 def test_whole_cell(self):
     src = "%%cellm line\nbody\n"
     sp = self.sp
     out = sp.source_reset()
     ref = u"get_ipython().run_cell_magic({u}'cellm', {u}'line', {u}'body')\n"
     nt.assert_equal(out, py3compat.u_format(ref))
def test_notebook_reformat_py():
    with TemporaryDirectory() as td:
        infile = os.path.join(td, "nb.ipynb")
        with io.open(infile, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            current.write(nb0, f, 'json')

        _ip.ex(py3compat.u_format("u = {u}'héllo'"))
        _ip.magic("notebook -f py %s" % infile)
 def test_whole_cell(self):
     src = "%%cellm line\nbody\n"
     sp = self.sp
     nt.assert_equal(sp.cell_magic_parts, ['body\n'])
     out = sp.source
     ref = "get_ipython()._run_cached_cell_magic({u}'cellm', {u}'line')\n"
     nt.assert_equal(out, py3compat.u_format(ref))
 def test_whole_cell(self):
     src = "%%cellm line\nbody\n"
     sp = self.sp
     nt.assert_equal(sp.cell_magic_parts, ['body\n'])
     out = sp.source
     ref = u"get_ipython()._run_cached_cell_magic({u}'cellm', {u}'line')\n"
     nt.assert_equal(out, py3compat.u_format(ref))
def test_notebook_reformat_py():
    with TemporaryDirectory() as td:
        infile = os.path.join(td, "nb.ipynb")
        with io.open(infile, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            current.write(nb0, f, 'json')
        _ip.ex(py3compat.u_format(u"u = {u}'héllo'"))
        _ip.magic("notebook -f py %s" % infile)
def test_notebook_reformat_json():
    with TemporaryDirectory() as td:
        infile = os.path.join(td, "nb.py")
        with io.open(infile, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
            current.write(nb0, f, "py")

        _ip.ex(py3compat.u_format(u"u = {u}'héllo'"))
        _ip.magic("notebook -f ipynb %s" % infile)
        _ip.magic("notebook -f json %s" % infile)
    def test_notebook_reformat_py(self):
        from IPython.nbformat.v3.tests.nbexamples import nb0
        from IPython.nbformat import current
        with TemporaryDirectory() as td:
            infile = os.path.join(td, "nb.ipynb")
            with io.open(infile, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
                current.write(nb0, f, 'json')

            _ip.ex(py3compat.u_format(u"u = {u}'héllo'"))
            _ip.magic("notebook -f py %s" % infile)
def test_handlers():
    call_idx = CallableIndexable()
    ip.user_ns["call_idx"] = call_idx

    # For many of the below, we're also checking that leading whitespace
    # turns off the esc char, which it should unless there is a continuation
    # line.
        (i, py3compat.u_format(o)) for i, o in [
            ('"no change"', '"no change"'),  # normal
             "get_ipython().run_line_magic('lsmagic', '')"),  # magic
            # ("a = b # PYTHON-MODE", '_i'),          # emacs -- avoids _in cache

    # Objects which are instances of IPyAutocall are *always* autocalled
    autocallable = Autocallable()
    ip.user_ns["autocallable"] = autocallable

    # auto
    ip.magic("autocall 0")
    # Only explicit escapes or instances of IPyAutocallable should get
    # expanded
        ('len "abc"', 'len "abc"'),
        ("autocallable", "autocallable()"),
        # Don't add extra brackets (gh-1117)
        ("autocallable()", "autocallable()"),
    ip.magic("autocall 1")
        ('len "abc"', 'len("abc")'),
        ('len "abc";', 'len("abc");'),  # ; is special -- moves out of parens
        # Autocall is turned off if first arg is [] and the object
        # is both callable and indexable.  Like so:
        ("len [1,2]", "len([1,2])"),  # len doesn't support __getitem__...
        ("call_idx [1]", "call_idx [1]"),  # call_idx *does*..
        ("call_idx 1", "call_idx(1)"),
        ("len", "len"),  # only at 2 does it auto-call on single args
    ip.magic("autocall 2")
        ('len "abc"', 'len("abc")'),
        ('len "abc";', 'len("abc");'),
        ("len [1,2]", "len([1,2])"),
        ("call_idx [1]", "call_idx [1]"),
        ("call_idx 1", "call_idx(1)"),
        # This is what's different:
        ("len", "len()"),  # only at 2 does it auto-call on single args
    ip.magic("autocall 1")

    nt.assert_equal(failures, [])
    def test_notebook_reformat_py(self):
        from IPython.nbformat.v3.tests.nbexamples import nb0
        from IPython.nbformat import current

        with TemporaryDirectory() as td:
            infile = os.path.join(td, "nb.ipynb")
            with io.open(infile, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
                current.write(nb0, f, "json")

            _ip.ex(py3compat.u_format(u"u = {u}'héllo'"))
            _ip.magic("notebook -f py %s" % infile)
def test_handlers():
    call_idx = CallableIndexable()
    ip.user_ns['call_idx'] = call_idx

    # For many of the below, we're also checking that leading whitespace
    # turns off the esc char, which it should unless there is a continuation
    # line.
    run([(i,py3compat.u_format(o)) for i,o in \
        [('"no change"', '"no change"'),             # normal
         (u"lsmagic",     "get_ipython().magic({u}'lsmagic ')"),   # magic
         #("a = b # PYTHON-MODE", '_i'),          # emacs -- avoids _in cache

    # Objects which are instances of IPyAutocall are *always* autocalled
    autocallable = Autocallable()
    ip.user_ns['autocallable'] = autocallable

    # auto
    ip.magic('autocall 0')
    # Only explicit escapes or instances of IPyAutocallable should get
    # expanded
        ('len "abc"',       'len "abc"'),
        ('autocallable',    'autocallable()'),
        # Don't add extra brackets (gh-1117)
        ('autocallable()',    'autocallable()'),
    ip.magic('autocall 1')
        ('len "abc"', 'len("abc")'),
        ('len "abc";', 'len("abc");'),  # ; is special -- moves out of parens
        # Autocall is turned off if first arg is [] and the object
        # is both callable and indexable.  Like so:
        ('len [1,2]', 'len([1,2])'),      # len doesn't support __getitem__...
        ('call_idx [1]', 'call_idx [1]'), # call_idx *does*..
        ('call_idx 1', 'call_idx(1)'),
        ('len', 'len'), # only at 2 does it auto-call on single args
    ip.magic('autocall 2')
        ('len "abc"', 'len("abc")'),
        ('len "abc";', 'len("abc");'),
        ('len [1,2]', 'len([1,2])'),
        ('call_idx [1]', 'call_idx [1]'),
        ('call_idx 1', 'call_idx(1)'),
        # This is what's different:
        ('len', 'len()'), # only at 2 does it auto-call on single args
    ip.magic('autocall 1')

    nt.assert_equal(failures, [])
    def test_tclass(self):
        mydir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        tc = os.path.join(mydir, 'tclass')
        src = ("%%run '%s' C-first\n"
               "%%run '%s' C-second\n"
               "%%run '%s' C-third\n") % (tc, tc, tc)
        self.mktmp(src, '.ipy')
        out = """\
ARGV 1-: [{u}'C-first']
ARGV 1-: [{u}'C-second']
tclass.py: deleting object: C-first
ARGV 1-: [{u}'C-third']
tclass.py: deleting object: C-second
tclass.py: deleting object: C-third
        tt.ipexec_validate(self.fname, py3compat.u_format(out))
def test_handlers():
    # alias expansion

    # We're using 'true' as our syscall of choice because it doesn't
    # write anything to stdout.

    # Turn off actual execution of aliases, because it's noisy
    old_system_cmd = ip.system
    ip.system = lambda cmd: None

    ip.alias_manager.alias_table['an_alias'] = (0, 'true')
    # These are useful for checking a particular recursive alias issue
    ip.alias_manager.alias_table['top'] = (0, 'd:/cygwin/top')
    ip.alias_manager.alias_table['d'] = (0, 'true')
    run([(i,py3compat.u_format(o)) for i,o in \
        [("an_alias",    "get_ipython().system({u}'true ')"),     # alias
         # Below: recursive aliases should expand whitespace-surrounded
         # chars, *not* initial chars which happen to be aliases:
         ("top",         "get_ipython().system({u}'d:/cygwin/top ')"),
    ip.system = old_system_cmd

    call_idx = CallableIndexable()
    ip.user_ns['call_idx'] = call_idx

    # For many of the below, we're also checking that leading whitespace
    # turns off the esc char, which it should unless there is a continuation
    # line.
    run([(i,py3compat.u_format(o)) for i,o in \
        [('"no change"', '"no change"'),             # normal
         (u"lsmagic",     "get_ipython().magic({u}'lsmagic ')"),   # magic
         #("a = b # PYTHON-MODE", '_i'),          # emacs -- avoids _in cache

    # Objects which are instances of IPyAutocall are *always* autocalled
    autocallable = Autocallable()
    ip.user_ns['autocallable'] = autocallable

    # auto
    ip.magic('autocall 0')
    # Only explicit escapes or instances of IPyAutocallable should get
    # expanded
        ('len "abc"', 'len "abc"'),
        ('autocallable', 'autocallable()'),
        # Don't add extra brackets (gh-1117)
        ('autocallable()', 'autocallable()'),
    ip.magic('autocall 1')
        ('len "abc"', 'len("abc")'),
        ('len "abc";', 'len("abc");'),  # ; is special -- moves out of parens
        # Autocall is turned off if first arg is [] and the object
        # is both callable and indexable.  Like so:
        ('len [1,2]', 'len([1,2])'),  # len doesn't support __getitem__...
        ('call_idx [1]', 'call_idx [1]'),  # call_idx *does*..
        ('call_idx 1', 'call_idx(1)'),
        ('len', 'len'),  # only at 2 does it auto-call on single args
    ip.magic('autocall 2')
        ('len "abc"', 'len("abc")'),
        ('len "abc";', 'len("abc");'),
        ('len [1,2]', 'len([1,2])'),
        ('call_idx [1]', 'call_idx [1]'),
        ('call_idx 1', 'call_idx(1)'),
        # This is what's different:
        ('len', 'len()'),  # only at 2 does it auto-call on single args
    ip.magic('autocall 1')

    nt.assert_equal(failures, [])
 def test_whole_cell(self):
     src = "%%cellm line\nbody\n"
     out = self.sp.transform_cell(src)
     ref = u"get_ipython().run_cell_magic({u}'cellm', {u}'line', {u}'body')\n"
     nt.assert_equal(out, py3compat.u_format(ref))
            if inp is None:
                out = transformer.reset()
                out = transformer.push(inp)
            nt.assert_equal(out, tr)

# Data for all the syntax tests in the form of lists of pairs of
# raw/transformed input.  We store it here as a global dict so that we can use
# it both within single-function tests and also to validate the behavior of the
# larger objects

syntax = \
  dict(assign_system =
       [(i,py3compat.u_format(o)) for i,o in \
       [(u'a =! ls', "a = get_ipython().getoutput({u}'ls')"),
        (u'b = !ls', "b = get_ipython().getoutput({u}'ls')"),
        ('x=1', 'x=1'), # normal input is unmodified
        ('    ','    '),  # blank lines are kept intact

       assign_magic =
       [(i,py3compat.u_format(o)) for i,o in \
       [(u'a =% who', "a = get_ipython().magic({u}'who')"),
        (u'b = %who', "b = get_ipython().magic({u}'who')"),
        ('x=1', 'x=1'), # normal input is unmodified
        ('    ','    '),  # blank lines are kept intact

       classic_prompt =
 def test_notebook_export_json(self):
     with TemporaryDirectory() as td:
         outfile = os.path.join(td, "nb.ipynb")
         _ip.ex(py3compat.u_format(u"u = {u}'héllo'"))
         _ip.magic("notebook -e %s" % outfile)
# Transformer tests
def transform_checker(tests, func):
    """Utility to loop over test inputs"""
    for inp, tr in tests:
        nt.assert_equal(func(inp), tr)

# Data for all the syntax tests in the form of lists of pairs of
# raw/transformed input.  We store it here as a global dict so that we can use
# it both within single-function tests and also to validate the behavior of the
# larger objects

syntax = dict(
        (i, py3compat.u_format(o))
        for i, o in [
            (u"a =! ls", "a = get_ipython().getoutput({u}'ls')"),
            (u"b = !ls", "b = get_ipython().getoutput({u}'ls')"),
            ("x=1", "x=1"),  # normal input is unmodified
            ("    ", "    "),  # blank lines are kept intact
        (i, py3compat.u_format(o))
        for i, o in [
            (u"a =% who", "a = get_ipython().magic({u}'who')"),
            (u"b = %who", "b = get_ipython().magic({u}'who')"),
            ("x=1", "x=1"),  # normal input is unmodified
            ("    ", "    "),  # blank lines are kept intact
                out = transformer.reset()
                out = transformer.push(inp)
            nt.assert_equal(out, tr)

# Data for all the syntax tests in the form of lists of pairs of
# raw/transformed input.  We store it here as a global dict so that we can use
# it both within single-function tests and also to validate the behavior of the
# larger objects

syntax = dict(
        (i, py3compat.u_format(o)) for i, o in [
            (u"a =! ls", "a = get_ipython().getoutput('ls')"),
            (u"b = !ls", "b = get_ipython().getoutput('ls')"),
            (u"c= !ls", "c = get_ipython().getoutput('ls')"),
            (u"d == !ls",
             u"d == !ls"),  # Invalid syntax, but we leave == alone.
            ("x=1", "x=1"),  # normal input is unmodified
            ("    ", "    "),  # blank lines are kept intact
            # Tuple unpacking
                u"a, b = !echo 'a\\nb'",
                u"a, b = get_ipython().getoutput(\"echo 'a\\\\nb'\")",
            (u"a,= !echo 'a'", u"a, = get_ipython().getoutput(\"echo 'a'\")"),
                u"a, *bc = !echo 'a\\nb\\nc'",
def test_handlers():
    # alias expansion

    # We're using 'true' as our syscall of choice because it doesn't
    # write anything to stdout.

    # Turn off actual execution of aliases, because it's noisy
    old_system_cmd = ip.system
    ip.system = lambda cmd: None

    ip.alias_manager.alias_table['an_alias'] = (0, 'true')
    # These are useful for checking a particular recursive alias issue
    ip.alias_manager.alias_table['top'] = (0, 'd:/cygwin/top')
    ip.alias_manager.alias_table['d'] =   (0, 'true')
    run([(i,py3compat.u_format(o)) for i,o in \
        [("an_alias",    "get_ipython().system({u}'true ')"),     # alias
         # Below: recursive aliases should expand whitespace-surrounded
         # chars, *not* initial chars which happen to be aliases:
         ("top",         "get_ipython().system({u}'d:/cygwin/top ')"),
    ip.system = old_system_cmd

    call_idx = CallableIndexable()
    ip.user_ns['call_idx'] = call_idx

    # For many of the below, we're also checking that leading whitespace
    # turns off the esc char, which it should unless there is a continuation
    # line.
    run([(i,py3compat.u_format(o)) for i,o in \
        [('"no change"', '"no change"'),             # normal
         (u"!true",       "get_ipython().system({u}'true')"),      # shell_escapes
         (u"!! true",     "get_ipython().magic({u}'sx  true')"),   # shell_escapes + magic
         (u"!!true",      "get_ipython().magic({u}'sx true')"),    # shell_escapes + magic
         (u"%lsmagic",    "get_ipython().magic({u}'lsmagic ')"),   # magic
         (u"lsmagic",     "get_ipython().magic({u}'lsmagic ')"),   # magic
         #("a = b # PYTHON-MODE", '_i'),          # emacs -- avoids _in cache

         # post-esc-char whitespace goes inside
         (u"! true",   "get_ipython().system({u}' true')"),

         # handle_help

         # These are weak tests -- just looking at what the help handlers
         # logs, which is not how it really does its work.  But it still
         # lets us check the key paths through the handler.

         ("x=1 # what?", "x=1 # what?"), # no help if valid python

    # multi_line_specials
    ip.prefilter_manager.multi_line_specials = False
    # W/ multi_line_specials off, leading ws kills esc chars/autoexpansion
        (u'if 1:\n    !true',    u'if 1:\n    !true'),
        (u'if 1:\n    lsmagic',  u'if 1:\n    lsmagic'),
        (u'if 1:\n    an_alias', u'if 1:\n    an_alias'),

    ip.prefilter_manager.multi_line_specials = True
    # initial indents must be preserved.
    run([(i,py3compat.u_format(o)) for i,o in \
        [(u'if 1:\n    !true',    "if 1:\n    get_ipython().system({u}'true')"),
         (u'if 2:\n    lsmagic',  "if 2:\n    get_ipython().magic({u}'lsmagic ')"),
         (u'if 1:\n    an_alias', "if 1:\n    get_ipython().system({u}'true ')"),
         # Weird one
         (u'if 1:\n    !!true',   "if 1:\n    get_ipython().magic({u}'sx true')"),

         # Even with m_l_s on, autocall is off even with special chars
         ('if 1:\n    /fun 1 2', 'if 1:\n    /fun 1 2'),
         ('if 1:\n    ;fun 1 2', 'if 1:\n    ;fun 1 2'),
         ('if 1:\n    ,fun 1 2', 'if 1:\n    ,fun 1 2'),
         ('if 1:\n    ?fun 1 2', 'if 1:\n    ?fun 1 2'),
         # What about !!

    # Objects which are instances of IPyAutocall are *always* autocalled
    autocallable = Autocallable()
    ip.user_ns['autocallable'] = autocallable

    # auto
    ip.magic('autocall 0')
    # Only explicit escapes or instances of IPyAutocallable should get
    # expanded
        ('len "abc"',       'len "abc"'),
        ('autocallable',    'autocallable()'),
        # Don't add extra brackets (gh-1117)
        ('autocallable()',    'autocallable()'),
        (",list 1 2 3",     'list("1", "2", "3")'),
        (";list 1 2 3",     'list("1 2 3")'),
        ("/len range(1,4)", 'len(range(1,4))'),
    ip.magic('autocall 1')
        (",list 1 2 3", 'list("1", "2", "3")'),
        (";list 1 2 3", 'list("1 2 3")'),
        ("/len range(1,4)", 'len(range(1,4))'),
        ('len "abc"', 'len("abc")'),
        ('len "abc";', 'len("abc");'),  # ; is special -- moves out of parens
        # Autocall is turned off if first arg is [] and the object
        # is both callable and indexable.  Like so:
        ('len [1,2]', 'len([1,2])'),      # len doesn't support __getitem__...
        ('call_idx [1]', 'call_idx [1]'), # call_idx *does*..
        ('call_idx 1', 'call_idx(1)'),
        ('len', 'len'), # only at 2 does it auto-call on single args
    ip.magic('autocall 2')
        (",list 1 2 3", 'list("1", "2", "3")'),
        (";list 1 2 3", 'list("1 2 3")'),
        ("/len range(1,4)", 'len(range(1,4))'),
        ('len "abc"', 'len("abc")'),
        ('len "abc";', 'len("abc");'),
        ('len [1,2]', 'len([1,2])'),
        ('call_idx [1]', 'call_idx [1]'),
        ('call_idx 1', 'call_idx(1)'),
        # This is what's different:
        ('len', 'len()'), # only at 2 does it auto-call on single args
    ip.magic('autocall 1')

    nt.assert_equal(failures, [])
def test_handlers():
    # alias expansion

    # We're using 'true' as our syscall of choice because it doesn't
    # write anything to stdout.

    # Turn off actual execution of aliases, because it's noisy
    old_system_cmd = ip.system
    ip.system = lambda cmd: None

    ip.alias_manager.alias_table['an_alias'] = (0, 'true')
    # These are useful for checking a particular recursive alias issue
    ip.alias_manager.alias_table['top'] = (0, 'd:/cygwin/top')
    ip.alias_manager.alias_table['d'] =   (0, 'true')
    run([(i,py3compat.u_format(o)) for i,o in \
        [("an_alias",    "get_ipython().system({u}'true ')"),     # alias
         # Below: recursive aliases should expand whitespace-surrounded
         # chars, *not* initial chars which happen to be aliases:
         ("top",         "get_ipython().system({u}'d:/cygwin/top ')"),
    ip.system = old_system_cmd

    call_idx = CallableIndexable()
    ip.user_ns['call_idx'] = call_idx

    # For many of the below, we're also checking that leading whitespace
    # turns off the esc char, which it should unless there is a continuation
    # line.
    run([(i,py3compat.u_format(o)) for i,o in \
        [('"no change"', '"no change"'),             # normal
         ("lsmagic",     "get_ipython().magic({u}'lsmagic ')"),   # magic
         #("a = b # PYTHON-MODE", '_i'),          # emacs -- avoids _in cache

    # Objects which are instances of IPyAutocall are *always* autocalled
    autocallable = Autocallable()
    ip.user_ns['autocallable'] = autocallable

    # auto
    ip.magic('autocall 0')
    # Only explicit escapes or instances of IPyAutocallable should get
    # expanded
        ('len "abc"',       'len "abc"'),
        ('autocallable',    'autocallable()'),
        # Don't add extra brackets (gh-1117)
        ('autocallable()',    'autocallable()'),
    ip.magic('autocall 1')
        ('len "abc"', 'len("abc")'),
        ('len "abc";', 'len("abc");'),  # ; is special -- moves out of parens
        # Autocall is turned off if first arg is [] and the object
        # is both callable and indexable.  Like so:
        ('len [1,2]', 'len([1,2])'),      # len doesn't support __getitem__...
        ('call_idx [1]', 'call_idx [1]'), # call_idx *does*..
        ('call_idx 1', 'call_idx(1)'),
        ('len', 'len'), # only at 2 does it auto-call on single args
    ip.magic('autocall 2')
        ('len "abc"', 'len("abc")'),
        ('len "abc";', 'len("abc");'),
        ('len [1,2]', 'len([1,2])'),
        ('call_idx [1]', 'call_idx [1]'),
        ('call_idx 1', 'call_idx(1)'),
        # This is what's different:
        ('len', 'len()'), # only at 2 does it auto-call on single args
    ip.magic('autocall 1')

    nt.assert_equal(failures, [])
        for inp, tr in tests:
            if inp is None:
                out = transformer.reset()
                out = transformer.push(inp)
            nt.assert_equal(out, tr)

# Data for all the syntax tests in the form of lists of pairs of
# raw/transformed input.  We store it here as a global dict so that we can use
# it both within single-function tests and also to validate the behavior of the
# larger objects

syntax = \
    dict(assign_system=[(i, py3compat.u_format(o)) for i, o in
                        [(u'a =! ls', "a = get_ipython().getoutput({u}'ls')"),
                         (u'b = !ls',
                          "b = get_ipython().getoutput({u}'ls')"),
                         (u'c= !ls', "c = get_ipython().getoutput({u}'ls')"),
                         # Invalid syntax, but we leave == alone.
                         (u'd == !ls', u'd == !ls'),
                         ('x=1', 'x=1'),  # normal input is unmodified
                         ('    ', '    '),  # blank lines are kept intact
                         # Tuple unpacking
                         (u"a, b = !echo 'a\\nb'",
                            u"a, b = get_ipython().getoutput({u}\"echo 'a\\\\nb'\")"),
                         (u"a,= !echo 'a'",
                          u"a, = get_ipython().getoutput({u}\"echo 'a'\")"),
                         (u"a, *bc = !echo 'a\\nb\\nc'",
                            u"a, *bc = get_ipython().getoutput({u}\"echo 'a\\\\nb\\\\nc'\")"),
def test_handlers():
    # alias expansion

    # We're using 'true' as our syscall of choice because it doesn't
    # write anything to stdout.

    # Turn off actual execution of aliases, because it's noisy
    old_system_cmd = ip.system
    ip.system = lambda cmd: None

    ip.alias_manager.alias_table['an_alias'] = (0, 'true')
    # These are useful for checking a particular recursive alias issue
    ip.alias_manager.alias_table['top'] = (0, 'd:/cygwin/top')
    ip.alias_manager.alias_table['d'] = (0, 'true')
    run([(i,py3compat.u_format(o)) for i,o in \
        [("an_alias",    "get_ipython().system({u}'true ')"),     # alias
         # Below: recursive aliases should expand whitespace-surrounded
         # chars, *not* initial chars which happen to be aliases:
         ("top",         "get_ipython().system({u}'d:/cygwin/top ')"),
    ip.system = old_system_cmd

    call_idx = CallableIndexable()
    ip.user_ns['call_idx'] = call_idx

    # For many of the below, we're also checking that leading whitespace
    # turns off the esc char, which it should unless there is a continuation
    # line.
    run([(i,py3compat.u_format(o)) for i,o in \
        [('"no change"', '"no change"'),             # normal
         (u"!true",       "get_ipython().system({u}'true')"),      # shell_escapes
         (u"!! true",     "get_ipython().magic({u}'sx  true')"),   # shell_escapes + magic
         (u"!!true",      "get_ipython().magic({u}'sx true')"),    # shell_escapes + magic
         (u"%lsmagic",    "get_ipython().magic({u}'lsmagic ')"),   # magic
         (u"lsmagic",     "get_ipython().magic({u}'lsmagic ')"),   # magic
         #("a = b # PYTHON-MODE", '_i'),          # emacs -- avoids _in cache

         # post-esc-char whitespace goes inside
         (u"! true",   "get_ipython().system({u}' true')"),

         # handle_help

         # These are weak tests -- just looking at what the help handlers
         # logs, which is not how it really does its work.  But it still
         # lets us check the key paths through the handler.

         ("x=1 # what?", "x=1 # what?"), # no help if valid python

    # multi_line_specials
    ip.prefilter_manager.multi_line_specials = False
    # W/ multi_line_specials off, leading ws kills esc chars/autoexpansion
        (u'if 1:\n    !true', u'if 1:\n    !true'),
        (u'if 1:\n    lsmagic', u'if 1:\n    lsmagic'),
        (u'if 1:\n    an_alias', u'if 1:\n    an_alias'),

    ip.prefilter_manager.multi_line_specials = True
    # initial indents must be preserved.
    run([(i,py3compat.u_format(o)) for i,o in \
        [(u'if 1:\n    !true',    "if 1:\n    get_ipython().system({u}'true')"),
         (u'if 2:\n    lsmagic',  "if 2:\n    get_ipython().magic({u}'lsmagic ')"),
         (u'if 1:\n    an_alias', "if 1:\n    get_ipython().system({u}'true ')"),
         # Weird one
         (u'if 1:\n    !!true',   "if 1:\n    get_ipython().magic({u}'sx true')"),

         # Even with m_l_s on, autocall is off even with special chars
         ('if 1:\n    /fun 1 2', 'if 1:\n    /fun 1 2'),
         ('if 1:\n    ;fun 1 2', 'if 1:\n    ;fun 1 2'),
         ('if 1:\n    ,fun 1 2', 'if 1:\n    ,fun 1 2'),
         ('if 1:\n    ?fun 1 2', 'if 1:\n    ?fun 1 2'),
         # What about !!

    # Objects which are instances of IPyAutocall are *always* autocalled
    autocallable = Autocallable()
    ip.user_ns['autocallable'] = autocallable

    # auto
    ip.magic('autocall 0')
    # Only explicit escapes or instances of IPyAutocallable should get
    # expanded
        ('len "abc"', 'len "abc"'),
        ('autocallable', 'autocallable()'),
        # Don't add extra brackets (gh-1117)
        ('autocallable()', 'autocallable()'),
        (",list 1 2 3", 'list("1", "2", "3")'),
        (";list 1 2 3", 'list("1 2 3")'),
        ("/len range(1,4)", 'len(range(1,4))'),
    ip.magic('autocall 1')
        (",list 1 2 3", 'list("1", "2", "3")'),
        (";list 1 2 3", 'list("1 2 3")'),
        ("/len range(1,4)", 'len(range(1,4))'),
        ('len "abc"', 'len("abc")'),
        ('len "abc";', 'len("abc");'),  # ; is special -- moves out of parens
        # Autocall is turned off if first arg is [] and the object
        # is both callable and indexable.  Like so:
        ('len [1,2]', 'len([1,2])'),  # len doesn't support __getitem__...
        ('call_idx [1]', 'call_idx [1]'),  # call_idx *does*..
        ('call_idx 1', 'call_idx(1)'),
        ('len', 'len'),  # only at 2 does it auto-call on single args
    ip.magic('autocall 2')
        (",list 1 2 3", 'list("1", "2", "3")'),
        (";list 1 2 3", 'list("1 2 3")'),
        ("/len range(1,4)", 'len(range(1,4))'),
        ('len "abc"', 'len("abc")'),
        ('len "abc";', 'len("abc");'),
        ('len [1,2]', 'len([1,2])'),
        ('call_idx [1]', 'call_idx [1]'),
        ('call_idx 1', 'call_idx(1)'),
        # This is what's different:
        ('len', 'len()'),  # only at 2 does it auto-call on single args
    ip.magic('autocall 1')

    nt.assert_equals(failures, [])