class GasAlarmMonitor(object): """Class that monitors the gas alarm the building 312""" def __init__(self): # Start logger codenames = list(CONF_TO_NAME.values()) self.db_saver = ContinuousDataSaver( continuous_data_table='dateplots_b312gasalarm', username=credentials.USERNAME, password=credentials.PASSWORD, measurement_codenames=codenames, ) self.db_saver.start()'Logger started') # Init live socket self.live_socket = LiveSocket(name='gas_alarm_312_live', codenames=codenames) self.live_socket.start()'Live socket started') # Start driver self.vortex = Vortex('/dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_USB-RS485_Cable_FTWGRKRA-if00-port0', 1)'Vortex driver opened') # Init database connection self.db_connection = MySQLdb.connect( host='servcinf-sql', user=credentials.USERNAME, passwd=credentials.PASSWORD, db='cinfdata') self.db_cursor = self.db_connection.cursor() # Initiate static information. All information about the except for # the list of their numbers are placed in dicts because the numbering # starts at 1. # Detector numbers: [1, 2, 3, ..., 12] self.detector_numbers = range(1, self.vortex.get_number_installed_detectors() + 1) self.detector_info = {detector_num: self.vortex.detector_configuration(detector_num) for detector_num in self.detector_numbers} # trip_levels are the differences that are required to force a log # The levels are set to 2 * the communication resolution # (1000 values / full range) self.trip_levels = {detector_num: info.range * 2.0 / 1000.0 for detector_num, info in self.detector_info.items()} # Initiate last measured values and their corresponding times self.detector_levels_last_values = \ {detector_num: - (10 ** 9) for detector_num in self.detector_numbers} self.detector_levels_last_times = \ {detector_num: 0 for detector_num in self.detector_numbers} self.detector_status_last_values = \ {detector_num: {'inhibit': False, 'status': ['OK'], 'codename': self.detector_info[detector_num].identity} for detector_num in self.detector_numbers} self.detector_status_last_times = \ {detector_num: 0 for detector_num in self.detector_numbers} # Initiate variables for system power status self.central_power_status_last_value = 'OK' self.central_power_status_last_time = - (10 ** 9) # Initiate variables for system status self.central_status_last_value = ['All OK'] self.central_status_last_time = 0 def close(self): """Close the logger and the connection to the Vortex""" self.db_saver.stop()'Logger stopped') self.live_socket.stop()'Live socket stopped') self.vortex.close()'Vortex driver closed') @staticmethod def conf_to_codename(conf): """Convert the identity the sensor returns to the codename used in the database """ conf = '{conf.number} {conf.identity} {conf.unit}'.format(conf=conf) return CONF_TO_NAME[conf] def main(self): """Main monitoring and logging loop""" # Each iteration takes about 5 sec while True: # Log detectors for detector_num in self.detector_numbers: self.log_detector(detector_num) # Log Vortex unit status (force log every 24 hours) self.log_central_unit() def log_detector(self, detector_num): """Get the levels from one detector and log if required""" # Get detector info and levels for this detector conf = self.detector_info[detector_num] codename = self.conf_to_codename(conf) LOGGER.debug('Use detector {} \'{}\''.format(detector_num, codename)) levels = self.vortex.get_detector_levels(detector_num) LOGGER.debug('Levels read: {}'.format(levels)) # Detector level now = time.time() # Always send to live socket self.live_socket.set_point_now(codename, levels.level) # Force log every 10 m time_condition = now - self.detector_levels_last_times[detector_num] > 600 value_condition = abs(self.detector_levels_last_values[detector_num] - levels.level)\ >= self.trip_levels[detector_num] if time_condition or value_condition: LOGGER.debug('Send level to db trigged in time: {} or value: ' '{}'.format(time_condition, value_condition)) self.db_saver.save_point(codename, (now, levels.level)) # Update last values self.detector_levels_last_values[detector_num] = levels.level self.detector_levels_last_times[detector_num] = now else: LOGGER.debug('Level logging condition false') self.log_detector_status(detector_num, levels, conf) def log_detector_status(self, detector_num, levels, conf): """Sub function to log single detector status""" now = time.time() # Force log every 24 hours time_condition = now - self.detector_status_last_times[detector_num] > 86400 status = {'inhibit': levels.inhibit, 'status': levels.status, 'codename': conf.identity} value_condition = (status != self.detector_status_last_values[detector_num]) # Check if we should log if time_condition or value_condition: check_in = time_condition and not value_condition'Send detector status to db trigged on time: {} or ' 'value: {}'.format(time_condition, value_condition)) query = 'INSERT INTO status_b312gasalarm '\ '(time, device, status, check_in) '\ 'VALUES (FROM_UNIXTIME(%s), %s, %s, %s);' values = (now, detector_num, json.dumps(status), check_in) self._wake_mysql() self.db_cursor.execute(query, values) # Update last values self.detector_status_last_times[detector_num] = now self.detector_status_last_values[detector_num] = status else: LOGGER.debug('Detector status logging condition false') def log_central_unit(self): """Log the status of the central unit""" power_status = self.vortex.get_system_power_status().value now = time.time() # Force a log once per 24 hours time_condition = now - self.central_power_status_last_time > 86400 value_condition = self.central_power_status_last_value != power_status LOGGER.debug('Read central power status: \'{}\''.format(power_status)) if time_condition or value_condition: check_in = time_condition and not value_condition'Send power status to db trigged in time: {} or ' 'value: {}'.format(time_condition, value_condition)) query = 'INSERT INTO status_b312gasalarm '\ '(time, device, status, check_in) '\ 'VALUES (FROM_UNIXTIME(%s), %s, %s, %s);' values = (now, 255, json.dumps(power_status), check_in) self._wake_mysql() self.db_cursor.execute(query, values) # Update last values self.central_power_status_last_time = now self.central_power_status_last_value = power_status else: LOGGER.debug('Power status logging condition false') self.log_central_unit_generel() def log_central_unit_generel(self): """Log the generel status from the central""" generel_status = self.vortex.get_system_status() now = time.time() # Force a log once per 24 hours time_condition = now - self.central_status_last_time > 86400 value_condition = generel_status != self.central_status_last_value LOGGER.debug( 'Read central generel status: \'{}\''.format(generel_status)) if time_condition or value_condition: check_in = time_condition and not value_condition'Send central generel status to db trigged in time: {}' ' or value: {}'.format(time_condition, value_condition)) query = 'INSERT INTO status_b312gasalarm '\ '(time, device, status, check_in) '\ 'VALUES (FROM_UNIXTIME(%s), %s, %s, %s);' values = (now, 254, json.dumps(generel_status), check_in) self._wake_mysql() self.db_cursor.execute(query, values) # Update last values self.central_status_last_time = now self.central_status_last_value = generel_status else: LOGGER.debug('Central generel status logging confition false') def _wake_mysql(self): """Send a ping via the connection and re-initialize the cursor""" self.db_cursor = self.db_connection.cursor()
def __init__(self): # Start logger codenames = list(CONF_TO_NAME.values()) self.db_saver = ContinuousDataSaver( continuous_data_table='dateplots_b312gasalarm', username=credentials.USERNAME, password=credentials.PASSWORD, measurement_codenames=codenames, ) self.db_saver.start()'Logger started') # Init live socket self.live_socket = LiveSocket(name='gas_alarm_312_live', codenames=codenames) self.live_socket.start()'Live socket started') # Start driver self.vortex = Vortex('/dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_USB-RS485_Cable_FTWGRKRA-if00-port0', 1)'Vortex driver opened') # Init database connection self.db_connection = MySQLdb.connect( host='servcinf-sql', user=credentials.USERNAME, passwd=credentials.PASSWORD, db='cinfdata') self.db_cursor = self.db_connection.cursor() # Initiate static information. All information about the except for # the list of their numbers are placed in dicts because the numbering # starts at 1. # Detector numbers: [1, 2, 3, ..., 12] self.detector_numbers = range(1, self.vortex.get_number_installed_detectors() + 1) self.detector_info = {detector_num: self.vortex.detector_configuration(detector_num) for detector_num in self.detector_numbers} # trip_levels are the differences that are required to force a log # The levels are set to 2 * the communication resolution # (1000 values / full range) self.trip_levels = {detector_num: info.range * 2.0 / 1000.0 for detector_num, info in self.detector_info.items()} # Initiate last measured values and their corresponding times self.detector_levels_last_values = \ {detector_num: - (10 ** 9) for detector_num in self.detector_numbers} self.detector_levels_last_times = \ {detector_num: 0 for detector_num in self.detector_numbers} self.detector_status_last_values = \ {detector_num: {'inhibit': False, 'status': ['OK'], 'codename': self.detector_info[detector_num].identity} for detector_num in self.detector_numbers} self.detector_status_last_times = \ {detector_num: 0 for detector_num in self.detector_numbers} # Initiate variables for system power status self.central_power_status_last_value = 'OK' self.central_power_status_last_time = - (10 ** 9) # Initiate variables for system status self.central_status_last_value = ['All OK'] self.central_status_last_time = 0
def __init__(self): # Start logger codenames = list(CONF_TO_NAME.values()) self.db_saver = ContinuousDataSaver( continuous_data_table='dateplots_b312gasalarm', username=credentials.USERNAME, password=credentials.PASSWORD, measurement_codenames=codenames, ) self.db_saver.start()'Logger started') # Init live socket self.live_socket = LiveSocket(name='gas_alarm_312_live', codenames=codenames) self.live_socket.start()'Live socket started') # Start driver self.vortex = Vortex( '/dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_USB-RS485_Cable_FTWGRKRA-if00-port0', 1)'Vortex driver opened') # Init database connection self.db_connection = MySQLdb.connect(host='servcinf-sql', user=credentials.USERNAME, passwd=credentials.PASSWORD, db='cinfdata') self.db_cursor = self.db_connection.cursor() # Initiate static information. All information about the except for # the list of their numbers are placed in dicts because the numbering # starts at 1. # Detector numbers: [1, 2, 3, ..., 12] self.detector_numbers = range( 1, self.vortex.get_number_installed_detectors() + 1) self.detector_info = { detector_num: self.vortex.detector_configuration(detector_num) for detector_num in self.detector_numbers } # trip_levels are the differences that are required to force a log # The levels are set to 2 * the communication resolution # (1000 values / full range) self.trip_levels = { detector_num: info.range * 2.0 / 1000.0 for detector_num, info in self.detector_info.items() } # Initiate last measured values and their corresponding times self.detector_levels_last_values = \ {detector_num: - (10 ** 9) for detector_num in self.detector_numbers} self.detector_levels_last_times = \ {detector_num: 0 for detector_num in self.detector_numbers} self.detector_status_last_values = \ {detector_num: {'inhibit': False, 'status': ['OK'], 'codename': self.detector_info[detector_num].identity} for detector_num in self.detector_numbers} self.detector_status_last_times = \ {detector_num: 0 for detector_num in self.detector_numbers} # Initiate variables for system power status self.central_power_status_last_value = 'OK' self.central_power_status_last_time = -(10**9) # Initiate variables for system status self.central_status_last_value = ['All OK'] self.central_status_last_time = 0
class GasAlarmMonitor(object): """Class that monitors the gas alarm the building 312""" def __init__(self): # Start logger codenames = list(CONF_TO_NAME.values()) self.db_saver = ContinuousDataSaver( continuous_data_table='dateplots_b312gasalarm', username=credentials.USERNAME, password=credentials.PASSWORD, measurement_codenames=codenames, ) self.db_saver.start()'Logger started') # Init live socket self.live_socket = LiveSocket(name='gas_alarm_312_live', codenames=codenames) self.live_socket.start()'Live socket started') # Start driver self.vortex = Vortex( '/dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_USB-RS485_Cable_FTWGRKRA-if00-port0', 1)'Vortex driver opened') # Init database connection self.db_connection = MySQLdb.connect(host='servcinf-sql', user=credentials.USERNAME, passwd=credentials.PASSWORD, db='cinfdata') self.db_cursor = self.db_connection.cursor() # Initiate static information. All information about the except for # the list of their numbers are placed in dicts because the numbering # starts at 1. # Detector numbers: [1, 2, 3, ..., 12] self.detector_numbers = range( 1, self.vortex.get_number_installed_detectors() + 1) self.detector_info = { detector_num: self.vortex.detector_configuration(detector_num) for detector_num in self.detector_numbers } # trip_levels are the differences that are required to force a log # The levels are set to 2 * the communication resolution # (1000 values / full range) self.trip_levels = { detector_num: info.range * 2.0 / 1000.0 for detector_num, info in self.detector_info.items() } # Initiate last measured values and their corresponding times self.detector_levels_last_values = \ {detector_num: - (10 ** 9) for detector_num in self.detector_numbers} self.detector_levels_last_times = \ {detector_num: 0 for detector_num in self.detector_numbers} self.detector_status_last_values = \ {detector_num: {'inhibit': False, 'status': ['OK'], 'codename': self.detector_info[detector_num].identity} for detector_num in self.detector_numbers} self.detector_status_last_times = \ {detector_num: 0 for detector_num in self.detector_numbers} # Initiate variables for system power status self.central_power_status_last_value = 'OK' self.central_power_status_last_time = -(10**9) # Initiate variables for system status self.central_status_last_value = ['All OK'] self.central_status_last_time = 0 def close(self): """Close the logger and the connection to the Vortex""" self.db_saver.stop()'Logger stopped') self.live_socket.stop()'Live socket stopped') self.vortex.close()'Vortex driver closed') @staticmethod def conf_to_codename(conf): """Convert the identity the sensor returns to the codename used in the database """ conf = '{conf.number} {conf.identity} {conf.unit}'.format(conf=conf) return CONF_TO_NAME[conf] def main(self): """Main monitoring and logging loop""" # Each iteration takes about 5 sec while True: # Log detectors for detector_num in self.detector_numbers: self.log_detector(detector_num) # Log Vortex unit status (force log every 24 hours) self.log_central_unit() def log_detector(self, detector_num): """Get the levels from one detector and log if required""" # Get detector info and levels for this detector conf = self.detector_info[detector_num] codename = self.conf_to_codename(conf) LOGGER.debug('Use detector {} \'{}\''.format(detector_num, codename)) levels = self.vortex.get_detector_levels(detector_num) LOGGER.debug('Levels read: {}'.format(levels)) # Detector level now = time.time() # Always send to live socket self.live_socket.set_point_now(codename, levels.level) # Force log every 10 m time_condition = now - self.detector_levels_last_times[ detector_num] > 600 value_condition = abs(self.detector_levels_last_values[detector_num] - levels.level)\ >= self.trip_levels[detector_num] if time_condition or value_condition: LOGGER.debug('Send level to db trigged in time: {} or value: ' '{}'.format(time_condition, value_condition)) self.db_saver.save_point(codename, (now, levels.level)) # Update last values self.detector_levels_last_values[detector_num] = levels.level self.detector_levels_last_times[detector_num] = now else: LOGGER.debug('Level logging condition false') self.log_detector_status(detector_num, levels, conf) def log_detector_status(self, detector_num, levels, conf): """Sub function to log single detector status""" now = time.time() # Force log every 24 hours time_condition = now - self.detector_status_last_times[ detector_num] > 86400 status = { 'inhibit': levels.inhibit, 'status': levels.status, 'codename': conf.identity } value_condition = (status != self.detector_status_last_values[detector_num]) # Check if we should log if time_condition or value_condition: check_in = time_condition and not value_condition'Send detector status to db trigged on time: {} or ' 'value: {}'.format(time_condition, value_condition)) query = 'INSERT INTO status_b312gasalarm '\ '(time, device, status, check_in) '\ 'VALUES (FROM_UNIXTIME(%s), %s, %s, %s);' values = (now, detector_num, json.dumps(status), check_in) self._wake_mysql() self.db_cursor.execute(query, values) # Update last values self.detector_status_last_times[detector_num] = now self.detector_status_last_values[detector_num] = status else: LOGGER.debug('Detector status logging condition false') def log_central_unit(self): """Log the status of the central unit""" power_status = self.vortex.get_system_power_status().value now = time.time() # Force a log once per 24 hours time_condition = now - self.central_power_status_last_time > 86400 value_condition = self.central_power_status_last_value != power_status LOGGER.debug('Read central power status: \'{}\''.format(power_status)) if time_condition or value_condition: check_in = time_condition and not value_condition'Send power status to db trigged in time: {} or ' 'value: {}'.format(time_condition, value_condition)) query = 'INSERT INTO status_b312gasalarm '\ '(time, device, status, check_in) '\ 'VALUES (FROM_UNIXTIME(%s), %s, %s, %s);' values = (now, 255, json.dumps(power_status), check_in) self._wake_mysql() self.db_cursor.execute(query, values) # Update last values self.central_power_status_last_time = now self.central_power_status_last_value = power_status else: LOGGER.debug('Power status logging condition false') self.log_central_unit_generel() def log_central_unit_generel(self): """Log the generel status from the central""" generel_status = self.vortex.get_system_status() now = time.time() # Force a log once per 24 hours time_condition = now - self.central_status_last_time > 86400 value_condition = generel_status != self.central_status_last_value LOGGER.debug( 'Read central generel status: \'{}\''.format(generel_status)) if time_condition or value_condition: check_in = time_condition and not value_condition'Send central generel status to db trigged in time: {}' ' or value: {}'.format(time_condition, value_condition)) query = 'INSERT INTO status_b312gasalarm '\ '(time, device, status, check_in) '\ 'VALUES (FROM_UNIXTIME(%s), %s, %s, %s);' values = (now, 254, json.dumps(generel_status), check_in) self._wake_mysql() self.db_cursor.execute(query, values) # Update last values self.central_status_last_time = now self.central_status_last_value = generel_status else: LOGGER.debug('Central generel status logging confition false') def _wake_mysql(self): """Send a ping via the connection and re-initialize the cursor""" self.db_cursor = self.db_connection.cursor()
def __init__(self): # Start logger codenames = [ 'B307_gasalarm_CO_051', 'B307_gasalarm_H2_051', 'B307_gasalarm_CO_055', 'B307_gasalarm_H2_055', 'B307_gasalarm_CO_059', 'B307_gasalarm_H2_059', 'B307_gasalarm_CO_061', 'B307_gasalarm_H2_061', 'B307_gasalarm_CO_42-43', 'B307_gasalarm_H2_2sal', 'B307_gasalarm_CO_932', 'B307_gasalarm_H2_932' ] self.db_logger = ContinuousLogger(table='dateplots_b307gasalarm', username=credentials.USERNAME, password=credentials.PASSWORD, measurement_codenames=codenames) self.db_logger.start()'Logger started') # Each value is measured about every 5 sec, so sane interval about 2 self.live_socket = LiveSocket(name='gas_alarm_307_live', codenames=codenames) self.live_socket.start()'Live socket started') # Start driver self.vortex = Vortex('/dev/ttyUSB0', 1)'Vortex driver opened') # Init database connection self.db_connection = MySQLdb.connect(host='', user=credentials.USERNAME, passwd=credentials.PASSWORD, db='cinfdata') self.db_cursor = self.db_connection.cursor() # Initiate static information. All information about the except for # the list of their numbers are placed in dicts because the numbering # starts at 1. # Detector numbers: [1, 2, 3, ..., 12] self.detector_numbers = \ range(1, self.vortex.get_number_installed_detectors() + 1) self.detector_info = \ {detector_num: self.vortex.detector_configuration(detector_num) for detector_num in self.detector_numbers} # trip_levels are the differences that are required to force a log # The levels are set to 2 * the communication resolution # (1000 values over the full range) # NOTE. Since we have had a lot of noise on the CO channels, we # increased the level to info.range * 7.0 / 1000.0 for those #self.trip_levels = {detector_num: info.range * 2.0 / 1000.0 for # detector_num, info in self.detector_info.items()} self.trip_levels = {} for detector_number, info in self.detector_info.items(): if info.unit == "PPM": self.trip_levels[detector_number] = info.range * 7.0 / 1000.0 else: self.trip_levels[detector_number] = info.range * 2.0 / 1000.0 # Initiate last measured values and their corresponding times self.detector_levels_last_values = \ {detector_num: - (10 ** 9) for detector_num in self.detector_numbers} self.detector_levels_last_times = \ {detector_num: 0 for detector_num in self.detector_numbers} self.detector_status_last_values = \ {detector_num: {'inhibit': False, 'status': ['OK'], 'codename': self.detector_info[detector_num].identity} for detector_num in self.detector_numbers} self.detector_status_last_times = \ {detector_num: 0 for detector_num in self.detector_numbers} # Initiate variables for system power status self.central_power_status_last_value = 'OK' self.central_power_status_last_time = -(10**9) # Initiate variables for system status self.central_status_last_value = ['All OK'] self.central_status_last_time = 0
class GasAlarmMonitor(object): """Class that monitors the gas alarm the building 307""" def __init__(self): # Start logger codenames = [ 'B307_gasalarm_CO_051', 'B307_gasalarm_H2_051', 'B307_gasalarm_CO_055', 'B307_gasalarm_H2_055', 'B307_gasalarm_CO_059', 'B307_gasalarm_H2_059', 'B307_gasalarm_CO_061', 'B307_gasalarm_H2_061', 'B307_gasalarm_CO_42-43', 'B307_gasalarm_H2_2sal', 'B307_gasalarm_CO_932', 'B307_gasalarm_H2_932' ] self.db_logger = ContinuousLogger(table='dateplots_b307gasalarm', username=credentials.USERNAME, password=credentials.PASSWORD, measurement_codenames=codenames) self.db_logger.start()'Logger started') # Each value is measured about every 5 sec, so sane interval about 2 self.live_socket = LiveSocket(name='gas_alarm_307_live', codenames=codenames) self.live_socket.start()'Live socket started') # Start driver self.vortex = Vortex('/dev/ttyUSB0', 1)'Vortex driver opened') # Init database connection self.db_connection = MySQLdb.connect(host='', user=credentials.USERNAME, passwd=credentials.PASSWORD, db='cinfdata') self.db_cursor = self.db_connection.cursor() # Initiate static information. All information about the except for # the list of their numbers are placed in dicts because the numbering # starts at 1. # Detector numbers: [1, 2, 3, ..., 12] self.detector_numbers = \ range(1, self.vortex.get_number_installed_detectors() + 1) self.detector_info = \ {detector_num: self.vortex.detector_configuration(detector_num) for detector_num in self.detector_numbers} # trip_levels are the differences that are required to force a log # The levels are set to 2 * the communication resolution # (1000 values over the full range) # NOTE. Since we have had a lot of noise on the CO channels, we # increased the level to info.range * 7.0 / 1000.0 for those #self.trip_levels = {detector_num: info.range * 2.0 / 1000.0 for # detector_num, info in self.detector_info.items()} self.trip_levels = {} for detector_number, info in self.detector_info.items(): if info.unit == "PPM": self.trip_levels[detector_number] = info.range * 7.0 / 1000.0 else: self.trip_levels[detector_number] = info.range * 2.0 / 1000.0 # Initiate last measured values and their corresponding times self.detector_levels_last_values = \ {detector_num: - (10 ** 9) for detector_num in self.detector_numbers} self.detector_levels_last_times = \ {detector_num: 0 for detector_num in self.detector_numbers} self.detector_status_last_values = \ {detector_num: {'inhibit': False, 'status': ['OK'], 'codename': self.detector_info[detector_num].identity} for detector_num in self.detector_numbers} self.detector_status_last_times = \ {detector_num: 0 for detector_num in self.detector_numbers} # Initiate variables for system power status self.central_power_status_last_value = 'OK' self.central_power_status_last_time = -(10**9) # Initiate variables for system status self.central_status_last_value = ['All OK'] self.central_status_last_time = 0 def close(self): """Close the logger and the connection to the Vortex""" self.db_logger.stop()'Logger stopped') self.live_socket.stop()'Live socket stopped') self.vortex.close()'Vortex driver closed') @staticmethod def identity_to_codename(identity): """Convert the identity the sensor returns to the codename used in the database """ # NOTE The identities was changed at some point, which is the reason where there # is this manual mingling with name. The current names are: # 'CO 51', 'H2 51', 'CO 55', 'H2 55', 'CO 59', 'H2 61', 'CO 61', 'H2 61', # 'CO 42/43', 'H2 2 sal', 'CO 932', 'H2 932' # and they need to be changed to the codenames in codenames (in __init__) #first, second = identity.split(' ', 1) #if len(second) == 2: # second = '0' + second #identity = first + ' ' + second #identity = identity.replace('2 sal', '2sal').replace(' ', '_').replace('/', '-') identity = identity.replace(' ', '_').replace('/', '-') return 'B307_gasalarm_{}'.format(identity) def main(self): """Main monitoring and logging loop""" # Each iteration takes about 5 sec while True: # Log detectors for detector_num in self.detector_numbers: self.log_detector(detector_num) # Log Vortex unit status (force log every 24 hours) self.log_central_unit() def log_detector(self, detector_num): """Get the levels from one detector and log if required""" # Get detector info and levels for this detector conf = self.detector_info[detector_num] codename = self.identity_to_codename(conf.identity) ##### HACK HACK HACK FIXME There is a duplicate name error in the configuration # which for now we fix here in code #if codename == "B307_gasalarm_H2_061" and detector_num == 6: # codename = "B307_gasalarm_H2_059" ##### HACK HACK HACK FIXME LOGGER.debug('Use detector {} \'{}\''.format(detector_num, codename)) levels = self.vortex.get_detector_levels(detector_num) LOGGER.debug('Levels read: {}'.format(levels)) # Detector level now = time.time() # Always send to live socket self.live_socket.set_point_now(codename, levels.level) # Force log every 10 m time_condition = \ now - self.detector_levels_last_times[detector_num] > 600 value_condition = \ abs(self.detector_levels_last_values[detector_num] - levels.level)\ >= self.trip_levels[detector_num] if time_condition or value_condition: LOGGER.debug('Send level to db trigged in time: {} or value: ' '{}'.format(time_condition, value_condition)) self.db_logger.enqueue_point(codename, (now, levels.level)) # Update last values self.detector_levels_last_values[detector_num] = levels.level self.detector_levels_last_times[detector_num] = now else: LOGGER.debug('Level logging condition false') self.log_detector_status(detector_num, levels, conf) def log_detector_status(self, detector_num, levels, conf): """Sub function to log single detector status""" now = time.time() # Force log every 24 hours time_condition = \ now - self.detector_status_last_times[detector_num] > 86400 status = { 'inhibit': levels.inhibit, 'status': levels.status, 'codename': conf.identity } ##### HACK HACK HACK FIXME There is a duplicate name error in the configuration if detector_num == 6 and status['codename'] == 'H2 61': status['codename'] = 'H2 59' ##### HACK HACK HACK FIXME value_condition = \ (status != self.detector_status_last_values[detector_num]) # Check if we should log if time_condition or value_condition: check_in = time_condition and not value_condition'Send detector status to db trigged on time: {} or ' 'value: {}'.format(time_condition, value_condition)) query = 'INSERT INTO status_b307gasalarm '\ '(time, device, status, check_in) '\ 'VALUES (FROM_UNIXTIME(%s), %s, %s, %s);' values = (now, detector_num, json.dumps(status), check_in) self._wake_mysql() self.db_cursor.execute(query, values) # Update last values self.detector_status_last_times[detector_num] = now self.detector_status_last_values[detector_num] = status else: LOGGER.debug('Detector status logging condition false') def log_central_unit(self): """Log the status of the central unit""" power_status = self.vortex.get_system_power_status().value now = time.time() # Force a log once per 24 hours time_condition = now - self.central_power_status_last_time > 86400 value_condition = self.central_power_status_last_value != power_status LOGGER.debug('Read central power status: \'{}\''.format(power_status)) if time_condition or value_condition: check_in = time_condition and not value_condition'Send power status to db trigged in time: {} or ' 'value: {}'.format(time_condition, value_condition)) query = 'INSERT INTO status_b307gasalarm '\ '(time, device, status, check_in) '\ 'VALUES (FROM_UNIXTIME(%s), %s, %s, %s);' values = (now, 255, json.dumps(power_status), check_in) self._wake_mysql() self.db_cursor.execute(query, values) # Update last values self.central_power_status_last_time = now self.central_power_status_last_value = power_status else: LOGGER.debug('Power status logging condition false') self.log_central_unit_generel() def log_central_unit_generel(self): """Log the generel status from the central""" generel_status = self.vortex.get_system_status() now = time.time() # Force a log once per 24 hours time_condition = now - self.central_status_last_time > 86400 value_condition = generel_status != self.central_status_last_value LOGGER.debug( 'Read central generel status: \'{}\''.format(generel_status)) if time_condition or value_condition: check_in = time_condition and not value_condition'Send central generel status to db trigged in time: {}' ' or value: {}'.format(time_condition, value_condition)) query = 'INSERT INTO status_b307gasalarm '\ '(time, device, status, check_in) '\ 'VALUES (FROM_UNIXTIME(%s), %s, %s, %s);' values = (now, 254, json.dumps(generel_status), check_in) self._wake_mysql() self.db_cursor.execute(query, values) # Update last values self.central_status_last_time = now self.central_status_last_value = generel_status else: LOGGER.debug('Central generel status logging confition false') def _wake_mysql(self): """Send a ping via the connection and re-initialize the cursor""" self.db_cursor = self.db_connection.cursor()
def __init__(self): # Start logger codenames = ['B307_gasalarm_CO_051', 'B307_gasalarm_H2_051', 'B307_gasalarm_CO_055', 'B307_gasalarm_H2_055', 'B307_gasalarm_CO_059', 'B307_gasalarm_H2_059', 'B307_gasalarm_CO_061', 'B307_gasalarm_H2_061', 'B307_gasalarm_CO_42-43', 'B307_gasalarm_H2_2sal', 'B307_gasalarm_CO_932', 'B307_gasalarm_H2_932'] self.db_logger = ContinuousLogger(table='dateplots_b307gasalarm', username=credentials.USERNAME, password=credentials.PASSWORD, measurement_codenames=codenames) self.db_logger.start()'Logger started') # Each value is measured about every 5 sec, so sane interval about 2 self.live_socket = LiveSocket(name='gas_alarm_307_live', codenames=codenames, sane_interval=2.0) self.live_socket.start()'Live socket started') # Start driver self.vortex = Vortex('/dev/ttyUSB0', 1)'Vortex driver opened') # Init database connection self.db_connection = MySQLdb.connect( host='servcinf', user=credentials.USERNAME, passwd=credentials.PASSWORD, db='cinfdata') self.db_cursor = self.db_connection.cursor() # Initiate static information. All information about the except for # the list of their numbers are placed in dicts because the numbering # starts at 1. # Detector numbers: [1, 2, 3, ..., 12] self.detector_numbers = \ range(1, self.vortex.get_number_installed_detectors() + 1) self.detector_info = \ {detector_num: self.vortex.detector_configuration(detector_num) for detector_num in self.detector_numbers} # trip_levels are the differences that are required to force a log # The levels are set to 2 * the communication resolution # (1000 values / full range) self.trip_levels = {detector_num: info.range * 2.0 / 1000.0 for detector_num, info in self.detector_info.items()} # Initiate last measured values and their corresponding times self.detector_levels_last_values = \ {detector_num: - (10 ** 9) for detector_num in self.detector_numbers} self.detector_levels_last_times = \ {detector_num: 0 for detector_num in self.detector_numbers} self.detector_status_last_values = \ {detector_num: {'inhibit': False, 'status': ['OK'], 'codename': self.detector_info[detector_num].identity} for detector_num in self.detector_numbers} self.detector_status_last_times = \ {detector_num: 0 for detector_num in self.detector_numbers} # Initiate variables for system power status self.central_power_status_last_value = 'OK' self.central_power_status_last_time = - (10 ** 9) # Initiate variables for system status self.central_status_last_value = ['All OK'] self.central_status_last_time = 0