def make_player_message(text):
    player_text = '\x05\x42\x0F\x05\x40'
    pronoun_mapping = {
        "You have ": player_text + " ",
        "You are ":  player_text + " is ",
        "You've ":   player_text + " ",
        "Your ":     player_text + "'s ",
        "You ":      player_text + " ",

        "you have ": player_text + " ",
        "you are ":  player_text + " is ",
        "you've ":   player_text + " ",
        "your ":     player_text + "'s ",
        "you ":      player_text + " ",

    verb_mapping = {
        'obtained ': 'got ',
        'received ': 'got ',
        'learned ':  'got ',
        'borrowed ': 'got ',
        'found ':    'got ',

    new_text = text

    # Replace the first instance of a 'You' with the player name
    lower_text = text.lower()
    you_index = lower_text.find('you')
    if you_index != -1:
        for find_text, replace_text in pronoun_mapping.items():
            # if the index do not match, then it is not the first 'You'
            if text.find(find_text) == you_index:
                new_text = new_text.replace(find_text, replace_text, 1)

    # because names are longer, we shorten the verbs to they fit in the textboxes better
    for find_text, replace_text in verb_mapping.items():
        new_text = new_text.replace(find_text, replace_text)

    wrapped_text = line_wrap(new_text, False, False, False)
    if wrapped_text != new_text:
        new_text = line_wrap(new_text, True, True, False)

    return new_text
 def __str__(self):
     return get_raw_text(line_wrap(colorText(self)))