文件: misc.py 项目: ovh/cerberus-core
def post_mass_contact():
    Massively contact defendants based on ip addresses list

    **Example request**:

    .. sourcecode:: http

       POST /api/mass-contact HTTP/1.1
       Content-Type: application/json

           "ips": ["", "],
           "campaignName": "ntp_amp_mars_2016",
           "category": "Network Attack"
           "email": {
               "subject": "blah",
               "body": "blah blah",

    :reqjson list ips: The list of involved ip addresses
    :reqjson str category: The category of the campaign
    :reqjson str campaignName: The name of the campaign
    :reqjson dict email: The email to send (containing 'subject' and 'body')

    :status 200: when campaign is successfully created
    :status 400: when parameters are missing or invalid
    body = request.get_json()
    code, resp = GeneralController.post_mass_contact(body, g.user)
    return code, resp