def elcm_online_update(module):
    if module.params['command'] == "check":
        uri = "rest/v1/Oem/eLCM/OnlineUpdate"
        if module.params['skip_hcl_verify'] is True:
            uri = uri + "?skipHCLVerification=yes"
        status, elcmdata, msg = irmc_redfish_post(module, uri, "")
        status, elcmdata, msg = irmc_redfish_put(
            module, "rest/v1/Oem/eLCM/OnlineUpdate/updateCollection", "")
    if status < 100:
        module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status, exception=elcmdata)
    elif status == 409:
            'msg'] = "Cannot {0} eLCM update, another session is in progress.".format(
        result['status'] = status
    elif status not in (200, 202, 204):
        module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status)

    if module.params['wait_for_finish'] is True:
        # check that current session is terminated
        status, data, msg = waitForSessionToFinish(
            module, get_irmc_json(elcmdata.json(), ["Session", "Id"]))
        if status > 30 and status < 100:
            module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status, exception=data)
        elif status not in (200, 202, 204):
            module.fail_json(msg=msg, log=data, status=status)

    result['changed'] = True
def create_profile(module):
    url = "rest/v1/Oem/eLCM/ProfileManagement/get?PARAM_PATH=Server/{0}".format(
    status, sysdata, msg = irmc_redfish_post(module, url, "")
    if status < 100:
        module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status, exception=sysdata)
    elif status == 404:
        result['msg'] = "Requested profile '{0}' cannot be created.".format(
        module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status)
    elif status == 409:
        result['msg'] = "Requested profile '{0}' already exists.".format(
        result['skipped'] = True
    elif status not in (200, 202, 204):
        module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status)

    if module.params['wait_for_finish'] is True:
        # check that current session is terminated
        status, data, msg = waitForSessionToFinish(
            module, get_irmc_json(sysdata.json(), ["Session", "Id"]))
        if status > 30 and status < 100:
            module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status, exception=data)
        elif status not in (200, 202, 204):
            module.fail_json(msg=msg, log=data, status=status)

    result['changed'] = True
def set_default_bootorder(module):
    new_profile = {
        "Server": {
            "@Version": "1.01",
            "SystemConfig": {
                "BiosConfig": {
                    "@Processing": "execute",
                    "BiosBootOrder": {
                        "BootOrderApply": True,
                        "BootOrderReset": True
                    "@Version": "1.03"

    if module.params['next_boot_device'] is not None:
        new_profile['Server']['SystemConfig']['BiosConfig']['BiosBootOrder']['NextBootDevice'] = \

    # Set new boot profile
    status, data, msg = irmc_redfish_post(module, "rest/v1/Oem/eLCM/ProfileManagement/set", json.dumps(new_profile))
    if status < 100:
        module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status, exception=data)
    elif status not in (200, 202, 204):
        module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status)

    # check that current session is terminated
    status, data, msg = waitForSessionToFinish(module, get_irmc_json(data.json(), ["Session", "Id"]))
    if status > 30 and status < 100:
        module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status, exception=data)
    elif status not in (200, 202, 204):
        module.fail_json(msg=msg, log=data, status=status)
def force_new_boot_profile(module):
    # check whether 'Automatic BiosParameter Backup' is set
    scci_map = [  # Param, SCCI Name, SCCI Code, value
            "bios_backup_enabled", "ConfPermanentBiosConfigStorageEnabled",
            0x1CC0, None
        ["bios_config_active", "ConfPermanentBiosConfigActive", 0x2721, None],
    datadict = dict()
    datadict['bios_backup_enabled'] = None
    datadict['bios_config_active'] = None

    body = scci_body_start
    for elem in scci_map:
        body += add_scci_command("GET", scci_map, elem[1], 0, '')
    body += scci_body_end

    # send command list to scripting interface
    status, data, msg = irmc_scci_post(module, body)
    if status < 100:
        module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status, exception=data)
    elif status not in (200, 202, 204, 404):
        module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status)

    # evaluate results list
    datadict, scciresult, sccicontext = get_scciresultlist(
        data.content, datadict, scci_map)
    if scciresult != 0:
        module.fail_json(msg=sccicontext, status=status)

    # we only need to generate a new profile if 'Automatic BiosParameter Backup' is not set and active
    if datadict['bios_backup_enabled'] == "0" or datadict[
            'bios_config_active'] == "0":
        # Delete current Boot Profile Data (if it exists)
        status, sysdata, msg = irmc_redfish_delete(
            module, "rest/v1/Oem/eLCM/ProfileManagement/BiosBootOrder")
        if status < 100:
            module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status, exception=sysdata)
        elif status not in (200, 202, 204, 404):
            module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status)

        # Generate new Boot Profile Data
        url = "/rest/v1/Oem/eLCM/ProfileManagement/get?PARAM_PATH=Server/SystemConfig/BiosConfig/BiosBootOrder"
        status, sysdata, msg = irmc_redfish_post(module, url, "")
        if status < 100:
            module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status, exception=sysdata)
        elif status not in (200, 202, 204):
            module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status)

        # check that current session is terminated
        status, data, msg = waitForSessionToFinish(
            module, get_irmc_json(sysdata.json(), ["Session", "Id"]))
        if status > 30 and status < 100:
            module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status, exception=data)
        elif status not in (200, 202, 204):
            module.fail_json(msg=msg, log=data, status=status)
def waitForIrmcSessionsInactive(module):
    # Get iRMC Profile processing state
    status, sessiondata, msg = irmc_redfish_get(module, "sessionInformation")
    if status < 100:
        module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status, exception=sessiondata)
    elif status not in (200, 202, 204):
        module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status)

    sessions = get_irmc_json(sessiondata.json(), ["SessionList"])
    for status, session in sessions.items():
        for item in session:
            for ikey, value in item.items():
                if ikey == "#text" and "Profile" in value:
                    status, sessiondata, msg = waitForSessionToFinish(module, item['@Id'])
def get_raid_data(module):
    # make sure RAIDAdapter profile is up-to-date
    status, sysdata, msg = irmc_redfish_delete(
        module, "/rest/v1/Oem/eLCM/ProfileManagement/RAIDAdapter")
    if status < 100:
        module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status, exception=sysdata)
    elif status not in (200, 202, 204, 404):
        module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status)

    url = "rest/v1/Oem/eLCM/ProfileManagement/get?PARAM_PATH=Server/HWConfigurationIrmc/Adapters/RAIDAdapter"
    status, sysdata, msg = irmc_redfish_post(module, url, "")
    if status < 100:
        module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status, exception=sysdata)
    elif status == 404:
            'msg'] = "Requested profile 'HWConfigurationIrmc/Adapters/RAIDAdapter' cannot be created."
        module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status)
    elif status == 409:
            'msg'] = "Requested profile 'HWConfigurationIrmc/Adapters/RAIDAdapter' already exists."
        module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status)
    elif status not in (200, 202, 204):
        module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status)

    if module.params['wait_for_finish'] is True:
        # check that current session is terminated
        status, data, msg = waitForSessionToFinish(
            module, get_irmc_json(sysdata.json(), ["Session", "Id"]))
        if status > 30 and status < 100:
            module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status, exception=data)
        elif status not in (200, 202, 204):
            module.fail_json(msg=msg, log=data, status=status)

    status, sysdata, msg = irmc_redfish_get(
        module, "/rest/v1/Oem/eLCM/ProfileManagement/RAIDAdapter")
    if status < 100:
        module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status, exception=sysdata)
    elif status == 404:
            "Requested profile 'HWConfigurationIrmc/Adapters/RAIDAdapter' does not exist.",
    elif status != 200:
        module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status)

    return sysdata.json()
def import_profile(module):
    if module.params['profile_json'] is None:
            with open(module.params['profile_path']) as infile:
                irmc_profile = json.load(infile)
        except Exception:
                'msg'] = "Could not read JSON profile data from file '{0}'".format(
            result['status'] = 20
            irmc_profile = json.loads(module.params['profile_json'])
        except Exception:
            result['msg'] = "Profile data are not proper JSON '{0}'.".format(
            result['status'] = 21

    irmc_profile = checkandupdate_irmc_profile(module, irmc_profile)

    # Set new profile
    status, sysdata, msg = irmc_redfish_post(
        module, "rest/v1/Oem/eLCM/ProfileManagement/set",
    if status < 100:
        module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status, exception=sysdata)
    elif status == 404:
        result['msg'] = "Requested profile '{0}' cannot be imported.".format(
        module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status)
    elif status not in (200, 202, 204):
        module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status)

    if module.params['wait_for_finish'] is True:
        # check that current session is terminated
        status, data, msg = waitForSessionToFinish(
            module, get_irmc_json(sysdata.json(), ["Session", "Id"]))
        if status > 30 and status < 100:
            module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status, exception=data)
        elif status not in (200, 202, 204):
            module.fail_json(msg=msg, log=data, status=status)

    result['changed'] = True
def apply_raid_configuration(module, body):
    status, sysdata, msg = irmc_redfish_post(module, "rest/v1/Oem/eLCM/ProfileManagement/set", json.dumps(body))
    if status < 100:
        module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status, exception=sysdata)
    elif status == 406:
        result['msg'] = "Raid Configuration cannot be {0}d.".format(module.params['command'])
        module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status)
    elif status not in (200, 202, 204):
        module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status)

    if module.params['wait_for_finish'] is True:
        # check that current session is terminated
        status, data, msg = waitForSessionToFinish(module, get_irmc_json(sysdata.json(), ["Session", "Id"]))
        if status > 30 and status < 100:
            module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status, exception=data)
        elif status not in (200, 202, 204):
            module.fail_json(msg=msg, log=data, status=status)

    result['changed'] = True
def set_elcm_data(module):
    body = {'Repository': {}}
    if module.params['server'] is not None or module.params['catalog'] is not None or \
       module.params['use_proxy'] is not None:
        body['Repository']['Server'] = {}
        if module.params['server'] is not None:
            body['Repository']['Server']['URL'] = module.params['server']
        if module.params['catalog'] is not None:
            body['Repository']['Server']['Catalog'] = module.params['catalog']
        if module.params['use_proxy'] is not None:
            body['Repository']['Server']['UseProxy'] = true_false.get(
    if module.params['proxy_url'] is not None or module.params['proxy_port'] is not None or \
       module.params['proxy_user'] is not None or module.params['proxy_password'] is not None:
        body['Repository']['Proxy'] = {}
        if module.params['proxy_url'] is not None:
            body['Repository']['Proxy']['URL'] = module.params['proxy_url']
        if module.params['proxy_port'] is not None:
            body['Repository']['Proxy']['Port'] = module.params['proxy_port']
        if module.params['proxy_user'] is not None:
            body['Repository']['Proxy']['User'] = module.params['proxy_user']
        if module.params['proxy_password'] is not None and module.params[
                'proxy_password'] != "":
            body['Repository']['Proxy']['Password'] = module.params[

    status, elcmdata, msg = irmc_redfish_put(
        module, "rest/v1/Oem/eLCM/Repository/Update", json.dumps(body))
    if status < 100:
        module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status, exception=elcmdata)
    elif status not in (200, 202, 204):
        module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status)

    if module.params['wait_for_finish'] is True:
        # check that current session is terminated
        status, data, msg = waitForSessionToFinish(
            module, get_irmc_json(elcmdata.json(), ["Session", "Id"]))
        if status > 30 and status < 100:
            module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status, exception=data)
        elif status not in (200, 202, 204):
            module.fail_json(msg=msg, log=data, status=status)
def irmc_biosbootorder(module):
    # initialize result
    result['changed'] = False
    result['status'] = 0

    if module.check_mode:
        result['msg'] = "module was not run"

    # preliminary parameter check

    # check that all iRMC Profile processing states are terminated

    if module.params['command'] == "default":
        result['changed'] = True

    if module.params['force_new'] is True:

    # Get Boot Profile Data
    boot_profile_data = get_boot_profile_data(module)
    devices = get_irmc_json(boot_profile_data, ["Server", "SystemConfig", "BiosConfig", "BiosBootOrder", "Devices"])

    if module.params['command'] == "get":
        for status, devicelist in devices.items():
            result['boot_order'] = []
            for device in devicelist:
                bo = {}
                bo['DeviceIdx'] = device['@DeviceIdx']
                bo['DeviceName'] = device['DeviceName']
                bo['StructuredBootString'] = device['StructuredBootString']

    # setup new boot order
    new_profile = setup_new_boot_profile(module, boot_profile_data)

    comparison_list = []
    comparison_result, comparison_list = compare_irmc_profile(boot_profile_data, new_profile, "", "", comparison_list)
    if comparison_result is True:
        result['skipped'] = True
        result['msg'] = "Bios boot order is already as requested."

    # activate the new profile
    new_profile['Server']['SystemConfig']['BiosConfig']['BiosBootOrder']['BootOrderApply'] = True
    new_profile['Server']['SystemConfig']['BiosConfig']['@Processing'] = "execute"

    # Set new boot profile
    status, sysdata, msg = irmc_redfish_post(module, "rest/v1/Oem/eLCM/ProfileManagement/set", json.dumps(new_profile))
    if status < 100:
        module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status, exception=sysdata)
    elif status not in (200, 202, 204):
        module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status)

    # check that current session is terminated
    status, data, msg = waitForSessionToFinish(module, get_irmc_json(sysdata.json(), ["Session", "Id"]))
    if status > 30 and status < 100:
        module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status, exception=data)
    elif status not in (200, 202, 204):
        module.fail_json(msg=msg, log=data, status=status)

    result['changed'] = True
def irmc_elcm_offline_update(module):
    # initialize result
    result['changed'] = False
    result['status'] = 0

    if module.check_mode:
        result['msg'] = "module was not run"

    # check eLCM status
    status, data, msg = elcm_check_status(module)
    if status > 30 and status < 100:
        module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status, exception=data)
    elif status < 30 or status not in (200, 202, 204):
        module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status)

    if module.params['command'] == "execute" and module.params[
            'ignore_power_on'] is False:
        # Get server power state
        status, sysdata, msg = irmc_redfish_get(module,
        if status < 100:
            module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status, exception=sysdata)
        elif status != 200:
            module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status)
        if get_irmc_json(sysdata.json(), "PowerState") == "On":
            result['msg'] = "Server is powered on. Cannot continue."
            result['status'] = 10

    if module.params['command'] == "prepare":
        uri = "rest/v1/Oem/eLCM/OfflineUpdate"
        if module.params['skip_hcl_verify'] is True:
            uri = uri + "?skipHCLVerification=yes"
        status, elcmdata, msg = irmc_redfish_post(module, uri, "")
        status, elcmdata, msg = irmc_redfish_put(
            module, "rest/v1/Oem/eLCM/OfflineUpdate", "")
    if status < 100:
        module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status, exception=elcmdata)
    elif status == 409:
            'msg'] = "Cannot {0} eLCM update, another session is in progress.".format(
        result['status'] = status
    elif status not in (200, 202, 204):
        module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status)

    if module.params['wait_for_finish'] is True:
        # check that current session is terminated
        status, data, msg = waitForSessionToFinish(
            module, get_irmc_json(elcmdata.json(), ["Session", "Id"]))
        if status > 30 and status < 100:
            module.fail_json(msg=msg, status=status, exception=data)
        elif status not in (200, 202, 204):
            module.fail_json(msg=msg, log=data, status=status)

    result['changed'] = True
