def select_images():
    Returns two ImagePlus objects that can be used by the drift correction.
    If more than two images are available a dialog is used for selection.
    if WindowManager.getImageCount() > 0:
        imp = WindowManager.getCurrentImage()
        if imp.getImageStackSize() == 2:
            dup = Duplicator()
            img1 =, 1, 1)
            img2 =, 2, 2)
        elif WindowManager.getImageCount() == 2:
            img1, img2 = [WindowManager.getImage(id) for id in WindowManager.getIDList()]
        elif WindowManager.getImageCount() > 2:
            image_ids = WindowManager.getIDList()
            image_titles = [WindowManager.getImage(id).getTitle() for id in image_ids]
                sel1, sel2 = dialogs.create_selection_dialog(image_titles, range(2))
            except TypeError:
                return(None, None)
            img1 = WindowManager.getImage(image_ids[sel1])
            img2 = WindowManager.getImage(image_ids[sel2])
            IJ.error("You need two images to run the script.")
            return(None, None)
        IJ.error("You need two images to run the script.")
        return(None, None)
    return (img1, img2)
文件: 项目: m-entrup/EFTEMj
def get_images(minimum=0, maximum=None, exact=None):
    ''' Returns a list of ImagePlus objects or None if it failed.
    Passing None as parameter will trigger a dialog to show up to enter the exact number of images.
    :param minimum: The minimum number of images to select (default: 0).
    :param maximum: The maximum number of images to select (default: None).
    :param exact: Set this to get an exact number of images (default: None).
    if not (minimum or maximum or exact):
        exact = int(IJ.getNumber("How many images do you want to process?", 3))
    def check_count(count):
        '''Returns True if the count of images is as required.'''
        # print count, exact, minimum, maximum
        if exact:
            if not count == exact:
                return False
            if minimum:
                if count < minimum:
                    return False
            if maximum:
                if count > maximum:
                    return False
        return True

    # Option 1: The selected image is a stack and has the demanded size.
    if check_count(WindowManager.getCurrentImage().getStackSize()):
        return stack_to_list_of_imp(WindowManager.getCurrentImage())

    # Option 2: The count of open images matches the demanded number.
    image_ids = WindowManager.getIDList()
    if exact:
        if len(image_ids) < exact:
            return None
        if len(image_ids) == exact:
            return [WindowManager.getImage(img_id) for img_id in image_ids]

    # Option 3: The user can select the images from a list.
    image_titles = [WindowManager.getImage(id).getTitle() for id in image_ids]
    img_count = len(image_ids)
    if exact:
        img_count = exact
    elif maximum:
        img_count = maximum
    images_selected = dialogs.create_selection_dialog(image_titles,
                                                      'Select images for drift correction'
    # dialogs.create_selection_dialog() returns None if canceled
    if not images_selected:
        return None
    # This is only true if 'None has been appended to image_titles and the user selected it.
    if len(image_ids) in images_selected:
    if not check_count(len(images_selected)):
        return None
    image_list = [WindowManager.getImage(image_ids[selection]) for selection in images_selected]
    return image_list