def get_athinput(cwd=-1):
    if cwd == -1:
        cwd = os.getcwd()
    athin = cwd + '/' + [
        for fnm in os.listdir(os.getcwd() + '/') if fnm.startswith('athinput')
    data = ar.athinput(athin)
    return data
def athinput2riemann(athinput, eos=None):
    """Uses parameters from "athinput" to define a Riemann problem with a
    specified (optional) eos."""
    if os.path.isfile(athinput):
        athinput = athena_read.athinput(athinput)
    if eos is None:
        # assume ideal EOS with gamma from athinput
        eos = Ideal(athinput['hydro']['gamma'])
    if eos == 'H':
        eos = SimpleHydrogen()
    pin = athinput['problem']
    # only look at d[lr], p[lr], u[lr], T[lr] (state) parameters
    states = {
        i: pin[i]
        for i in pin if (len(i) == 2) and (i[0] in 'dpuT') and (i[1] in 'lr')
    return riemann_problem(states, eos)
  Typical usage example:

  foo = ClassFoo()
  bar = foo.FunctionBar()
import sys

sys.path.insert(0, '/home6/sbaronet/athena-dust/vis/python')
import athena_read
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Collect .athdf outputs, init sim consts. and grid
athinput = athena_read.athinput('../')
outputs = sorted(
        Path('../athdf').glob(athinput['job']['problem_id'] +
Omega = athinput['problem']['omega']  # local Keplerian angular frequency
T = 2 * np.pi / Omega  # orbital period
epsilon = athinput['problem']['epsilon']  # avg. dust/gas ρ-ratio in BG state
times = []  # sim output times
rhopmax, rhopmin = [], []  # max/min dust densities
rhogmax, rhogmin = [], []  # max/min gas densities

for output in outputs:  # load all data into memory
    data = athena_read.athdf(output)
    times.append(data['Time'] / T)
    temp = np.amax(data['rhop']) - epsilon  # difference w/ epsilon
  Typical usage example:

  foo = ClassFoo()
  bar = foo.FunctionBar()
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '/home6/sbaronet/athena-dust/vis/python')
import athena_read
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation

# Collect .athdf outputs, init sim consts. and grid
athinput = athena_read.athinput('../')
outputs = sorted(list(Path('../athdf').glob(athinput["job"]["problem_id"] +
c_s = athinput['hydro']['iso_sound_speed'] # sound speed
Omega = athinput['problem']['omega']       # local Keplerian angular frequency
H = c_s / Omega                            # gas scale height
T = 2*np.pi/Omega                          # orbital period
data = athena_read.athdf(outputs[0])
xf, zf = data['x1f'] / H, data['x2f'] / H
times = []                                 # sim output times
rhos = []                                 # particle density

for output in outputs:               # load all data into memory
    data = athena_read.athdf(output)
    times.append(data['Time'] / T)
    rhos.append(data['rho'][0])    # [0] effectively flattens 3D array
def load_athinput(athinput_path, do_path_format=1):
    '''Loads data from athinput files.
    return athinput(format_path(athinput_path, do_path_format))
# densities, of the dust during the saturated, turbulent state of the SI.
# Author: Stanley A. Baronett
# Created: 2022-03-09
# Last Modified: 2022-03-12
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '/home6/sbaronet/athena-dust/vis/python')
import athena_read
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
# from scipy.stats import skew, kurtosis # for later use with outputp data

# Collect Athena++ inputs, outputs, and sim constants
t_sat, n_bins = float(sys.argv[1]), int(sys.argv[2])  # t_sat in code unit [T]
athinput = athena_read.athinput('')
Pi = athinput['problem']['duy0']  # radial pressure gradient
etav_K = Pi * athinput['hydro']['iso_sound_speed']  # scaling factor
dt = athinput['output1']['dt']  # time between vp1 outputs
i_sat = int(t_sat / dt)  # sat state output index
outputs = sorted(
    list(Path('athdf').glob(athinput["job"]["problem_id"] + '.out1.*.athdf')))
sat_outputs = outputs[i_sat:]  # slice saturated state
vpxs, rhops = [], []

print(f'Compiling data...', flush=True)

for i, output in enumerate(sat_outputs):
    data = athena_read.athdf(output)