def BCC_iv_error_function(p0):
    """ Error function for parameter calibration in BCC97 model via
    Lewis (2001) Fourier approach.

    kappa_v: float
        mean-reversion factor
    theta_v: float
        long-run mean of variance
    sigma_v: float
        volatility of variance
    rho: float
        correlation between variance and stock/index level
    v0: float
        initial, instantaneous variance
    lamb: float
        jump intensity
    mu: float
        expected jump size
    delta: float
        standard deviation of jump

    MSE: float
        mean squared error
    global i, min_MSE
    kappa_v, theta_v, sigma_v, rho, v0, lamb, mu, delta = p0
    if (
        kappa_v < 0.0
        or theta_v < 0.005
        or sigma_v < 0.0
        or rho < -1.0
        or rho > 1.0
        or v0 < 0.0
        or lamb < 0.0
        or mu < -0.6
        or mu > 0.0
        or delta < 0.0
        return 5000.0
    if 2 * kappa_v * theta_v < sigma_v ** 2:
        return 5000.0
    se = []
    for row, option in options.iterrows():
        call = call_option(S0, option["Strike"], option["Date"], option["Maturity"], option["r"], option["Market_IV"])
        model_value = BCC_call_value(
            S0, option["Strike"], option["T"], option["r"], kappa_v, theta_v, sigma_v, rho, v0, lamb, mu, delta
        model_iv = call.imp_vol(model_value, 0.15)
        se.append(((model_iv - option["Market_IV"]) * call.vega()) ** 2)
    MSE = sum(se) / len(se)
    min_MSE = min(min_MSE, MSE)
    if i % 25 == 0:
        print "%4d |" % i, np.array(p0), "| %7.3f | %7.3f" % (MSE, min_MSE)
    i += 1
    return MSE
def BCC_iv_error_function(p0):
    ''' Error function for parameter calibration in BCC97 model via
    Lewis (2001) Fourier approach.

    kappa_v: float
        mean-reversion factor
    theta_v: float
        long-run mean of variance
    sigma_v: float
        volatility of variance
    rho: float
        correlation between variance and stock/index level
    v0: float
        initial, instantaneous variance
    lamb: float
        jump intensity
    mu: float
        expected jump size
    delta: float
        standard deviation of jump

    MSE: float
        mean squared error
    global i, min_MSE
    kappa_v, theta_v, sigma_v, rho, v0, lamb, mu, delta = p0
    if kappa_v < 0.0 or theta_v < 0.005 or sigma_v < 0.0 or \
            rho < -1.0 or rho > 1.0 or v0 < 0.0 or lamb < 0.0 or \
            mu < -.6 or mu > 0.0 or delta < 0.0:
        return 5000.0
    if 2 * kappa_v * theta_v < sigma_v**2:
        return 5000.0
    se = []
    for row, option in options.iterrows():
        call = call_option(S0, option['Strike'], option['Date'],
                           option['Maturity'], option['r'],
        model_value = BCC_call_value(S0, option['Strike'], option['T'],
                                     option['r'], kappa_v, theta_v, sigma_v,
                                     rho, v0, lamb, mu, delta)
        model_iv = call.imp_vol(model_value, 0.15)
        se.append(((model_iv - option['Market_IV']) * call.vega())**2)
    MSE = sum(se) / len(se)
    min_MSE = min(min_MSE, MSE)
    if i % 25 == 0:
        print('%4d |' % i, np.array(p0), '| %7.3f | %7.3f' % (MSE, min_MSE))
    i += 1
    return MSE
def calculate_imp_vols(data):
    ''' Calculate all implied volatilities for the European call options
    given the tolerance level for moneyness of the option.'''
    data['Imp_Vol'] = 0.0
    tol = 0.30  # tolerance for moneyness
    for row in data.index:
        t = data['Date'][row]
        T = data['Maturity'][row]
        ttm = (T - t).days / 365.
        forward = np.exp(r * ttm) * S0
        if (abs(data['Strike'][row] - forward) / forward) < tol:
            call = call_option(S0, data['Strike'][row], t, T, r, 0.2)
            data['Imp_Vol'][row] = call.imp_vol(data['Call'][row])
    return data
def calculate_imp_vols(data):
    ''' Calculate all implied volatilities for the European call options
    given the tolerance level for moneyness of the option.'''
    data['Imp_Vol'] = 0.0
    tol = 0.30  # tolerance for moneyness
    for row in data.index:
        t = data['Date'][row]
        T = data['Maturity'][row]
        ttm = (T - t)/864e10/365. # it is 18 digits unix type timestamp, pls refer to https://www.epochconverter.com/ldap
        forward = np.exp(r * ttm) * S0
        if (abs(data['Strike'][row] - forward) / forward) < tol:
            call = call_option(S0, data['Strike'][row], t, T, r, 0.2)
            data.loc[row, 'Imp_Vol'] = call.imp_vol(data.loc[row, 'Call'])
    return data
def calculate_implied_volatilities(filename):
    ''' Calculates market and model implied volatilities. '''
    h5 = pd.HDFStore(filename, 'r')
    options = h5['options']
    for row, option in options.iterrows():
        # T = (option['Maturity'] - option['Date']).days / 365.
        # B0T = B([kappa_r, theta_r, sigma_r, r0, T])
        # r = -math.log(B0T) / T
        call = call_option(S0, option['Strike'], option['Date'],
                           option['Maturity'], option['r'], 0.1)
        options.loc[row, 'market_iv'] = call.imp_vol(option['Call'], 0.15)
        options.loc[row, 'model_iv'] = call.imp_vol(option['Model'], 0.15)
    return options
def calculate_imp_vols(data):
    ''' Calculate all implied volatilities for the European call options
    given the tolerance level for moneyness of the option.'''
    data['Imp_Vol'] = 0.0
    tol = 0.30  # tolerance for moneyness
    for row in data.index:
        t = data['Date'][row]
        T = data['Maturity'][row]
        ttm = (T - t).days / 365.
        forward = np.exp(r * ttm) * S0
        if (abs(data['Strike'][row] - forward) / forward) < tol:
            call = call_option(S0, data['Strike'][row], t, T, r, 0.2)
            data.loc[row, 'Imp_Vol'] = call.imp_vol(data.loc[row, 'Call'])
    return data
def calculate_implied_volatilities(filename):
    ''' Calculates market and model implied volatilities. '''
    h5 = pd.HDFStore(filename, 'r')
    options = h5['options']
    for row, option in options.iterrows():
        T = (option['Maturity'] - option['Date']).days / 365.
        B0T = B([kappa_r, theta_r, sigma_r, r0, T])
        r = -math.log(B0T) / T
        call = call_option(S0, option['Strike'], option['Date'],
                            option['Maturity'], option['r'], 0.1)
        options.ix[row, 'market_iv'] = call.imp_vol(option['Call'], 0.15)
        options.ix[row, 'model_iv'] = call.imp_vol(option['Model'], 0.15)
    return options
# Calibrate Short Rate Model
kappa_r, theta_r, sigma_r = CIR_calibration()

# Market Data from www.eurexchange.com
# as of 30. September 2014
S0 = 3225.93  # EURO STOXX 50 level 30.09.2014
r0 = r_list[0]  # initial short rate (Eonia 30.09.2014)

# Market Implied Volatilities
for row, option in options.iterrows():
    call = call_option(S0, option['Strike'], option['Date'],
                       option['Maturity'], option['r'], 0.15)
    options.loc[row, 'Market_IV'] = call.imp_vol(option['Call'], 0.15)

# Calibration Functions
i = 0
min_MSE = 5000.0

def BCC_iv_error_function(p0):
    ''' Error function for parameter calibration in BCC97 model via
    Lewis (2001) Fourier approach.

# Calibrate Short Rate Model
kappa_r, theta_r, sigma_r = CIR_calibration()

# Market Data from www.eurexchange.com
# as of 30. September 2014
S0 = 3225.93  # EURO STOXX 50 level 30.09.2014
r0 = r_list[0]  # initial short rate (Eonia 30.09.2014)

# Market Implied Volatilities
for row, option in options.iterrows():
    call = call_option(S0, option['Strike'], option['Date'],
                       option['Maturity'], option['r'], 0.15)
    options.loc[row, 'Market_IV'] = call.imp_vol(option['Call'], 0.15)

# Calibration Functions
i = 0
min_MSE = 5000.0

def BCC_iv_error_function(p0):
    ''' Error function for parameter calibration in BCC97 model via
    Lewis (2001) Fourier approach.

# Calibrate Short Rate Model
kappa_r, theta_r, sigma_r = CIR_calibration()

# Market Data from www.eurexchange.com
# as of 30. September 2014
S0 = 3225.93  # EURO STOXX 50 level 30.09.2014
r0 = r_list[0]  # initial short rate (Eonia 30.09.2014)

# Market Implied Volatilities
for row, option in options.iterrows():
    call = call_option(S0, option["Strike"], option["Date"], option["Maturity"], option["r"], 0.15)
    options.ix[row, "Market_IV"] = call.imp_vol(option["Call"], 0.15)

# Calibration Functions
i = 0
min_MSE = 5000.0

def BCC_iv_error_function(p0):
    """ Error function for parameter calibration in BCC97 model via
    Lewis (2001) Fourier approach.
