    def saveFF(self, arr, startTime, N):
        """ Write metadata and data array to FF file.
            arr: [3D ndarray] 3D numpy array in format: (N, y, x) where N is [0, 4)
            startTime: [float] seconds and fractions of a second from epoch to first frame
            N: [int] frame counter (ie. 0000512)
        # Generate the name for the file
        date_string = time.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S", time.gmtime(startTime))

        # Calculate miliseconds
        millis = int((startTime - floor(startTime))*1000)

        filename = str(self.config.stationID).zfill(3) +  "_" + date_string + "_" + str(millis).zfill(3) \
            + "_" + str(N).zfill(7)

        ff = FFStruct.FFStruct()
        ff.array = arr
        ff.nrows = arr.shape[1]
        ff.ncols = arr.shape[2]
        ff.nbits = self.config.bit_depth
        ff.nframes = 256
        ff.first = N + 256
        ff.camno = self.config.stationID
        ff.fps = self.config.fps
        # Write the FF file
        FFfile.write(ff, self.data_dir, filename, fmt=self.config.ff_format)
        return filename
    def saveFF(self, arr, startTime, N):
        """ Write metadata and data array to FF file.
            arr: [3D ndarray] 3D numpy array in format: (N, y, x) where N is [0, 4)
            startTime: [float] seconds and fractions of a second from epoch to first frame
            N: [int] frame counter (ie. 0000512)

        # Generate the name for the file
        date_string = time.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S", time.gmtime(startTime))

        # Calculate miliseconds
        millis = int((startTime - floor(startTime)) * 1000)

        filename = str(self.config.stationID).zfill(3) +  "_" + date_string + "_" + str(millis).zfill(3) \
            + "_" + str(N).zfill(7)

        ff = FFStruct.FFStruct()
        ff.array = arr
        ff.nrows = arr.shape[1]
        ff.ncols = arr.shape[2]
        ff.nbits = self.config.bit_depth
        ff.nframes = 256
        ff.first = N + 256
        ff.camno = self.config.stationID
        ff.fps = self.config.fps

        # Write the FF file
        FFfile.write(ff, self.data_dir, filename, fmt=self.config.ff_format)

        return filename
    def _handleFailure(config, platepar, calstars_list, distorsion_refinement, _fft_refinement):
        """ Run FFT alignment before giving up on ACF. """

        if not _fft_refinement:

            print('The initial platepar is bad, trying to refine it using FFT phase correlation...')

            # Prepare data for FFT image registration

            calstars_dict = {ff_file: star_data for ff_file, star_data in calstars_list}

            # Extract star list from CALSTARS file from FF file with most stars
            max_len_ff = max(calstars_dict, key=lambda k: len(calstars_dict[k]))
            # Take only X, Y (change order so X is first)
            calstars_coords = np.array(calstars_dict[max_len_ff])[:, :2]
            calstars_coords[:, [0, 1]] = calstars_coords[:, [1, 0]]
            # Get the time of the FF file
            calstars_time = FFfile.getMiddleTimeFF(max_len_ff, config.fps, ret_milliseconds=True)

            # Try aligning the platepar using FFT image registration
            platepar_refined = alignPlatepar(config, platepar, calstars_time, calstars_coords)

            # Redo autoCF
            return autoCheckFit(config, platepar_refined, calstars_list, \
                distorsion_refinement=distorsion_refinement, _fft_refinement=True)

            print('Auto Check Fit failed completely, please redo the plate manually!')
            return platepar, False
def starListToDict(config, calstars_list, max_ffs=None):
    """ Converts the list of calstars into dictionary where the keys are FF file JD and the values is
        a list of (X, Y, bg_intens, intens) of stars. 


    # Convert the list to a dictionary
    calstars = {ff_file: star_data for ff_file, star_data in calstars_list}

    # Dictionary which will contain the JD, and a list of (X, Y, bg_intens, intens) of the stars
    star_dict = {}

    # Take only those files with enough stars on them
    for ff_name in calstars:

        stars_list = calstars[ff_name]

        # Check if there are enough stars on the image
        if len(stars_list) >= config.ff_min_stars:

            # Calculate the JD time of the FF file
            dt = FFfile.getMiddleTimeFF(ff_name,
            jd = date2JD(*dt)

            # Add the time and the stars to the dict
            star_dict[jd] = stars_list

    if max_ffs is not None:

        # Limit the number of FF files used
        if len(star_dict) > max_ffs:

            # Randomly choose calstars_files_N image files from the whole list
            rand_keys = random.sample(list(star_dict), max_ffs)
            star_dict = {key: star_dict[key] for key in rand_keys}

    return star_dict
def recalibrateIndividualFFsAndApplyAstrometry(dir_path, ftpdetectinfo_path, calstars_list, config, platepar,
    """ Recalibrate FF files with detections and apply the recalibrated platepar to those detections. 

        dir_path: [str] Path where the FTPdetectinfo file is.
        ftpdetectinfo_path: [str] Name of the FTPdetectinfo file.
        calstars_list: [list] A list of entries [[ff_name, star_coordinates], ...].
        config: [Config instance]
        platepar: [Platepar instance] Initial platepar.

    Keyword arguments:
        generate_plot: [bool] Generate the calibration variation plot. True by default.

        recalibrated_platepars: [dict] A dictionary where the keys are FF file names and values are 
            recalibrated platepar instances for every FF file.

    # Use a copy of the config file
    config = copy.deepcopy(config)

    # If the given file does not exits, return nothing
    if not os.path.isfile(ftpdetectinfo_path):
        print('ERROR! The FTPdetectinfo file does not exist: {:s}'.format(ftpdetectinfo_path))
        print('    The recalibration on every file was not done!')

        return {}

    # Read the FTPdetectinfo data
    cam_code, fps, meteor_list = FTPdetectinfo.readFTPdetectinfo(*os.path.split(ftpdetectinfo_path), \

    # Convert the list of stars to a per FF name dictionary
    calstars = {ff_file: star_data for ff_file, star_data in calstars_list}

    ### Add neighboring FF files for more robust photometry estimation ###

    ff_processing_list = []

    # Make a list of sorted FF files in CALSTARS
    calstars_ffs = sorted([ff_file for ff_file in calstars])

    # Go through the list of FF files with detections and add neighboring FFs
    for meteor_entry in meteor_list:

        ff_name = meteor_entry[0]

        if ff_name in calstars_ffs:

            # Find the index of the given FF file in the list of calstars
            ff_indx = calstars_ffs.index(ff_name)

            # Add neighbours to the processing list

                k_indx = ff_indx + k

                if (k_indx > 0) and (k_indx < len(calstars_ffs)):

                    ff_name_tmp = calstars_ffs[k_indx]
                    if ff_name_tmp not in ff_processing_list:

    # Sort the processing list of FF files
    ff_processing_list = sorted(ff_processing_list)

    ### ###

    # Globally increase catalog limiting magnitude
    config.catalog_mag_limit += 1

    # Load catalog stars (overwrite the mag band ratios if specific catalog is used)
    star_catalog_status = StarCatalog.readStarCatalog(config.star_catalog_path,\
        config.star_catalog_file, lim_mag=config.catalog_mag_limit, \

    if not star_catalog_status:
        print("Could not load the star catalog!")
        print(os.path.join(config.star_catalog_path, config.star_catalog_file))
        return {}

    catalog_stars, _, config.star_catalog_band_ratios = star_catalog_status

    # Update the platepar coordinates from the config file
    platepar.lat = config.latitude
    platepar.lon = config.longitude
    platepar.elev = config.elevation

    prev_platepar = copy.deepcopy(platepar)

    # Go through all FF files with detections, recalibrate and apply astrometry
    recalibrated_platepars = {}
    for ff_name in ff_processing_list:

        working_platepar = copy.deepcopy(prev_platepar)

        # Skip this meteor if its FF file was already recalibrated
        if ff_name in recalibrated_platepars:

        print('Processing: ', ff_name)

        # Find extracted stars on this image
        if not ff_name in calstars:
            print('Skipped because it was not in CALSTARS:', ff_name)

        # Get stars detected on this FF file (create a dictionaly with only one entry, the residuals function
        #   needs this format)
        calstars_time = FFfile.getMiddleTimeFF(ff_name, config.fps, ret_milliseconds=True)
        jd = date2JD(*calstars_time)
        star_dict_ff = {jd: calstars[ff_name]}

        # Recalibrate the platepar using star matching
        result, min_match_radius = recalibrateFF(config, working_platepar, jd, star_dict_ff, catalog_stars)

        # If the recalibration failed, try using FFT alignment
        if result is None:

            print('Running FFT alignment...')

            # Run FFT alignment
            calstars_coords = np.array(star_dict_ff[jd])[:, :2]
            calstars_coords[:, [0, 1]] = calstars_coords[:, [1, 0]]
            test_platepar = alignPlatepar(config, prev_platepar, calstars_time, calstars_coords, \

            # Try to recalibrate after FFT alignment
            result, _ = recalibrateFF(config, test_platepar, jd, star_dict_ff, catalog_stars)

            # If the FFT alignment failed, align the original platepar using the smallest radius that matched
            #   and force save the the platepar
            if (result is None) and (min_match_radius is not None):
                print("Using the old platepar with the minimum match radius of: {:.2f}".format(min_match_radius))
                result, _ = recalibrateFF(config, working_platepar, jd, star_dict_ff, catalog_stars, 
                    max_match_radius=min_match_radius, force_platepar_save=True)

                if result is not None:
                    working_platepar = result

            # If the alignment succeeded, save the result
                working_platepar = result

            working_platepar = result

        # Store the platepar if the fit succeeded
        if result is not None:

            # Recompute alt/az of the FOV centre
            working_platepar.az_centre, working_platepar.alt_centre = raDec2AltAz(working_platepar.RA_d, \
                working_platepar.dec_d, working_platepar.JD, working_platepar.lat, working_platepar.lon)

            # Recompute the rotation wrt horizon
            working_platepar.rotation_from_horiz = rotationWrtHorizon(working_platepar)

            # Mark the platepar to indicate that it was automatically recalibrated on an individual FF file
            working_platepar.auto_recalibrated = True

            recalibrated_platepars[ff_name] = working_platepar
            prev_platepar = working_platepar


            print('Recalibration of {:s} failed, using the previous platepar...'.format(ff_name))

            # Mark the platepar to indicate that autorecalib failed
            prev_platepar_tmp = copy.deepcopy(prev_platepar)
            prev_platepar_tmp.auto_recalibrated = False

            # If the aligning failed, set the previous platepar as the one that should be used for this FF file
            recalibrated_platepars[ff_name] = prev_platepar_tmp

    ### Average out photometric offsets within the given neighbourhood size ###

    # Go through the list of FF files with detections
    for meteor_entry in meteor_list:

        ff_name = meteor_entry[0]

        # Make sure the FF was successfuly recalibrated
        if ff_name in recalibrated_platepars:

            # Find the index of the given FF file in the list of calstars
            ff_indx = calstars_ffs.index(ff_name)

            # Compute the average photometric offset and the improved standard deviation using all
            #   neighbors
            photom_offset_tmp_list = []
            photom_offset_std_tmp_list = []
            neighboring_ffs = []

                k_indx = ff_indx + k

                if (k_indx > 0) and (k_indx < len(calstars_ffs)):

                    # Get the name of the FF file
                    ff_name_tmp = calstars_ffs[k_indx]

                    # Check that the neighboring FF was successfuly recalibrated
                    if ff_name_tmp in recalibrated_platepars:
                        # Get the computed photometric offset and stddev

            # Compute the new photometric offset and improved standard deviation (assume equal sample size)
            #   Source: https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/55999/is-it-possible-to-find-the-combined-standard-deviation
            photom_offset_new = np.mean(photom_offset_tmp_list)
            photom_offset_std_new = np.sqrt(\
                np.sum([st**2 + (mt - photom_offset_new)**2 \
                for mt, st in zip(photom_offset_tmp_list, photom_offset_std_tmp_list)]) \
                / len(photom_offset_tmp_list)

            # Assign the new photometric offset and standard deviation to all FFs used for computation
            for ff_name_tmp in neighboring_ffs:
                recalibrated_platepars[ff_name_tmp].mag_lev = photom_offset_new
                recalibrated_platepars[ff_name_tmp].mag_lev_stddev = photom_offset_std_new

    ### ###

    ### Store all recalibrated platepars as a JSON file ###

    all_pps = {}
    for ff_name in recalibrated_platepars:

        json_str = recalibrated_platepars[ff_name].jsonStr()
        all_pps[ff_name] = json.loads(json_str)

    with open(os.path.join(dir_path, config.platepars_recalibrated_name), 'w') as f:
        # Convert all platepars to a JSON file
        out_str = json.dumps(all_pps, default=lambda o: o.__dict__, indent=4, sort_keys=True)


    ### ###

    # If no platepars were recalibrated, use the single platepar recalibration procedure
    if len(recalibrated_platepars) == 0:

        print('No FF images were used for recalibration, using the single platepar calibration function...')

        # Use the initial platepar for calibration
        applyAstrometryFTPdetectinfo(dir_path, os.path.basename(ftpdetectinfo_path), None, platepar=platepar)

        return recalibrated_platepars

    ### GENERATE PLOTS ###

    dt_list = []
    ang_dists = []
    rot_angles = []
    hour_list = []
    photom_offset_list = []
    photom_offset_std_list = []

    first_dt = np.min([FFfile.filenameToDatetime(ff_name) for ff_name in recalibrated_platepars])

    for ff_name in recalibrated_platepars:
        pp_temp = recalibrated_platepars[ff_name]

        # If the fitting failed, skip the platepar
        if pp_temp is None:

        # Add the datetime of the FF file to the list
        ff_dt = FFfile.filenameToDatetime(ff_name)

        # Compute the angular separation from the reference platepar
        ang_dist = np.degrees(angularSeparation(np.radians(platepar.RA_d), np.radians(platepar.dec_d), \
            np.radians(pp_temp.RA_d), np.radians(pp_temp.dec_d)))

        # Compute rotation difference
        rot_diff = (platepar.pos_angle_ref - pp_temp.pos_angle_ref + 180)%360 - 180

        # Compute the hour of the FF used for recalibration
        hour_list.append((ff_dt - first_dt).total_seconds()/3600)

        # Add the photometric offset to the list

    if generate_plot:

        # Generate the name the plots
        plot_name = os.path.basename(ftpdetectinfo_path).replace('FTPdetectinfo_', '').replace('.txt', '')

        ### Plot difference from reference platepar in angular distance from (0, 0) vs rotation ###    


        plt.scatter(0, 0, marker='o', edgecolor='k', label='Reference platepar', s=100, c='none', zorder=3)

        plt.scatter(ang_dists, rot_angles, c=hour_list, zorder=3)
        plt.colorbar(label="Hours from first FF file")
        plt.xlabel("Angular distance from reference (arcmin)")
        plt.ylabel("Rotation from reference (arcmin)")

        plt.title("FOV centre drift starting at {:s}".format(first_dt.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")))



        plt.savefig(os.path.join(dir_path, plot_name + '_calibration_variation.png'), dpi=150)

        # plt.show()


        ### ###

        ### Plot the photometric offset variation ###


        plt.errorbar(dt_list, photom_offset_list, yerr=photom_offset_std_list, fmt="o", \
            ecolor='lightgray', elinewidth=2, capsize=0, ms=2)

        # Format datetimes

        # rotate and align the tick labels so they look better

        plt.xlabel("UTC time")
        plt.ylabel("Photometric offset")

        plt.title("Photometric offset variation")



        plt.savefig(os.path.join(dir_path, plot_name + '_photometry_variation.png'), dpi=150)


    ### ###

    ### Apply platepars to FTPdetectinfo ###

    meteor_output_list = []
    for meteor_entry in meteor_list:

        ff_name, meteor_No, rho, phi, meteor_meas = meteor_entry

        # Get the platepar that will be applied to this FF file
        if ff_name in recalibrated_platepars:
            working_platepar = recalibrated_platepars[ff_name]

            print('Using default platepar for:', ff_name)
            working_platepar = platepar

        # Apply the recalibrated platepar to meteor centroids
        meteor_picks = applyPlateparToCentroids(ff_name, fps, meteor_meas, working_platepar, \

        meteor_output_list.append([ff_name, meteor_No, rho, phi, meteor_picks])

    # Calibration string to be written to the FTPdetectinfo file
    calib_str = 'Recalibrated with RMS on: ' + str(datetime.datetime.utcnow()) + ' UTC'

    # If no meteors were detected, set dummpy parameters
    if len(meteor_list) == 0:
        cam_code = ''
        fps = 0

    # Back up the old FTPdetectinfo file
        shutil.copy(ftpdetectinfo_path, ftpdetectinfo_path.strip('.txt') \
            + '_backup_{:s}.txt'.format(datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.%f')))
        print('ERROR! The FTPdetectinfo file could not be backed up: {:s}'.format(ftpdetectinfo_path))

    # Save the updated FTPdetectinfo
    FTPdetectinfo.writeFTPdetectinfo(meteor_output_list, dir_path, os.path.basename(ftpdetectinfo_path), \
        dir_path, cam_code, fps, calibration=calib_str, celestial_coords_given=True)

    ### ###

    return recalibrated_platepars
    config = cr.parse(".config")

    # Get the list of FR bin files (fireball detections) in the given directory
    fr_list = [
        fr for fr in os.listdir(dir_path)
        if fr[0:2] == "FR" and fr.endswith('bin')
    fr_list = sorted(fr_list)

    if not fr_list:

        print("No files found!")

    # Get the list of FF bin files (compressed video frames)
    ff_list = [ff for ff in os.listdir(dir_path) if FFfile.validFFName(ff)]
    ff_list = sorted(ff_list)

    i = 0

    while True:

        # Break the loop if at the end
        if i >= len(fr_list):

        fr = fr_list[i]

        ff_match = None

        # Strip extensions
# Import old morph
from RMS.OLD import MorphologicalOperations as morph

# Cython init
import pyximport
pyximport.install(setup_args={'include_dirs': [np.get_include()]})
from RMS.Routines.MorphCy import morphApply

# Run tests

# Extract file and directory
head, ff_name = os.path.split(sys.argv[1])
ff_path = os.path.abspath(head) + os.sep

# Load the FF bin file
ff = FFfile.read(ff_path, ff_name)

img_thresh = thresholdImg(ff, 1.8, 9)

show('thresh', img_thresh)

# Convert img to integer
img = img_thresh.astype(np.uint8)

# Old morph
img_old = np.copy(img)

t1 = time.clock()
img_old = morph.clean(img_old)
img_old = morph.bridge(img_old)
img_old = morph.close(img_old)
    def _handleFailure(config, platepar, calstars_list, catalog_stars,
        """ Run FFT alignment before giving up on ACF. """

        if not _fft_refinement:

                'The initial platepar is bad, trying to refine it using FFT phase correlation...'

            # Prepare data for FFT image registration

            calstars_dict = {
                ff_file: star_data
                for ff_file, star_data in calstars_list

            # Extract star list from CALSTARS file from FF file with most stars
            max_len_ff = max(calstars_dict,
                             key=lambda k: len(calstars_dict[k]))

            # Take only X, Y (change order so X is first)
            calstars_coords = np.array(calstars_dict[max_len_ff])[:, :2]
            calstars_coords[:, [0, 1]] = calstars_coords[:, [1, 0]]

            # Get the time of the FF file
            calstars_time = FFfile.getMiddleTimeFF(max_len_ff,

            # Try aligning the platepar using FFT image registration
            platepar_refined = alignPlatepar(config, platepar, calstars_time,


            ### If there are still not enough stars matched, try FFT again ###
            min_radius = 10

            # Prepare star dictionary to check the match
            dt = FFfile.getMiddleTimeFF(max_len_ff,
            jd = date2JD(*dt)
            star_dict_temp = {}
            star_dict_temp[jd] = calstars_dict[max_len_ff]

            # Check the number of matched stars
            n_matched, _, _, _ = matchStarsResiduals(config, platepar_refined, catalog_stars, \
                star_dict_temp, min_radius, ret_nmatch=True, verbose=True)

            # Realign again if necessary
            if n_matched < config.min_matched_stars:
                    'Doing a second FFT pass as the number of matched stars was too small...'
                platepar_refined = alignPlatepar(config, platepar_refined,

            ### ###

            # Redo autoCF
            return autoCheckFit(config,

                'Auto Check Fit failed completely, please redo the plate manually!'
            return platepar, False
def autoCheckFit(config, platepar, calstars_list, distorsion_refinement=False, _fft_refinement=False):
    """ Attempts to refine the astrometry fit with the given stars and and initial astrometry parameters.

        config: [Config structure]
        platepar: [Platepar structure] Initial astrometry parameters.
        calstars_list: [list] A list containing stars extracted from FF files. See RMS.Formats.CALSTARS for
            more details.

    Keyword arguments:
        distorsion_refinement: [bool] Whether the distorsion should be fitted as well. False by default.
        _fft_refinement: [bool] Internal flag indicating that autoCF is running the second time recursively
            after FFT platepar adjustment.
        (platepar, fit_status):
            platepar: [Platepar structure] Estimated/refined platepar.
            fit_status: [bool] True if fit was successfuly, False if not.

    def _handleFailure(config, platepar, calstars_list, distorsion_refinement, _fft_refinement):
        """ Run FFT alignment before giving up on ACF. """

        if not _fft_refinement:

            print('The initial platepar is bad, trying to refine it using FFT phase correlation...')

            # Prepare data for FFT image registration

            calstars_dict = {ff_file: star_data for ff_file, star_data in calstars_list}

            # Extract star list from CALSTARS file from FF file with most stars
            max_len_ff = max(calstars_dict, key=lambda k: len(calstars_dict[k]))
            # Take only X, Y (change order so X is first)
            calstars_coords = np.array(calstars_dict[max_len_ff])[:, :2]
            calstars_coords[:, [0, 1]] = calstars_coords[:, [1, 0]]
            # Get the time of the FF file
            calstars_time = FFfile.getMiddleTimeFF(max_len_ff, config.fps, ret_milliseconds=True)

            # Try aligning the platepar using FFT image registration
            platepar_refined = alignPlatepar(config, platepar, calstars_time, calstars_coords)

            # Redo autoCF
            return autoCheckFit(config, platepar_refined, calstars_list, \
                distorsion_refinement=distorsion_refinement, _fft_refinement=True)

            print('Auto Check Fit failed completely, please redo the plate manually!')
            return platepar, False

    if _fft_refinement:
        print('Second ACF run with an updated platepar via FFT phase correlation...')

    # Convert the list to a dictionary
    calstars = {ff_file: star_data for ff_file, star_data in calstars_list}

    # Load catalog stars (overwrite the mag band ratios if specific catalog is used)
    catalog_stars, _, config.star_catalog_band_ratios = StarCatalog.readStarCatalog(config.star_catalog_path, \
        config.star_catalog_file, lim_mag=config.catalog_mag_limit, \

    # Dictionary which will contain the JD, and a list of (X, Y, bg_intens, intens) of the stars
    star_dict = {}

    # Take only those files with enough stars on them
    for ff_name in calstars:

        stars_list = calstars[ff_name]

        # Check if there are enough stars on the image
        if len(stars_list) >= config.ff_min_stars:
            # Calculate the JD time of the FF file
            dt = FFfile.getMiddleTimeFF(ff_name, config.fps, ret_milliseconds=True)
            jd = date2JD(*dt)

            # Add the time and the stars to the dict
            star_dict[jd] = stars_list

    # There has to be a minimum of 200 FF files for star fitting, and only 100 will be subset if there are more
    if len(star_dict) < config.calstars_files_N:
        print('Not enough FF files in CALSTARS for ACF!')
        return platepar, False


        # Randomly choose calstars_files_N image files from the whole list
        rand_keys = random.sample(list(star_dict), config.calstars_files_N)
        star_dict = {key: star_dict[key] for key in rand_keys}

    # Calculate the total number of calibration stars used
    total_calstars = sum([len(star_dict[key]) for key in star_dict])
    print('Total calstars:', total_calstars)

    if total_calstars < config.calstars_min_stars:
        print('Not enough calibration stars, need at least', config.calstars_min_stars)
        return platepar, False

    # A list of matching radiuses to try, pairs of [radius, fit_distorsion_flag]
    #   The distorsion will be fitted only if explicity requested
    min_radius = 0.5
    radius_list = [[10, False], 
                    [5, False], 
                    [3, False],
                    [1.5, True and distorsion_refinement], 
                    [min_radius, True and distorsion_refinement]]

    # Calculate the function tolerance, so the desired precision can be reached (the number is calculated
    # in the same regard as the cost function)
    fatol, xatol_ang = computeMinimizationTolerances(config, platepar, len(star_dict))

    ### If the initial match is good enough, do only quick recalibratoin ###
    # Match the stars and calculate the residuals
    n_matched, avg_dist, cost, _ = matchStarsResiduals(config, platepar, catalog_stars, star_dict, \
        min_radius, ret_nmatch=True)

    if n_matched >= config.calstars_files_N:

        # Check if the average distance with the tightest radius is close
        if avg_dist < config.dist_check_quick_threshold:

            # Use a reduced set of initial radius values
            radius_list = [[1.5, True and distorsion_refinement], 
                           [min_radius, True and distorsion_refinement]]


    # Match increasingly smaller search radiia around image stars
    for i, (match_radius, fit_distorsion) in enumerate(radius_list):

        # Match the stars and calculate the residuals
        n_matched, avg_dist, cost, _ = matchStarsResiduals(config, platepar, catalog_stars, star_dict, \
            match_radius, ret_nmatch=True)

        print('Max radius:', match_radius)
        print('Initial values:')
        print(' Matched stars:', n_matched)
        print(' Average deviation:', avg_dist)

        # The initial number of matched stars has to be at least the number of FF imaages, otherwise it means
        #   that the initial platepar is no good
        if n_matched < config.calstars_files_N:
            print('The total number of initially matched stars is too small! Please manually redo the plate or make sure there are enough calibration stars.')
            # Try to refine the platepar with FFT phase correlation and redo the ACF
            return _handleFailure(config, platepar, calstars_list, distorsion_refinement, _fft_refinement)

        # Check if the platepar is good enough and do not estimate further parameters
        if checkFitGoodness(config, platepar, catalog_stars, star_dict, min_radius, verbose=True):

            # Print out notice only if the platepar is good right away
            if i == 0:
                print("Initial platepar is good enough!")

            return platepar, True

        # Initial parameters for the astrometric fit (don't fit the scale if the distorsion is not being fit)
        if fit_distorsion:
            p0 = [platepar.RA_d, platepar.dec_d, platepar.pos_angle_ref, platepar.F_scale]
            p0 = [platepar.RA_d, platepar.dec_d, platepar.pos_angle_ref]

        # Fit the astrometric parameters
        res = scipy.optimize.minimize(_calcImageResidualsAstro, p0, args=(config, platepar, catalog_stars, \
            star_dict, match_radius, fit_distorsion), method='Nelder-Mead', \
            options={'fatol': fatol, 'xatol': xatol_ang})


        # If the fit was not successful, stop further fitting
        if not res.success:

            # Try to refine the platepar with FFT phase correlation and redo the ACF
            return _handleFailure(config, platepar, calstars_list, distorsion_refinement, _fft_refinement)

            # If the fit was successful, use the new parameters from now on
            if fit_distorsion:
                ra_ref, dec_ref, pos_angle_ref, F_scale = res.x

                ra_ref, dec_ref, pos_angle_ref = res.x
                F_scale = platepar.F_scale

            platepar.RA_d = ra_ref
            platepar.dec_d = dec_ref
            platepar.pos_angle_ref = pos_angle_ref
            platepar.F_scale = F_scale

        # Check if the platepar is good enough and do not estimate further parameters
        if checkFitGoodness(config, platepar, catalog_stars, star_dict, min_radius, verbose=True):
            return platepar, True

        # Fit the lens distorsion parameters
        if fit_distorsion:


            # Fit the distortion parameters (X axis)
            res = scipy.optimize.minimize(_calcImageResidualsDistorsion, platepar.x_poly_rev, args=(config, \
                platepar, catalog_stars, star_dict, match_radius, 'x'), method='Nelder-Mead', \
                options={'fatol': fatol, 'xatol': 0.1})


            # If the fit was not successfull, stop further fitting
            if not res.success:
                # Try to refine the platepar with FFT phase correlation and redo the ACF
                return _handleFailure(config, platepar, calstars_list, distorsion_refinement, _fft_refinement)

                platepar.x_poly_rev = res.x

            # Fit the distortion parameters (Y axis)
            res = scipy.optimize.minimize(_calcImageResidualsDistorsion, platepar.y_poly_rev, args=(config, \
                platepar,catalog_stars, star_dict, match_radius, 'y'), method='Nelder-Mead', \
                options={'fatol': fatol, 'xatol': 0.1})


            # If the fit was not successfull, stop further fitting
            if not res.success:
                # Try to refine the platepar with FFT phase correlation and redo the ACF
                return _handleFailure(config, platepar, calstars_list, distorsion_refinement, _fft_refinement)

                platepar.y_poly_rev = res.x

            ### ###


            # Fit the distortion parameters (X axis)
            res = scipy.optimize.minimize(_calcSkyResidualsDistorsion, platepar.x_poly_fwd, args=(config, \
                platepar, catalog_stars, star_dict, match_radius, 'x'), method='Nelder-Mead', \
                options={'fatol': fatol, 'xatol': 0.1})


            # If the fit was not successfull, stop further fitting
            if not res.success:
                # Try to refine the platepar with FFT phase correlation and redo the ACF
                return _handleFailure(config, platepar, calstars_list, distorsion_refinement, _fft_refinement)

                platepar.x_poly_fwd = res.x

            # Fit the distortion parameters (Y axis)
            res = scipy.optimize.minimize(_calcSkyResidualsDistorsion, platepar.y_poly_fwd, args=(config, \
                platepar,catalog_stars, star_dict, match_radius, 'y'), method='Nelder-Mead', \
                options={'fatol': fatol, 'xatol': 0.1})


            # If the fit was not successfull, stop further fitting
            if not res.success:
                return platepar, False

                platepar.y_poly_fwd = res.x

            ### ###

    # Match the stars and calculate the residuals
    n_matched, avg_dist, cost, matched_stars = matchStarsResiduals(config, platepar, catalog_stars, \
        star_dict, min_radius, ret_nmatch=True)

    print('FINAL SOLUTION with {:f} px:'.format(min_radius))
    print('Matched stars:', n_matched)
    print('Average deviation:', avg_dist)

    # Mark the platepar to indicate that it was automatically refined with CheckFit
    platepar.auto_check_fit_refined = True

    return platepar, True
def extractStarsAndSave(config, ff_dir):
    """ Extract stars in the given folder and save the CALSTARS file. 
        config: [config object] configuration object (loaded from the .config file)
        ff_dir: [str] Path to directory where FF files are.

        star_list: [list] A list of [ff_name, star_data] entries, where star_data contains a list of 
            (column, row, amplitude, intensity, fwhm) values for every star.


    time_start = time.time()

    # Load mask, dark, flat
    mask, dark, flat_struct = loadImageCalibration(ff_dir, config)

    extraction_list = []

    # Go through all files in the directory and add them to the detection list
    for ff_name in sorted(os.listdir(ff_dir)):

        # Check if the given file is a valid FF file
        if not FFfile.validFFName(ff_name):


    # Run the QueuedPool for detection
    workpool = QueuedPool(extractStars, cores=-1, backup_dir=ff_dir)

    # Add jobs for the pool
    for ff_name in extraction_list:
        print('Adding for extraction:', ff_name)
            ff_dir, ff_name, config, None, None, None, None, flat_struct, dark,

    print('Starting pool...')

    # Start the detection

    print('Waiting for the detection to finish...')

    # Wait for the detector to finish and close it

    # Get extraction results
    star_list = []
    for result in workpool.getResults():

        ff_name, x2, y2, amplitude, intensity, fwhm_data = result

        # Skip if no stars were found
        if not x2:

        # Construct the table of the star parameters
        star_data = list(zip(x2, y2, amplitude, intensity, fwhm_data))

        # Add star info to the star list
        star_list.append([ff_name, star_data])

    dir_name = os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(ff_dir))
    if dir_name.startswith(config.stationID):
        prefix = dir_name
        prefix = "{:s}_{:s}".format(config.stationID, dir_name)

    # Generate the name for the CALSTARS file
    calstars_name = 'CALSTARS_' + prefix + '.txt'

    # Write detected stars to the CALSTARS file
    CALSTARS.writeCALSTARS(star_list, ff_dir, calstars_name, config.stationID,
                           config.height, config.width)

    # Delete QueudPool backed up files

    print('Total time taken: {:.2f} s'.format(time.time() - time_start))

    return star_list
def generateThumbnails(dir_path,
    """ Generates a mosaic of thumbnails from all FF files in the given folder and saves it as a JPG image.
        dir_path: [str] Path of the night directory.
        config: [Conf object] Configuration.
        mosaic_type: [str] Type of the mosaic (e.g. "Captured" or "Detected")

    Keyword arguments:
        file_list: [list] A list of file names (without full path) which will be searched for FF files. This
            is used when generating separate thumbnails for captured and detected files.

        file_name: [str] Name of the thumbnail file.
        no_stack: [bool] Don't stack the images using the config.thumb_stack option. A max of 1000 images
            are supported with this option. If there are more, stacks will be done according to the 
            config.thumb_stack option.


    if file_list is None:
        file_list = sorted(os.listdir(dir_path))

    # Make a list of all FF files in the night directory
    ff_list = []

    for file_name in file_list:
        if FFfile.validFFName(file_name):

    # Calculate the dimensions of the binned image
    bin_w = int(config.width / config.thumb_bin)
    bin_h = int(config.height / config.thumb_bin)


    timestamps = []
    stacked_imgs = []

    thumb_stack = config.thumb_stack

    # Check if no stacks should be done (max 1000 images for no stack)
    if no_stack and (len(ff_list) < 1000):
        thumb_stack = 1

    for i in range(0, len(ff_list), thumb_stack):

        img_stack = np.zeros((bin_h, bin_w))

        # Stack thumb_stack images using the 'if lighter' method
        for j in range(thumb_stack):

            if (i + j) < len(ff_list):

                tmp_file_name = ff_list[i + j]

                # Read the FF file
                ff = FFfile.read(dir_path, tmp_file_name)

                # Skip the FF if it is corruped
                if ff is None:

                img = ff.maxpixel

                # Resize the image
                img = cv2.resize(img, (bin_w, bin_h))

                # Stack the image
                img_stack = stackIfLighter(img_stack, img)


        # Save the timestamp of the first image in the stack

        # Save the stacked image

        # cv2.imshow('test', img_stack)
        # cv2.waitKey(0)
        # cv2.destroyAllWindows()



    header_height = 20
    timestamp_height = 10

    # Calculate the number of rows for the thumbnail image
    n_rows = int(
        np.ceil(float(len(ff_list)) / thumb_stack / config.thumb_n_width))

    # Calculate the size of the mosaic
    mosaic_w = int(config.thumb_n_width * bin_w)
    mosaic_h = int((bin_h + timestamp_height) * n_rows + header_height)

    mosaic_img = np.zeros((mosaic_h, mosaic_w), dtype=np.uint8)

    # Write header text
    header_text = 'Station: ' + str(config.stationID) + ' Night: ' + os.path.basename(dir_path) \
        + ' Type: ' + mosaic_type
    cv2.putText(mosaic_img, header_text, (0, header_height//2), \
                    cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, (255,255,255), 1)

    for row in range(n_rows):

        for col in range(config.thumb_n_width):

            # Calculate image index
            indx = row * config.thumb_n_width + col

            if indx < len(stacked_imgs):

                # Calculate position of the text
                text_x = col * bin_w
                text_y = row * bin_h + (
                    row + 1) * timestamp_height - 1 + header_height

                # Add timestamp text
                cv2.putText(mosaic_img, timestamps[indx].strftime('%H:%M:%S'), (text_x, text_y), \
                    cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, (255, 255, 255), 1)

                # Add the image to the mosaic
                img_pos_x = col * bin_w
                img_pos_y = row * bin_h + (
                    row + 1) * timestamp_height + header_height

                mosaic_img[img_pos_y:img_pos_y + bin_h,
                           img_pos_x:img_pos_x + bin_w] = stacked_imgs[indx]



    # Only add the station ID if the dir name already doesn't start with it
    dir_name = os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(dir_path))
    if dir_name.startswith(config.stationID):
        prefix = dir_name
        prefix = "{:s}_{:s}".format(config.stationID, dir_name)

    thumb_name = "{:s}_{:s}_thumbs.jpg".format(prefix, mosaic_type)

    # Save the mosaic
        # Use imageio to write the image
        imwrite(os.path.join(dir_path, thumb_name), mosaic_img, quality=80)
        # Use OpenCV to save the image
        imwrite(os.path.join(dir_path, thumb_name), mosaic_img,
                [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 80])

    return thumb_name
# RPi Meteor Station
# Copyright (C) 2015  Dario Zubovic
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import cv2
import sys, os
from RMS.Formats import FFfile

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ff = FFfile.read(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])

    cv2.imwrite(sys.argv[2] + "_max.png", ff.maxpixel)
    cv2.imwrite(sys.argv[2] + "_frame.png", ff.maxframe)
    cv2.imwrite(sys.argv[2] + "_avg.png", ff.avepixel)
    cv2.imwrite(sys.argv[2] + "_stddev.png", ff.stdpixel)
def view(dir_path, ff_path, fr_path, config, save_frames=False):
    """ Shows the detected fireball stored in the FR file. 
        dir_path: [str] Current directory.
        ff: [str] path to the FF bin file
        fr: [str] path to the FR bin file
        config: [conf object] configuration structure

    name = fr_path
    fr = FRbin.read(dir_path, fr_path)

    print('Showing file:', fr_path)

    if ff_path is None:
        #background = np.zeros((config.height, config.width), np.uint8)

        # Get the maximum extent of meteor frames
        y_size = max([max(np.array(fr.yc[i]) + np.array(fr.size[i])//2) for i in range(fr.lines)])
        x_size = max([max(np.array(fr.xc[i]) + np.array(fr.size[i])//2) for i in range(fr.lines)])

        # Make the image square
        img_size = max(y_size, x_size)

        background = np.zeros((img_size, img_size), np.uint8)

        background = FFfile.read(dir_path, ff_path).maxpixel
    print("Number of lines:", fr.lines)
    first_image = True
    wait_time = 2*int(1000.0/config.fps)

    pause_flag = False

    for current_line in range(fr.lines):

        print('Frame,  Y ,  X , size')

        for z in range(fr.frameNum[current_line]):

            # Get the center position of the detection on the current frame
            yc = fr.yc[current_line][z]
            xc = fr.xc[current_line][z]

            # Get the frame number
            t = fr.t[current_line][z]

            # Get the size of the window
            size = fr.size[current_line][z]
            print("  {:3d}, {:3d}, {:3d}, {:d}".format(t, yc, xc, size))

            img = np.copy(background)
            # Paste the frames onto the big image
            y_img = np.arange(yc - size//2, yc + size//2)
            x_img = np.arange(xc - size//2,  xc + size//2)

            Y_img, X_img = np.meshgrid(y_img, x_img)

            y_frame = np.arange(len(y_img))
            x_frame = np.arange(len(x_img))

            Y_frame, X_frame = np.meshgrid(y_frame, x_frame)                

            img[Y_img, X_img] = fr.frames[current_line][z][Y_frame, X_frame]

            # Save frame to disk
            if save_frames:
                frame_file_name = fr_path.replace('.bin', '') + "_line_{:02d}_frame_{:03d}.png".format(current_line, t)
                cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dir_path, frame_file_name), img)

            # Show the frame
            cv2.imshow(name, img)

            # If this is the first image, move it to the upper left corner
            if first_image:
                cv2.moveWindow(name, 0, 0)
                first_image = False

            if pause_flag:
                wait_time = 0
                wait_time = 2*int(1000.0/config.fps)

            # Space key: pause display. 
            # 1: previous file. 
            # 2: next line. 
            # q: Quit.
            key = cv2.waitKey(wait_time) & 0xFF

            if key == ord("1"): 
                return -1

            elif key == ord("2"): 

            elif key == ord(" "): 
                # Pause/unpause video
                pause_flag = not pause_flag

            elif key == ord("q") : 

    # Load the configuration file
    config = cr.parse(".config")


    # Get the list of FR bin files (fireball detections) in the given directory
    fr_list = [fr for fr in os.listdir(dir_path) if fr[0:2]=="FR" and fr.endswith('bin')]
    fr_list = sorted(fr_list)

    if not fr_list:

        print("No files found!")

    # Get the list of FF bin files (compressed video frames)
    ff_list = [ff for ff in os.listdir(dir_path) if FFfile.validFFName(ff)]
    ff_list = sorted(ff_list)

    i = 0

    while True:

        # Break the loop if at the end
        if i >= len(fr_list):

        fr = fr_list[i]

        ff_match = None

if __name__ == "__main__":

    time_start = time.clock()

    # Load config file
    config = cr.parse(".config")

    if not len(sys.argv) == 2:
        print("Usage: python -m RMS.ExtractStars /path/to/FF/files/")
    # Get paths to every FF bin file in a directory 
    ff_dir = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])
    ff_list = [ff_name for ff_name in os.listdir(ff_dir) if FFfile.validFFName(ff_name)]

    # Check if there are any file in the directory
    if(len(ff_list) == None):
        print("No files found!")

    # Try loading a flat field image
    flat_struct = None

    if config.use_flat:
        # Check if there is flat in the data directory
        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(ff_dir, config.flat_file)):
def recalibrateIndividualFFsAndApplyAstrometry(dir_path, ftpdetectinfo_path, calstars_list, config, platepar):
    """ Recalibrate FF files with detections and apply the recalibrated platepar to those detections. 

        dir_path: [str] Path where the FTPdetectinfo file is.
        ftpdetectinfo_path: [str] Name of the FTPdetectinfo file.
        calstars_list: [list] A list of entries [[ff_name, star_coordinates], ...].
        config: [Config instance]
        platepar: [Platepar instance] Initial platepar.

        recalibrated_platepars: [dict] A dictionary where the keys are FF file names and values are 
            recalibrated platepar instances for every FF file.

    # Read the FTPdetectinfo data
    cam_code, fps, meteor_list = FTPdetectinfo.readFTPdetectinfo(*os.path.split(ftpdetectinfo_path), \

    # Convert the list of stars to a per FF name dictionary
    calstars = {ff_file: star_data for ff_file, star_data in calstars_list}

    # Load catalog stars (overwrite the mag band ratios if specific catalog is used)
    catalog_stars, _, config.star_catalog_band_ratios = StarCatalog.readStarCatalog(config.star_catalog_path,\
        config.star_catalog_file, lim_mag=config.catalog_mag_limit, \

    prev_platepar = copy.deepcopy(platepar)

    # Go through all FF files with detections, recalibrate and apply astrometry
    recalibrated_platepars = {}
    for meteor_entry in meteor_list:

        working_platepar = copy.deepcopy(prev_platepar)

        ff_name, meteor_No, rho, phi, meteor_meas = meteor_entry

        # Skip this meteors if its FF file was already recalibrated
        if ff_name in recalibrated_platepars:

        print('Processing: ', ff_name)

        # Find extracted stars on this image
        if not ff_name in calstars:
            print('Skipped because it was not in CALSTARS:', ff_name)

        # Get stars detected on this FF file (create a dictionaly with only one entry, the residuals function
        #   needs this format)
        calstars_time = FFfile.getMiddleTimeFF(ff_name, config.fps, ret_milliseconds=True)
        jd = date2JD(*calstars_time)
        star_dict_ff = {jd: calstars[ff_name]}

        # Recalibrate the platepar using star matching
        result = recalibrateFF(config, working_platepar, jd, star_dict_ff, catalog_stars)

        # If the recalibration failed, try using FFT alignment
        if result is None:

            print('Running FFT alignment...')

            # Run FFT alignment
            calstars_coords = np.array(star_dict_ff[jd])[:, :2]
            calstars_coords[:, [0, 1]] = calstars_coords[:, [1, 0]]
            working_platepar = alignPlatepar(config, prev_platepar, calstars_time, calstars_coords, \

            # Try to recalibrate after FFT alignment
            result = recalibrateFF(config, working_platepar, jd, star_dict_ff, catalog_stars)

            if result is not None:
                working_platepar = result

            working_platepar = result

        # Store the platepar if the fit succeeded
        if result is not None:
            recalibrated_platepars[ff_name] = working_platepar
            prev_platepar = working_platepar


            print('Recalibration of {:s} failed, using the previous platepar...'.format(ff_name))

            # If the aligning failed, set the previous platepar as the one that should be used for this FF file
            recalibrated_platepars[ff_name] = prev_platepar

    ### Store all recalibrated platepars as a JSON file ###

    all_pps = {}
    for ff_name in recalibrated_platepars:

        json_str = recalibrated_platepars[ff_name].jsonStr()
        all_pps[ff_name] = json.loads(json_str)

    with open(os.path.join(dir_path, config.platepars_recalibrated_name), 'w') as f:
        # Convert all platepars to a JSON file
        out_str = json.dumps(all_pps, default=lambda o: o.__dict__, indent=4, sort_keys=True)


    ### ###

    # If no platepars were recalibrated, use the single platepar recalibration procedure
    if len(recalibrated_platepars) == 0:

        print('No FF images were used for recalibration, using the single platepar calibration function...')

        # Use the initial platepar for calibration
        applyAstrometryFTPdetectinfo(dir_path, os.path.basename(ftpdetectinfo_path), None, platepar=platepar)

        return recalibrated_platepars

    ### Plot difference from reference platepar in angular distance from (0, 0) vs rotation ###

    ang_dists = []
    rot_angles = []
    hour_list = []

    first_jd = np.min([FFfile.filenameToDatetime(ff_name) for ff_name in recalibrated_platepars])

    for ff_name in recalibrated_platepars:
        pp_temp = recalibrated_platepars[ff_name]

        # If the fitting failed, skip the platepar
        if pp_temp is None:

        # Compute the angular separation from the reference platepar
        ang_dist = np.degrees(angularSeparation(np.radians(platepar.RA_d), np.radians(platepar.dec_d), \
            np.radians(pp_temp.RA_d), np.radians(pp_temp.dec_d)))

        rot_angles.append((platepar.pos_angle_ref - pp_temp.pos_angle_ref)*60)

        # Compute the hour of the FF used for recalibration
        hour_list.append((FFfile.filenameToDatetime(ff_name) - first_jd).total_seconds()/3600)


    plt.scatter(0, 0, marker='o', edgecolor='k', label='Reference platepar', s=100, c='none', zorder=3)

    plt.scatter(ang_dists, rot_angles, c=hour_list, zorder=3)
    plt.colorbar(label='Hours from first FF file')
    plt.xlabel("Angular distance from reference (arcmin)")
    plt.ylabel('Rotation from reference (arcmin)')



    # Generate the name for the plot
    calib_plot_name = os.path.basename(ftpdetectinfo_path).replace('FTPdetectinfo_', '').replace('.txt', '') \
        + '_calibration_variation.png'

    plt.savefig(os.path.join(dir_path, calib_plot_name), dpi=150)

    # plt.show()


    ### ###

    ### Apply platepars to FTPdetectinfo ###

    meteor_output_list = []
    for meteor_entry in meteor_list:

        ff_name, meteor_No, rho, phi, meteor_meas = meteor_entry

        # Get the platepar that will be applied to this FF file
        if ff_name in recalibrated_platepars:
            working_platepar = recalibrated_platepars[ff_name]

            print('Using default platepar for:', ff_name)
            working_platepar = platepar

        # Apply the recalibrated platepar to meteor centroids
        meteor_picks = applyPlateparToCentroids(ff_name, fps, meteor_meas, working_platepar, \

        meteor_output_list.append([ff_name, meteor_No, rho, phi, meteor_picks])

    # Calibration string to be written to the FTPdetectinfo file
    calib_str = 'Recalibrated with RMS on: ' + str(datetime.datetime.utcnow()) + ' UTC'

    # If no meteors were detected, set dummpy parameters
    if len(meteor_list) == 0:
        cam_code = ''
        fps = 0

    # Back up the old FTPdetectinfo file
    shutil.copy(ftpdetectinfo_path, ftpdetectinfo_path.strip('.txt') \
        + '_backup_{:s}.txt'.format(datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.%f')))

    # Save the updated FTPdetectinfo
    FTPdetectinfo.writeFTPdetectinfo(meteor_output_list, dir_path, os.path.basename(ftpdetectinfo_path), \
        dir_path, cam_code, fps, calibration=calib_str, celestial_coords_given=True)

    ### ###

    return recalibrated_platepars

def plot(points, y_dim, x_dim):
    fig = plt.figure()

    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

    y = points[:, 0]
    x = points[:, 1]
    z = points[:, 2]

    # Plot points in 3D
    ax.scatter(x, y, z)

    # Set axes limits
    ax.set_zlim(0, 255)
    plt.xlim([0, x_dim])
    plt.ylim([0, y_dim])



if __name__ == "__main__":
    ff = FFfile.read(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], array=True)

    # Adjust levels
    img_data = adjustLevels(img_data, 100, 1.2, 240)

    plt.imshow(img_data, cmap='gray')

    #### Apply the flat

    # Load an FF file
    dir_path = "/home/dvida/Dropbox/Apps/Elginfield RPi RMS data/ArchivedFiles/CA0001_20171018_230520_894458_detected"
    file_name = "FF_CA0001_20171019_092744_161_1118976.fits"

    ff = FFfile.read(dir_path, file_name)

    # Load the flat
    flat_struct = loadFlat(os.getcwd(), config.flat_file)

    t1 = time.clock()

    # Apply the flat
    img = applyFlat(ff.maxpixel, flat_struct)

    print('Flat time:', time.clock() - t1)

    plt.imshow(img, cmap='gray', vmin=0, vmax=255)
def extractStars(ff_dir, ff_name, config=None, max_global_intensity=150, border=10, neighborhood_size=10, 
        intensity_threshold=5, flat_struct=None, dark=None, mask=None):
    """ Extracts stars on a given FF bin by searching for local maxima and applying PSF fit for star 

        Source of one part of the code: 
        ff: [ff bin struct] FF bin file loaded in the FF bin structure
        config: [config object] configuration object (loaded from the .config file)
        max_global_intensity: [int] maximum mean intensity of an image before it is discared as too bright
        border: [int] apply a mask on the detections by removing all that are too close to the given image 
            border (in pixels)
        neighborhood_size: [int] size of the neighbourhood for the maximum search (in pixels)
        intensity_threshold: [float] a threshold for cutting the detections which are too faint (0-255)
        flat_struct: [Flat struct] Structure containing the flat field. None by default.
        dark: [ndarray] Dark frame. None by default.
        mask: [ndarray] Mask image. None by default.

        x2, y2, background, intensity, sigma_fitted: [list of ndarrays]
            - x2: X axis coordinates of the star
            - y2: Y axis coordinates of the star
            - background: background intensity
            - intensity: intensity of the star
            - Gaussian stddev of fitted stars

    # This will be returned if there was an error
    error_return = [[], [], [], []]

    # Load parameters from config if given
    if config:
        max_global_intensity = config.max_global_intensity
        border = config.border
        neighborhood_size = config.neighborhood_size
        intensity_threshold = config.intensity_threshold

    # Load the FF bin file
    ff = FFfile.read(ff_dir, ff_name)

    # If the FF file could not be read, skip star extraction
    if ff is None:
        return error_return

    # Apply the dark frame
    if dark is not None:
        ff.avepixel = Image.applyDark(ff.avepixel, dark)

    # Apply the flat
    if flat_struct is not None:
        ff.avepixel = Image.applyFlat(ff.avepixel, flat_struct)

    # Mask the FF file
    if mask is not None:
        ff = MaskImage.applyMask(ff, mask, ff_flag=True)

    # Calculate image mean and stddev
    global_mean = np.mean(ff.avepixel)

    # Check if the image is too bright and skip the image
    if global_mean > max_global_intensity:
        return error_return

    data = ff.avepixel.astype(np.float32)

    # Apply a mean filter to the image to reduce noise
    data = ndimage.filters.convolve(data, weights=np.full((2, 2), 1.0/4))

    # Locate local maxima on the image
    data_max = filters.maximum_filter(data, neighborhood_size)
    maxima = (data == data_max)
    data_min = filters.minimum_filter(data, neighborhood_size)
    diff = ((data_max - data_min) > intensity_threshold)
    maxima[diff == 0] = 0

    # Apply a border mask
    border_mask = np.ones_like(maxima)*255
    border_mask[:border,:] = 0
    border_mask[-border:,:] = 0
    border_mask[:,:border] = 0
    border_mask[:,-border:] = 0
    maxima = MaskImage.applyMask(maxima, border_mask, image=True)

    # Find and label the maxima
    labeled, num_objects = ndimage.label(maxima)

    # Skip the image if there are too many maxima to process
    if num_objects > config.max_stars:
        print('Too many candidate stars to process! {:d}/{:d}'.format(num_objects, config.max_stars))
        return error_return

    # Find centres of mass of each labeled objects
    xy = np.array(ndimage.center_of_mass(data, labeled, range(1, num_objects+1)))

    # Remove all detection on the border
    #xy = xy[np.where((xy[:, 1] > border) & (xy[:,1] < ff.ncols - border) & (xy[:,0] > border) & (xy[:,0] < ff.nrows - border))]

    # Unpack star coordinates
    y, x = np.hsplit(xy, 2)

    # # Plot stars before the PSF fit
    # plotStars(ff, x, y)

    # Fit a PSF to each star
    x2, y2, amplitude, intensity, sigma_y_fitted, sigma_x_fitted = fitPSF(ff, global_mean, x, y, config)
    # x2, y2, amplitude, intensity = list(x), list(y), [], [] # Skip PSF fit

    # # Plot stars after PSF fit filtering
    # plotStars(ff, x2, y2)

    # Compute one dimensional sigma
    sigma_x_fitted = np.array(sigma_x_fitted)
    sigma_y_fitted = np.array(sigma_y_fitted)
    sigma_fitted = np.sqrt(sigma_x_fitted**2 + sigma_y_fitted**2)

    return ff_name, x2, y2, amplitude, intensity, sigma_fitted
def FTPdetectinfo2UFOOrbitInput(dir_path,
    """ Convert the FTPdetectinfo file into UFOOrbit input CSV file. 
        dir_path: [str] Path of the directory which contains the FTPdetectinfo file.
        file_name: [str] Name of the FTPdetectinfo file.
        platepar_path: [str] Full path to the platepar file.

    Keyword arguments:
        platepar_dict: [dict] Dictionary of Platepar instances where keys are FF file names. This will be 
            used instead of the platepar at platepar_path. None by default.

    # Load the FTPdetecinfo file
    meteor_list = FTPdetectinfo.readFTPdetectinfo(dir_path, file_name)

    # Load the platepar file
    if platepar_dict is None:

        pp = RMS.Formats.Platepar.Platepar()
        pp.read(platepar_path, use_flat=None)

    # Init the UFO format list
    ufo_meteor_list = []

    # Go through every meteor in the list
    for meteor in meteor_list:

        ff_name, cam_code, meteor_No, n_segments, fps, hnr, mle, binn, px_fm, rho, phi, \
            meteor_meas = meteor

        # Load the platepar from the platepar dictionary, if given
        if platepar_dict is not None:
            if ff_name in platepar_dict:
                pp = platepar_dict[ff_name]

                    'Skipping {:s} becuase no platepar was found for this FF file!'

        # Convert the FF file name into time
        dt = FFfile.filenameToDatetime(ff_name)

        # Extract measurements
        calib_status, frame_n, x, y, ra, dec, azim, elev, inten, mag = np.array(

        # If the meteor wasn't calibrated, skip it
        if not np.all(calib_status):
            print('Meteor {:d} was not calibrated, skipping it...'.format(

        # Compute the peak magnitude
        peak_mag = np.min(mag)

        # Compute the total duration
        first_frame = np.min(frame_n)
        last_frame = np.max(frame_n)
        duration = (last_frame - first_frame) / fps

        # Compute times of first and last points
        dt1 = dt + datetime.timedelta(seconds=first_frame / fps)
        dt2 = dt + datetime.timedelta(seconds=last_frame / fps)

        ### Fit a great circle to Az/Alt measurements and compute model beg/end RA and Dec ###

        # Convert the measurement Az/Alt to cartesian coordinates
        # NOTE: All values that are used for Great Circle computation are:
        #   theta - the zenith angle (90 deg - altitude)
        #   phi - azimuth +N of due E, which is (90 deg - azim)
        x, y, z = Math.polarToCartesian(np.radians((90 - azim) % 360),
                                        np.radians(90 - elev))

        # Fit a great circle
        C, theta0, phi0 = GreatCircle.fitGreatCircle(x, y, z)

        # Get the first point on the great circle
        phase1 = GreatCircle.greatCirclePhase(np.radians(90 - elev[0]), np.radians((90 - azim[0])%360), \
            theta0, phi0)
        alt1, azim1 = Math.cartesianToPolar(
            *GreatCircle.greatCircle(phase1, theta0, phi0))
        alt1 = 90 - np.degrees(alt1)
        azim1 = (90 - np.degrees(azim1)) % 360

        # Get the last point on the great circle
        phase2 = GreatCircle.greatCirclePhase(np.radians(90 - elev[-1]), np.radians((90 - azim[-1])%360),\
            theta0, phi0)
        alt2, azim2 = Math.cartesianToPolar(
            *GreatCircle.greatCircle(phase2, theta0, phi0))
        alt2 = 90 - np.degrees(alt2)
        azim2 = (90 - np.degrees(azim2)) % 360

        # Compute RA/Dec from Alt/Az
        _, ra1, dec1 = RMS.Astrometry.ApplyAstrometry.altAzToRADec(pp.lat, pp.lon, pp.UT_corr, [dt1], \
            [azim1], [alt1], dt_time=True)
        _, ra2, dec2 = RMS.Astrometry.ApplyAstrometry.altAzToRADec(pp.lat, pp.lon, pp.UT_corr, [dt2], \
            [azim2], [alt2], dt_time=True)

        ### ###

        ufo_meteor_list.append([dt1, peak_mag, duration, azim1[0], alt1[0], azim2[0], alt2[0], \
            ra1[0][0], dec1[0][0], ra2[0][0], dec2[0][0], cam_code, pp.lon, pp.lat, pp.elev, pp.UT_corr])

    # Construct a file name for the UFO file, which is the FTPdetectinfo file without the FTPdetectinfo
    #   part
    ufo_file_name = file_name.replace('FTPdetectinfo_', '').replace(
        '.txt', '') + '.csv'

    # Write the UFOorbit file
    UFOOrbit.writeUFOOrbit(dir_path, ufo_file_name, ufo_meteor_list)
        help="""Show a histogram of stddevs of PSFs of all detected stars. """)

    # Parse the command line arguments
    cml_args = arg_parser.parse_args()


    # Load the config file
    config = cr.loadConfigFromDirectory(cml_args.config, cml_args.dir_path)

    # Get paths to every FF bin file in a directory
    ff_dir = os.path.abspath(cml_args.dir_path[0])
    ff_list = [
        ff_name for ff_name in os.listdir(ff_dir)
        if FFfile.validFFName(ff_name)

    # Check if there are any file in the directory
    if (len(ff_list) == None):
        print("No files found!")

    # Run extraction and save the resulting CALSTARS file
    star_list = extractStarsAndSave(config, ff_dir)

    fwhm_list = []
    intensity_list = []
    x_list = []
    y_list = []
def FTPdetectinfo2UFOOrbitInput(dir_path, file_name, platepar_path, platepar_dict=None):
    """ Convert the FTPdetectinfo file into UFOOrbit input CSV file. 
        dir_path: [str] Path of the directory which contains the FTPdetectinfo file.
        file_name: [str] Name of the FTPdetectinfo file.
        platepar_path: [str] Full path to the platepar file.

    Keyword arguments:
        platepar_dict: [dict] Dictionary of Platepar instances where keys are FF file names. This will be 
            used instead of the platepar at platepar_path. None by default.

    # Load the FTPdetecinfo file
    meteor_list = FTPdetectinfo.readFTPdetectinfo(dir_path, file_name)

    # Load the platepar file
    if platepar_dict is None:

        pp = RMS.Formats.Platepar.Platepar()

    # Init the UFO format list
    ufo_meteor_list = []

    # Go through every meteor in the list
    for meteor in meteor_list:

        ff_name, cam_code, meteor_No, n_segments, fps, hnr, mle, binn, px_fm, rho, phi, \
            meteor_meas = meteor

        # Load the platepar from the platepar dictionary, if given
        if platepar_dict is not None:
            if ff_name in platepar_dict:
                pp = platepar_dict[ff_name]

                print('Skipping {:s} becuase no platepar was found for this FF file!'.format(ff_name))

        # Convert the FF file name into time
        dt = FFfile.filenameToDatetime(ff_name)

        # Extract measurements
        calib_status, frame_n, x, y, ra, dec, azim, elev, inten, mag = np.array(meteor_meas).T

        # If the meteor wasn't calibrated, skip it
        if not np.all(calib_status):
            print('Meteor {:d} was not calibrated, skipping it...'.format(meteor_No))

        # Compute the peak magnitude
        peak_mag = np.min(mag)

        # Compute the total duration
        first_frame = np.min(frame_n)
        last_frame = np.max(frame_n) 
        duration = (last_frame - first_frame)/fps

        # Compute times of first and last points
        dt1 = dt + datetime.timedelta(seconds=first_frame/fps)
        dt2 = dt + datetime.timedelta(seconds=last_frame/fps)

        ### Fit a great circle to Az/Alt measurements and compute model beg/end RA and Dec ###

        # Convert the measurement Az/Alt to cartesian coordinates
        # NOTE: All values that are used for Great Circle computation are:
        #   theta - the zenith angle (90 deg - altitude)
        #   phi - azimuth +N of due E, which is (90 deg - azim)
        x, y, z = Math.polarToCartesian(np.radians((90 - azim)%360), np.radians(90 - elev))

        # Fit a great circle
        C, theta0, phi0 = GreatCircle.fitGreatCircle(x, y, z)

        # Get the first point on the great circle
        phase1 = GreatCircle.greatCirclePhase(np.radians(90 - elev[0]), np.radians((90 - azim[0])%360), \
            theta0, phi0)
        alt1, azim1 = Math.cartesianToPolar(*GreatCircle.greatCircle(phase1, theta0, phi0))
        alt1 = 90 - np.degrees(alt1)
        azim1 = (90 - np.degrees(azim1))%360

        # Get the last point on the great circle
        phase2 = GreatCircle.greatCirclePhase(np.radians(90 - elev[-1]), np.radians((90 - azim[-1])%360),\
            theta0, phi0)
        alt2, azim2 = Math.cartesianToPolar(*GreatCircle.greatCircle(phase2, theta0, phi0))
        alt2 = 90 - np.degrees(alt2)
        azim2 = (90 - np.degrees(azim2))%360

        # Compute RA/Dec from Alt/Az
        _, ra1, dec1 = RMS.Astrometry.ApplyAstrometry.altAzToRADec(pp.lat, pp.lon, pp.UT_corr, [dt1], \
            [azim1], [alt1], dt_time=True)
        _, ra2, dec2 = RMS.Astrometry.ApplyAstrometry.altAzToRADec(pp.lat, pp.lon, pp.UT_corr, [dt2], \
            [azim2], [alt2], dt_time=True)

        ### ###

        ufo_meteor_list.append([dt1, peak_mag, duration, azim1[0], alt1[0], azim2[0], alt2[0], \
            ra1[0][0], dec1[0][0], ra2[0][0], dec2[0][0], cam_code, pp.lon, pp.lat, pp.elev, pp.UT_corr])

    # Construct a file name for the UFO file, which is the FTPdetectinfo file without the FTPdetectinfo 
    #   part
    ufo_file_name = file_name.replace('FTPdetectinfo_', '').replace('.txt', '') + '.csv'

    # Write the UFOorbit file
    UFOOrbit.writeUFOOrbit(dir_path, ufo_file_name, ufo_meteor_list)
def extractStars(ff_dir,
    """ Extracts stars on a given FF bin by searching for local maxima and applying PSF fit for star 

        Source of one part of the code: 
        ff_dir: [str] Path to directory where FF files are.
        ff_name: [str] Name of the FF file.
        config: [config object] configuration object (loaded from the .config file)
        max_global_intensity: [int] maximum mean intensity of an image before it is discared as too bright
        border: [int] apply a mask on the detections by removing all that are too close to the given image 
            border (in pixels)
        neighborhood_size: [int] size of the neighbourhood for the maximum search (in pixels)
        intensity_threshold: [float] a threshold for cutting the detections which are too faint (0-255)
        flat_struct: [Flat struct] Structure containing the flat field. None by default.
        dark: [ndarray] Dark frame. None by default.
        mask: [ndarray] Mask image. None by default.

        x2, y2, background, intensity, fwhm: [list of ndarrays]
            - x2: X axis coordinates of the star
            - y2: Y axis coordinates of the star
            - background: background intensity
            - intensity: intensity of the star
            - Gaussian Full width at half maximum (FWHM) of fitted stars

    # This will be returned if there was an error
    error_return = [[], [], [], [], [], []]

    # Load parameters from config if given
    if config:
        max_global_intensity = config.max_global_intensity
        border = config.border
        neighborhood_size = config.neighborhood_size
        intensity_threshold = config.intensity_threshold

    # Load the FF bin file
    ff = FFfile.read(ff_dir, ff_name)

    # If the FF file could not be read, skip star extraction
    if ff is None:
        return error_return

    # Apply the dark frame
    if dark is not None:
        ff.avepixel = Image.applyDark(ff.avepixel, dark)

    # Apply the flat
    if flat_struct is not None:
        ff.avepixel = Image.applyFlat(ff.avepixel, flat_struct)

    # Mask the FF file
    if mask is not None:
        ff = MaskImage.applyMask(ff, mask, ff_flag=True)

    # Calculate image mean and stddev
    global_mean = np.mean(ff.avepixel)

    # Check if the image is too bright and skip the image
    if global_mean > max_global_intensity:
        return error_return

    data = ff.avepixel.astype(np.float32)

    # Apply a mean filter to the image to reduce noise
    data = ndimage.filters.convolve(data, weights=np.full((2, 2), 1.0 / 4))

    # Locate local maxima on the image
    data_max = filters.maximum_filter(data, neighborhood_size)
    maxima = (data == data_max)
    data_min = filters.minimum_filter(data, neighborhood_size)
    diff = ((data_max - data_min) > intensity_threshold)
    maxima[diff == 0] = 0

    # Apply a border mask
    border_mask = np.ones_like(maxima) * 255
    border_mask[:border, :] = 0
    border_mask[-border:, :] = 0
    border_mask[:, :border] = 0
    border_mask[:, -border:] = 0
    maxima = MaskImage.applyMask(maxima, border_mask, image=True)

    # Remove all detections close to the mask image
    if mask is not None:
        erosion_kernel = np.ones((5, 5), mask.img.dtype)
        mask_eroded = cv2.erode(mask.img, erosion_kernel, iterations=1)

        maxima = MaskImage.applyMask(maxima, mask_eroded, image=True)

    # Find and label the maxima
    labeled, num_objects = ndimage.label(maxima)

    # Skip the image if there are too many maxima to process
    if num_objects > config.max_stars:
        print('Too many candidate stars to process! {:d}/{:d}'.format(
            num_objects, config.max_stars))
        return error_return

    # Find centres of mass of each labeled objects
    xy = np.array(
        ndimage.center_of_mass(data, labeled, range(1, num_objects + 1)))

    # Remove all detection on the border
    #xy = xy[np.where((xy[:, 1] > border) & (xy[:,1] < ff.ncols - border) & (xy[:,0] > border) & (xy[:,0] < ff.nrows - border))]

    # Unpack star coordinates
    y, x = np.hsplit(xy, 2)

    # # Plot stars before the PSF fit
    # plotStars(ff, x, y)

    # Fit a PSF to each star
    x2, y2, amplitude, intensity, sigma_y_fitted, sigma_x_fitted = fitPSF(
        ff, global_mean, x, y, config)

    # x2, y2, amplitude, intensity = list(x), list(y), [], [] # Skip PSF fit

    # # Plot stars after PSF fit filtering
    # plotStars(ff, x2, y2)

    # Compute FWHM from one dimensional sigma
    sigma_x_fitted = np.array(sigma_x_fitted)
    sigma_y_fitted = np.array(sigma_y_fitted)
    sigma_fitted = np.sqrt(sigma_x_fitted**2 + sigma_y_fitted**2)
    fwhm = 2.355 * sigma_fitted

    return ff_name, x2, y2, amplitude, intensity, fwhm
def recalibratePlateparsForFF(
    Recalibrate platepars corresponding to ff files based on the stars.

        prev_platepar: [platepar]
        ff_file_names: [list] list of ff file names
        calstars: [dict] A dictionary with only one entry, where the key is 'jd' and the value is the
            list of star coordinates.
        catalog_stars: [list] A list of entries [[ff_name, star_coordinates], ...].
        config: [config]

    Keyword arguments:
        lim_mag: [float]
        ignore_distance_threshold: [bool] Don't consider the recalib as failed if the median distance
            is larger than the threshold.

        recalibrated_platepars: [dict] A dictionary where one key is ff file name and the value is
            a calibrated corresponding platepar.
    # Go through all FF files with detections, recalibrate and apply astrometry
    recalibrated_platepars = {}
    for ff_name in ff_file_names:

        working_platepar = copy.deepcopy(prev_platepar)

        # Skip this meteor if its FF file was already recalibrated
        if ff_name in recalibrated_platepars:

        print('Processing: ', ff_name)

        # Find extracted stars on this image
        if not ff_name in calstars:
            print('Skipped because it was not in CALSTARS:', ff_name)

        # Get stars detected on this FF file (create a dictionaly with only one entry, the residuals function
        #   needs this format)
        calstars_time = FFfile.getMiddleTimeFF(ff_name,
        jd = date2JD(*calstars_time)
        star_dict_ff = {jd: calstars[ff_name]}

        result = None

        # Skip recalibration if less than a minimum number of stars were detected
        if (len(calstars[ff_name]) >= config.ff_min_stars) and (len(
                calstars[ff_name]) >= config.min_matched_stars):

            # Recalibrate the platepar using star matching
            result, min_match_radius = recalibrateFF(

            # If the recalibration failed, try using FFT alignment
            if result is None:

                print('Running FFT alignment...')

                # Run FFT alignment
                calstars_coords = np.array(star_dict_ff[jd])[:, :2]
                calstars_coords[:, [0, 1]] = calstars_coords[:, [1, 0]]
                test_platepar = alignPlatepar(config,

                # Try to recalibrate after FFT alignment
                result, _ = recalibrateFF(config,

                # If the FFT alignment failed, align the original platepar using the smallest radius that matched
                #   and force save the the platepar
                if (result is None) and (min_match_radius is not None):
                        "Using the old platepar with the minimum match radius of: {:.2f}"
                    result, _ = recalibrateFF(

                    if result is not None:
                        working_platepar = result

                # If the alignment succeeded, save the result
                    working_platepar = result

                working_platepar = result

        # Store the platepar if the fit succeeded
        if result is not None:

            # Recompute alt/az of the FOV centre
            working_platepar.az_centre, working_platepar.alt_centre = raDec2AltAz(

            # Recompute the rotation wrt horizon
            working_platepar.rotation_from_horiz = rotationWrtHorizon(

            # Mark the platepar to indicate that it was automatically recalibrated on an individual FF file
            working_platepar.auto_recalibrated = True

            recalibrated_platepars[ff_name] = working_platepar
            prev_platepar = working_platepar


                'Recalibration of {:s} failed, using the previous platepar...'.

            # Mark the platepar to indicate that autorecalib failed
            prev_platepar_tmp = copy.deepcopy(prev_platepar)
            prev_platepar_tmp.auto_recalibrated = False

            # If the aligning failed, set the previous platepar as the one that should be used for this FF file
            recalibrated_platepars[ff_name] = prev_platepar_tmp

    return recalibrated_platepars
def extractStars(ff_dir,
    """ Extracts stars on a given FF bin by searching for local maxima and applying PSF fit for star 

        Source of one part of the code: 
        ff: [ff bin struct] FF bin file loaded in the FF bin structure
        config: [config object] configuration object (loaded from the .config file)
        max_global_intensity: [int] maximum mean intensity of an image before it is discared as too bright
        border: [int] apply a mask on the detections by removing all that are too close to the given image 
            border (in pixels)
        neighborhood_size: [int] size of the neighbourhood for the maximum search (in pixels)
        intensity_threshold: [float] a threshold for cutting the detections which are too faint (0-255)
        flat_struct: [Flat struct] Structure containing the flat field. None by default.

        x2, y2, background, intensity: [list of ndarrays]
            - x2: X axis coordinates of the star
            - y2: Y axis coordinates of the star
            - background: background intensity
            - intensity: intensity of the star

    # Load parameters from config if given
    if config:
        max_global_intensity = config.max_global_intensity
        border = config.border
        neighborhood_size = config.neighborhood_size
        intensity_threshold = config.intensity_threshold

    # Load the FF bin file
    ff = FFfile.read(ff_dir, ff_name)

    # Load the mask file
    mask = MaskImage.loadMask(config.mask_file)

    # Mask the FF file
    ff = MaskImage.applyMask(ff, mask, ff_flag=True)

    # Apply the flat to maxpixel and avepixel
    if flat_struct is not None:

        ff.maxpixel = Image.applyFlat(ff.maxpixel, flat_struct)
        ff.avepixel = Image.applyFlat(ff.avepixel, flat_struct)

    # Calculate image mean and stddev
    global_mean = np.mean(ff.avepixel)

    # Check if the image is too bright and skip the image
    if global_mean > max_global_intensity:
        return [[], [], [], []]

    data = ff.avepixel.astype(np.float32)

    # Apply a mean filter to the image to reduce noise
    data = ndimage.filters.convolve(data, weights=np.full((2, 2), 1.0 / 4))

    # Locate local maxima on the image
    data_max = filters.maximum_filter(data, neighborhood_size)
    maxima = (data == data_max)
    data_min = filters.minimum_filter(data, neighborhood_size)
    diff = ((data_max - data_min) > intensity_threshold)
    maxima[diff == 0] = 0

    # Apply a border mask
    border_mask = np.ones_like(maxima) * 255
    border_mask[:border, :] = 0
    border_mask[-border:, :] = 0
    border_mask[:, :border] = 0
    border_mask[:, -border:] = 0
    maxima = MaskImage.applyMask(maxima, (True, border_mask))

    # Find and label the maxima
    labeled, num_objects = ndimage.label(maxima)

    # Skip the image if there are too many maxima to process
    if num_objects > config.max_stars:
        print('Too many candidate stars to process! {:d}/{:d}'.format(
            num_objects, config.max_stars))
        return [[], [], [], []]

    # Find centres of mass of each labeled objects
    xy = np.array(
        ndimage.center_of_mass(data, labeled, range(1, num_objects + 1)))

    # Remove all detection on the border
    #xy = xy[np.where((xy[:, 1] > border) & (xy[:,1] < ff.ncols - border) & (xy[:,0] > border) & (xy[:,0] < ff.nrows - border))]

    # Unpack star coordinates
    y, x = np.hsplit(xy, 2)

    # # Plot stars before the PSF fit
    # plotStars(ff, x, y)

    # Fit a PSF to each star
    x2, y2, amplitude, intensity = fitPSF(ff, global_mean, x, y, config=config)
    # x2, y2, amplitude, intensity = list(x), list(y), [], [] # Skip PSF fit

    # # Plot stars after PSF fit filtering
    # plotStars(ff, x2, y2)

    return x2, y2, amplitude, intensity
def view(dir_path, ff_path, fr_path, config, save_frames=False):
    """ Shows the detected fireball stored in the FR file. 
        dir_path: [str] Current directory.
        ff: [str] path to the FF bin file
        fr: [str] path to the FR bin file
        config: [conf object] configuration structure


    name = fr_path
    fr = FRbin.read(dir_path, fr_path)

    if ff_path is None:
        #background = np.zeros((config.height, config.width), np.uint8)

        # Get the maximum extent of the meteor frames
        y_size = max(
            max(np.array(fr.yc[0]) + np.array(fr.size[0]) // 2)
            for i in range(fr.lines))
        x_size = max(
            max(np.array(fr.xc[0]) + np.array(fr.size[0]) // 2)
            for i in range(fr.lines))

        # Make the image square
        img_size = max(y_size, x_size)

        background = np.zeros((img_size, img_size), np.uint8)

        background = FFfile.read(dir_path, ff_path).maxpixel

    print("Number of lines:", fr.lines)

    first_image = True

    for current_line in range(fr.lines):

        print('Frame,  Y ,  X , size')

        for z in range(fr.frameNum[current_line]):

            # Get the center position of the detection on the current frame
            yc = fr.yc[current_line][z]
            xc = fr.xc[current_line][z]

            # Get the frame number
            t = fr.t[current_line][z]

            # Get the size of the window
            size = fr.size[current_line][z]

            print("  {:3d}, {:3d}, {:3d}, {:d}".format(t, yc, xc, size))

            img = np.copy(background)

            # Paste the frames onto the big image
            y_img = np.arange(yc - size // 2, yc + size // 2)
            x_img = np.arange(xc - size // 2, xc + size // 2)

            Y_img, X_img = np.meshgrid(y_img, x_img)

            y_frame = np.arange(len(y_img))
            x_frame = np.arange(len(x_img))

            Y_frame, X_frame = np.meshgrid(y_frame, x_frame)

            img[Y_img, X_img] = fr.frames[current_line][z][Y_frame, X_frame]

            # Save frame to disk
            if save_frames:
                frame_file_name = fr_path.replace(
                    '.bin', '') + "_frame_{:03d}.png".format(t)
                cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dir_path, frame_file_name), img)

            # Show the frame
            cv2.imshow(name, img)

            # If this is the first image, move it to the upper left corner
            if first_image:
                cv2.moveWindow(name, 0, 0)
                first_image = False

            cv2.waitKey(2 * int(1000.0 / config.fps))

if __name__ == "__main__":

    time_start = time.clock()

    # Load config file
    config = cr.parse(".config")

    if not len(sys.argv) == 2:
        print("Usage: python -m RMS.ExtractStars /path/to/FF/files/")

    # Get paths to every FF bin file in a directory
    ff_dir = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])
    ff_list = [
        ff_name for ff_name in os.listdir(ff_dir)
        if FFfile.validFFName(ff_name)

    # Check if there are any file in the directory
    if (len(ff_list) == None):
        print("No files found!")

    # Try loading a flat field image
    flat_struct = None

    if config.use_flat:

        # Check if there is flat in the data directory
        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(ff_dir, config.flat_file)):
            flat_struct = Image.loadFlat(ff_dir, config.flat_file)
def view(dir_path, ff_path, fr_path, config):
    """ Shows the detected fireball stored in the FR file. 
        dir_path: [str] Current directory.
        ff: [str] path to the FF bin file
        fr: [str] path to the FR bin file
        config: [conf object] configuration structure

    name = fr_path
    fr = FRbin.read(dir_path, fr_path)

    if ff_path is None:
        #background = np.zeros((config.height, config.width), np.uint8)

        # Get the maximum extent of the meteor frames
        y_size = max(max(np.array(fr.yc[i]) + np.array(fr.size[i])//2) for i in range(fr.lines))
        x_size = max(max(np.array(fr.xc[i]) + np.array(fr.size[i])//2) for i in range(fr.lines))

        # Make the image square
        img_size = max(y_size, x_size)

        background = np.zeros((img_size, img_size), np.uint8)

        background = FFfile.read(dir_path, ff_path).maxpixel
    print("Number of lines:", fr.lines)
    first_image = True

    for i in range(fr.lines):

        print('Frame,  Y ,  X , size')

        for z in range(fr.frameNum[i]):

            # Get the center position of the detection on the current frame
            yc = fr.yc[i][z]
            xc = fr.xc[i][z]

            # Get the frame number
            t = fr.t[i][z]

            # Get the size of the window
            size = fr.size[i][z]
            print("  {:3d}, {:3d}, {:3d}, {:d}".format(t, yc, xc, size))
            y2 = 0

            # Assign the detection pixels to the background image
            for y in range(yc - size//2, yc + size//2):

                x2 = 0

                for x in range(xc - size//2,  xc + size//2):

                    background[y, x] = fr.frames[i][z][y2, x2]
                    x2 += 1

                y2 += 1
            cv2.imshow(name, background)

            # If this is the first image, move it to the upper left corner
            if first_image:
                cv2.moveWindow(name, 0, 0)
                first_image = False

def generateThumbnails(dir_path, config, mosaic_type, file_list=None):
    """ Generates a mosaic of thumbnails from all FF files in the given folder and saves it as a JPG image.
        dir_path: [str] Path of the night directory.
        config: [Conf object] Configuration.
        mosaic_type: [str] Type of the mosaic (e.g. "Captured" or "Detected")

    Keyword arguments:
        file_list: [list] A list of file names (without full path) which will be searched for FF files. This
            is used when generating separate thumbnails for captured and detected files.

        file_name: [str] Name of the thumbnail file.


    if file_list is None:
        file_list = sorted(os.listdir(dir_path))

    # Make a list of all FF files in the night directory
    ff_list = []

    for file_name in file_list:
        if FFfile.validFFName(file_name):

    # Calculate the dimensions of the binned image
    bin_w = int(config.width/config.thumb_bin)
    bin_h = int(config.height/config.thumb_bin)


    timestamps = []
    stacked_imgs = []

    for i in range(0, len(ff_list), config.thumb_stack):

        img_stack = np.zeros((bin_h, bin_w))

        # Stack thumb_stack images using the 'if lighter' method
        for j in range(config.thumb_stack):

            if (i + j) < len(ff_list):

                # Read maxpixel image
                img = FFfile.read(dir_path, ff_list[i + j]).maxpixel

                # Resize the image
                img = cv2.resize(img, (bin_w, bin_h))

                # Stack the image
                img_stack = stackIfLighter(img_stack, img)


        # Save the timestamp of the first image in the stack

        # Save the stacked image

        # cv2.imshow('test', img_stack)
        # cv2.waitKey(0)
        # cv2.destroyAllWindows()



    header_height = 20
    timestamp_height = 10

    # Calculate the number of rows for the thumbnail image
    n_rows = int(np.ceil(float(len(ff_list))/config.thumb_stack/config.thumb_n_width))

    # Calculate the size of the mosaic
    mosaic_w = int(config.thumb_n_width*bin_w)
    mosaic_h = int((bin_h + timestamp_height)*n_rows + header_height)

    mosaic_img = np.zeros((mosaic_h, mosaic_w), dtype=np.uint8)

    # Write header text
    header_text = 'Station: ' + str(config.stationID) + ' Night: ' + os.path.basename(dir_path) \
        + ' Type: ' + mosaic_type
    cv2.putText(mosaic_img, header_text, (0, header_height//2), \
                    cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, (255,255,255), 1)

    for row in range(n_rows):

        for col in range(config.thumb_n_width):

            # Calculate image index
            indx = row*config.thumb_n_width + col

            if indx < len(stacked_imgs):

                # Calculate position of the text
                text_x = col*bin_w
                text_y = row*bin_h + (row + 1)*timestamp_height - 1 + header_height

                # Add timestamp text
                cv2.putText(mosaic_img, timestamps[indx].strftime('%H:%M:%S'), (text_x, text_y), \
                    cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, (255, 255, 255), 1)

                # Add the image to the mosaic
                img_pos_x = col*bin_w
                img_pos_y = row*bin_h + (row + 1)*timestamp_height + header_height

                mosaic_img[img_pos_y : img_pos_y + bin_h, img_pos_x : img_pos_x + bin_w] = stacked_imgs[indx]



    thumb_name = "{:s}_{:s}_{:s}_thumbs.jpg".format(str(config.stationID), os.path.basename(dir_path), \

    # Save the mosaic
    cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dir_path, thumb_name), mosaic_img, [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 80])

    return thumb_name
    plot(points, ff.nrows//config.f, ff.ncols//config.f)

def plot(points, y_dim, x_dim):
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    y = points[:,0]
    x = points[:,1]
    z = points[:,2]
    # Plot points in 3D
    ax.scatter(x, y, z)

    # Set axes limits
    ax.set_zlim(0, 255)
    plt.xlim([0, x_dim])
    plt.ylim([0, y_dim])

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ff = FFfile.read(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], array=True)
def detectMeteors(ff_directory, ff_name, config, flat_struct=None):
    """ Detect meteors on the given FF bin image. Here are the steps in the detection:
            - input image (FF bin format file) is thresholded (converted to black and white)
            - several morphological operations are applied to clean the image
            - image is then broken into several image "windows" (these "windows" are reconstructed from the input FF file, given
              an input frame range (e.g. 64-128) which helps reduce the noise further)
            - on each "window" the Kernel-based Hough transform is performed to find any lines on the image
            - similar lines are joined
            - stripe around the lines is extracted
            - 3D line finding (third dimension is time) is applied to check if the line propagates in time
            - centroiding is performed, which calculates the position and intensity of meteor on each frame
        ff_directory: [string] an absolute path to the input FF bin file
        ff_name: [string] file name of the FF bin file on which to run the detection on
        config: [config object] configuration object (loaded from the .config file)

    Keyword arguments:
        flat_struct: [Flat struct] Structure containing the flat field. None by default.
        meteor_detections: [list] a list of detected meteors, with these elements:
            - rho: [float] meteor line distance from image center (polar coordinates, in pixels)
            - theta: [float] meteor line angle from image center (polar coordinates, in degrees)
            - centroids: [list] [frame, X, Y, level] list of meteor points

    t1 = time()
    t_all = time()

    # Load the FF bin file
    ff = FFfile.read(ff_directory, ff_name)

    # Load the mask file
    mask = MaskImage.loadMask(config.mask_file)

    # Mask the FF file
    ff = MaskImage.applyMask(ff, mask, ff_flag=True)

    # Apply the flat to maxpixel and avepixel
    if flat_struct is not None:

        ff.maxpixel = Image.applyFlat(ff.maxpixel, flat_struct)
        ff.avepixel = Image.applyFlat(ff.avepixel, flat_struct)

    # At the end, a check that the detection has a surface brightness above the background will be performed.
    # The assumption here is that the peak of the meteor should have the intensity which is at least
    # that of a patch of 4x4 pixels that are of the mean background brightness
    min_patch_intensity = 4 * 4 * (np.mean(ff.maxpixel - ff.avepixel) +
                                   config.k1_det * np.mean(ff.stdpixel) +

    # # Show the maxpixel image
    # show2(ff_name+' maxpixel', ff.maxpixel)

    # Get lines on the image
    line_list = getLines(ff, config.k1_det, config.j1_det, config.time_slide,
                         config.time_window_size, config.max_lines_det,
                         config.max_white_ratio, config.kht_lib_path)

    logDebug('List of lines:', line_list)

    # Init meteor list
    meteor_detections = []

    # Only if there are some lines in the image
    if len(line_list):

        # Join similar lines
        line_list = mergeLines(line_list, config.line_min_dist, ff.ncols,

        logDebug('Time for finding lines:', time() - t1)

        logDebug('Number of KHT lines: ', len(line_list))

        # Plot lines
        # plotLines(ff, line_list)

        # Threshold the image
        img_thres = thresholdImg(ff, config.k1_det, config.j1_det)

        filtered_lines = []

        # Analyze stripes of each line
        for line in line_list:
            rho, theta, frame_min, frame_max = line

            logDebug('rho, theta, frame_min, frame_max')
            logDebug(rho, theta, frame_min, frame_max)

            # Bounded the thresholded image by min and max frames
            img = selectFrames(np.copy(img_thres), ff, frame_min, frame_max)

            # Remove lonely pixels
            img = morph.clean(img)

            # Get indices of stripe pixels around the line
            stripe_indices = getStripeIndices(rho, theta, config.stripe_width,
                                              img.shape[0], img.shape[1])

            # Extract the stripe from the thresholded image
            stripe = np.zeros((ff.nrows, ff.ncols), np.uint8)
            stripe[stripe_indices] = img[stripe_indices]

            # Show stripe
            # show2("stripe", stripe*255)

            # Show 3D could
            # show3DCloud(ff, stripe)

            # Get stripe positions
            stripe_positions = stripe.nonzero()
            xs = stripe_positions[1]
            ys = stripe_positions[0]
            zs = ff.maxframe[stripe_positions]

            # Limit the number of points to search if too large
            if len(zs) > config.max_points_det:

                # Extract weights of each point
                maxpix_elements = ff.maxpixel[ys, xs].astype(np.float64)
                weights = maxpix_elements / np.sum(maxpix_elements)

                # Random sample the point, sampling is weighted by pixel intensity
                indices = np.random.choice(len(zs),
                ys = ys[indices]
                xs = xs[indices]
                zs = zs[indices]

            # Make an array to feed into the gropuing algorithm
            stripe_points = np.vstack((xs, ys, zs))
            stripe_points = np.swapaxes(stripe_points, 0, 1)

            # Sort stripe points by frame
            stripe_points = stripe_points[stripe_points[:, 2].argsort()]

            t1 = time()

            logDebug('finding lines...')

            # Find a single line in the point cloud
            detected_line = find3DLines(stripe_points,

            logDebug('time for GROUPING: ', time() - t1)

            # Extract the first and only line if any
            if detected_line:
                detected_line = detected_line[0]

                # logDebug(detected_line)

                # Show 3D cloud
                # show3DCloud(ff, stripe, detected_line, stripe_points, config)

                # Add the line to the results list

        # Merge similar lines in 3D
        filtered_lines = merge3DLines(filtered_lines, config.vect_angle_thresh)

        logDebug('after filtering:')

        for detected_line in filtered_lines:

            # Get frame range
            frame_min = detected_line[4]
            frame_max = detected_line[5]

            # Check if the line covers a minimum frame range
            if (abs(frame_max - frame_min) + 1 <

            # Extand the frame range for several frames, just to be sure to catch all parts of a meteor
            frame_min -= config.frame_extension
            frame_max += config.frame_extension

            # Cap values to 0-255
            frame_min = max(frame_min, 0)
            frame_max = min(frame_max, 255)


            # Get coordinates of 2 points that describe the line
            x1, y1, z1 = detected_line[0]
            x2, y2, z2 = detected_line[1]

            # Convert Cartesian line coordinates to polar
            rho, theta = getPolarLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, ff.nrows, ff.ncols)

            # Convert Cartesian line coordinate to CAMS compatible polar coordinates (flipped Y axis)
            rho_cams, theta_cams = getPolarLine(x1, ff.nrows - y1, x2,
                                                ff.nrows - y2, ff.nrows,

            logDebug('converted rho, theta')
            logDebug(rho, theta)

            # Bounded the thresholded image by min and max frames
            img = selectFrames(np.copy(img_thres), ff, frame_min, frame_max)

            # Remove lonely pixels
            img = morph.clean(img)

            # Get indices of stripe pixels around the line
            stripe_indices = getStripeIndices(rho, theta,
                                              int(config.stripe_width * 1.5),
                                              img.shape[0], img.shape[1])

            # Extract the stripe from the thresholded image
            stripe = np.zeros((ff.nrows, ff.ncols), np.uint8)
            stripe[stripe_indices] = img[stripe_indices]

            # Show detected line
            # show('detected line: '+str(frame_min)+'-'+str(frame_max), stripe)

            # Get stripe positions
            stripe_positions = stripe.nonzero()
            xs = stripe_positions[1]
            ys = stripe_positions[0]
            zs = ff.maxframe[stripe_positions]

            # Make an array to feed into the centroiding algorithm
            stripe_points = np.vstack((xs, ys, zs))
            stripe_points = np.swapaxes(stripe_points, 0, 1)

            # Sort stripe points by frame
            stripe_points = stripe_points[stripe_points[:, 2].argsort()]

            # Show 3D cloud
            # show3DCloud(ff, stripe, detected_line, stripe_points, config)

            # Get points of the given line
            line_points = getAllPoints(stripe_points,

            # Skip if no points were returned
            if not line_points.any():

            # Skip if the points cover too small a frame range
            if abs(np.max(line_points[:, 2]) - np.min(line_points[:, 2])
                   ) + 1 < config.line_minimum_frame_range_det:

            # Calculate centroids
            centroids = []

            for i in range(frame_min, frame_max + 1):

                # Select pixel indicies belonging to a given frame
                frame_pixels_inds = np.where(line_points[:, 2] == i)

                # Get pixel positions in a given frame (pixels belonging to a found line)
                frame_pixels = line_points[frame_pixels_inds].astype(np.int64)

                # Get pixel positions in a given frame (pixels belonging to the whole stripe)
                frame_pixels_stripe = stripe_points[np.where(
                    stripe_points[:, 2] == i)].astype(np.int64)

                # Skip if there are no pixels in the frame
                if not len(frame_pixels):

                # Calculate weights for centroiding
                max_avg_corrected = ff.maxpixel - ff.avepixel
                flattened_weights = (max_avg_corrected).astype(
                    np.float32) / ff.stdpixel

                # Calculate centroids by half-frame
                for half_frame in range(2):

                    # Apply deinterlacing if it is present in the video
                    if config.deinterlace_order >= 0:

                        # Deinterlace by fields (line lixels)
                        half_frame_pixels = frame_pixels[
                            frame_pixels[:, 1] %
                            2 == (config.deinterlace_order + half_frame) % 2]

                        # Deinterlace by fields (stripe pixels)
                        half_frame_pixels_stripe = frame_pixels_stripe[
                            frame_pixels_stripe[:, 1] %
                            2 == (config.deinterlace_order + half_frame) % 2]

                        # Skip if there are no pixels in the half-frame
                        if not len(half_frame_pixels):

                        # Calculate half-frame value
                        frame_no = i + half_frame * 0.5

                    # No deinterlacing

                        # Skip the second half frame
                        if half_frame == 1:

                        half_frame_pixels = frame_pixels
                        half_frame_pixels_stripe = frame_pixels_stripe
                        frame_no = i

                    # Get maxpixel-avepixel values of given pixel indices (this will be used as weights)
                    max_weights = flattened_weights[half_frame_pixels[:, 1],
                                                    half_frame_pixels[:, 0]]

                    # Calculate weighted centroids
                    x_weighted = half_frame_pixels[:, 0] * np.transpose(
                    x_centroid = np.sum(x_weighted) / float(

                    y_weighted = half_frame_pixels[:, 1] * np.transpose(
                    y_centroid = np.sum(y_weighted) / float(

                    # Calculate intensity as the sum of threshold passer pixels on the stripe
                    #intensity_values = max_avg_corrected[half_frame_pixels[:,1], half_frame_pixels[:,0]]
                    intensity_values = max_avg_corrected[
                        half_frame_pixels_stripe[:, 1],
                        half_frame_pixels_stripe[:, 0]]
                    intensity = np.sum(intensity_values)

                    logDebug("centroid: ", frame_no, x_centroid, y_centroid,

                        [frame_no, x_centroid, y_centroid, intensity])

            # Filter centroids
            centroids = filterCentroids(centroids,

            # Convert to numpy array for easy slicing
            centroids = np.array(centroids)

            # Reject the solution if there are too few centroids
            if len(centroids) < config.line_minimum_frame_range_det:

            # Check that the detection has a surface brightness above the background
            # The assumption here is that the peak of the meteor should have the intensity which is at least
            # that of a patch of 4x4 pixels that are of the mean background brightness
            if np.max(centroids[:, 3]) < min_patch_intensity:

            # Check the detection if it has the proper angular velocity
            if not checkAngularVelocity(centroids, config):

            # Append the result to the meteor detections
            meteor_detections.append([rho_cams, theta_cams, centroids])

            logDebug('time for processing:', time() - t_all)

            # # Plot centroids to image
            # fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=2)

            # ax1.imshow(ff.maxpixel - ff.avepixel, cmap='gray')
            # ax1.scatter(centroids[:,1], centroids[:,2], s=5, c='r', edgecolors='none')

            # # Plot lightcurve
            # ax2.plot(centroids[:,0], centroids[:,3])

            # # # Plot relative angular velocity
            # # ang_vels = []
            # # fr_prev, x_prev, y_prev, _ = centroids[0]
            # # for fr, x, y, _ in centroids[1:]:
            # #     dx = x - x_prev
            # #     dy = y - y_prev
            # #     dfr = fr - fr_prev

            # #     ddist = np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)
            # #     dt = dfr/config.fps

            # #     ang_vels.append(ddist/dt)

            # #     x_prev = x
            # #     y_prev = y
            # #     fr_prev = fr

            # # ax2.plot(ang_vels)

            # plt.show()

    return meteor_detections
    # Extract the directory name from the given argument
    bin_dir = sys.argv[1]

    # Load config file
    config = cr.parse(".config")

    print('Directory:', bin_dir)

    for ff_name in os.listdir(bin_dir):
        if 'FF' in ff_name:


            # Load compressed file
            compressed = FFfile.read(bin_dir,

            # Show maxpixel
            ff = FFfile.read(bin_dir, ff_name, full_filename=True)
            plt.imshow(ff.maxpixel, cmap='gray')


            # Dummy frames (empty)
            frames = np.zeros(
                shape=(256, compressed.shape[1], compressed.shape[2]),
                dtype=np.uint8) + 255
def view(dir_path,
    """ Shows the detected fireball stored in the FR file. 
        dir_path: [str] Current directory.
        ff: [str] path to the FF bin file
        fr: [str] path to the FR bin file
        config: [conf object] configuration structure

    Keyword arguments:
        save_frames: [bool] Save FR frames to disk. False by defualt.
        extract_format: [str] Format of saved images. png by default.
        hide: [bool] Don't show frames on the screen.


    if extract_format is None:
        extract_format = 'png'

    name = fr_path
    fr = FRbin.read(dir_path, fr_path)

    print('Showing file:', fr_path)

    if ff_path is None:
        #background = np.zeros((config.height, config.width), np.uint8)

        # Get the maximum extent of meteor frames
        y_size = max([
            max(np.array(fr.yc[i]) + np.array(fr.size[i]) // 2)
            for i in range(fr.lines)
        x_size = max([
            max(np.array(fr.xc[i]) + np.array(fr.size[i]) // 2)
            for i in range(fr.lines)

        # Make the image square
        img_size = max(y_size, x_size)

        background = np.zeros((img_size, img_size), np.uint8)

        background = FFfile.read(dir_path, ff_path).maxpixel

    print("Number of lines:", fr.lines)

    first_image = True
    wait_time = 2 * int(1000.0 / config.fps)

    pause_flag = False

    for current_line in range(fr.lines):

        print('Frame,  Y ,  X , size')

        for z in range(fr.frameNum[current_line]):

            # Get the center position of the detection on the current frame
            yc = fr.yc[current_line][z]
            xc = fr.xc[current_line][z]

            # Get the frame number
            t = fr.t[current_line][z]

            # Get the size of the window
            size = fr.size[current_line][z]

            print("  {:3d}, {:3d}, {:3d}, {:d}".format(t, yc, xc, size))

            img = np.copy(background)

            # Paste the frames onto the big image
            y_img = np.arange(yc - size // 2, yc + size // 2)
            x_img = np.arange(xc - size // 2, xc + size // 2)

            Y_img, X_img = np.meshgrid(y_img, x_img)

            y_frame = np.arange(len(y_img))
            x_frame = np.arange(len(x_img))

            Y_frame, X_frame = np.meshgrid(y_frame, x_frame)

            img[Y_img, X_img] = fr.frames[current_line][z][Y_frame, X_frame]

            # Save frame to disk
            if save_frames:
                frame_file_name = fr_path.replace('.bin', '') \
                    + "_line_{:02d}_frame_{:03d}.{:s}".format(current_line, t, extract_format)
                cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dir_path, frame_file_name), img)

            if not hide:

                # Show the frame
                cv2.imshow(name, img)

                # If this is the first image, move it to the upper left corner
                if first_image:
                    cv2.moveWindow(name, 0, 0)
                    first_image = False

                if pause_flag:
                    wait_time = 0
                    wait_time = 2 * int(1000.0 / config.fps)

                # Space key: pause display.
                # 1: previous file.
                # 2: next line.
                # q: Quit.
                key = cv2.waitKey(wait_time) & 0xFF

                if key == ord("1"):
                    return -1

                elif key == ord("2"):

                elif key == ord(" "):

                    # Pause/unpause video
                    pause_flag = not pause_flag

                elif key == ord("q"):

    if not hide:
文件: CheckFit.py 项目: ytchenak/RMS
def autoCheckFit(config, platepar, calstars_list):
    """ Attempts to refine the astrometry fit with the given stars and and initial astrometry parameters.

        config: [Config structure]
        platepar: [Platepar structure] Initial astrometry parameters.
        calstars_list: [list] A list containing stars extracted from FF files. See RMS.Formats.CALSTARS for
            more details.
        (platepar, fit_status):
            platepar: [Platepar structure] Estimated/refined platepar.
            fit_status: [bool] True if fit was successfuly, False if not.

    # Convert the list to a dictionary
    calstars = {ff_file: star_data for ff_file, star_data in calstars_list}

    # Load catalog stars
    catalog_stars = StarCatalog.readStarCatalog(config.star_catalog_path, config.star_catalog_file, \
        lim_mag=config.catalog_mag_limit, mag_band_ratios=config.star_catalog_band_ratios)

    # Dictionary which will contain the JD, and a list of (X, Y, bg_intens, intens) of the stars
    star_dict = {}

    # Take only those files with enough stars on them
    for ff_name in calstars:

        stars_list = calstars[ff_name]

        # Check if there are enough stars on the image
        if len(stars_list) >= config.ff_min_stars:

            # Calculate the JD time of the FF file
            dt = FFfile.getMiddleTimeFF(ff_name,
            jd = date2JD(*dt)

            # Add the time and the stars to the dict
            star_dict[jd] = stars_list

    # There has to be a minimum of 200 FF files for star fitting, and only 100 will be subset if there are more
    if len(star_dict) < config.calstars_files_N:
        print('Not enough FF files in CALSTARS for ACF!')
        return platepar, False


        # Randomly choose calstars_files_N image files from the whole list
        rand_keys = random.sample(list(star_dict), config.calstars_files_N)
        star_dict = {key: star_dict[key] for key in rand_keys}

    # Calculate the total number of calibration stars used
    total_calstars = sum([len(star_dict[key]) for key in star_dict])
    print('Total calstars:', total_calstars)

    if total_calstars < config.calstars_min_stars:
        print('Not enough calibration stars, need at least',
        return platepar, False

    # A list of matching radiuses to try, pairs of [radius, fit_distorsion_flag]
    min_radius = 0.5
    radius_list = [[10, False], [5, False], [3, False], [1.5, True],
                   [min_radius, True]]

    # Calculate the function tolerance, so the desired precision can be reached (the number is calculated
    # in the same reagrd as the cost function)
    fatol = (config.dist_check_threshold**
             2) / np.sqrt(len(star_dict) * config.min_matched_stars + 1)

    # Parameter estimation tolerance for angular values
    fov_w = platepar.X_res / platepar.F_scale
    xatol_ang = config.dist_check_threshold * fov_w / platepar.X_res

    ### If the initial match is good enough, do only quick recalibratoin ###

    # Match the stars and calculate the residuals
    n_matched, avg_dist, cost, _ = matchStarsResiduals(config, platepar, catalog_stars, star_dict, \
        min_radius, ret_nmatch=True)

    if n_matched >= config.calstars_files_N:

        # Check if the average distance with the tightest radius is close
        if avg_dist < config.dist_check_quick_threshold:

            # Use a reduced set of initial radius values
            radius_list = [[1.5, True], [min_radius, True]]


    # Match increasingly smaller search radiia around image stars
    for i, (match_radius, fit_distorsion) in enumerate(radius_list):

        # Match the stars and calculate the residuals
        n_matched, avg_dist, cost, _ = matchStarsResiduals(config, platepar, catalog_stars, star_dict, \
            match_radius, ret_nmatch=True)

        print('Max radius:', match_radius)
        print('Initial values:')
        print(' Matched stars:', n_matched)
        print(' Average deviation:', avg_dist)

        # The initial number of matched stars has to be at least the number of FF imaages, otherwise it means
        #   that the initial platepar is no good
        if n_matched < config.calstars_files_N:
                'The total number of initially matched stars is too small! Please manually redo the plate or make sure there are enough calibration stars.'
            return platepar, False

        # Check if the platepar is good enough and do not estimate further parameters
        if checkFitGoodness(config, platepar, catalog_stars, star_dict,

            # Print out notice only if the platepar is good right away
            if i == 0:
                print("Initial platepar is good enough!")

            return platepar, True

        # Initial parameters for the astrometric fit
        p0 = [
            platepar.RA_d, platepar.dec_d, platepar.pos_angle_ref,

        # Fit the astrometric parameters
        res = scipy.optimize.minimize(_calcImageResidualsAstro, p0, args=(config, platepar, catalog_stars, \
            star_dict, match_radius), method='Nelder-Mead', \
            options={'fatol': fatol, 'xatol': xatol_ang})


        # If the fit was not successful, stop further fitting
        if not res.success:
            return platepar, False

            # If the fit was successful, use the new parameters from now on
            ra_ref, dec_ref, pos_angle_ref, F_scale = res.x

            platepar.RA_d = ra_ref
            platepar.dec_d = dec_ref
            platepar.pos_angle_ref = pos_angle_ref
            platepar.F_scale = F_scale

        # Check if the platepar is good enough and do not estimate further parameters
        if checkFitGoodness(config, platepar, catalog_stars, star_dict,
            return platepar, True

        # Fit the lens distorsion parameters
        if fit_distorsion:

            # Fit the distortion parameters (X axis)
            res = scipy.optimize.minimize(_calcImageResidualsDistorsion, platepar.x_poly, args=(config, platepar,\
                catalog_stars, star_dict, match_radius, 'x'), method='Nelder-Mead', \
                options={'fatol': fatol, 'xatol': 0.1})


            # If the fit was not successfull, stop further fitting
            if not res.success:
                return platepar, False

                platepar.x_poly = res.x

            # Check if the platepar is good enough and do not estimate further parameters
            if checkFitGoodness(config, platepar, catalog_stars, star_dict,
                return platepar, True

            # Fit the distortion parameters (Y axis)
            res = scipy.optimize.minimize(_calcImageResidualsDistorsion, platepar.y_poly, args=(config, platepar,\
                catalog_stars, star_dict, match_radius, 'y'), method='Nelder-Mead', \
                options={'fatol': fatol, 'xatol': 0.1})


            # If the fit was not successfull, stop further fitting
            if not res.success:
                return platepar, False

                platepar.y_poly = res.x

    # Match the stars and calculate the residuals
    n_matched, avg_dist, cost, matched_stars = matchStarsResiduals(config, platepar, catalog_stars, \
        star_dict, min_radius, ret_nmatch=True)

    print('FINAL SOLUTION with {:f} px:'.format(min_radius))
    print('Matched stars:', n_matched)
    print('Average deviation:', avg_dist)

    return platepar, True
    # Extract the directory name from the given argument
    bin_dir = sys.argv[1]

    # Load config file
    config = cr.parse(".config")

    print('Directory:', bin_dir)

    for ff_name in os.listdir(bin_dir):
        if 'FF' in ff_name:


            # Load compressed file
            compressed = FFfile.read(bin_dir,

            # Show maxpixel
            ff = FFfile.read(bin_dir, ff_name, full_filename=True)
            plt.imshow(ff.maxpixel, cmap='gray')


            # Dummy frames from FF file
            frames = FFfile.reconstruct(ff)

            # Add avepixel to all reconstructed frames
            frames += ff.avepixel
def generateThumbnails(dir_path, config, mosaic_type, file_list=None):
    """ Generates a mosaic of thumbnails from all FF files in the given folder and saves it as a JPG image.
        dir_path: [str] Path of the night directory.
        config: [Conf object] Configuration.
        mosaic_type: [str] Type of the mosaic (e.g. "Captured" or "Detected")

    Keyword arguments:
        file_list: [list] A list of file names (without full path) which will be searched for FF files. This
            is used when generating separate thumbnails for captured and detected files.

        file_name: [str] Name of the thumbnail file.


    if file_list is None:
        file_list = sorted(os.listdir(dir_path))

    # Make a list of all FF files in the night directory
    ff_list = []

    for file_name in file_list:
        if FFfile.validFFName(file_name):

    # Calculate the dimensions of the binned image
    bin_w = int(config.width/config.thumb_bin)
    bin_h = int(config.height/config.thumb_bin)


    timestamps = []
    stacked_imgs = []

    for i in range(0, len(ff_list), config.thumb_stack):

        img_stack = np.zeros((bin_h, bin_w))

        # Stack thumb_stack images using the 'if lighter' method
        for j in range(config.thumb_stack):

            if (i + j) < len(ff_list):

                tmp_file_name = ff_list[i + j]

                # Read the FF file
                ff = FFfile.read(dir_path, tmp_file_name)

                # Skip the FF if it is corruped
                if ff is None:

                img = ff.maxpixel

                # Resize the image
                img = cv2.resize(img, (bin_w, bin_h))

                # Stack the image
                img_stack = stackIfLighter(img_stack, img)


        # Save the timestamp of the first image in the stack

        # Save the stacked image

        # cv2.imshow('test', img_stack)
        # cv2.waitKey(0)
        # cv2.destroyAllWindows()



    header_height = 20
    timestamp_height = 10

    # Calculate the number of rows for the thumbnail image
    n_rows = int(np.ceil(float(len(ff_list))/config.thumb_stack/config.thumb_n_width))

    # Calculate the size of the mosaic
    mosaic_w = int(config.thumb_n_width*bin_w)
    mosaic_h = int((bin_h + timestamp_height)*n_rows + header_height)

    mosaic_img = np.zeros((mosaic_h, mosaic_w), dtype=np.uint8)

    # Write header text
    header_text = 'Station: ' + str(config.stationID) + ' Night: ' + os.path.basename(dir_path) \
        + ' Type: ' + mosaic_type
    cv2.putText(mosaic_img, header_text, (0, header_height//2), \
                    cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, (255,255,255), 1)

    for row in range(n_rows):

        for col in range(config.thumb_n_width):

            # Calculate image index
            indx = row*config.thumb_n_width + col

            if indx < len(stacked_imgs):

                # Calculate position of the text
                text_x = col*bin_w
                text_y = row*bin_h + (row + 1)*timestamp_height - 1 + header_height

                # Add timestamp text
                cv2.putText(mosaic_img, timestamps[indx].strftime('%H:%M:%S'), (text_x, text_y), \
                    cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.4, (255, 255, 255), 1)

                # Add the image to the mosaic
                img_pos_x = col*bin_w
                img_pos_y = row*bin_h + (row + 1)*timestamp_height + header_height

                mosaic_img[img_pos_y : img_pos_y + bin_h, img_pos_x : img_pos_x + bin_w] = stacked_imgs[indx]



    thumb_name = "{:s}_{:s}_{:s}_thumbs.jpg".format(str(config.stationID), os.path.basename(dir_path), \

    # Save the mosaic
    cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dir_path, thumb_name), mosaic_img, [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 80])

    return thumb_name
def sensorCharacterization(config, dir_path):
    """ Characterize the standard deviation of the background and the FWHM of stars on every image. """

    # Find the CALSTARS file in the given folder that has FWHM information
    found_good_calstars = False
    for cal_file in os.listdir(dir_path):
        if ('CALSTARS' in cal_file) and ('.txt' in cal_file) and (not found_good_calstars):

            # Load the calstars file
            calstars_list = CALSTARS.readCALSTARS(dir_path, cal_file)

            if len(calstars_list) > 0:

                # Check that at least one image has good FWHM measurements
                for ff_name, star_data in calstars_list:

                    if len(star_data) > 1:

                        star_data = np.array(star_data)

                        # Check if the calstars file have FWHM information
                        fwhm = star_data[:, 4]

                        # Check that FWHM values have been computed well
                        if np.all(fwhm > 1):

                            found_good_calstars = True

                            print('CALSTARS file: ' + cal_file + ' loaded!')


    # If the FWHM information is not present, run the star extraction
    if not found_good_calstars:

        print("No FWHM information found in existing CALSTARS files!")
        print("Rerunning star detection...")

        found_good_calstars = False

        # Run star extraction again, and now FWHM will be computed
        calstars_list = extractStarsAndSave(config, dir_path)

        if len(calstars_list) == 0:
            found_good_calstars = False

        # Check for a minimum of detected stars
        for ff_name, star_data in calstars_list:
            if len(star_data) >= config.ff_min_stars:
                found_good_calstars = True
    # If no good calstars exist, stop computing the flux
    if not found_good_calstars:

        print("No stars were detected in the data!")

        return False

    # Dictionary which holds information about FWHM and standard deviation of the image background
    sensor_data = {}

    # Compute median FWHM per FF file
    for ff_name, star_data in calstars_list:

        # Check that the FF file exists in the data directory
        if ff_name not in os.listdir(dir_path):

        star_data = np.array(star_data)

        # Compute the median star FWHM
        fwhm_median = np.median(star_data[:, 4])

        # Load the FF file and compute the standard deviation of the background
        ff = FFfile.read(dir_path, ff_name)

        # Compute the median stddev of the background
        stddev_median = np.median(ff.stdpixel)

        # Store the values to the dictionary
        sensor_data[ff_name] = [fwhm_median, stddev_median]

        print("{:s}, {:5.2f}, {:5.2f}".format(ff_name, fwhm_median, stddev_median))

    return sensor_data
        help="Path to a config file which will be used instead of the default one.")

    arg_parser.add_argument('-s', '--showstd', action="store_true", help="""Show a histogram of stddevs of PSFs of all detected stars. """)

    # Parse the command line arguments
    cml_args = arg_parser.parse_args()


    # Load the config file
    config = cr.loadConfigFromDirectory(cml_args.config, cml_args.dir_path)

    # Get paths to every FF bin file in a directory 
    ff_dir = os.path.abspath(cml_args.dir_path[0])
    ff_list = [ff_name for ff_name in os.listdir(ff_dir) if FFfile.validFFName(ff_name)]

    # Check if there are any file in the directory
    if(len(ff_list) == None):
        print("No files found!")

    # Try loading a flat field image
    flat_struct = None

    if config.use_flat:
        # Check if there is flat in the data directory
        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(ff_dir, config.flat_file)):