 def _route_for_view(app, operations, view):
     # iterate through the routes and look for a match to the view function
     route = None
     # in the app objet for each path there's a dict with key=method and value=entry
     # for each operation that we're iterested in see if there's an entry
     for path in app.routes.keys():
         # get the map of method -> entry
         methods = app.routes[path]
         # loop through the methodsoperations indicated in the specification
         for method in methods.keys():
             # see if there's a match for the operation
             if len(operations) == 0 or method.lower() in operations:
                 # there's an entry so see if the view methods match
                 entry = methods[method]
                 if entry.view_function == view:
                     # store the path if this is the first match
                     if route is None:
                         route = path
                     # if the view natches a different path something is wrong
                     elif route != path:
                         raise APISpecError(
                             f"Duplicate route found for method {view}")
     # make sure we found one
     if route is None:
         raise APISpecError(f"No route found for method {view}")
     # success
     return route
    def path_helper(self, operations, resource, base_path=None, **kwargs):
        """Path helper that allows passing a Falcon resource instance."""
        resource_uri_mapping = self._generate_resource_uri_mapping(self._app)

        if resource not in resource_uri_mapping:
            raise APISpecError(
                "Could not find endpoint for resource {0}".format(resource))

            yaml_utils.load_operations_from_docstring(resource.__doc__) or {})
        path = resource_uri_mapping[resource]["uri"]

        if base_path is not None:
            # make sure base_path accept either with or without leading slash
            # swagger 2 usually come with leading slash but not in openapi 3.x.x
            base_path = '/' + base_path.strip('/')
            path = re.sub(base_path, "", path, 1)

        methods = resource_uri_mapping[resource]["methods"]

        for method_name, method_handler in methods.items():
            docstring_yaml = yaml_utils.load_yaml_from_docstring(
            operations[method_name] = docstring_yaml or dict()
        return path
    def resolve_nested_schema(self, schema):
        """Return the OpenAPI representation of a marshmallow Schema.

        Adds the schema to the spec if it isn't already present.

        Typically will return a dictionary with the reference to the schema's
        path in the spec unless the `schema_name_resolver` returns `None`, in
        which case the returned dictoinary will contain a JSON Schema Object
        representation of the schema.

        :param schema: schema to add to the spec
        schema_instance = resolve_schema_instance(schema)
        schema_key = make_schema_key(schema_instance)
        if schema_key not in self.refs:
            name = self.schema_name_resolver(schema)
            if not name:
                    json_schema = self.schema2jsonschema(schema)
                except RuntimeError:
                    raise APISpecError(
                        "Name resolver returned None for schema {schema} which is "
                        "part of a chain of circular referencing schemas. Please"
                        " ensure that the schema_name_resolver passed to"
                        " MarshmallowPlugin returns a string for all circular"
                        " referencing schemas.".format(schema=schema)
                if getattr(schema, "many", False):
                    return {"type": "array", "items": json_schema}
                return json_schema
            name = get_unique_schema_name(self.spec.components, name)
            self.spec.components.schema(name, schema=schema)
        return self.get_ref_dict(schema_instance)
def _route_for_view(app, view):
    endpoint = None
    for route in app.routes:
        if route._context['callback'] == view:
            endpoint = route
    if not endpoint:
        raise APISpecError('Could not find endpoint for route {0}'.format(view))
    return endpoint
 def _route_for_view(app, view):
     endpoint = None
     for route in app.routes:
         if route.callback == view:
             endpoint = route
     if not endpoint:
         raise APISpecError(f"Could not find endpoint for route {view}")
     return endpoint
 def path_helper(self, operations, urlspec, **kwargs):
     """Path helper that allows passing a Tornado URLSpec or tuple."""
     if not isinstance(urlspec, URLSpec):
         urlspec = URLSpec(*urlspec)
     for operation in self._operations_from_methods(urlspec.handler_class):
     if not operations:
         raise APISpecError("Could not find endpoint for urlspec {}".format(urlspec))
     params_method = getattr(urlspec.handler_class, list(operations.keys())[0])
     return self.tornadopath2openapi(urlspec, params_method)
 def path_helper(self, operations, *, view, app, **kwargs):
     """Path helper that allows passing a chalice view function."""
     if not isinstance(app, Chalice):
         raise APISpecError(f"app must be an instance of Chalice")
     # parse through the documentation string to see what operations are defined
     # find the route for this view function
     route = self._route_for_view(app, operations, view)
     # if we didn't throw an exception then the view function handles all operations found in the docs
     return route
    def _rule_for_view(view: str, app: Optional[Flask] = None) -> Rule:
        if not app:
            raise APISpecError("No app to find view for")

        view_funcs = app.view_functions
        endpoint = None

        for ept, view_func in view_funcs.items():
            if hasattr(view_func, "view_class"):
                view_func = view_func.view_class

            if view_func == view:
                endpoint = ept

        if not endpoint:
            raise APISpecError(
                "Could not find endpoint for view {0}".format(view))

        # WARNING: Assume 1 rule per view function for now
        rule = app.url_map._rules_by_endpoint[endpoint][0]
        return rule
def _rule_for_view(view):
    view_funcs = current_app.view_functions
    endpoint = None
    for ep, view_func in iteritems(view_funcs):
        if view_func == view:
            endpoint = ep
    if not endpoint:
        raise APISpecError('Could not find endpoint for view {0}'.format(view))

    # WARNING: Assume 1 rule per view function for now
    rule = current_app.url_map._rules_by_endpoint[endpoint][0]
    return rule
    def _deduce_path(resource, **kwargs):
        """Find resource path using provided API or path itself"""
        api = kwargs.get('api', None)
        if not api:
            # flask-restful resource url passed
            return kwargs.get('path')

        # flask-restful API passed
        # Require MethodView
        if not getattr(resource, 'endpoint', None):
            raise APISpecError('Flask-RESTful resource needed')

        if api.blueprint:
            # it is required to have Flask app to be able enumerate routes
            app = kwargs.get('app')
            if app:
                for rule in app.url_map.iter_rules():
                    if rule.endpoint.endswith('.' + resource.endpoint):
                    raise APISpecError(
                        'Cannot find blueprint resource {}'.format(
                # Application not initialized yet, fallback to path
                return kwargs.get('path')

            for rule in api.app.url_map.iter_rules():
                if rule.endpoint == resource.endpoint:
                    rule.endpoint.endswith('.' + resource.endpoint)
                raise APISpecError('Cannot find resource {}'.format(

        return rule.rule
    def _rule_for_view(view, app=None):
        if app is None:
            app = current_app

        view_funcs = app.view_functions
        endpoint = None
        for ept, view_func in view_funcs.items():
            if view_func == view:
                endpoint = ept
        if not endpoint:
            raise APISpecError(f"Could not find endpoint for view {view}")

        # WARNING: Assume 1 rule per view function for now
        rule = app.url_map._rules_by_endpoint[endpoint][0]
        return rule
def path_from_urlspec(spec, urlspec, operations, **kwargs):
    """Path helper that allows passing a Tornado URLSpec or tuple."""
    if not isinstance(urlspec, URLSpec):
        urlspec = URLSpec(*urlspec)
    if operations is None:
        operations = {}
        for operation in _operations_from_methods(urlspec.handler_class):
    if not operations:
        raise APISpecError(
            'Could not find endpoint for urlspec {0}'.format(urlspec))
    params_method = getattr(urlspec.handler_class, list(operations.keys())[0])
    path = tornadopath2swagger(urlspec, params_method)
    extensions = _extensions_from_handler(urlspec.handler_class)
    return Path(path=path, operations=operations)
def path_from_route(spec, route, operations, **kwargs):
    """Path helper that allows passing a webapp2 Route or tuple."""
    if not isinstance(route, BaseRoute):
        route = Route(*route)
    if operations is None:
        operations = {}
        for operation in _operations_from_methods(route.handler):
    if not operations:
        raise APISpecError(
            'Could not find endpoint for route {0}'.format(route))
    params_method = getattr(route.handler, list(operations.keys())[0])
    path = webapp2_path_to_swagger(route, params_method)
    extensions = _extensions_from_handler(route.handler)
    return Path(path=path, operations=operations)
    def _rule_for_view(view, app=None):
        view_funcs = app.view_functions
        endpoint = None

        for ept, view_func in view_funcs.items():
            if hasattr(view_func, "view_class"):
                view_func = view_func.view_class

            if view_func == view:
                endpoint = ept

        if not endpoint:
            raise APISpecError('Could not find endpoint for view {0}'.format(view))

        # WARNING: Assume 1 rule per view function for now
        rule = app.url_map._rules_by_endpoint[endpoint][0]
        return rule
    def path_helper(self, path=None, operations=None, resource=None, **kwargs):
        resource_uri_mapping = self._generate_resource_uri_mapping()
        if resource not in resource_uri_mapping:
            raise APISpecError(
                "Could not find endpoint for resource {0}".format(resource))

        operations = OrderedDict() if not isinstance(
            operations, OrderedDict) else operations
        path = resource_uri_mapping[resource]

        for method in falcon.constants.HTTP_METHODS:
            http_verb = method.lower()
            method_name = "on_" + http_verb
            if hasattr(resource, method_name):
                _method = getattr(resource,
                docstring_yaml = self.load_yaml_from_docstring(_method.__doc__)
                operations[http_verb] = docstring_yaml or dict()
        return path
    def path_helper(self, operations, resource, **kwargs):
        """Path helper that allows passing a Falcon resource instance."""
        resource_uri_mapping = self._generate_resource_uri_mapping(self._app)

        if resource not in resource_uri_mapping:
            raise APISpecError("Could not find endpoint for resource {0}".format(resource))

        operations.update(utils.load_operations_from_docstring(resource.__doc__) or {})
        path = resource_uri_mapping[resource]

        for method in falcon.constants.HTTP_METHODS:
            http_verb = method.lower()
            method_name = "on_" + http_verb
            if hasattr(resource, method_name):
                method = getattr(resource, method_name)
                docstring_yaml = utils.load_yaml_from_docstring(method.__doc__)
                operations[http_verb] = docstring_yaml or dict()

        return path
def _route_for_view(current_app, view, path=Path(), operations=set()):
    view_funcs = current_app.routes

    for uri, endpoint in iteritems(view_funcs):
        methods = set()
        for method, route_entry in iteritems(endpoint):
            method = method.lower()
            if route_entry.view_function == view and (not operations
                                                      or method in operations):
                if path.path and not path.path == uri:
            if methods:
                return uri, methods

    raise APISpecError(
        'Could not find endpoint for view {0} and path {1}'.format(
            view, getattr(path, 'path', None)))
def path_from_urlspec(spec, route, operations, **kwargs):
    if not isinstance(route, ResourceRoute):
        raise Exception('Route is not ResourceRoute instance %s' % type(route))

    extensions = extensions_from_handler(route.handler)

    if operations is None:
        operations = {}
        for operation in operations_from_methods(route.handler, extensions):
        if not operations:
            raise APISpecError(
                'Could not find endpoint for route {0}'.format(route))

    if isinstance(route.resource, DynamicResource):
        path = route.get_info()['formatter']

    if isinstance(route.resource, PlainResource):
        path = route.get_info()['path']

    return Path(path=path, operations=operations)
    def path_helper(self,
                    operations: dict = None,
                    parameters: list = None,
        """Path helper that allows passing a Falcon resource instance."""
        uri_to_method_map = self._get_uri_falcon_details_mapping()

        if path not in uri_to_method_map:
            raise APISpecError(f"Could not find handlers for path='{path}'")
        falcon_routing_details = uri_to_method_map[path]
        resource = falcon_routing_details["resource"]
            yaml_utils.load_operations_from_docstring(resource.__doc__) or {})

        methods = falcon_routing_details["methods"]

        for method_name, method_handler in methods.items():
            docstring_yaml = yaml_utils.load_yaml_from_docstring(
            operations[method_name] = docstring_yaml or dict()
        return path
    def path_helper(self, operations, resource, base_path=None, **kwargs):
        """Path helper that allows passing a Falcon resource instance."""
        resource_uri_mapping = self._generate_resource_uri_mapping(self._app)

        if resource not in resource_uri_mapping:
            raise APISpecError("Could not find endpoint for resource {0}".format(resource))

        operations.update(yaml_utils.load_operations_from_docstring(resource.__doc__) or {})
        path = resource_uri_mapping[resource]

        if base_path is not None:
            # make sure base_path accept either with or without leading slash
            # swagger 2 usually come with leading slash but not in openapi 3.x.x
            base_path = '/' + base_path.strip('/')
            path = re.sub(base_path, "", path, 1)

        for method in falcon.constants.HTTP_METHODS:
            http_verb = method.lower()
            method_name = "on_" + http_verb
            if getattr(resource, method_name, None) is not None:
                method = getattr(resource, method_name)
                docstring_yaml = yaml_utils.load_yaml_from_docstring(method.__doc__)
                operations[http_verb] = docstring_yaml or dict()
        return path