async def send_gate(gate_builder: Callable, conn: SSHClientConnection,
                    tempdir: str, interpreter: str) -> None:
    ftl_gate = gate_builder(interpreter=interpreter)
    async with conn.start_sftp_client() as sftp:
        await sftp.put(ftl_gate, f"{tempdir}/ftl_gate.pyz")
    result = await conn.run(f"chmod 700 {tempdir}/ftl_gate.pyz", check=True)
    assert result.exit_status == 0
def test_isalive_attribute_error(asyncssh_transport):
    # lie and pretend the session is already assigned
    options = DumbContainer()
    asyncssh_transport.session = SSHClientConnection(
        loop=asyncio.get_event_loop_policy().get_event_loop(), options=options)

    # lie and tell asyncssh auth is done
    asyncssh_transport.session._auth_complete = True

    assert asyncssh_transport.isalive() is False
def test_isalive(asyncssh_transport):
    # lie and pretend the session is already assigned
    options = DumbContainer()
    asyncssh_transport.session = SSHClientConnection(
        loop=asyncio.get_event_loop_policy().get_event_loop(), options=options)

    # lie and tell asyncssh auth is done
    asyncssh_transport.session._auth_complete = True

    # also have to lie and create a transport and have it return False when is_closing is called
    asyncssh_transport.session._transport = DumbContainer()
    asyncssh_transport.session._transport.is_closing = lambda: False

    assert asyncssh_transport.isalive() is True
def test_close_catch_brokenpipe(monkeypatch, asyncssh_transport):
    def _close(cls):
        raise BrokenPipeError


    # lie and pretend the session is already assigned
    options = DumbContainer()
    asyncssh_transport.session = SSHClientConnection(
        loop=asyncio.get_event_loop_policy().get_event_loop(), options=options)


    assert asyncssh_transport.session is None
    assert asyncssh_transport.stdin is None
    assert asyncssh_transport.stdout is None