Пример #1
class XpraServer(gobject.GObject, X11ServerBase):
    __gsignals__ = {
        "xpra-child-map-event": one_arg_signal,
        "xpra-cursor-event": one_arg_signal,

    def __init__(self, clobber):
        X11ServerBase.__init__(self, clobber)

    def init(self, opts):
        self.xsettings_enabled = opts.xsettings
        self.wm_name = opts.wm_name
        X11ServerBase.init(self, opts)

    def x11_init(self):
        assert init_x11_filter() is True

        self._has_grab = 0
        self._has_focus = 0
        # Do this before creating the Wm object, to avoid clobbering its
        # selecting SubstructureRedirect.
        root = gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window()
        root.set_events(root.get_events() | gtk.gdk.SUBSTRUCTURE_MASK)
        root.property_change(gtk.gdk.atom_intern("XPRA_SERVER", False),
                             gtk.gdk.atom_intern("STRING", False), 8,
                             gtk.gdk.PROP_MODE_REPLACE, xpra.__version__)
        add_event_receiver(root, self)

        ### Create the WM object
        self._wm = Wm(self.clobber, self.wm_name)
        self._wm.connect("new-window", self._new_window_signaled)
        self._wm.connect("bell", self._bell_signaled)
        self._wm.connect("quit", lambda _: self.clean_quit(True))
        self._wm.connect("show-desktop", self._show_desktop)

        #save default xsettings:
        self.default_xsettings = XSettingsHelper().get_settings()
        settingslog("default_xsettings=%s", self.default_xsettings)
        self._settings = {}
        self._xsettings_manager = None

        #for handling resize synchronization between client and server (this is not xsync!):
        self.last_client_configure_event = 0
        self.snc_timer = 0

        self.default_cursor_data = None
        self.last_cursor_serial = None
        self.last_cursor_data = None
        self.send_cursor_pending = False

        def get_default_cursor():
            self.default_cursor_data = X11Keyboard.get_cursor_image()
            cursorlog("get_default_cursor=%s", self.default_cursor_data)


    def make_hello(self, source):
        capabilities = X11ServerBase.make_hello(self, source)
        if source.wants_features:
            capabilities["window.raise"] = True
            capabilities["window.resize-counter"] = True
            capabilities["window.configure.skip-geometry"] = True
            capabilities["pointer.grabs"] = True
        return capabilities

    def do_get_info(self, proto, server_sources, window_ids):
        info = X11ServerBase.do_get_info(self, proto, server_sources,
        info["focused"] = self._has_focus
        info["grabbed"] = self._has_grab
        log("do_get_info: adding cursor=%s", self.last_cursor_data)
        #copy to prevent race:
        cd = self.last_cursor_data
        if cd is None:
            info["cursor"] = "None"
            info["cursor.is_default"] = bool(
                self.default_cursor_data and len(self.default_cursor_data) >= 8
                and len(cd) >= 8 and cd[7] == cd[7])
            #all but pixels:
            for i, x in enumerate(("x", "y", "width", "height", "xhot", "yhot",
                                   "serial", None, "name")):
                if x:
                    v = cd[i] or ""
                    info["cursor." + x] = v
        return info

    def get_ui_info(self, proto, wids, *args):
        info = X11ServerBase.get_ui_info(self, proto, wids, *args)
        wm = self._wm
        if wm:
            info["window-manager-name"] = wm.get_net_wm_name()
        #now cursor size info:
        display = gtk.gdk.display_get_default()
        pos = display.get_default_screen().get_root_window().get_pointer()[:2]
        info["cursor.position"] = pos
        for prop, size in {
                "default": display.get_default_cursor_size(),
                "max": display.get_maximal_cursor_size()
            if size is None:
            info["cursor.%s_size" % prop] = size
        return info

    def get_window_info(self, window):
        info = X11ServerBase.get_window_info(self, window)
        info["focused"] = self._has_focus and self._window_to_id.get(
            window, -1) == self._has_focus
        info["grabbed"] = self._has_grab and self._window_to_id.get(
            window, -1) == self._has_grab
        return info

    def set_desktops(self, names):
        if self._wm:

    def set_workarea(self, workarea):
        if self._wm:
            self._wm.set_workarea(workarea.x, workarea.y, workarea.width,

    def set_desktop_geometry(self, width, height):
        if self._wm:
            self._wm.set_desktop_geometry(width, height)

    def set_dpi(self, xdpi, ydpi):
        if self._wm:
            self._wm.set_dpi(xdpi, ydpi)

    def get_transient_for(self, window):
        transient_for = window.get_property("transient-for")
        log("get_transient_for window=%s, transient_for=%s", window,
        if transient_for is None:
            return None
        xid = transient_for.xid
        log("transient_for.xid=%#x", xid)
        for w, wid in self._window_to_id.items():
            if w.get_property("xid") == xid:
                log("found match, window id=%s", wid)
                return wid
        root = gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window()
        if root.xid == xid:
            log("transient-for using root")
            return -1  #-1 is the backwards compatible marker for root...
        log("not found transient_for=%s, xid=%#x", transient_for, xid)
        return None

    def is_shown(self, window):
        return self._desktop_manager.is_shown(window)

    def cleanup(self, *args):
        if self._tray:
            self._tray = None
        if self._wm:
            self._wm = None
        if self._has_grab:
            #normally we set this value when we receive the NotifyUngrab
            #but at this point in the cleanup, we probably won't, so force set it:
            self._has_grab = 0

    def cleanup_source(self, protocol):
        had_client = len(self._server_sources) > 0
        X11ServerBase.cleanup_source(self, protocol)
        has_client = len(self._server_sources) > 0
        if had_client and not has_client:
            #last client is gone:
            if self._has_grab:

    def load_existing_windows(self, system_tray):
        # Tray handler:
        self._tray = None
        if system_tray:
                self._tray = SystemTray()
            except Exception as e:
                log.error("cannot setup tray forwarding: %s", e, exc_info=True)

        ### Create our window managing data structures:
        self._desktop_manager = DesktopManager()

        ### Load in existing windows:
        for window in self._wm.get_property("windows"):

        root = gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window()
        for window in get_children(root):
            if X11Window.is_override_redirect(
                    window.xid) and X11Window.is_mapped(window.xid):

    def send_windows_and_cursors(self, ss, sharing=False):
        # We send the new-window packets sorted by id because this sorts them
        # from oldest to newest -- and preserving window creation order means
        # that the earliest override-redirect windows will be on the bottom,
        # which is usually how things work.  (I don't know that anyone cares
        # about this kind of correctness at all, but hey, doesn't hurt.)
        windowlog("send_windows_and_cursors(%s, %s) will send: %s", ss,
                  sharing, self._id_to_window)
        for wid in sorted(self._id_to_window.keys()):
            window = self._id_to_window[wid]
            if not window.is_managed():
                #we keep references to windows that aren't meant to be displayed..
            #most of the code here is duplicated from the send functions
            #so we can send just to the new client and request damage
            #just for the new client too:
            if window.is_tray():
                #code more or less duplicated from _send_new_tray_window_packet:
                w, h = window.get_property("geometry")[2:4]
                if ss.system_tray:
                    ss.new_tray(wid, window, w, h)
                    ss.damage(wid, window, 0, 0, w, h)
                elif not sharing:
                    #park it outside the visible area
                    window.move_resize(-200, -200, w, h)
            elif window.is_OR():
                #code more or less duplicated from _send_new_or_window_packet:
                x, y, w, h = window.get_property("geometry")
                wprops = self.client_properties.get("%s|%s" % (wid, ss.uuid))
                ss.new_window("new-override-redirect", wid, window, x, y, w, h,
                ss.damage(wid, window, 0, 0, w, h)
                #code more or less duplicated from send_new_window_packet:
                if not sharing:
                x, y, w, h = self._desktop_manager.window_geometry(window)
                wprops = self.client_properties.get("%s|%s" % (wid, ss.uuid))
                ss.new_window("new-window", wid, window, x, y, w, h, wprops)
        #cursors: get sizes and send:
        display = gtk.gdk.display_get_default()
        self.cursor_sizes = display.get_default_cursor_size(
        ), display.get_maximal_cursor_size()
        cursorlog("cursor_sizes=%s", self.cursor_sizes)

    def _new_window_signaled(self, wm, window):

    def do_xpra_child_map_event(self, event):
        windowlog("do_xpra_child_map_event(%s)", event)
        if event.override_redirect:

    def _add_new_window_common(self, window):
        windowlog("adding window %s", window)
        for prop in window.get_dynamic_property_names():
            window.connect("notify::%s" % prop, self._update_metadata)
        wid = X11ServerBase._add_new_window_common(self, window)
        window.managed_connect("unmanaged", self._lost_window)
        window.managed_connect("raised", self._raised_window)
        window.managed_connect("grab", self._window_grab)
        window.managed_connect("ungrab", self._window_ungrab)
        return wid

    def _add_new_window(self, window):
        _, _, w, h, _ = window.get_property("client-window").get_geometry()
        x, y, _, _, _ = window.corral_window.get_geometry()
        windowlog("Discovered new ordinary window: %s (geometry=%s)", window,
                  (x, y, w, h))
        self._desktop_manager.add_window(window, x, y, w, h)
        window.connect("notify::geometry", self._window_resized_signaled)
        window.connect("notify::iconic", self._iconic_changed)

    def _iconic_changed(self, window, pspec):
        #only defined for debugging purposes
        log("_iconic_changed(%s, %s) iconic=%s, shown=%s", window, pspec,

    def _window_resized_signaled(self, window, *args):
        nw, nh = window.get_property("actual-size")
        x, y = window.get_position()
        geom = self._desktop_manager.window_geometry(window)
            "XpraServer._window_resized_signaled(%s,%s) position=%sx%s, actual-size=%sx%s, current geometry=%s",
            window, args, x, y, nw, nh, geom)
        if geom[:4] == [x, y, nw, nh]:
        geom[:4] = [x, y, nw, nh]
        lcce = self.last_client_configure_event
        if not self._desktop_manager.is_shown(window):
        if self.snc_timer > 0:
        #TODO: find a better way to choose the timer delay:
        #for now, we wait at least 100ms, up to 250ms if the client has just sent us a resize:
        #(lcce should always be in the past, so min(..) should be redundant here)
        delay = max(100, min(250, 250 + 1000 * (lcce - time.time())))
        self.snc_timer = gobject.timeout_add(int(delay),
                                             self.size_notify_clients, window,

    def size_notify_clients(self, window, lcce=-1):
        log("size_notify_clients(%s, %s) last_client_configure_event=%s",
            window, lcce, self.last_client_configure_event)
        self.snc_timer = 0
        wid = self._window_to_id.get(window)
        if lcce > 0 and lcce != self.last_client_configure_event or not wid:
            #we have received a new client resize since,
            #or the window is simply gone
        geom = self._desktop_manager.window_geometry(window)
        x, y, nw, nh = geom[:4]
        resize_counter = self._desktop_manager.get_resize_counter(window, 1)
        for ss in self._server_sources.values():
            ss.move_resize_window(self._window_to_id[window], window, x, y, nw,
                                  nh, resize_counter)
            #refresh to ensure the client gets the new window contents:
            #TODO: to save bandwidth, we should compare the dimensions and skip the refresh
            #if the window is smaller than before, or at least only send the new edges rather than the whole window
            ss.damage(wid, window, 0, 0, nw, nh, {})

    def _add_new_or_window(self, raw_window):
        xid = raw_window.xid
        if raw_window.get_window_type() == gtk.gdk.WINDOW_TEMP:
            #ignoring one of gtk's temporary windows
            #all the windows we manage should be gtk.gdk.WINDOW_FOREIGN
            windowlog("ignoring TEMP window %#x", xid)
        WINDOW_MODEL_KEY = "_xpra_window_model_"
        wid = raw_window.get_data(WINDOW_MODEL_KEY)
        window = self._id_to_window.get(wid)
        if window:
            if window.is_managed():
                    "found existing window model %s for %#x, will refresh it",
                    type(window), xid)
                geometry = window.get_property("geometry")
                _, _, w, h = geometry
                self._damage(window, 0, 0, w, h, options={"min_delay": 50})
                "found existing model %s (but no longer managed!) for %#x",
                type(window), xid)
            #we could try to re-use the existing model and window ID,
            #but for now it is just easier to create a new one:
        tray_window = get_tray_window(raw_window)
        windowlog("Discovered new override-redirect window: %#x (tray=%s)",
                  xid, tray_window)
            if tray_window is not None:
                assert self._tray
                window = SystemTrayWindowModel(raw_window)
                wid = self._add_new_window_common(window)
                raw_window.set_data(WINDOW_MODEL_KEY, wid)
                self._send_new_tray_window_packet(wid, window)
                window = OverrideRedirectWindowModel(raw_window)
                wid = self._add_new_window_common(window)
                raw_window.set_data(WINDOW_MODEL_KEY, wid)
        except Unmanageable as e:
            if window:
                windowlog("window %s is not manageable: %s", window, e)
                #if window is set, we failed after instantiating it,
                #so we need to fail it manually:
                if window in self._window_to_id:
                    self._lost_window(window, False)
                windowlog.warn("cannot add window %#x: %s", xid, e)
            #from now on, we return to the gtk main loop,
            #so we *should* get a signal when the window goes away

    def _or_window_geometry_changed(self, window, pspec=None):
        (x, y, w, h) = window.get_property("geometry")[:4]
        if w >= 32768 or h >= 32768:
                "not sending new invalid window dimensions: %ix%i !", w, h)
        windowlog("or_window_geometry_changed: %s (window=%s)",
                  window.get_property("geometry"), window)
        wid = self._window_to_id[window]
        for ss in self._server_sources.values():
            ss.or_window_geometry(wid, window, x, y, w, h)

    def do_xpra_cursor_event(self, event):
        if not self.cursors:
        if self.last_cursor_serial == event.cursor_serial:
                "ignoring cursor event %s with the same serial number %s",
                event, self.last_cursor_serial)
        cursorlog("cursor_event: %s", event)
        self.last_cursor_serial = event.cursor_serial
        for ss in self._server_sources.values():
        return False

    def _bell_signaled(self, wm, event):
        log("bell signaled on window %s", event.window.xid)
        if not self.bell:
        wid = 0
        if event.window != gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window(
        ) and event.window_model is not None:
                wid = self._window_to_id[event.window_model]
        log("_bell_signaled(%s,%r) wid=%s", wm, event, wid)
        for ss in self._server_sources.values():
            ss.bell(wid, event.device, event.percent, event.pitch,
                    event.duration, event.bell_class, event.bell_id,
                    event.bell_name or "")

    def _show_desktop(self, wm, show):
        log("show_desktop(%s, %s)", wm, show)
        for ss in self._server_sources.values():

    def _focus(self, server_source, wid, modifiers):
        focuslog("focus wid=%s has_focus=%s", wid, self._has_focus)
        if self._has_focus == wid:
            #nothing to do!
        had_focus = self._id_to_window.get(self._has_focus)

        def reset_focus():
            toplevel = None
            if self._wm:
                toplevel = self._wm.get_property("toplevel")
            focuslog("reset_focus() %s / %s had focus (toplevel=%s)",
                     self._has_focus, had_focus, toplevel)
            # FIXME: kind of a hack:
            self._has_focus = 0
            #toplevel may be None during cleanup!
            if toplevel:

        if wid == 0:
            #wid==0 means root window
            return reset_focus()
        window = self._id_to_window.get(wid)
        if not window:
            #not found! (go back to root)
            return reset_focus()
        if window.is_OR():
            focuslog.warn("focus(..) cannot focus OR window: %s", window)
        focuslog("focus: giving focus to %s", window)

        #using idle_add seems to prevent some focus races:
        def give_focus():
            if not window.is_managed():

        if server_source and modifiers is not None:
            focuslog("focus: will set modified mask to %s", modifiers)
        self._has_focus = wid

    def get_focus(self):
        return self._has_focus

    def _send_new_window_packet(self, window):
        geometry = self._desktop_manager.window_geometry(window)
        self._do_send_new_window_packet("new-window", window, geometry)

    def _send_new_or_window_packet(self, window, options=None):
        geometry = window.get_property("geometry")
        self._do_send_new_window_packet("new-override-redirect", window,
        (_, _, w, h) = geometry
        self._damage(window, 0, 0, w, h, options=options)

    def _send_new_tray_window_packet(self, wid, window, options=None):
        (_, _, w, h) = window.get_property("geometry")
        for ss in self._server_sources.values():
            ss.new_tray(wid, window, w, h)
        self._damage(window, 0, 0, w, h, options=options)

    def _update_metadata(self, window, pspec):
        windowlog("updating metadata on %s: %s", window, pspec)
        wid = self._window_to_id[window]
        for ss in self._server_sources.values():
            ss.window_metadata(wid, window, pspec.name)

    def _lost_window(self, window, wm_exiting=False):
        wid = self._window_to_id[window]
        windowlog("lost_window: %s - %s", wid, window)
        for ss in self._server_sources.values():
            ss.lost_window(wid, window)
        del self._window_to_id[window]
        del self._id_to_window[wid]
        for ss in self._server_sources.values():
            ss.remove_window(wid, window)

    def _contents_changed(self, window, event):
        if window.is_OR() or self._desktop_manager.visible(window):
            self._damage(window, event.x, event.y, event.width, event.height)

    def _window_grab(self, window, event):
        grab_id = self._window_to_id.get(window, -1)
            "window_grab(%s, %s) has_grab=%s, has focus=%s, grab window=%s",
            window, event, self._has_grab, self._has_focus, grab_id)
        if grab_id < 0 or self._has_grab == grab_id:
        self._has_grab = grab_id
        for ss in self._server_sources.values():

    def _window_ungrab(self, window, event):
        grab_id = self._window_to_id.get(window, -1)
            "window_ungrab(%s, %s) has_grab=%s, has focus=%s, grab window=%s",
            window, event, self._has_grab, self._has_focus, grab_id)
        if not self._has_grab:
        self._has_grab = 0
        for ss in self._server_sources.values():

    def _initiate_moveresize(self, window, event):
        log("initiate_moveresize(%s, %s)", window, event)
        assert len(event.data) == 5
        #x_root, y_root, direction, button, source_indication = event.data
        wid = self._window_to_id[window]
        for ss in self._server_sources.values():
            ss.initiate_moveresize(wid, window, *event.data)

    def _raised_window(self, window, event):
        wid = self._window_to_id[window]
        windowlog("raised window: %s (%s) wid=%s, current focus=%s", window,
                  event, wid, self._has_focus)
        if self._has_focus == wid:
        for ss in self._server_sources.values():
            ss.raise_window(wid, window)

    def _set_window_state(self, proto, wid, window, new_window_state):
        metadatalog("set_window_state%s", (wid, window, new_window_state))
        changes = []
        for k in ("maximized", "above", "below", "fullscreen", "sticky",
                  "shaded", "skip-pager", "skip-taskbar", "iconified"):
            if k in new_window_state:
                #stupid naming conflict (should have used the same at both ends):
                wpropname = {"iconified": "iconic"}.get(k, k)
                new_state = bool(new_window_state.get(k, False))
                cur_state = bool(window.get_property(wpropname))
                    "set window state for '%s': current state=%s, new state=%s",
                    k, cur_state, new_state)
                if cur_state != new_state:
                    window.set_property(wpropname, new_state)
        metadatalog("set_window_state: changes=%s", changes)
        return changes

    def _process_map_window(self, proto, packet):
        wid, x, y, w, h = packet[1:6]
        window = self._id_to_window.get(wid)
        if not window:
            windowlog("cannot map window %s: already removed!", wid)
        assert not window.is_OR()
        windowlog("client mapped window %s - %s, at: %s", wid, window,
                  (x, y, w, h))
        if len(packet) >= 8:
            self._set_window_state(proto, wid, window, packet[7])
        ax, ay, aw, ah = self._clamp_window(proto, wid, window, x, y, w, h)
        self._desktop_manager.configure_window(window, ax, ay, aw, ah)
        if len(packet) >= 7:
            self._set_client_properties(proto, wid, window, packet[6])
        self._damage(window, 0, 0, w, h)

    def _process_unmap_window(self, proto, packet):
        wid = packet[1]
        window = self._id_to_window.get(wid)
        if not window:
            log("cannot map window %s: already removed!", wid)
        if len(packet) >= 4:
            #optional window_state added in 0.15 to update flags
            #during iconification events:
            self._set_window_state(proto, wid, window, packet[3])
        assert not window.is_OR()
        windowlog("client unmapped window %s - %s", wid, window)
        for ss in self._server_sources.values():
            ss.unmap_window(wid, window)
        iconified = len(packet) >= 3 and bool(packet[2])
        if iconified and not window.get_property("iconic"):
            window.set_property("iconic", True)

    def _clamp_window(self, proto, wid, window, x, y, w, h):
        rw, rh = self.get_root_window_size()
        #clamp to root window size
        if x >= rw or y >= rh:
            log("clamping window position %ix%i to root window size %ix%i", x,
                y, rw, rh)
            x = max(0, min(x, rw - w))
            y = max(0, min(y, rh - h))
            #tell this client to honour the new location
            ss = self._server_sources.get(proto)
            if ss:
                resize_counter = self._desktop_manager.get_resize_counter(
                    window, 1)
                ss.move_resize_window(wid, window, x, y, w, h, resize_counter)
        return x, y, w, h

    def _process_configure_window(self, proto, packet):
        wid, x, y, w, h = packet[1:6]
        resize_counter = 0
        if len(packet) >= 8:
            resize_counter = packet[7]
        #some "configure-window" packets are only meant for metadata updates:
        skip_geometry = len(packet) >= 10 and packet[9]
        window = self._id_to_window.get(wid)
        windowlog("client configured window %s - %s, at: %s", wid, window,
                  (x, y, w, h))
        if not window:
            windowlog("cannot map window %s: already removed!", wid)
        damage = False
        if window.is_tray():
            assert self._tray
            if not skip_geometry:
                traylog("tray %s configured to: %s", window, (x, y, w, h))
                self._tray.move_resize(window, x, y, w, h)
                damage = True
            assert not window.is_OR(
            ) or skip_geometry, "received a configure packet with geometry for OR window %s from %s: %s" % (
                window, proto, packet)
            self.last_client_configure_event = time.time()
            if len(packet) >= 9:
                changes = self._set_window_state(proto, wid, window, packet[8])
                damage = len(changes) > 0
            if not skip_geometry:
                owx, owy, oww, owh = self._desktop_manager.window_geometry(
                    "_process_configure_window(%s) old window geometry: %s",
                    packet[1:], (owx, owy, oww, owh))
                ax, ay, aw, ah = self._clamp_window(proto, wid, window, x, y,
                                                    w, h)
                self._desktop_manager.configure_window(window, ax, ay, aw, ah,
                damage |= owx != ax or owy != ay or oww != aw or owh != ah
        if len(packet) >= 7:
            self._set_client_properties(proto, wid, window, packet[6])
        if damage:
            self._damage(window, 0, 0, w, h)

    def _set_client_properties(self, proto, wid, window,
        Override so we can update the workspace on the window directly,
        instead of storing it as a client property
        workspace = new_client_properties.get("workspace")
        workspacelog("workspace from client properties %s: %s",
                     new_client_properties, workspace)
        if workspace is not None:
            #we have handled it on the window directly, so remove it from client properties
            del new_client_properties["workspace"]
        #handle the rest as normal:
        X11ServerBase._set_client_properties(self, proto, wid, window,

    """ override so we can raise the window under the cursor
        (gtk raise does not change window stacking, just focus) """

    def _move_pointer(self, wid, pos):
        window = self._id_to_window.get(wid)
        if not window:
            mouselog("_move_pointer(%s, %s) invalid window id", wid, pos)
            mouselog("raising %s", window)
        X11ServerBase._move_pointer(self, wid, pos)

    def _process_close_window(self, proto, packet):
        wid = packet[1]
        window = self._id_to_window.get(wid, None)
        windowlog("client closed window %s - %s", wid, window)
        if window:
            windowlog("cannot close window %s: it is already gone!", wid)

    def make_screenshot_packet(self):
            return self.do_make_screenshot_packet()
            log.error("make_screenshot_packet()", exc_info=True)
            return None

    def do_make_screenshot_packet(self):
        log("grabbing screenshot")
        regions = []
        OR_regions = []
        for wid in reversed(sorted(self._id_to_window.keys())):
            window = self._id_to_window.get(wid)
            log("screenshot: window(%s)=%s", wid, window)
            if window is None:
            if window.is_tray():
                log("screenshot: skipping tray window %s", wid)
            if not window.is_managed():
                log("screenshot: window %s is not/no longer managed", wid)
            if window.is_OR():
                x, y = window.get_property("geometry")[:2]
                x, y = self._desktop_manager.window_geometry(window)[:2]
            log("screenshot: position(%s)=%s,%s", window, x, y)
            w, h = window.get_dimensions()
            log("screenshot: size(%s)=%sx%s", window, w, h)
                with xsync:
                    img = window.get_image(0, 0, w, h)
                log.warn("screenshot: window %s could not be captured", wid)
            if img is None:
                log.warn("screenshot: no pixels for window %s", wid)
            log("screenshot: image=%s, size=%s", (img, img.get_size()))
            if img.get_pixel_format() not in ("RGB", "RGBA", "XRGB", "BGRX",
                                              "ARGB", "BGRA"):
                    "window pixels for window %s using an unexpected rgb format: %s",
                    wid, img.get_pixel_format())
            item = (wid, x, y, img)
            if window.is_OR():
            elif self._has_focus == wid:
                #window with focus first (drawn last)
                regions.insert(0, item)
        all_regions = OR_regions + regions
        if len(all_regions) == 0:
            log("screenshot: no regions found, returning empty 0x0 image!")
            return ["screenshot", 0, 0, "png", -1, ""]
        log("screenshot: found regions=%s, OR_regions=%s", len(regions),
        #in theory, we could run the rest in a non-UI thread since we're done with GTK..
        minx = min([x for (_, x, _, _) in all_regions])
        miny = min([y for (_, _, y, _) in all_regions])
        maxx = max([(x + img.get_width()) for (_, x, _, img) in all_regions])
        maxy = max([(y + img.get_height()) for (_, _, y, img) in all_regions])
        width = maxx - minx
        height = maxy - miny
        log("screenshot: %sx%s, min x=%s y=%s", width, height, minx, miny)
        from PIL import Image  #@UnresolvedImport
        screenshot = Image.new("RGBA", (width, height))
        for wid, x, y, img in reversed(all_regions):
            pixel_format = img.get_pixel_format()
            target_format = {
                "XRGB": "RGB",
                "BGRX": "RGB",
                "BGRA": "RGBA"
            }.get(pixel_format, pixel_format)
            pixels = img.get_pixels()
            #PIL cannot use the memoryview directly:
            if _memoryview and isinstance(pixels, _memoryview):
                pixels = pixels.tobytes()
                window_image = Image.frombuffer(target_format, (w, h), pixels,
                                                "raw", pixel_format,
                log.error("Error parsing window pixels in %s format",
            tx = x - minx
            ty = y - miny
            screenshot.paste(window_image, (tx, ty))
        buf = StringIOClass()
        screenshot.save(buf, "png")
        data = buf.getvalue()
        packet = [
            "screenshot", width, height, "png", width * 4,
            Compressed("png", data)
        log("screenshot: %sx%s %s", packet[1], packet[2], packet[-1])
        return packet

    def reset_settings(self):
        if not self.xsettings_enabled:
        settingslog("resetting xsettings to: %s", self.default_xsettings)
        self.set_xsettings(self.default_xsettings or (0, ()))

    def set_xsettings(self, v):
        if self._xsettings_manager is None:
            self._xsettings_manager = XSettingsManager()

    def _get_antialias_hintstyle(self):
        ad = typedict(self.antialias)
        hintstyle = ad.strget("hintstyle", "").lower()
        if hintstyle in ("hintnone", "hintslight", "hintmedium", "hintfull"):
            #X11 clients can give us what we need directly:
            return hintstyle
        #win32 style contrast value:
        contrast = ad.intget("contrast", -1)
        if contrast > 1600:
            return "hintfull"
        elif contrast > 1000:
            return "hintmedium"
        elif contrast > 0:
            return "hintslight"
        return "hintnone"

    def update_server_settings(self, settings, reset=False):
        if not self.xsettings_enabled:
            settingslog("ignoring xsettings update: %s", settings)
        if reset:
            #FIXME: preserve serial? (what happens when we change values which had the same serial?)
            self._settings = {}
            if self.default_xsettings:
                self._settings = self._default_xsettings[1]
        old_settings = dict(self._settings)
        settingslog("server_settings: old=%s, updating with=%s",
                    nonl(old_settings), nonl(settings))
            "overrides: dpi=%s, double click time=%s, double click distance=%s",
            self.dpi, self.double_click_time, self.double_click_distance)
        settingslog("overrides: antialias=%s", self.antialias)
        root = gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window()
        for k, v in settings.items():
            #cook the "resource-manager" value to add the DPI:
            if k == "resource-manager" and self.dpi > 0:
                value = v.decode("utf-8")
                #parse the resources into a dict:
                values = {}
                options = value.split("\n")
                for option in options:
                    if not option:
                    parts = option.split(":\t")
                    if len(parts) != 2:
                    values[parts[0]] = parts[1]
                values["Xft.dpi"] = self.dpi
                values["Xft/DPI"] = self.dpi * 1024
                values["gnome.Xft/DPI"] = self.dpi * 1024
                if self.antialias:
                    ad = typedict(self.antialias)
                        ad.intget("enabled", -1),
                        ad.intget("hinting", -1),
                        ad.strget("orientation", "none").lower(),
                settingslog("server_settings: resource-manager values=%s",
                #convert the dict back into a resource string:
                value = ''
                for vk, vv in values.items():
                    value += "%s:\t%s\n" % (vk, vv)
                #record the actual value used
                self._settings["resource-manager"] = value
                v = value.encode("utf-8")

            #cook xsettings to add double-click settings:
            #(as those may not be present in xsettings on some platforms.. like win32 and osx)
            if k == "xsettings-blob" and (self.double_click_time > 0
                                          or self.double_click_distance !=
                                          (-1, -1)):
                from xpra.x11.xsettings_prop import XSettingsTypeInteger, XSettingsTypeString

                def set_xsettings_value(name, value_type, value):
                    #remove existing one, if any:
                    serial, values = v
                    new_values = [(_t, _n, _v, _s)
                                  for (_t, _n, _v, _s) in values if _n != name]
                    new_values.append((value_type, name, value, 0))
                    return serial, new_values

                def set_xsettings_int(name, value):
                    if value < 0:  #not set, return v unchanged
                        return v
                    return set_xsettings_value(name, XSettingsTypeInteger,

                if self.dpi > 0:
                    v = set_xsettings_int("Xft/DPI", self.dpi * 1024)
                if self.double_click_time > 0:
                    v = set_xsettings_int("Net/DoubleClickTime",
                if self.antialias:
                    ad = typedict(self.antialias)
                    v = set_xsettings_int("Xft/Antialias",
                                          ad.intget("enabled", -1))
                    v = set_xsettings_int("Xft/Hinting",
                                          ad.intget("hinting", -1))
                    v = set_xsettings_value(
                        "Xft/RGBA", XSettingsTypeString,
                        ad.strget("orientation", "none").lower())
                    v = set_xsettings_value("Xft/HintStyle",
                if self.double_click_distance != (-1, -1):
                    #some platforms give us a value for each axis,
                    #but X11 only has one, so take the average
                        x, y = self.double_click_distance
                        if x > 0 and y > 0:
                            d = (x + y) // 2
                            d = max(1, min(128, d))  #sanitize it a bit
                            v = set_xsettings_int("Net/DoubleClickDistance", d)
                    except Exception as e:
                            "error setting double click distance from %s: %s",
                            self.double_click_distance, e)

            if k not in old_settings or v != old_settings[k]:

                def root_set(p):
                    settingslog("server_settings: setting %s to %s", nonl(p),
                    prop_set(root, p, "latin1", v.decode("utf-8"))

                if k == "xsettings-blob":
                elif k == "resource-manager":
                elif self.pulseaudio:
                    if k == "pulse-cookie":
                    elif k == "pulse-id":
                    elif k == "pulse-server":
Пример #2
class XpraServer(gobject.GObject, X11ServerBase):
    __gsignals__ = {
        "xpra-child-map-event": one_arg_signal,
        "xpra-cursor-event": one_arg_signal,

    def __init__(self):

    def init(self, clobber, opts):
        X11ServerBase.init(self, clobber, opts)

    def x11_init(self):

        self._has_focus = 0
        # Do this before creating the Wm object, to avoid clobbering its
        # selecting SubstructureRedirect.
        root = gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window()
        root.set_events(root.get_events() | gtk.gdk.SUBSTRUCTURE_MASK)
        root.property_change(gtk.gdk.atom_intern("XPRA_SERVER", False),
                            gtk.gdk.atom_intern("STRING", False),
        add_event_receiver(root, self)

        ### Create the WM object
        self._wm = Wm(self.clobber)
        self._wm.connect("new-window", self._new_window_signaled)
        self._wm.connect("bell", self._bell_signaled)
        self._wm.connect("quit", lambda _: self.quit(True))

        self.default_cursor_data = None
        self.last_cursor_serial = None
        self.send_cursor_pending = False
        self.cursor_data = None
        self.cursor_sizes = None
        def get_default_cursor():
            self.default_cursor_data = X11Keyboard.get_cursor_image()
            log("get_default_cursor=%s", self.default_cursor_data)

    def make_hello(self):
        capabilities = X11ServerBase.make_hello(self)
        capabilities["window.raise"] = True
        capabilities["pointer.grabs"] = True
        return capabilities

    def do_get_info(self, proto, server_sources, window_ids):
        info = X11ServerBase.do_get_info(self, proto, server_sources, window_ids)
        log("do_get_info: adding cursor=%s", self.cursor_data)
        #copy to prevent race:
        cd = self.cursor_data
        if cd is None:
            info["cursor"] = "None"
            info["cursor.is_default"] = bool(self.default_cursor_data and len(self.default_cursor_data)>=8 and len(cd)>=8 and cd[7]==cd[7])
            #all but pixels:
            i = 0
            for x in ("x", "y", "width", "height", "xhot", "yhot", "serial", None, "name"):
                if x:
                    v = cd[i] or ""
                    info["cursor." + x] = v
                i += 1
        return info

    def get_ui_info(self, proto, wids, *args):
        info = X11ServerBase.get_ui_info(self, proto, wids, *args)
        #now cursor size info:
        display = gtk.gdk.display_get_default()
        for prop, size in {"default" : display.get_default_cursor_size(),
                           "max"     : display.get_maximal_cursor_size()}.items():
            if size is None:
            info["cursor.%s_size" % prop] = size
        return info

    def get_window_info(self, window):
        info = X11ServerBase.get_window_info(self, window)
        info["focused"] = self._window_to_id.get(window, -1)==self._has_focus
        return info

    def set_workarea(self, workarea):
        self._wm.set_workarea(workarea.x, workarea.y, workarea.width, workarea.height)

    def get_transient_for(self, window):
        return self._desktop_manager.get_transient_for(window, self._window_to_id)

    def is_shown(self, window):
        return self._desktop_manager.is_shown(window)

    def cleanup(self, *args):
        if self._tray:
            self._tray = None

    def load_existing_windows(self, system_tray):
        # Tray handler:
        self._tray = None
        if system_tray:
                self._tray = SystemTray()
            except Exception, e:
                log.error("cannot setup tray forwarding: %s", e, exc_info=True)

        ### Create our window managing data structures:
        self._desktop_manager = DesktopManager()

        ### Load in existing windows:
        for window in self._wm.get_property("windows"):

        root = gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window()
        for window in get_children(root):
            if X11Window.is_override_redirect(get_xwindow(window)) and X11Window.is_mapped(get_xwindow(window)):
Пример #3
class XpraServer(gobject.GObject, X11ServerBase):
    __gsignals__ = {
        "xpra-child-map-event": one_arg_signal,
        "xpra-cursor-event": one_arg_signal,

    def __init__(self, clobber):
        X11ServerBase.__init__(self, clobber)

    def init(self, opts):
        self.xsettings_enabled = opts.xsettings
        self.wm_name = opts.wm_name
        X11ServerBase.init(self, opts)

    def x11_init(self):
        assert init_x11_filter() is True

        self._has_grab = 0
        self._has_focus = 0
        # Do this before creating the Wm object, to avoid clobbering its
        # selecting SubstructureRedirect.
        root = gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window()
        root.set_events(root.get_events() | gtk.gdk.SUBSTRUCTURE_MASK)
        root.property_change(gtk.gdk.atom_intern("XPRA_SERVER", False),
                            gtk.gdk.atom_intern("STRING", False),
        add_event_receiver(root, self)

        ### Create the WM object
        self._wm = Wm(self.clobber, self.wm_name)
        self._wm.connect("new-window", self._new_window_signaled)
        self._wm.connect("bell", self._bell_signaled)
        self._wm.connect("quit", lambda _: self.clean_quit(True))
        self._wm.connect("show-desktop", self._show_desktop)

        #save default xsettings:
        self.default_xsettings = XSettingsHelper().get_settings()
        settingslog("default_xsettings=%s", self.default_xsettings)
        self._settings = {}
        self._xsettings_manager = None

        #for handling resize synchronization between client and server (this is not xsync!):
        self.last_client_configure_event = 0
        self.snc_timer = 0

        self.default_cursor_data = None
        self.last_cursor_serial = None
        self.last_cursor_data = None
        self.send_cursor_pending = False
        def get_default_cursor():
            self.default_cursor_data = X11Keyboard.get_cursor_image()
            cursorlog("get_default_cursor=%s", self.default_cursor_data)

    def make_hello(self, source):
        capabilities = X11ServerBase.make_hello(self, source)
        if source.wants_features:
            capabilities["window.raise"] = True
            capabilities["window.resize-counter"] = True
            capabilities["window.configure.skip-geometry"] = True
            capabilities["pointer.grabs"] = True
        return capabilities

    def do_get_info(self, proto, server_sources, window_ids):
        info = X11ServerBase.do_get_info(self, proto, server_sources, window_ids)
        info["focused"] = self._has_focus
        info["grabbed"] = self._has_grab
        log("do_get_info: adding cursor=%s", self.last_cursor_data)
        #copy to prevent race:
        cd = self.last_cursor_data
        if cd is None:
            info["cursor"] = "None"
            info["cursor.is_default"] = bool(self.default_cursor_data and len(self.default_cursor_data)>=8 and len(cd)>=8 and cd[7]==cd[7])
            #all but pixels:
            for i, x in enumerate(("x", "y", "width", "height", "xhot", "yhot", "serial", None, "name")):
                if x:
                    v = cd[i] or ""
                    info["cursor." + x] = v
        return info

    def get_ui_info(self, proto, wids, *args):
        info = X11ServerBase.get_ui_info(self, proto, wids, *args)
        wm = self._wm
        if wm:
            info["window-manager-name"] = wm.get_net_wm_name()
        #now cursor size info:
        display = gtk.gdk.display_get_default()
        pos = display.get_default_screen().get_root_window().get_pointer()[:2]
        info["cursor.position"] = pos
        for prop, size in {"default" : display.get_default_cursor_size(),
                           "max"     : display.get_maximal_cursor_size()}.items():
            if size is None:
            info["cursor.%s_size" % prop] = size
        return info

    def get_window_info(self, window):
        info = X11ServerBase.get_window_info(self, window)
        info["focused"] = self._has_focus and self._window_to_id.get(window, -1)==self._has_focus
        info["grabbed"] = self._has_grab and self._window_to_id.get(window, -1)==self._has_grab
        return info

    def set_desktops(self, names):
        if self._wm:

    def set_workarea(self, workarea):
        if self._wm:
            self._wm.set_workarea(workarea.x, workarea.y, workarea.width, workarea.height)

    def set_desktop_geometry(self, width, height):
        if self._wm:
            self._wm.set_desktop_geometry(width, height)

    def set_dpi(self, xdpi, ydpi):
        if self._wm:
            self._wm.set_dpi(xdpi, ydpi)

    def get_transient_for(self, window):
        transient_for = window.get_property("transient-for")
        log("get_transient_for window=%s, transient_for=%s", window, transient_for)
        if transient_for is None:
            return None
        xid = transient_for.xid
        log("transient_for.xid=%#x", xid)
        for w,wid in self._window_to_id.items():
            if w.get_property("xid")==xid:
                log("found match, window id=%s", wid)
                return wid
        root = gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window()
        if root.xid==xid:
            log("transient-for using root")
            return -1       #-1 is the backwards compatible marker for root...
        log("not found transient_for=%s, xid=%#x", transient_for, xid)
        return  None

    def is_shown(self, window):
        return self._desktop_manager.is_shown(window)

    def cleanup(self, *args):
        if self._tray:
            self._tray = None
        if self._wm:
            self._wm = None
        if self._has_grab:
            #normally we set this value when we receive the NotifyUngrab
            #but at this point in the cleanup, we probably won't, so force set it:
            self._has_grab = 0

    def cleanup_source(self, protocol):
        had_client = len(self._server_sources)>0
        X11ServerBase.cleanup_source(self, protocol)
        has_client = len(self._server_sources)>0
        if had_client and not has_client:
            #last client is gone:
            if self._has_grab:

    def load_existing_windows(self, system_tray):
        # Tray handler:
        self._tray = None
        if system_tray:
                self._tray = SystemTray()
            except Exception as e:
                log.error("cannot setup tray forwarding: %s", e, exc_info=True)

        ### Create our window managing data structures:
        self._desktop_manager = DesktopManager()

        ### Load in existing windows:
        for window in self._wm.get_property("windows"):

        root = gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window()
        for window in get_children(root):
            if X11Window.is_override_redirect(window.xid) and X11Window.is_mapped(window.xid):

    def send_windows_and_cursors(self, ss, sharing=False):
        # We send the new-window packets sorted by id because this sorts them
        # from oldest to newest -- and preserving window creation order means
        # that the earliest override-redirect windows will be on the bottom,
        # which is usually how things work.  (I don't know that anyone cares
        # about this kind of correctness at all, but hey, doesn't hurt.)
        windowlog("send_windows_and_cursors(%s, %s) will send: %s", ss, sharing, self._id_to_window)
        for wid in sorted(self._id_to_window.keys()):
            window = self._id_to_window[wid]
            if not window.is_managed():
                #we keep references to windows that aren't meant to be displayed..
            #most of the code here is duplicated from the send functions
            #so we can send just to the new client and request damage
            #just for the new client too:
            if window.is_tray():
                #code more or less duplicated from _send_new_tray_window_packet:
                w, h = window.get_property("geometry")[2:4]
                if ss.system_tray:
                    ss.new_tray(wid, window, w, h)
                    ss.damage(wid, window, 0, 0, w, h)
                elif not sharing:
                    #park it outside the visible area
                    window.move_resize(-200, -200, w, h)
            elif window.is_OR():
                #code more or less duplicated from _send_new_or_window_packet:
                x, y, w, h = window.get_property("geometry")
                wprops = self.client_properties.get("%s|%s" % (wid, ss.uuid))
                ss.new_window("new-override-redirect", wid, window, x, y, w, h, wprops)
                ss.damage(wid, window, 0, 0, w, h)
                #code more or less duplicated from send_new_window_packet:
                if not sharing:
                x, y, w, h = self._desktop_manager.window_geometry(window)
                wprops = self.client_properties.get("%s|%s" % (wid, ss.uuid))
                ss.new_window("new-window", wid, window, x, y, w, h, wprops)
        #cursors: get sizes and send:
        display = gtk.gdk.display_get_default()
        self.cursor_sizes = display.get_default_cursor_size(), display.get_maximal_cursor_size()
        cursorlog("cursor_sizes=%s", self.cursor_sizes)

    def _new_window_signaled(self, wm, window):

    def do_xpra_child_map_event(self, event):
        windowlog("do_xpra_child_map_event(%s)", event)
        if event.override_redirect:

    def _add_new_window_common(self, window):
        windowlog("adding window %s", window)
        for prop in window.get_dynamic_property_names():
            window.connect("notify::%s" % prop, self._update_metadata)
        wid = X11ServerBase._add_new_window_common(self, window)
        window.managed_connect("client-contents-changed", self._contents_changed)
        window.managed_connect("unmanaged", self._lost_window)
        window.managed_connect("raised", self._raised_window)
        window.managed_connect("initiate-moveresize", self._initiate_moveresize)
        window.managed_connect("grab", self._window_grab)
        window.managed_connect("ungrab", self._window_ungrab)
        return wid

    def _add_new_window(self, window):
        _, _, w, h, _ = window.get_property("client-window").get_geometry()
        x, y, _, _, _ = window.corral_window.get_geometry()
        windowlog("Discovered new ordinary window: %s (geometry=%s)", window, (x, y, w, h))
        self._desktop_manager.add_window(window, x, y, w, h)
        window.connect("notify::geometry", self._window_resized_signaled)
        window.connect("notify::iconic", self._iconic_changed)

    def _iconic_changed(self, window, pspec):
        #only defined for debugging purposes
        log("_iconic_changed(%s, %s) iconic=%s, shown=%s", window, pspec, window.get_property("iconic"), self._desktop_manager.is_shown(window))

    def _window_resized_signaled(self, window, *args):
        nw, nh = window.get_property("actual-size")
        x, y = window.get_position()
        geom = self._desktop_manager.window_geometry(window)
        windowlog("XpraServer._window_resized_signaled(%s,%s) position=%sx%s, actual-size=%sx%s, current geometry=%s", window, args, x, y, nw, nh, geom)
        if geom[:4]==[x, y, nw, nh]:
        geom[:4] = [x, y, nw, nh]
        lcce = self.last_client_configure_event
        if not self._desktop_manager.is_shown(window):
        if self.snc_timer>0:
        #TODO: find a better way to choose the timer delay:
        #for now, we wait at least 100ms, up to 250ms if the client has just sent us a resize:
        #(lcce should always be in the past, so min(..) should be redundant here)
        delay = max(100, min(250, 250 + 1000 * (lcce-time.time())))
        self.snc_timer = gobject.timeout_add(int(delay), self.size_notify_clients, window, lcce)

    def size_notify_clients(self, window, lcce=-1):
        log("size_notify_clients(%s, %s) last_client_configure_event=%s", window, lcce, self.last_client_configure_event)
        self.snc_timer = 0
        wid = self._window_to_id.get(window)
        if lcce>0 and lcce!=self.last_client_configure_event or not wid:
            #we have received a new client resize since,
            #or the window is simply gone
        geom = self._desktop_manager.window_geometry(window)
        x, y, nw, nh = geom[:4]
        resize_counter = self._desktop_manager.get_resize_counter(window, 1)
        for ss in self._server_sources.values():
            ss.move_resize_window(self._window_to_id[window], window, x, y, nw, nh, resize_counter)
            #refresh to ensure the client gets the new window contents:
            #TODO: to save bandwidth, we should compare the dimensions and skip the refresh
            #if the window is smaller than before, or at least only send the new edges rather than the whole window
            ss.damage(wid, window, 0, 0, nw, nh, {})

    def _add_new_or_window(self, raw_window):
        xid = raw_window.xid
        if raw_window.get_window_type()==gtk.gdk.WINDOW_TEMP:
            #ignoring one of gtk's temporary windows
            #all the windows we manage should be gtk.gdk.WINDOW_FOREIGN
            windowlog("ignoring TEMP window %#x", xid)
        WINDOW_MODEL_KEY = "_xpra_window_model_"
        wid = raw_window.get_data(WINDOW_MODEL_KEY)
        window = self._id_to_window.get(wid)
        if window:
            if window.is_managed():
                windowlog("found existing window model %s for %#x, will refresh it", type(window), xid)
                geometry = window.get_property("geometry")
                _, _, w, h = geometry
                self._damage(window, 0, 0, w, h, options={"min_delay" : 50})
            windowlog("found existing model %s (but no longer managed!) for %#x", type(window), xid)
            #we could try to re-use the existing model and window ID,
            #but for now it is just easier to create a new one:
        tray_window = get_tray_window(raw_window)
        windowlog("Discovered new override-redirect window: %#x (tray=%s)", xid, tray_window)
            if tray_window is not None:
                assert self._tray
                window = SystemTrayWindowModel(raw_window)
                wid = self._add_new_window_common(window)
                raw_window.set_data(WINDOW_MODEL_KEY, wid)
                self._send_new_tray_window_packet(wid, window)
                window = OverrideRedirectWindowModel(raw_window)
                wid = self._add_new_window_common(window)
                raw_window.set_data(WINDOW_MODEL_KEY, wid)
                window.connect("notify::geometry", self._or_window_geometry_changed)
        except Unmanageable as e:
            if window:
                windowlog("window %s is not manageable: %s", window, e)
                #if window is set, we failed after instantiating it,
                #so we need to fail it manually:
                if window in self._window_to_id:
                    self._lost_window(window, False)
                windowlog.warn("cannot add window %#x: %s", xid, e)
            #from now on, we return to the gtk main loop,
            #so we *should* get a signal when the window goes away

    def _or_window_geometry_changed(self, window, pspec=None):
        (x, y, w, h) = window.get_property("geometry")[:4]
        if w>=32768 or h>=32768:
            windowlog.error("not sending new invalid window dimensions: %ix%i !", w, h)
        windowlog("or_window_geometry_changed: %s (window=%s)", window.get_property("geometry"), window)
        wid = self._window_to_id[window]
        for ss in self._server_sources.values():
            ss.or_window_geometry(wid, window, x, y, w, h)

    def do_xpra_cursor_event(self, event):
        if not self.cursors:
        if self.last_cursor_serial==event.cursor_serial:
            cursorlog("ignoring cursor event %s with the same serial number %s", event, self.last_cursor_serial)
        cursorlog("cursor_event: %s", event)
        self.last_cursor_serial = event.cursor_serial
        for ss in self._server_sources.values():
        return False

    def _bell_signaled(self, wm, event):
        log("bell signaled on window %s", event.window.xid)
        if not self.bell:
        wid = 0
        if event.window!=gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window() and event.window_model is not None:
                wid = self._window_to_id[event.window_model]
        log("_bell_signaled(%s,%r) wid=%s", wm, event, wid)
        for ss in self._server_sources.values():
            ss.bell(wid, event.device, event.percent, event.pitch, event.duration, event.bell_class, event.bell_id, event.bell_name or "")

    def _show_desktop(self, wm, show):
        log("show_desktop(%s, %s)", wm, show)
        for ss in self._server_sources.values():

    def _focus(self, server_source, wid, modifiers):
        focuslog("focus wid=%s has_focus=%s", wid, self._has_focus)
        if self._has_focus==wid:
            #nothing to do!
        had_focus = self._id_to_window.get(self._has_focus)
        def reset_focus():
            toplevel = None
            if self._wm:
                toplevel = self._wm.get_property("toplevel")
            focuslog("reset_focus() %s / %s had focus (toplevel=%s)", self._has_focus, had_focus, toplevel)
            # FIXME: kind of a hack:
            self._has_focus = 0
            #toplevel may be None during cleanup!
            if toplevel:

        if wid == 0:
            #wid==0 means root window
            return reset_focus()
        window = self._id_to_window.get(wid)
        if not window:
            #not found! (go back to root)
            return reset_focus()
        if window.is_OR():
            focuslog.warn("focus(..) cannot focus OR window: %s", window)
        focuslog("focus: giving focus to %s", window)
        #using idle_add seems to prevent some focus races:
        def give_focus():
            if not window.is_managed():
        if server_source and modifiers is not None:
            focuslog("focus: will set modified mask to %s", modifiers)
        self._has_focus = wid

    def get_focus(self):
        return self._has_focus

    def _send_new_window_packet(self, window):
        geometry = self._desktop_manager.window_geometry(window)
        self._do_send_new_window_packet("new-window", window, geometry)

    def _send_new_or_window_packet(self, window, options=None):
        geometry = window.get_property("geometry")
        self._do_send_new_window_packet("new-override-redirect", window, geometry)
        (_, _, w, h) = geometry
        self._damage(window, 0, 0, w, h, options=options)

    def _send_new_tray_window_packet(self, wid, window, options=None):
        (_, _, w, h) = window.get_property("geometry")
        for ss in self._server_sources.values():
            ss.new_tray(wid, window, w, h)
        self._damage(window, 0, 0, w, h, options=options)

    def _update_metadata(self, window, pspec):
        windowlog("updating metadata on %s: %s", window, pspec)
        wid = self._window_to_id[window]
        for ss in self._server_sources.values():
            ss.window_metadata(wid, window, pspec.name)

    def _lost_window(self, window, wm_exiting=False):
        wid = self._window_to_id[window]
        windowlog("lost_window: %s - %s", wid, window)
        for ss in self._server_sources.values():
            ss.lost_window(wid, window)
        del self._window_to_id[window]
        del self._id_to_window[wid]
        for ss in self._server_sources.values():
            ss.remove_window(wid, window)

    def _contents_changed(self, window, event):
        if window.is_OR() or self._desktop_manager.visible(window):
            self._damage(window, event.x, event.y, event.width, event.height)

    def _window_grab(self, window, event):
        grab_id = self._window_to_id.get(window, -1)
        grablog("window_grab(%s, %s) has_grab=%s, has focus=%s, grab window=%s", window, event, self._has_grab, self._has_focus, grab_id)
        if grab_id<0 or self._has_grab==grab_id:
        self._has_grab = grab_id
        for ss in self._server_sources.values():

    def _window_ungrab(self, window, event):
        grab_id = self._window_to_id.get(window, -1)
        grablog("window_ungrab(%s, %s) has_grab=%s, has focus=%s, grab window=%s", window, event, self._has_grab, self._has_focus, grab_id)
        if not self._has_grab:
        self._has_grab = 0
        for ss in self._server_sources.values():

    def _initiate_moveresize(self, window, event):
        log("initiate_moveresize(%s, %s)", window, event)
        assert len(event.data)==5
        #x_root, y_root, direction, button, source_indication = event.data
        wid = self._window_to_id[window]
        for ss in self._server_sources.values():
            ss.initiate_moveresize(wid, window, *event.data)

    def _raised_window(self, window, event):
        wid = self._window_to_id[window]
        windowlog("raised window: %s (%s) wid=%s, current focus=%s", window, event, wid, self._has_focus)
        if self._has_focus==wid:
        for ss in self._server_sources.values():
            ss.raise_window(wid, window)

    def _set_window_state(self, proto, wid, window, new_window_state):
        metadatalog("set_window_state%s", (wid, window, new_window_state))
        changes = []
        for k in ("maximized", "above", "below", "fullscreen", "sticky", "shaded", "skip-pager", "skip-taskbar", "iconified"):
            if k in new_window_state:
                #stupid naming conflict (should have used the same at both ends):
                wpropname = {"iconified" : "iconic"}.get(k, k)
                new_state = bool(new_window_state.get(k, False))
                cur_state = bool(window.get_property(wpropname))
                metadatalog("set window state for '%s': current state=%s, new state=%s", k, cur_state, new_state)
                if cur_state!=new_state:
                    window.set_property(wpropname, new_state)
        metadatalog("set_window_state: changes=%s", changes)
        return changes

    def _process_map_window(self, proto, packet):
        wid, x, y, w, h = packet[1:6]
        window = self._id_to_window.get(wid)
        if not window:
            windowlog("cannot map window %s: already removed!", wid)
        assert not window.is_OR()
        windowlog("client mapped window %s - %s, at: %s", wid, window, (x, y, w, h))
        if len(packet)>=8:
            self._set_window_state(proto, wid, window, packet[7])
        ax, ay, aw, ah = self._clamp_window(proto, wid, window, x, y, w, h)
        self._desktop_manager.configure_window(window, ax, ay, aw, ah)
        if len(packet)>=7:
            self._set_client_properties(proto, wid, window, packet[6])
        self._damage(window, 0, 0, w, h)

    def _process_unmap_window(self, proto, packet):
        wid = packet[1]
        window = self._id_to_window.get(wid)
        if not window:
            log("cannot map window %s: already removed!", wid)
        if len(packet)>=4:
            #optional window_state added in 0.15 to update flags
            #during iconification events:
            self._set_window_state(proto, wid, window, packet[3])
        assert not window.is_OR()
        windowlog("client unmapped window %s - %s", wid, window)
        for ss in self._server_sources.values():
            ss.unmap_window(wid, window)
        iconified = len(packet)>=3 and bool(packet[2])
        if iconified and not window.get_property("iconic"):
            window.set_property("iconic", True)

    def _clamp_window(self, proto, wid, window, x, y, w, h):
        rw, rh = self.get_root_window_size()
        #clamp to root window size
        if x>=rw or y>=rh:
            log("clamping window position %ix%i to root window size %ix%i", x, y, rw, rh)
            x = max(0, min(x, rw-w))
            y = max(0, min(y, rh-h))
            #tell this client to honour the new location
            ss = self._server_sources.get(proto)
            if ss:
                resize_counter = self._desktop_manager.get_resize_counter(window, 1)
                ss.move_resize_window(wid, window, x, y, w, h, resize_counter)
        return x, y, w, h

    def _process_configure_window(self, proto, packet):
        wid, x, y, w, h = packet[1:6]
        resize_counter = 0
        if len(packet)>=8:
            resize_counter = packet[7]
        #some "configure-window" packets are only meant for metadata updates:
        skip_geometry = len(packet)>=10 and packet[9]
        window = self._id_to_window.get(wid)
        windowlog("client configured window %s - %s, at: %s", wid, window, (x, y, w, h))
        if not window:
            windowlog("cannot map window %s: already removed!", wid)
        damage = False
        if window.is_tray():
            assert self._tray
            if not skip_geometry:
                traylog("tray %s configured to: %s", window, (x, y, w, h))
                self._tray.move_resize(window, x, y, w, h)
                damage = True
            assert not window.is_OR() or skip_geometry, "received a configure packet with geometry for OR window %s from %s: %s" % (window, proto, packet)
            self.last_client_configure_event = time.time()
            if len(packet)>=9:
                changes = self._set_window_state(proto, wid, window, packet[8])
                damage = len(changes)>0
            if not skip_geometry:
                owx, owy, oww, owh = self._desktop_manager.window_geometry(window)
                windowlog("_process_configure_window(%s) old window geometry: %s", packet[1:], (owx, owy, oww, owh))
                ax, ay, aw, ah = self._clamp_window(proto, wid, window, x, y, w, h)
                self._desktop_manager.configure_window(window, ax, ay, aw, ah, resize_counter)
                damage |= owx!=ax or owy!=ay or oww!=aw or owh!=ah
        if len(packet)>=7:
            self._set_client_properties(proto, wid, window, packet[6])
        if damage:
            self._damage(window, 0, 0, w, h)

    def _set_client_properties(self, proto, wid, window, new_client_properties):
        Override so we can update the workspace on the window directly,
        instead of storing it as a client property
        workspace = new_client_properties.get("workspace")
        workspacelog("workspace from client properties %s: %s", new_client_properties, workspace)
        if workspace is not None:
            #we have handled it on the window directly, so remove it from client properties
            del new_client_properties["workspace"]
        #handle the rest as normal:
        X11ServerBase._set_client_properties(self, proto, wid, window, new_client_properties)

    """ override so we can raise the window under the cursor
        (gtk raise does not change window stacking, just focus) """
    def _move_pointer(self, wid, pos):
        window = self._id_to_window.get(wid)
        if not window:
            mouselog("_move_pointer(%s, %s) invalid window id", wid, pos)
            mouselog("raising %s", window)
        X11ServerBase._move_pointer(self, wid, pos)

    def _process_close_window(self, proto, packet):
        wid = packet[1]
        window = self._id_to_window.get(wid, None)
        windowlog("client closed window %s - %s", wid, window)
        if window:
            windowlog("cannot close window %s: it is already gone!", wid)

    def make_screenshot_packet(self):
            return self.do_make_screenshot_packet()
            log.error("make_screenshot_packet()", exc_info=True)
            return None

    def do_make_screenshot_packet(self):
        log("grabbing screenshot")
        regions = []
        OR_regions = []
        for wid in reversed(sorted(self._id_to_window.keys())):
            window = self._id_to_window.get(wid)
            log("screenshot: window(%s)=%s", wid, window)
            if window is None:
            if window.is_tray():
                log("screenshot: skipping tray window %s", wid)
            if not window.is_managed():
                log("screenshot: window %s is not/no longer managed", wid)
            if window.is_OR():
                x, y = window.get_property("geometry")[:2]
                x, y = self._desktop_manager.window_geometry(window)[:2]
            log("screenshot: position(%s)=%s,%s", window, x, y)
            w, h = window.get_dimensions()
            log("screenshot: size(%s)=%sx%s", window, w, h)
                with xsync:
                    img = window.get_image(0, 0, w, h)
                log.warn("screenshot: window %s could not be captured", wid)
            if img is None:
                log.warn("screenshot: no pixels for window %s", wid)
            log("screenshot: image=%s, size=%s", (img, img.get_size()))
            if img.get_pixel_format() not in ("RGB", "RGBA", "XRGB", "BGRX", "ARGB", "BGRA"):
                log.warn("window pixels for window %s using an unexpected rgb format: %s", wid, img.get_pixel_format())
            item = (wid, x, y, img)
            if window.is_OR():
            elif self._has_focus==wid:
                #window with focus first (drawn last)
                regions.insert(0, item)
        all_regions = OR_regions+regions
        if len(all_regions)==0:
            log("screenshot: no regions found, returning empty 0x0 image!")
            return ["screenshot", 0, 0, "png", -1, ""]
        log("screenshot: found regions=%s, OR_regions=%s", len(regions), len(OR_regions))
        #in theory, we could run the rest in a non-UI thread since we're done with GTK..
        minx = min([x for (_,x,_,_) in all_regions])
        miny = min([y for (_,_,y,_) in all_regions])
        maxx = max([(x+img.get_width()) for (_,x,_,img) in all_regions])
        maxy = max([(y+img.get_height()) for (_,_,y,img) in all_regions])
        width = maxx-minx
        height = maxy-miny
        log("screenshot: %sx%s, min x=%s y=%s", width, height, minx, miny)
        from PIL import Image                           #@UnresolvedImport
        screenshot = Image.new("RGBA", (width, height))
        for wid, x, y, img in reversed(all_regions):
            pixel_format = img.get_pixel_format()
            target_format = {
                     "XRGB"   : "RGB",
                     "BGRX"   : "RGB",
                     "BGRA"   : "RGBA"}.get(pixel_format, pixel_format)
            pixels = img.get_pixels()
            #PIL cannot use the memoryview directly:
            if _memoryview and isinstance(pixels, _memoryview):
                pixels = pixels.tobytes()
                window_image = Image.frombuffer(target_format, (w, h), pixels, "raw", pixel_format, img.get_rowstride())
                log.error("Error parsing window pixels in %s format", pixel_format, exc_info=True)
            tx = x-minx
            ty = y-miny
            screenshot.paste(window_image, (tx, ty))
        buf = StringIOClass()
        screenshot.save(buf, "png")
        data = buf.getvalue()
        packet = ["screenshot", width, height, "png", width*4, Compressed("png", data)]
        log("screenshot: %sx%s %s", packet[1], packet[2], packet[-1])
        return packet

    def reset_settings(self):
        if not self.xsettings_enabled:
        settingslog("resetting xsettings to: %s", self.default_xsettings)
        self.set_xsettings(self.default_xsettings or (0, ()))

    def set_xsettings(self, v):
        if self._xsettings_manager is None:
            self._xsettings_manager = XSettingsManager()

    def _get_antialias_hintstyle(self):
        ad = typedict(self.antialias)
        hintstyle = ad.strget("hintstyle", "").lower()
        if hintstyle in ("hintnone", "hintslight", "hintmedium", "hintfull"):
            #X11 clients can give us what we need directly:
            return hintstyle
        #win32 style contrast value:
        contrast = ad.intget("contrast", -1)
        if contrast>1600:
            return "hintfull"
        elif contrast>1000:
            return "hintmedium"
        elif contrast>0:
            return "hintslight"
        return "hintnone"

    def update_server_settings(self, settings, reset=False):
        if not self.xsettings_enabled:
            settingslog("ignoring xsettings update: %s", settings)
        if reset:
            #FIXME: preserve serial? (what happens when we change values which had the same serial?)
            self._settings = {}
            if self.default_xsettings:
                self._settings = self._default_xsettings[1]
        old_settings = dict(self._settings)
        settingslog("server_settings: old=%s, updating with=%s", nonl(old_settings), nonl(settings))
        settingslog("overrides: dpi=%s, double click time=%s, double click distance=%s", self.dpi, self.double_click_time, self.double_click_distance)
        settingslog("overrides: antialias=%s", self.antialias)
        root = gtk.gdk.get_default_root_window()
        for k, v in settings.items():
            #cook the "resource-manager" value to add the DPI:
            if k=="resource-manager" and self.dpi>0:
                value = v.decode("utf-8")
                #parse the resources into a dict:
                options = value.split("\n")
                for option in options:
                    if not option:
                    parts = option.split(":\t")
                    if len(parts)!=2:
                    values[parts[0]] = parts[1]
                values["Xft.dpi"] = self.dpi
                values["Xft/DPI"] = self.dpi*1024
                values["gnome.Xft/DPI"] = self.dpi*1024
                if self.antialias:
                    ad = typedict(self.antialias)
                                   "Xft.antialias"  : ad.intget("enabled", -1),
                                   "Xft.hinting"    : ad.intget("hinting", -1),
                                   "Xft.rgba"       : ad.strget("orientation", "none").lower(),
                                   "Xft.hintstyle"  : self._get_antialias_hintstyle()})
                settingslog("server_settings: resource-manager values=%s", nonl(values))
                #convert the dict back into a resource string:
                value = ''
                for vk, vv in values.items():
                    value += "%s:\t%s\n" % (vk, vv)
                #record the actual value used
                self._settings["resource-manager"] = value
                v = value.encode("utf-8")

            #cook xsettings to add double-click settings:
            #(as those may not be present in xsettings on some platforms.. like win32 and osx)
            if k=="xsettings-blob" and (self.double_click_time>0 or self.double_click_distance!=(-1, -1)):
                from xpra.x11.xsettings_prop import XSettingsTypeInteger, XSettingsTypeString
                def set_xsettings_value(name, value_type, value):
                    #remove existing one, if any:
                    serial, values = v
                    new_values = [(_t,_n,_v,_s) for (_t,_n,_v,_s) in values if _n!=name]
                    new_values.append((value_type, name, value, 0))
                    return serial, new_values
                def set_xsettings_int(name, value):
                    if value<0: #not set, return v unchanged
                        return v
                    return set_xsettings_value(name, XSettingsTypeInteger, value)
                if self.dpi>0:
                    v = set_xsettings_int("Xft/DPI", self.dpi*1024)
                if self.double_click_time>0:
                    v = set_xsettings_int("Net/DoubleClickTime", self.double_click_time)
                if self.antialias:
                    ad = typedict(self.antialias)
                    v = set_xsettings_int("Xft/Antialias",  ad.intget("enabled", -1))
                    v = set_xsettings_int("Xft/Hinting",    ad.intget("hinting", -1))
                    v = set_xsettings_value("Xft/RGBA",     XSettingsTypeString, ad.strget("orientation", "none").lower())
                    v = set_xsettings_value("Xft/HintStyle", XSettingsTypeString, self._get_antialias_hintstyle())
                if self.double_click_distance!=(-1, -1):
                    #some platforms give us a value for each axis,
                    #but X11 only has one, so take the average
                        x,y = self.double_click_distance
                        if x>0 and y>0:
                            d = (x+y)//2
                            d = max(1, min(128, d))     #sanitize it a bit
                            v = set_xsettings_int("Net/DoubleClickDistance", d)
                    except Exception as e:
                        log.warn("error setting double click distance from %s: %s", self.double_click_distance, e)

            if k not in old_settings or v != old_settings[k]:
                def root_set(p):
                    settingslog("server_settings: setting %s to %s", nonl(p), nonl(v))
                    prop_set(root, p, "latin1", v.decode("utf-8"))
                if k == "xsettings-blob":
                elif k == "resource-manager":
                elif self.pulseaudio:
                    if k == "pulse-cookie":
                    elif k == "pulse-id":
                    elif k == "pulse-server":