def add_metal(
    csx: ContinuousStructure,
    name: str,
    color: Optional[str] = colors["aluminum"],
) -> CSProperties:
    prop = csx.AddMetal(name)
    if not color is None:

    return prop
def add_conducting_sheet(
    csx: ContinuousStructure,
    name: str,
    conductivity: float,
    thickness: float,
    color: Optional[str] = colors["enig"],
) -> CSProperties:
    prop = csx.AddConductingSheet(
        name, conductivity=conductivity, thickness=thickness,
    if not color is None:

    return prop
def add_material(
    csx: ContinuousStructure,
    name: str,
    epsilon: float = 1.0,
    mue: float = 1.0,
    kappa: float = 0.0,
    sigma: float = 0.0,
    color: Optional[str] = None,
    alpha: int = 255,
    density: float = 0.0,
) -> CSProperties:
    :param epsilon: Relative electric permeability.
    :param mue: Relative magnetic permeability.
    :param kappa: Electric conductivity.
    :param sigma: Magnetic conductivity.
    :param color: Color of the material as rendered by AppCSXCAD.
        This has no effect on the simulation.  The color string must
        be provided as a hexadecimal value.  E.g., copper color be
        given as "#CD7F32".
    :param alpha: Opacity of the material as rendered by AppCSXCAD.
        This has no effect on the simulation.  Valid values are
        integers in the range [0,255] (inclusive), where 0 is
        perfectly transparent and 255 is perfectly opaque.
    :param density: Material density in kg/m^3.  This only has an
        effect when performing SAR post-processing.  It has no effect
        on the simulation.  Therefore, the default value of 0 is
        suitable for most simulations.

    :returns: The CSXCAD CSProperties object for the material.
    prop = csx.AddMaterial(
    if not color is None:
        prop.SetColor(color, alpha)

    return prop
 def __init__(
     freq: np.array,
     unit: float = 1,
     boundary_conditions: BoundaryConditions = BoundaryConditions(
         (("PML_8", "PML_8"), ("PML_8", "PML_8"), ("PML_8", "PML_8")),
     reference_frequency: float = None,
     end_criteria: float = 1e-5,
     timestep_factor: float = 1,
     sim_dir: str = "sim",
     calc_only: bool = False,
     :param freq: An ordered (ascending) numpy array or list of
         frequency values to simulate.  All signal excitations will
         be automatically set based on this value, where the middle
         frequency value determines the center frequency of the
         gaussian excitation and the end frequency values are the
         -20dB values.  Additionally, the simulation timestep and
         post-processing frequency results are both dependent on
         this argument.  A larger number of values will increase
         the simulation time but will also increase the frequency
         resolution of output data.
     :param unit: Length dimension unit to use for all simulation
         distances.  Defaults to 1, which is meters.  For instance,
         1e-3 would be mm.
     :param boundary_conditions: The OpenEMS simulation boundary
         conditions.  Corresponds to ((xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax),
         (zmin, zmax)).  See the OpenEMS documentation for details.
     :param reference_frequency: Certain dielectric properties are
         frequency dependent.  OpenEMS can only use a single value
         for these parameters during a simulation.  This parameter
         sets the frequency to use.  If the default None is given,
         the center frequency from the frequency array is used.
     :param end_criteria: FDTD termination energy.
     :param timestep_factor: Can reduce the timestep for added
         stability.  This must be between 0 (exclusive) and 1
     :param sim_dir: Directory where simulation results are stored.
         If you pass None, a temporary directory will be used.
         It's generally not recommended to use a temporary
         directory since it makes it more difficult to abort the
         simulation and to avoid rerunning unnecessary parts of the
     :param calc_only: Will not clear a previous simulation and run
         a new one.  This looks for existing simulation results in
         `sim_dir` and calculates results for it.  Unfortunately,
         Simulation still needs to be told about all ports and
         simulation parameters in order to interpret the simulation
     self._freq = np.array(freq)
     self._unit = unit
     self._csx = ContinuousStructure()
     self._boundary_conditions = boundary_conditions
     if reference_frequency is None:
         self._reference_frequency = self.center_frequency()
         self._reference_frequency = reference_frequency
     self._end_criteria = end_criteria
     self._calc_only = calc_only
     if sim_dir is None:
         self._sim_dir = mkdtemp()
         sim_dir = os.path.abspath(sim_dir)
         if not calc_only:
             if os.path.exists(sim_dir):
         self._sim_dir = sim_dir
     if timestep_factor <= 0 or timestep_factor > 1:
         raise ValueError(
             "timestep_factor must be between 0 (exclusive) "
             "and 1 (inclusive)."
     self._fdtd = openEMS(
         EndCriteria=self._end_criteria, TimeStepFactor=timestep_factor
         self.center_frequency(), self.half_bandwidth()
     self._ports = []
     self._field_dumps = []
     self._mesh = None
     self._csx_path = None
     self._nf2ff = None
class Simulation:
    OpenEMS simulation.  This is the main entry-point for
    creating/running a simulation.

    def __init__(
        freq: np.array,
        unit: float = 1,
        boundary_conditions: BoundaryConditions = BoundaryConditions(
            (("PML_8", "PML_8"), ("PML_8", "PML_8"), ("PML_8", "PML_8")),
        reference_frequency: float = None,
        end_criteria: float = 1e-5,
        timestep_factor: float = 1,
        sim_dir: str = "sim",
        calc_only: bool = False,
        :param freq: An ordered (ascending) numpy array or list of
            frequency values to simulate.  All signal excitations will
            be automatically set based on this value, where the middle
            frequency value determines the center frequency of the
            gaussian excitation and the end frequency values are the
            -20dB values.  Additionally, the simulation timestep and
            post-processing frequency results are both dependent on
            this argument.  A larger number of values will increase
            the simulation time but will also increase the frequency
            resolution of output data.
        :param unit: Length dimension unit to use for all simulation
            distances.  Defaults to 1, which is meters.  For instance,
            1e-3 would be mm.
        :param boundary_conditions: The OpenEMS simulation boundary
            conditions.  Corresponds to ((xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax),
            (zmin, zmax)).  See the OpenEMS documentation for details.
        :param reference_frequency: Certain dielectric properties are
            frequency dependent.  OpenEMS can only use a single value
            for these parameters during a simulation.  This parameter
            sets the frequency to use.  If the default None is given,
            the center frequency from the frequency array is used.
        :param end_criteria: FDTD termination energy.
        :param timestep_factor: Can reduce the timestep for added
            stability.  This must be between 0 (exclusive) and 1
        :param sim_dir: Directory where simulation results are stored.
            If you pass None, a temporary directory will be used.
            It's generally not recommended to use a temporary
            directory since it makes it more difficult to abort the
            simulation and to avoid rerunning unnecessary parts of the
        :param calc_only: Will not clear a previous simulation and run
            a new one.  This looks for existing simulation results in
            `sim_dir` and calculates results for it.  Unfortunately,
            Simulation still needs to be told about all ports and
            simulation parameters in order to interpret the simulation
        self._freq = np.array(freq)
        self._unit = unit
        self._csx = ContinuousStructure()
        self._boundary_conditions = boundary_conditions
        if reference_frequency is None:
            self._reference_frequency = self.center_frequency()
            self._reference_frequency = reference_frequency
        self._end_criteria = end_criteria
        self._calc_only = calc_only
        if sim_dir is None:
            self._sim_dir = mkdtemp()
            sim_dir = os.path.abspath(sim_dir)
            if not calc_only:
                if os.path.exists(sim_dir):
            self._sim_dir = sim_dir
        if timestep_factor <= 0 or timestep_factor > 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "timestep_factor must be between 0 (exclusive) "
                "and 1 (inclusive)."
        self._fdtd = openEMS(
            EndCriteria=self._end_criteria, TimeStepFactor=timestep_factor
            self.center_frequency(), self.half_bandwidth()
        self._ports = []
        self._field_dumps = []
        self._mesh = None
        self._csx_path = None
        self._nf2ff = None

    def freq(self) -> np.array:
        return self._freq

    def unit(self) -> float:
        return self._unit

    def csx(self) -> ContinuousStructure:
        return self._csx

    def fdtd(self) -> openEMS:
        return self._fdtd

    def boundary_conditions(self) -> BoundaryConditions:
        return self._boundary_conditions

    def ports(self):
        return self._ports

    def mesh(self):
        return self._mesh

    def sim_dir(self):
        return self._sim_dir

    def nf2ff(self):
        return self._nf2ff

    def run(
        self, csx: bool = True, debug_pec: bool = False, threads: int = 2
    ) -> None:
        Run simulation.

        :param csx: View the CSXCAD structure before running the
            simulation. This additionally prompts the user as to
            whether they'd like to continue with the simulation after
            viewing the simulation structure.
        :param debug_pec: Dump a file containing information about the
            PECs (perfect electrical conductors). This file can be
            viewed with Paraview.
        :param threads: Number of threads to use for the simulation.
            This uses the exact same interface as OpenEMS. That is, a
            value of 0 uses the maximum number of threads and any
            other number uses the number provided.
        if csx:
        if not self._calc_only:
            if debug_pec:
                self.fdtd.Run(self.sim_dir, cleanup=False, numThreads=threads)

    def view_csx(self, prompt: bool = False) -> None:
        View the CSX network.

        :param prompt: Prompt user whether to continue simulation.
        subprocess.run(["AppCSXCAD", self._csx_path])
        if prompt:

    def view_field(self, index: int = 0) -> None:
        View the field dump corresponding to the given index.
        if index > len(self._field_dumps) - 1:
            raise ValueError("Invalid field dump index provided.")

    def _prompt_terminate(self) -> None:
        ans = input("Continue simulation (y/n)? ")
        ans = ans.lower()
        if ans == "n":
            print("Terminating simulation.")
        elif ans != "y":
            print("Please answer y/n.")

    def post_mesh(self):
        Adjust the simulation for the generated mesh.

    def _mesh_errors(self) -> None:
        Declare any errors between the PML and simulation structure.
        for port in self.ports:
            if port.pml_overlap():
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Probe or feed overlaps PML. Please fix your simulation. "
                    "CSX file has been saved so you can view the overlap."

    def save_csx(self, path: str = None):
        if path is None:
            path = self.sim_dir + "/" + self._file_name() + ".xml"
        self._csx_path = path

    def _file_name(self):
        return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))[0]

    def _calc_ports(self):
        [port.calc() for port in self.ports]

    def s_param(self, i: int, j: int, dB: bool = True) -> np.array:
        Calculate the S-parameter, S_{ij}.

        :param i: First subscript of S.  Must be in the range [1,
        :param j: Second subscript of S.  Must be in the range [1,
        :param dB: Return the s-parameter as a decibel value.
        num_ports = self._num_ports()
        if i > num_ports or j > num_ports or i < 1 or j < 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid S-parameter requested. Ensure that i and j are in "
                "the proper range for the network."

        i -= 1
        j -= 1
        s = (
            / self.ports[j].incident_voltage()

        if not dB:
            return s  # will return a complex variable
            s = np.abs(s)
            return 20 * np.log10(s)

    def _num_ports(self) -> int:
        return len(self.ports)

    def center_frequency(self) -> float:
        idx = int(len(self.freq) / 2)
        return self.freq[idx]

    def reference_frequency(self) -> float:
        return self._reference_frequency

    def half_bandwidth(self) -> float:
        return self.freq[-1] - self.center_frequency()

    def max_frequency(self) -> float:
        return self.center_frequency() + self.half_bandwidth()

    def add_port(self, port) -> None:

    def add_field_dump(self, field_dump) -> None:

    def _order_ports(self) -> None:
        self._ports.sort(key=lambda port: port.number)

    def _align_ports_to_mesh(self) -> None:
        if self.ports is not None:
            [port.snap_to_mesh(mesh=self.mesh) for port in self.ports]

    def register_mesh(self, mesh) -> None:
        self._mesh = mesh

    def register_nf2ff(self, nf2ff) -> None:
        self._nf2ff = nf2ff
def get_unit(csx: ContinuousStructure) -> float:
    return csx.GetGrid().GetDeltaUnit()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Dec  4 16:24:49 2015

@author: thorsten

import numpy as np

from CSXCAD.CSXCAD import ContinuousStructure
from CSXCAD import CSProperties

from CSXCAD.CSProperties import CSPropMetal
from CSXCAD import CSPrimitives
csx = ContinuousStructure()
pset = csx.GetParameterSet()
grid = csx.GetGrid()

##### Test Metal Prop
metal = CSPropMetal(pset)
assert metal.GetQtyPrimitives() == 0
assert metal.GetTypeString()=='Metal'

assert metal.GetName()=='metal'

metal.AddBox([0,0,0], [1,1,1])

ans = csx.AddProperty(metal)