    def index_html(self, REQUEST=None, RESPONSE=None):
        """Download the file
        field = self.getPrimaryField()

        if field.getContentType(self) in self.inlineMimetypes:
            # return the PDF and Office file formats inline
            return ATCTFileContent.index_html(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE)
        # otherwise return the content as an attachment
        # Please note that text/* cannot be returned inline as
        # this is a security risk (IE renders anything as HTML).
        return field.download(self)
    def index_html(self, REQUEST=None, RESPONSE=None):
        """Download the file
        field = self.getPrimaryField()

        if field.getContentType(self) in self.inlineMimetypes:
            # return the PDF and Office file formats inline
            return ATCTFileContent.index_html(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE)
        # otherwise return the content as an attachment
        # Please note that text/* cannot be returned inline as
        # this is a security risk (IE renders anything as HTML).
        return field.download(self)
    def __bobo_traverse__(self, REQUEST, name):
        """Transparent access to image scales
        if name.startswith('image'):
            field = self.getField('image')
            image = None
            if name == 'image':
                image = field.getScale(self)
                scalename = name[len('image_'):]
                if scalename in field.getAvailableSizes(self):
                    image = field.getScale(self, scale=scalename)
            if image is not None and not isinstance(image, basestring):
                # image might be None or '' for empty images
                return image

        return ATCTFileContent.__bobo_traverse__(self, REQUEST, name)
    def __bobo_traverse__(self, REQUEST, name):
        """Transparent access to image scales
        if name.startswith('image'):
            field = self.getField('image')
            image = None
            if name == 'image':
                image = field.getScale(self)
                scalename = name[len('image_'):]
                if scalename in field.getAvailableSizes(self):
                    image = field.getScale(self, scale=scalename)
            if image is not None and not isinstance(image, basestring):
                # image might be None or '' for empty images
                return image

        return ATCTFileContent.__bobo_traverse__(self, REQUEST, name)
    def index_html(self, REQUEST=None, RESPONSE=None):
            Download the file
        ## Mini-faq:
        ## Why this method override ATFile.index_html?
        ## As of ATCT 1.1.3-final: ATFile.index_html
        ## doesn't pass REQUEST nor RESPONSE to field.download method

        ## Where are the difference?
        ## Just compare the last line.

        field = self.getPrimaryField()
        if field.getContentType(self) in self.inlineMimetypes:
            # return the PDF and Office file formats inline
            return ATCTFileContent.index_html(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE)
        # otherwise return the content as an attachment
        # Please note that text/* cannot be returned inline as
        # this is a security risk (IE renders anything as HTML).

        ## Here, we pass REQUEST and RESPONSE to download().
        return field.download(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE)
    def __bobo_traverse__(self, REQUEST, name):
        """ Transparent access to referenced image scales
        if name.startswith('image'):
            ref_obj = self.getImage()

            if ref_obj:
                field = ref_obj.getField('image')
                image = None
                if name == 'image':
                    image = field.getScale(ref_obj)
                    scalename = name[len('image_'):]
                    if scalename in field.getAvailableSizes(ref_obj):
                        image = field.getScale(ref_obj, scale=scalename)
                if image is not None and not isinstance(image, basestring):
                    # image might be None or '' for empty images
                    return image
                return 'this image has been deleted!'

        return ATCTFileContent.__bobo_traverse__(self, REQUEST, name)