Пример #1
    def testSaving(self):
        z = Connection()
        model = SurfaceSequence(z)

        # Zemax surface comments must be 32 characters or less, to
        # survive saving and reloading
        surf = model.insert_new(1, surface.Standard)
        id = surf.id
        comment = "c"*20
        tag = "t"*9
        surf.comment = comment
        surf.comment.tag = tag


        # Surface can be retrieved from unsaved model
        els = NamedElements(model)
        self.assertEqual(id, getattr(els, tag).id)

        # Save model
        (fd, modelf) = tempfile.mkstemp(".ZMX")

        n = len(model)
        self.assertNotEqual(n, len(model))

        # Reload model
        els2 = NamedElements(model)

        # Comment and tag are intact
        s2 = getattr(els2, tag)
        self.assertEqual(id, s2.id)
        self.assertEqual(s2.comment.value, comment)

Пример #2
# $Rev: 351 $
# $Date: 2013-12-17 18:29:25 +0000 (Tue, 17 Dec 2013) $

# Loads one of the Zemax sample files "Cooke Triplet".
# Performs an exercise from the Short Course, optimising the lens.

from __future__ import print_function
from zemaxclient import Connection
from libzmx import *
import surface

# Establish a connection to the running Zemax application
z = Connection()
# Load a lens file into the Zemax server memory.
# It won't yet appear in the zemax window. For that we need to do z.PushLens()
z.LoadFile("C:\\Program Files\\ZEMAX\\Samples\\Short course\\sc_cooke1.zmx")

# Get a SurfaceSequence instance. This behaves like a list of surfaces
# (the same sequence as viewed in the Zemax lens data editor).
model = SurfaceSequence(z)
# Get a SystemConfig object. This allows us to get/set certain system
# parameters (eg. the stop surface, ray aiming, etc.)
systemconfig = SystemConfig(z)

# Show the number of surfaces in the lens
print("Number of surfaces in model : %d " % len(model))

# Display some information about each surface
print("Surface number, radius, thickness....")
for surf in model:
    curvature = surf.curvature.value