    if not "mLtight0Gamma" in label.split(" ")[2]:
        reg = reg.replace("VG","ZG+WG")
    elif "mLtight0Gamma0" in label.split(" ")[2]:
        reg = reg.replace("VG","ZG")
        reg = reg.replace("VG","WG")

    ch = label.split(" ")[1]
    ch = ch.replace("all","e+mu")
    ch = ch.replace("mu","#mu")
    ch = ch.replace("tight","")

    return reg + ", " + ch

labelFormater = formatLabel
labels = [ ( i, label ) for i, label in enumerate(Results.getBinLabels( labelFormater=lambda x:x.split(" "))[Results.channels[0]])]
if args.plotRegions:
    labels = filter( lambda (i,(year, ch, lab, reg)): reg in args.plotRegions, labels )

# get list of labels
crName    = [ cr for i, (year, lep, reg, cr) in labels ]
plotBins  = [ i  for i, (year, lep, reg, cr) in labels ]
crLabel   = map( lambda (i,(year, ch, lab, reg)): ", ".join( [ reg, ch.replace("mu","#mu").replace("tight","") ] ), labels )
tmpLabels = map( lambda (i,(year, ch, lab, reg)): lab, labels )
ptLabels  = map( lambda (i,(year, ch, lab, reg)): convLabel(lab), labels )

for key, val in enumerate(crLabel):
    if "mLtight0Gamma" in tmpLabels[key]:
        if "mLtight0Gamma0" in tmpLabels[key]:
            crLabel[key] = val.replace("VG","ZG")
        reg = reg.replace("VG", "WG")

    reg = reg.replace("WG", "HM")
    reg = reg.replace("ZG", "LM")

    ch = label.split(" ")[1]
    ch = ch.replace("all", "e+mu")
    ch = ch.replace("mu", "#mu")
    ch = ch.replace("tight", "")

    return reg + ", " + ch

labelFormater = formatLabel
labels = [(i, label) for i, label in enumerate(
        labelFormater=lambda x: x.split(" "))[Results.channels[0]])]
if args.plotRegions:
    labels = filter(lambda (i, (year, ch, lab, reg)): reg in args.plotRegions,
if args.plotChannels:
    labels = filter(lambda (i, (year, ch, lab, reg)): ch in args.plotChannels,

# get list of labels
crName = [cr for i, (year, lep, reg, cr) in labels]
plotBins = [i for i, (year, lep, reg, cr) in labels]
crLabel = map(
    lambda (i, (year, ch, lab, reg)): ", ".join(
        [reg, ch.replace("mu", "#mu").replace("tight", "")]), labels)
tmpLabels = map(lambda (i, (year, ch, lab, reg)): lab, labels)
ptLabels = map(lambda (i, (year, ch, lab, reg)): convLabel(lab), labels)