Пример #1
 def iterChildren(self, fnFilters=None, includeMeta=False):
     filterTypes = fnFilters or ()
     for source, destinations in nodes.iterConnections(self.mobject(), True, False):
         destNode = destinations.node()
         if not filterTypes or any(destNode.hasFn(i) for i in filterTypes):
             if not includeMeta and isMetaNode(destNode):
             yield destNode
Пример #2
 def iterConnections(self, source=True, destination=True):
     :param source: if True then return all nodes downstream of the node
     :type source: bool
     :param destination: if True then return all nodes upstream of this node
     :type destination: bool
     :rtype: generator
     return nodes.iterConnections(self.mobject(), source, destination)
Пример #3
def isConnectedToMeta(node):
    """Determines if the node is directly connected to a meta node by searching upstream of the node

    :param node: om2.MObject
    :rtype: bool
    for dest, source in nodes.iterConnections(node, True, False):
        if isMetaNode(source.node()):
            return True
    return False
Пример #4
def getUpstreamMetaNodeFromNode(node):
    """Returns the upstream meta node from node expecting the node to have the metaNode attribute

    :param node: the api node to search from
    :type node: om2.MObject
    :rtype: MetaBase
    for dest, source in nodes.iterConnections(node, False, True):
        node = source.node()
        if isMetaNode(node):
            return dest, MetaBase(node)
    return None, None
Пример #5
 def allChildrenNodes(self, recursive=False, includeMeta=False):
     children = []
     for source, destination in nodes.iterConnections(self.mobject(), True, False):
         node = destination.node()
         if node not in children:
             if includeMeta and om2.MFnDependencyNode(node).hasAttribute("isHive"):
     if recursive:
         for child in self.iterMetaChildren():
             children.extend([i for i in child.allChildrenNodes() if i not in children])
     return children
Пример #6
def getConnectedMetaNodes(mObj):
    """Returns all the downStream connected meta nodes of 'mObj'

    :param mObj: The meta node MObject to search
    :type mObj: om2.MObject
    :return: A list of MetaBase instances, each node will have its own subclass of metabase returned.
    :rtype: list(MetaBase)
    mNodes = []
    for dest, source in nodes.iterConnections(mObj, False, True):
        node = source.node()
        if isMetaNode(node):
    return mNodes
Пример #7
def getConnectedMetaNodes(mObj, direction=om2.MItDependencyGraph.kDownstream):
    """Returns all the downStream connected meta nodes of 'mObj'

    :param mObj: The meta node MObject to search
    :type mObj: om2.MObject
    :return: A list of MetaBase instances, each node will have its own subclass of metabase returned.
    :rtype: list(MetaBase)
    mNodes = []
    useSource = direction == om2.MItDependencyGraph.kDownstream
    usedestination = direction == om2.MItDependencyGraph.kUpstream
    for dest, endPoint in nodes.iterConnections(mObj, useSource, usedestination):
        node = endPoint.node()
        if isMetaNode(node):
    return mNodes
Пример #8
 def iterMetaTree(self, depthLimit=256):
     """This function traverses the meta tree pulling out any meta node this is done by checking each node 
     has the mclass Attribute. This function can be slow depending on the size of the tree 
     :param depthLimit: 
     :type depthLimit: int
     :rtype: generator(MetaBase)
     if depthLimit < 1:
     for source, destination in nodes.iterConnections(self.mobject(), False, True):
         node = destination.node()
         if isMetaNode(node):
             m = MetaBase(node)
             yield m
             for i in m.iterMetaTree(depthLimit=depthLimit - 1):
                 yield i
Пример #9
def findConstraint(node, kType, includeReferenced=True):
    """Searches the upstream graph one level  in search for the corresponding kConstraintType

    :param node: The node to search upstream from
    :type node: om2.MObject
    :param kType: The maya MFn.kConstraintType eg. om2.MFn.kParentConstraint
    :type kType: om2.MFn.kConstraintType
    :param includeReferenced: If True will return the constraint regardless of whether the node is referenced /
    If False then only non-referenced constraints would be returned
    :type includeReferenced: bool
    :return: The MObject representing the constraint
    :rtype: om2.MObject or None
    for source, destination in nodes.iterConnections(node, source=False, destination=True):
        dest = destination.node()
        if dest.apiType() == kType and (includeReferenced or not om2.MFnDependencyNode(dest).isFromReferencedFile):
            return dest
Пример #10
    def disconnectFromNode(self, node):

        :param node: The destination node to disconnect from this meta node
        :type node: om2.MObject
        :return: success value
        :rtype: bool
        metaObj = self.mobject()
        for source, destination in nodes.iterConnections(node, False, True):
            if source.node() != metaObj:
            plugs.disconnectPlug(source, destination)
            if source.isLocked:
                source.isLocked = False
            return True
        return False
Пример #11
def isConnectedToMeta(node):
    for dest, source in nodes.iterConnections(node, True, False):
        if isMetaNode(source.node()):
            return True
    return False