def getRegressionForm(request, cid):
    Retrieves the regression form. Meant to be called via ajax request for 
    possibly multiple planned executions.
    # Get the parameters
    case = Case.objects.get(id=cid)
    data = handleAjaxRequestJSONData(request)
    form_id = data.get('form_id', 'regression_pe_form')
    # Check to see if there are planned exec ids in the POST data, this means 
    # that we are editing regression options instead of first time creation
    if 'pe' in data:
        # If there is only one delete_select_####=on, then this is a single edit
        if len(data['pe'].split('&')) == 1:
            peid =  int(data['pe'].split('=')[0].split('_')[-1])
            testplan = Planned_Exec.objects.get(id=peid)
            form = RegressionForm(case, **{'instance': testplan}) # kwargs-y
        # Multiples, can't assume previously chosen params
            form = RegressionForm(case)
    # No command line args edit, this is a new planned execution
        form = RegressionForm(case)

    objContext = RequestContext(request, {'regform': form, 'form_id': form_id, 'case': case})
    return render_to_response('forms/pe_regression_form.html', objContext)
文件: case.py 项目: randyesq/fortytwo
def editTestListPlan_ajax(request):
    POST from case detail page to change the planned_for attr for one or many
    planned executions.
    data = handleAjaxRequestJSONData(request)
    pids = data.get('pids', None)
    planfield = data.get('planform',None)

    if pids is None or planfield is None:
        return JSONHttpResponse({'msg': 'No planned executions or no "planned for" option were sent to the server'}, status=400)
    # Loop through them (same code if there is only one planned execution sent)
        for pid in pids:
            pidInt = int(pid.split('=')[0].split('_')[-1]) # convert "delete_select_##" to ## integer
            pe = Planned_Exec.objects.get(id=pidInt)
            if planfield:
                pe.planned_for = ProjectSchedule.objects.get(id=planfield['planned_for'])
                raise Exception()
        return JSONHttpResponse({'msg': 'An unexpected error occurred while attempting to edit the planned for option.'}, status=500)
    return JSONHttpResponse({'msg':"Successfully edited the planned options.", 'success':True})
文件: case.py 项目: randyesq/fortytwo
def editTestListCommandLineOptions_ajax(request):
    POST from case detail page to change the command line options for one or 
    many planned executions. The data being sent from the server does not 
    include information about browsers, plm, or test/case since multiple planned

    data = handleAjaxRequestJSONData(request)
    pids = data.get('pids', None)
    clpfields = data.get('clpform',None)
    if pids is None or clpfields is None:
        return JSONHttpResponse({'msg': 'No planned executions or no command line parameters were sent to the server'}, status=400)

    # Loop through them (same code if there is only one planned execution sent)
        for pid in pids:
            pidInt = int(pid.split('=')[0].split('_')[-1]) # convert "delete_select_##" to ## integer
            pe = Planned_Exec.objects.get(id=pidInt)
            getOrCreateCommandLineArgsFromPlannedExecution(request.user.username, pe, clpfields)

    except Exception as e:
        return JSONHttpResponse({'msg': 'An unexpected error occurred while attempting to edit the command line parameters. Error was: %s' % e.message}, status=500)
    return JSONHttpResponse({'msg':"Successfully edited the command line parameters.",'success':True})
文件: case.py 项目: randyesq/fortytwo
def editTestListRegressionOptions_ajax(request):
    POST from case detail page to change the regression options for one or many 
    planned executions
    data = handleAjaxRequestJSONData(request)
    pids = data.get('pids', None)
    regfields = data.get('regform',None)
    if pids is None or regfields is None:
        return JSONHttpResponse({'msg': 'No planned executions or no regression options were sent to the server'}, status=400)
    # Handle the regression form data
    if regfields is None or 'regression_enabled' not in regfields:
        regfields = {'regression_enabled': 'off'}
    if 'regression_setup' not in regfields:
        regfields['regression_setup'] = "off"

    # Loop through them (same code if there is only one planned execution sent)
        for pid in pids:
            pidInt = int(pid.split('=')[0].split('_')[-1]) # convert "delete_select_##" to ## integer
            pe = Planned_Exec.objects.get(id=pidInt)
            if regfields['regression_enabled'] == 'on':
                pe.regression = regfields['regression']
                pe.test_script = regfields['test_script']
                if regfields['regression_setup'] == 'on':
                    pe.regression_setup = True
                    pe.regression_setup = False
                pe.regression = REGRESSION_OPTIONS[0][0]
        return JSONHttpResponse({'msg': 'An unexpected error occurred while attempting to edit the regression options.'}, status=500)
    return JSONHttpResponse({'msg':"Successfully edited the regression options.", 'success':True})
def getCommandLineArgsForm(request,cid):
    """Retrieves the Command Line Arguments Form"""
    def _createCommandLineArgsInstance(case, data):
        """Convenience function to create CommandLineArgs object for the form"""
        cmdLine = CommandLineArgs()
        cmdLine.case_name = case.name
        cmdLine.test_name = case.test.name
        cmdLine.external = data.get('communicator','')
        cmdLine.implantable = data.get('pg_model','')
        for key, value in CLA_BROWSER_OPTIONS:
            if key == data.get('browser',None):
                cmdLine.komodo_browser = key
        if cmdLine.komodo_browser is None:
            cmdLine.komodo_browser = CLA_BROWSER_OPTIONS[0][0] # set it to NA        
        if case.pg_type == 'SI':
            cmdLine.komodo_pgsim = True
            cmdLine.komodo_pgsim = False
        return cmdLine
    # Get the parameters
    case = Case.objects.get(id=cid)
    data = handleAjaxRequestJSONData(request)

    # Check to see if there are planned exec ids in the POST data, this means 
    # that we are editing command line params
    if 'pe' in data:
        # If there is only one delete_select_####=on, then this is a single edit
        if len(data['pe'].split('&')) == 1:
            peid =  int(data['pe'].split('=')[0].split('_')[-1])
            cmdLine, created = CommandLineArgs.objects.get_or_create(planned_exec=peid)
        # Multiples, can't assume previously chosen params
            cmdLine = _createCommandLineArgsInstance(case, data)
    # No command line args edit, this is a new planned execution
        cmdLine = _createCommandLineArgsInstance(case, data)
    # Create a form instance
    form = CommandLineArgsForm(case, instance=cmdLine, label_suffix='')
    hidePGExternal = False
    hideMultiEdit = False
    form_id = data.get('form_id', 'command_line_args_form')
    if data.get('all_centricity', None) == 'true':
        hidePGExternal = True
    elif data.get('edit_params', None) == 'true':
        hidePGExternal = True
        hideMultiEdit = True
        hidePGExternal = False
    objContext = RequestContext(request, {'form': form, 'form_id': form_id, 'case': case, 'hideMultiEdit': hideMultiEdit, 'hidePGExternal': hidePGExternal})
    return render_to_response('forms/command_line_args_generic.html', objContext)