Пример #1
def _get_legacy_courseware_url(
    usage_key: UsageKey,
    request: Optional[HttpRequest] = None,
) -> str:
    Return the URL to Legacy (LMS-rendered) courseware content.

        * ItemNotFoundError if no data at the usage_key.
        * NoPathToItem if location not in any class.
    (course_key, chapter, section, vertical_unused, position,
     final_target_id) = path_to_location(modulestore(), usage_key, request)

    # choose the appropriate view (and provide the necessary args) based on the
    # args provided by the redirect.
    # Rely on index to do all error handling and access control.
    if chapter is None:
        redirect_url = reverse('courseware', args=(str(course_key), ))
    elif section is None:
        redirect_url = reverse('courseware_chapter',
                               args=(str(course_key), chapter))
    elif position is None:
        redirect_url = reverse('courseware_section',
                               args=(str(course_key), chapter, section))
        # Here we use the navigation_index from the position returned from
        # path_to_location - we can only navigate to the topmost vertical at the
        # moment
        redirect_url = reverse('courseware_position',
                               args=(str(course_key), chapter, section,
    redirect_url += "?{}".format(
        urlencode({'activate_block_id': str(final_target_id)}))
    return redirect_url
    def location(self):
        Blend "location" property into the resultset, so that the path to the found component can be shown within the UI
        # TODO: update whern changes to "cohorted-courseware" branch are merged in
        (course_key, chapter, section, position) = path_to_location(self.get_module_store(), self.get_usage_key())

        def get_display_name(item_key):
            """ gets display name from object's key """
            item = self.get_item(item_key)
            display_name = getattr(item, "display_name", None)
            return display_name if display_name else UNNAMED_MODULE_NAME

        def get_position_name(section, position):
            """ helper to fetch name corresponding to the position therein """
            if position:
                section_item = self.get_item(course_key.make_usage_key("sequential", section))
                if section_item.has_children and len(section_item.children) >= position:
                    return get_display_name(section_item.children[position - 1])
            return None

        location_description = []
        if chapter:
            location_description.append(get_display_name(course_key.make_usage_key("chapter", chapter)))
        if section:
            location_description.append(get_display_name(course_key.make_usage_key("sequential", section)))
        if position:
            # We're only wanting to show the first vertical, so we use the
            # navigation_index function to display the same location to which one
            # would be sent if navigating
            location_description.append(get_position_name(section, navigation_index(position)))

        return location_description
Пример #3
    def location(self):
        Blend "location" property into the resultset, so that the path to the found component can be shown within the UI
        # TODO: update whern changes to "cohorted-courseware" branch are merged in
        (course_key, chapter, section, position) = path_to_location(self.get_module_store(), self.get_usage_key())

        def get_display_name(item_key):
            """ gets display name from object's key """
            item = self.get_item(item_key)
            display_name = getattr(item, "display_name", None)
            return display_name if display_name else UNNAMED_MODULE_NAME

        def get_position_name(section, position):
            """ helper to fetch name corresponding to the position therein """
            if position:
                section_item = self.get_item(course_key.make_usage_key("sequential", section))
                if section_item.has_children and len(section_item.children) >= position:
                    return get_display_name(section_item.children[position - 1])
            return None

        location_description = []
        if chapter:
            location_description.append(get_display_name(course_key.make_usage_key("chapter", chapter)))
        if section:
            location_description.append(get_display_name(course_key.make_usage_key("sequential", section)))
        if position:
            # We're only wanting to show the first vertical, so we use the
            # navigation_index function to display the same location to which one
            # would be sent if navigating
            location_description.append(get_position_name(section, navigation_index(position)))

        return location_description
Пример #4
def get_redirect_url(course_key, usage_key, child=None):
    """ Returns the redirect url back to courseware

        course_id(str): Course Id string
        location(str): The location id of course component
        child(str): Optional child parameter to pass to the URL

        ItemNotFoundError if no data at the location or NoPathToItem if location not in any class

        Redirect url string

        course_key, chapter, section, vertical_unused,
        position, final_target_id
    ) = path_to_location(modulestore(), usage_key)

    # choose the appropriate view (and provide the necessary args) based on the
    # args provided by the redirect.
    # Rely on index to do all error handling and access control.
    if chapter is None:
        redirect_url = reverse('courseware', args=(unicode(course_key), ))
    elif section is None:
        redirect_url = reverse('courseware_chapter', args=(unicode(course_key), chapter))
    elif position is None:
        redirect_url = reverse(
            args=(unicode(course_key), chapter, section)
        # Here we use the navigation_index from the position returned from
        # path_to_location - we can only navigate to the topmost vertical at the
        # moment

        redirect_url = reverse(
            args=(unicode(course_key), chapter, section, navigation_index(position))

    redirect_url += "?{}".format(urlencode({'activate_block_id': unicode(final_target_id)}))

    if child:
        redirect_url += "&child={}".format(child)

    return redirect_url
Пример #5
def get_redirect_url(course_key, usage_key, child=None):
    """ Returns the redirect url back to courseware

        course_id(str): Course Id string
        location(str): The location id of course component
        child(str): Optional child parameter to pass to the URL

        ItemNotFoundError if no data at the location or NoPathToItem if location not in any class

        Redirect url string

    (course_key, chapter, section, vertical_unused, position,
     final_target_id) = path_to_location(modulestore(), usage_key)

    # choose the appropriate view (and provide the necessary args) based on the
    # args provided by the redirect.
    # Rely on index to do all error handling and access control.
    if chapter is None:
        redirect_url = reverse('courseware', args=(unicode(course_key), ))
    elif section is None:
        redirect_url = reverse('courseware_chapter',
                               args=(unicode(course_key), chapter))
    elif position is None:
        redirect_url = reverse('courseware_section',
                               args=(unicode(course_key), chapter, section))
        # Here we use the navigation_index from the position returned from
        # path_to_location - we can only navigate to the topmost vertical at the
        # moment

        redirect_url = reverse('courseware_position',
                               args=(unicode(course_key), chapter, section,

    redirect_url += "?{}".format(
        urlencode({'activate_block_id': unicode(final_target_id)}))

    if child:
        redirect_url += "&child={}".format(child)

    return redirect_url
Пример #6
def get_redirect_url(course_key, usage_key, unified_course_view=False):
    """ Returns the redirect url back to courseware

        course_id(str): Course Id string
        location(str): The location id of course component
        unified_course_view (bool): temporary parameter while this feature is behind a waffle flag.
            Is the unified_course_view waffle flag on?

        ItemNotFoundError if no data at the location or NoPathToItem if location not in any class

        Redirect url string
    if usage_key.block_type == 'course' and unified_course_view:
        return reverse('openedx.course_experience.course_home',

    (course_key, chapter, section, vertical_unused, position,
     final_target_id) = path_to_location(modulestore(), usage_key)

    # choose the appropriate view (and provide the necessary args) based on the
    # args provided by the redirect.
    # Rely on index to do all error handling and access control.
    if chapter is None:
        redirect_url = reverse('courseware', args=(unicode(course_key), ))
    elif section is None:
        redirect_url = reverse('courseware_chapter',
                               args=(unicode(course_key), chapter))
    elif position is None:
        redirect_url = reverse('courseware_section',
                               args=(unicode(course_key), chapter, section))
        # Here we use the navigation_index from the position returned from
        # path_to_location - we can only navigate to the topmost vertical at the
        # moment
        redirect_url = reverse('courseware_position',
                               args=(unicode(course_key), chapter, section,
    redirect_url += "?{}".format(
        urlencode({'activate_block_id': unicode(final_target_id)}))
    return redirect_url
Пример #7
def get_legacy_courseware_url(course_key, usage_key, request=None):
    Return a str with the URL for the specified legacy (LMS-rendered) coursweare content.

        course_id(str): Course Id string
        usage_key(str): The location id of course component

        ItemNotFoundError if no data at the location or NoPathToItem if location not in any class

        Redirect url string

    (course_key, chapter, section, vertical_unused, position,
     final_target_id) = path_to_location(modulestore(), usage_key, request)

    # choose the appropriate view (and provide the necessary args) based on the
    # args provided by the redirect.
    # Rely on index to do all error handling and access control.
    if chapter is None:
        redirect_url = reverse('courseware',
                               args=(six.text_type(course_key), ))
    elif section is None:
        redirect_url = reverse('courseware_chapter',
                               args=(six.text_type(course_key), chapter))
    elif position is None:
        redirect_url = reverse('courseware_section',
                               args=(six.text_type(course_key), chapter,
        # Here we use the navigation_index from the position returned from
        # path_to_location - we can only navigate to the topmost vertical at the
        # moment
        redirect_url = reverse('courseware_position',
                               args=(six.text_type(course_key), chapter,
                                     section, navigation_index(position)))
    redirect_url += "?{}".format(
        urlencode({'activate_block_id': six.text_type(final_target_id)}))
    return redirect_url