#Calculate maximum displacement samples using MC simulation
disp_samples = np.zeros(num_samples)
for i, stiff in enumerate(stiffness_samples):
    disp_samples[i] = model.get_max_disp(stiff)

#Get Monte carlo solution as a sample-based random variable:
mc_solution = SampleRandomVector(disp_samples)


#generate SROM for random stiffness
sromsize = 10
dim = 1
input_srom = SROM(sromsize, dim)

#Compare SROM vs target stiffness distribution:
pp_input = Postprocessor(input_srom, stiffness_rv)

#Run model to get max disp for each SROM stiffness sample
srom_disps = np.zeros(sromsize)
(samples, probs) = input_srom.get_params()
for i, stiff in enumerate(samples):
    srom_disps[i] = model.get_max_disp(stiff)
#Form new SROM for the max disp. solution using samples from the model   
output_srom = SROM(sromsize, dim)
output_srom.set_params(srom_disps, probs)
import numpy as np

from SROMPy.postprocess import Postprocessor
from SROMPy.srom import SROM
from SROMPy.target import SampleRandomVector
Generate SROM to model input distribution (samples)

#Specify input/output files and SROM optimization parameters
dim = 3
srom_size = 20
samplesfile = "mc_data/input_samples_MC.txt"
outfile = "srom_data/srom_m" + str(srom_size) + ".txt"

#Define target random variable from samples
MCsamples = np.genfromtxt(samplesfile)
target = SampleRandomVector(MCsamples)

#Define SROM, determine optimal parameters, store parameters
srom = SROM(srom_size, dim)
srom.optimize(target, weights=[1, 1, 1], error="SSE", num_test_samples=100)

#NOTE - commented out to not overwrite paper data files:

#Check out the CDFs
pp = Postprocessor(srom, target)
pp.compare_CDFs(variablenames=[r'$y_{0}$', r'log$C$', r'$n$'])
# In above example have two tests both with 60 samples; one with 2 cpus and one with 3 cpus.

if num_test_samples not in performance_data:
    performance_data[num_test_samples] = {}

iteration_performance = []
for i in xrange(
):  # Repeat performance data collection in order to smooth the chart lines.

    input_srom = SROM(20, 1)

    t0 = time.time()
    iteration_performance.append(time.time() - t0)

mean_performance = np.mean(iteration_performance)

if comm.rank != 0:

performance_data[num_test_samples][comm.size] = mean_performance

print '%s test samples across %s CPUs took %s seconds.' % (
    num_test_samples, comm.size, float(mean_performance))

print 'Writing results to disk...'
print performance_data
# Copyright 2018 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of
# the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. No copyright is claimed in
# the United States under Title 17, U.S. Code. All Other Rights Reserved.

# The Stochastic Reduced Order Models with Python (SROMPy) platform is licensed
# under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this
# file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
# License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.

# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.

from SROMPy.postprocess import Postprocessor
from SROMPy.srom import SROM
from SROMPy.target import NormalRandomVariable

#Initialize Normal random variable object to be modeled by SROM:
normal = NormalRandomVariable(mean=3., std_dev=1.5)

#Initialize SROM & optimize to model the normal random variable:
srom = SROM(size=10, dim=1)

#Compare the CDF of the SROM & target normal variable:
pp = Postprocessor(srom, normal)

displacement_samples = np.zeros(num_samples)
for i, stiff in enumerate(stiffness_samples):
    displacement_samples[i] = model.evaluate([stiff])

# Get Monte carlo solution as a sample-based random variable:
monte_carlo_solution = SampleRandomVector(displacement_samples)

# -------------SROM-----------------------

print "Generating SROM for input (stiffness)..."

# Generate SROM for random stiffness.
srom_size = 10
dim = 1
input_srom = SROM(srom_size, dim)

# Compare SROM vs target stiffness distribution:
pp_input = Postprocessor(input_srom, stiffness_random_variable)

print "Computing piecewise constant SROM approximation for output (max disp)..."

# Run model to get max displacement for each SROM stiffness sample.
srom_displacements = np.zeros(srom_size)
(samples, probabilities) = input_srom.get_params()
for i, stiff in enumerate(samples):
    srom_displacements[i] = model.evaluate([stiff])

# Form new SROM for the max disp. solution using samples from the model.
output_srom = SROM(srom_size, dim)
#Get Monte carlo solution as a sample-based random variable:
mc_solution = SampleRandomVector(disp_samples)


#generate SROM for random vector of stiffness & mass
sromsize = 25
dim = 2

#Assume we only have access to samples in this example and want SROM from them:
km_samples = np.array([k_samples, m_samples]).T
km_random_vector = SampleRandomVector(km_samples)

srom = SROM(sromsize, dim)
(samples, probs) = srom.get_params()

#Run model to get max disp for each SROM stiffness sample
srom_disps = np.zeros(sromsize)
for i in range(sromsize):
    k = samples[i,0]
    m = samples[i,1]
    srom_disps[i] = model.get_max_disp(k, m)
#Form new SROM for the max displacement solution using samples from the model   
srom_solution = SROM(sromsize, 1)
srom_solution.set_params(srom_disps, probs)

import numpy
from os import path
from SROMPy.postprocess import Postprocessor
from SROMPy.srom import SROM, SROMSurrogate
from SROMPy.target import SampleRandomVector

# Define target random vector from samples.
monte_carlo_input_samples_filename = path.join("mc_data", "input_samples_MC.txt")
monte_carlo_input_samples = numpy.genfromtxt(monte_carlo_input_samples_filename)
target_vector = SampleRandomVector(monte_carlo_input_samples)

# Define SROM and determine optimal parameters.
srom_size = 20
input_srom = SROM(size=srom_size, dim=3)

# Compare the input CDFs (produces Figure 6).
post_processor = Postprocessor(input_srom, target_vector)
                            [r'$y_{0}$', r'log$C$', r'$n$'])

# Run the model for each input SROM sample:
srom_results = numpy.zeros(srom_size)
(srom_samples, srom_probabilities) = input_srom.get_params()

# TODO: define model here.
model = None

if model is None:
    raise ValueError("model has not been defined.")