文件: _base.py 项目: fwin-dev/py.Disk
    def __repr__(self, valueLabel=None, value=None, extraPairDict={}, message=None):
        if valueLabel == None:
            valuePairs = OrderedDict()
            valuePairs["getPath"] = "'" + str(self.getPath()) + "'"
            valuePairs["mode"] = self.mode
            valuePairs["isWritable"] = self.isWritable()
            valuePairs["isClosed"] = self.isClosed()
            valuePairs["isDestructed"] = self.isDestructed
            valuePairs = {valueLabel: value}
        str_ = ", ".join([name + "=" + str(value) for name, value in valuePairs.iteritems()])

        if message != None:
            str_ += message
        return str_
def getArgs(useKwargFormat=True, includeVariableArgs=True, numFramesAgo=1, excludeList=[]):
	Magically returns function arguments in the function calling `getArgs`.
	If `useKwargFormat` is `True`, returns all keyword arguments in the calling function, as a dict of parameters and their values.
	Note that any positional arguments which can be bound to a keyword in the function definition will be returned by `getArgs` also.
	However, if an argument value must be positional and cannot be bound to a keyword, it will not be returned.
	If `useKwargFormat` is `False`, returns all arguments in the calling function as positional arguments, as a list of parameter values.
	This will exclude any values passed via `**kwargs`, as they have no position.
	If `useKwargFormat is `None`, returns both args and kwargs as a tuple `(args, kwargs)` which can be easily unpacked.
	If a parameter can be represented as both a positional and keyword argument, it will only be present in `kwargs`, as keyword arguments are favored/preferred.
	@param useKwargFormat		3 way bool:	Described in method docs
	@param includeVariableArgs	bool:		If `True`, either all *args or **kwargs are included in the returned list/dict, depending on the value of `useKwargFormat`.
	frame = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe())[numFramesAgo][0]
	argNames, varArgs_name, varKwargs_name, locals_ = inspect.getargvalues(frame)
	varArgs = locals_[varArgs_name] if varArgs_name != None else tuple()
	varKwargs = locals_[varKwargs_name] if varKwargs_name != None else {}
	notArgs = set(locals_.iterkeys()) - set(argNames)
	for notArg in notArgs:	del locals_[notArg]
	mixedKwargsArgs = OrderedDict((argName, locals_[argName]) for argName in argNames if argName not in excludeList)
	if useKwargFormat == True:
		kwargs = dict(mixedKwargsArgs)
		if includeVariableArgs:
		return kwargs
	elif useKwargFormat == False:
		args = tuple(mixedKwargsArgs.values())
		if includeVariableArgs:
			args += varArgs
		return args
	elif useKwargFormat == None:
		kwargs = dict(mixedKwargsArgs)
		if includeVariableArgs:
		return varArgs, kwargs
		raise Exception("Invalid useKwargFormat")