declarations are ignored
  if w in declarator:
   #print "type", w
   if iflag: return FALSE  # Type following ident?
   tflag = TRUE
   continue               # Continue to next word...
  if isident(w):
   #print "ident", w
   iflag = TRUE            # Must be the last word
  return FALSE            # Neither type nor identifier
 #print "ok", line
 return tflag              # Found a type followed or not by an identifier then (=;,[
Пример #20
def isvardecl(line):
 if line is None: return FALSE
 if len(line) < 4: return FALSE    # Minimum is "t a;" if t is a typedef
 line = wstring.strip(line)
 if line[0] == '#': return FALSE

 if isprototype(line): return FALSE

 # some delimiters are kept in the list of words
 words = wstring.split(line, vardelimiters , ";,()*[]")
 #print "(isvardecl word in type?)", words[0]

 if len(words) < 3: return FALSE

 if words[0] in modifiers: return TRUE
 if words[0] in types: return TRUE
 if words[0] in predefined: return TRUE
 return FALSE
Пример #21
def isarray(line):
 words = wstring.split(line, " \r\t\n*()[];{}=", "*[]();{}=")
 if len(words) == 0: return FALSE
 if words[0] not in types: return FALSE

 while len(words) > 0:
  if words[0] in types:

 if len(words) == 0: return FALSE
 if not isident(words[0]): return FALSE

 if len(words) == 0: return FALSE
 if words[0] != '[': return FALSE
 return TRUE
Пример #22
def isdeclaration(line):
  if line is None:  return FALSE
  if len(line) < 6: return FALSE    # min is "int a;"

  words = wstring.split(line, " \t\r\n*;[](){}?:,", "*")

  if words[0] == "extern":
  first = words[0]
  if first == "*":       return FALSE   # no valid as first keyword
  if first not in types: return FALSE   # no typed

  # first being a type keyword, then scanning the line
  for w in words:
    if w in types: continue
    if isident(w): return TRUE
    return FALSE
  return TRUE
Пример #23
def recordinstance(line):
 line = removecomment(line)
 if line is None: return FALSE
 if len(line) < 18: return FALSE    # Minimum is "extern struct s a;"
 line = wstring.strip(line)
 if line[0] == '#': return FALSE

 words = wstring.split(line, symstr)
 if len(words) < 2: return FALSE
 first  = string.lower(words[0])
 second = string.lower(words[0])
 if first == "enum": return TRUE
 if first != "extern" : return FALSE
 if second != "struct": return FALSE
 if ';' not in line: return FALSE
 if '{' in line:
   i = string.find(line, ';')
   j = string.find(line, '{')
   if j < i: return FALSE
 return TRUE
Пример #24
def isprototype(line):
  global prototype
  prototype = ""
  if line is None:  return FALSE
  # Removing any embedded or trailing comment
  line = removecomment(line)

  # Is the line blank or too short?
  # The shortest seems to be a(), 3 characters long
  if len(line) < 3: return FALSE

  # Is the line a # statement?
  if line[0] == "#": return FALSE

  # Removing any block of statements

  i = string.find(line, "{")
  if i >= 0: line = line[:i]

  # Is the reduced string too short for a declaration?
  if len(line) < 3: return FALSE

  # Irrelevant
  if '=' in line: return FALSE

  # These codes must be found
  if '(' not in line : return FALSE
  if ')' not in line: return FALSE

  prototype = line

  # Is the line starting a struct?
  w = wstring.split(line, " (")
  if w[0] in ['typedef', 'struct', "union" ]: return FALSE

  # A function declaration or a prototype?
  line = wstring.strip(line)
  if line[-1] == ';': return TRUE

  return FALSE
Пример #25
def isvardef(line):
 #print "928 isvardef", line
 if line is None: return FALSE
 line = removecomment(line)

 if len(line) < 6: return FALSE    # Minimum is int a;
 if line[0] == "#": return FALSE   # Define statement

 if isfunction(line):
   #print "function >>>", line
   return FALSE
 #print "var >>>", line

 # I keep * that is a type keyword
 words = wstring.split(line, vardelimiters, '*;[')
 if len(words) < 3: return FALSE
 #print "words[0]", words[0]
 if words[0] in modifiers:  return TRUE
 if words[0] in predefined: return TRUE
 if words[0] in types:      return TRUE
 if structinstance(words):  return TRUE

 return FALSE
Пример #26
def isextern(line):
  if line is None:  return FALSE
  if len(line) < 6: return FALSE    # min is "int a;"
  words = wstring.split(line, " \t\r\n*;[](){}?:,", "*")
  return string.lower(words[0]) == "extern";
Пример #27
 def typeident(line):
   i = string.find(line, "(")
   words = wstring.split(line[:i], " \t*", "*")
   return words[len(words) - 1]
Пример #28
 def left(line):
   i = string.find(line, "(")
   w = wstring.split(line[:i], " \t*", "*")
   return w