    def load_sysnonym(self, synonym_file, encoding='utf-8'):
        Load a synonym file.

        Receive as parameters a name (with relative or full path) of a
        synonym file, and their encoding. Default encoding is utf-8.

        Synonym file must have at least one element. Contains a list of lists.
        The patterns are loaded in ``_synonyms``
            plain_text = codecs.open(synonym_file, 'rb', encoding).read()
            data = yaml.load(plain_text)
        except IOError:
            raise exceptions.FileNotFound(synonym_file)
        for synonyms in data:
            if len(synonyms) < 2:
                raise exceptions.InvalidTagValue(
                        u'Synonym list must have more than one element.')

            key = remove_accents(synonyms[0]).lower()
            vals = [remove_accents(value).lower() for value in synonyms[1:]]

            if key in self._synonyms:
                raise exceptions.DuplicatedSynonym(key, synonym_file)
            self._synonyms[key] = vals
    def load_meaning(self, meaning_file, encoding='utf-8'):
        Load a meaning file.

        Receive as parameters a name (with relative or full path) of a
        meaning file, and their encoding. Default encoding is utf-8.

        Meaning file must have at least one element. Contains a list of lists.

        The patterns are loaded in ``_meanings``
            plain_text = codecs.open(meaning_file, 'rb', encoding).read()
            data = yaml.load(plain_text)
        except IOError:
            raise exceptions.FileNotFound(meaning_file)
        for meanings, values in data.items():
            if len(values) == 0:
                raise exceptions.InvalidTagValue(
                        u'Meaning list must have one or more element.')

            key = remove_accents(meanings).lower()
            vals = [normalize_input(v, self._environ['synonyms']).lower() for v in values]

            if key in self._meanings:
                raise exceptions.DuplicatedMeaning(key, meaning_file)
            self._meanings[key] = vals