    def _analysis_data(self, analysis):
        """ Returns a dict that represents the analysis
        decimalmark = analysis.aq_parent.aq_parent.getDecimalMark()
        keyword = analysis.getKeyword()
        andict = {
            'obj': analysis,
            'id': analysis.id,
            'title': analysis.Title(),
            'keyword': keyword,
            'scientific_name': analysis.getScientificName(),
            'accredited': analysis.getAccredited(),
            'point_of_capture': to_utf8(POINTS_OF_CAPTURE.getValue(analysis.getPointOfCapture())),
            'category': to_utf8(analysis.getCategoryTitle()),
            'result': analysis.getResult(),
            'unit': to_utf8(analysis.getUnit()),
            'formatted_unit': format_supsub(to_utf8(analysis.getUnit())),
            'capture_date': analysis.getResultCaptureDate(),
            'request_id': analysis.aq_parent.getId(),
            'formatted_result': '',
            'uncertainty': analysis.getUncertainty(),
            'formatted_uncertainty': '',
            'retested': analysis.isRetest(),
            'remarks': to_utf8(analysis.getRemarks()),
            'outofrange': False,
            'type': analysis.portal_type,
            'reftype': analysis.getReferenceType() if hasattr(
                analysis, 'getReferenceType') else None,
            'worksheet': None,
            'specs': {},
            'formatted_specs': '',
            'review_state': api.get_workflow_status_of(analysis),

        andict['refsample'] = analysis.getSample().id \
            if IReferenceAnalysis.providedBy(analysis) \
            else analysis.getRequestID()

        specs = analysis.getResultsRange()
        andict['specs'] = specs
        scinot = self.context.bika_setup.getScientificNotationReport()
        andict['formatted_result'] = analysis.getFormattedResult(specs=specs, sciformat=int(scinot), decimalmark=decimalmark)

        fs = ''
        if specs.get('min', None) and specs.get('max', None):
            fs = '%s - %s' % (specs['min'], specs['max'])
        elif specs.get('min', None):
            fs = '> %s' % specs['min']
        elif specs.get('max', None):
            fs = '< %s' % specs['max']
        andict['formatted_specs'] = formatDecimalMark(fs, decimalmark)
        andict['formatted_uncertainty'] = format_uncertainty(analysis, analysis.getResult(), decimalmark=decimalmark, sciformat=int(scinot))

        # Out of range?
        andict['outofrange'] = is_out_of_range(analysis)[0]
        return andict
    def folderitems(self):
        rc = getToolByName(self.context, REFERENCE_CATALOG)
        bsc = getToolByName(self.context, 'bika_setup_catalog')
        analysis_categories = bsc(portal_type="AnalysisCategory", sort_on="sortable_title")
        analysis_categories_order = dict([(b.Title, "{:04}".format(a)) for a, b in enumerate(analysis_categories)])
        workflow = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_workflow')
        mtool = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_membership')
        checkPermission = mtool.checkPermission
        if not self.allow_edit:
            can_edit_analyses = False
            if self.contentFilter.get('getPointOfCapture', '') == 'field':
                can_edit_analyses = checkPermission(EditFieldResults, self.context)
                can_edit_analyses = checkPermission(EditResults, self.context)
            self.allow_edit = can_edit_analyses
        self.show_select_column = self.allow_edit
        context_active = isActive(self.context)

        self.categories = []
        items = super(AnalysesView, self).folderitems(full_objects = True)

        member = mtool.getAuthenticatedMember()

        # manually skim retracted analyses from the list
        new_items = []
        for i,item in enumerate(items):
            # self.contentsMethod may return brains or objects.
            if not ('obj' in items[i]):
            obj = hasattr(items[i]['obj'], 'getObject') and \
                items[i]['obj'].getObject() or \
            if workflow.getInfoFor(obj, 'review_state') == 'retracted' \
                and not checkPermission(ViewRetractedAnalyses, self.context):
        items = new_items

        methods = self.get_methods_vocabulary()

        self.interim_fields = {}
        self.interim_columns = {}
        self.specs = {}
        show_methodinstr_columns = False
        dmk = self.context.bika_setup.getResultsDecimalMark()
        for i, item in enumerate(items):
            # self.contentsMethod may return brains or objects.
            obj = hasattr(items[i]['obj'], 'getObject') and \
                items[i]['obj'].getObject() or \
            if workflow.getInfoFor(obj, 'review_state') == 'retracted' \
                and not checkPermission(ViewRetractedAnalyses, self.context):

            result = obj.getResult()
            service = obj.getService()
            calculation = service.getCalculation()
            unit = service.getUnit()
            keyword = service.getKeyword()

            if self.show_categories:
                cat = obj.getService().getCategoryTitle()
                cat_order = analysis_categories_order.get(cat)
                items[i]['category'] = cat
                if (cat, cat_order) not in self.categories:
                    self.categories.append((cat, cat_order))

            # Check for InterimFields attribute on our object,
            interim_fields = hasattr(obj, 'getInterimFields') \
                and obj.getInterimFields() or []
            # kick some pretty display values in.
            for x in range(len(interim_fields)):
                interim_fields[x]['formatted_value'] = \
                    formatDecimalMark(interim_fields[x]['value'], dmk)
            self.interim_fields[obj.UID()] = interim_fields
            items[i]['service_uid'] = service.UID()
            items[i]['Service'] = service.Title()
            items[i]['Keyword'] = keyword
            items[i]['Unit'] = format_supsub(unit) if unit else ''
            items[i]['Result'] = ''
            items[i]['formatted_result'] = ''
            items[i]['interim_fields'] = interim_fields
            items[i]['Remarks'] = obj.getRemarks()
            items[i]['Uncertainty'] = ''
            items[i]['DetectionLimit'] = ''
            items[i]['retested'] = obj.getRetested()
            items[i]['class']['retested'] = 'center'
            items[i]['result_captured'] = self.ulocalized_time(
                obj.getResultCaptureDate(), long_format=0)
            items[i]['calculation'] = calculation and True or False
                items[i]['Partition'] = obj.getSamplePartition().getId()
            except AttributeError:
                items[i]['Partition'] = ''
            if obj.portal_type == "ReferenceAnalysis":
                items[i]['DueDate'] = self.ulocalized_time(obj.aq_parent.getExpiryDate(), long_format=0)
                items[i]['DueDate'] = self.ulocalized_time(obj.getDueDate(), long_format=1)
            cd = obj.getResultCaptureDate()
            items[i]['CaptureDate'] = cd and self.ulocalized_time(cd, long_format=1) or ''
            items[i]['Attachments'] = ''

            item['allow_edit'] = []
            client_or_lab = ""

            tblrowclass = items[i].get('table_row_class');
            if obj.portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis':
                items[i]['st_uid'] = obj.aq_parent.UID()
                items[i]['table_row_class'] = ' '.join([tblrowclass, 'qc-analysis']);
            elif obj.portal_type == 'DuplicateAnalysis' and \
                obj.getAnalysis().portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis':
                items[i]['st_uid'] = obj.aq_parent.UID()
                items[i]['table_row_class'] = ' '.join([tblrowclass, 'qc-analysis']);
                sample = None
                if self.context.portal_type == 'AnalysisRequest':
                    sample = self.context.getSample()
                elif self.context.portal_type == 'Worksheet':
                    if obj.portal_type in ('DuplicateAnalysis', 'RejectAnalysis'):
                        sample = obj.getAnalysis().getSample()
                        sample = obj.aq_parent.getSample()
                elif self.context.portal_type == 'Sample':
                    sample = self.context
                st_uid = sample.getSampleType().UID() if sample else ''
                items[i]['st_uid'] = st_uid

            if checkPermission(ManageBika, self.context):
                service_uid = service.UID()
                latest = rc.lookupObject(service_uid).version_id
                items[i]['Service'] = service.Title()
                items[i]['class']['Service'] = "service_title"

            # Show version number of out-of-date objects
            # No: This should be done in another column, if at all.
            # The (vX) value confuses some more fragile forms.
            #     if hasattr(obj, 'reference_versions') and \
            #        service_uid in obj.reference_versions and \
            #        latest != obj.reference_versions[service_uid]:
            #         items[i]['after']['Service'] = "(v%s)" % \
            #              (obj.reference_versions[service_uid])

            # choices defined on Service apply to result fields.
            choices = service.getResultOptions()
            if choices:
                item['choices']['Result'] = choices

            # permission to view this item's results
            can_view_result = \
                getSecurityManager().checkPermission(ViewResults, obj)

            # permission to edit this item's results
            # Editing Field Results is possible while in Sample Due.
            poc = self.contentFilter.get("getPointOfCapture", 'lab')
            can_edit_analysis = self.allow_edit and context_active and \
                ( (poc == 'field' and getSecurityManager().checkPermission(EditFieldResults, obj))
                  (poc != 'field' and getSecurityManager().checkPermission(EditResults, obj)) )

            allowed_method_states = ['to_be_sampled',

            # Prevent from being edited if the instrument assigned
            # is not valid (out-of-date or uncalibrated), except if
            # the analysis is a QC with assigned status
            can_edit_analysis = can_edit_analysis \
                and (obj.isInstrumentValid() \
                    or (obj.portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis' \
                        and item['review_state'] in allowed_method_states))

            if can_edit_analysis:
                # if the Result field is editable, our interim fields are too
                for f in self.interim_fields[obj.UID()]:

                # if there isn't a calculation then result must be re-testable,
                # and if there are interim fields, they too must be re-testable.
                if not items[i]['calculation'] or \
                   (items[i]['calculation'] and self.interim_fields[obj.UID()]):

            # TODO: Only the labmanager must be able to change the method
            # can_set_method = getSecurityManager().checkPermission(SetAnalysisMethod, obj)
            can_set_method = can_edit_analysis \
                and item['review_state'] in allowed_method_states
            method = obj.getMethod() \
                        if hasattr(obj, 'getMethod') and obj.getMethod() \
                        else service.getMethod()

            # Display the methods selector if the AS has at least one
            # method assigned
            item['Method'] = ''
            item['replace']['Method'] = ''
            if can_set_method:
                voc = self.get_methods_vocabulary(obj)
                if voc:
                    # The service has at least one method available
                    item['Method'] = method.UID() if method else ''
                    item['choices']['Method'] = voc
                    show_methodinstr_columns = True

                elif method:
                    # This should never happen
                    # The analysis has set a method, but its parent
                    # service hasn't any method available O_o
                    item['Method'] = method.Title()
                    item['replace']['Method'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                        (method.absolute_url(), method.Title())
                    show_methodinstr_columns = True

            elif method:
                # Edition not allowed, but method set
                item['Method'] = method.Title()
                item['replace']['Method'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                    (method.absolute_url(), method.Title())
                show_methodinstr_columns = True

            # TODO: Instrument selector dynamic behavior in worksheet Results
            # Only the labmanager must be able to change the instrument to be used. Also,
            # the instrument selection should be done in accordance with the method selected
            # can_set_instrument = service.getInstrumentEntryOfResults() and getSecurityManager().checkPermission(SetAnalysisInstrument, obj)
            can_set_instrument = service.getInstrumentEntryOfResults() \
                and can_edit_analysis \
                and item['review_state'] in allowed_method_states

            item['Instrument'] = ''
            item['replace']['Instrument'] = ''
            if service.getInstrumentEntryOfResults():
                instrument = None

                # If the analysis has an instrument already assigned, use it
                if service.getInstrumentEntryOfResults() \
                    and hasattr(obj, 'getInstrument') \
                    and obj.getInstrument():
                        instrument = obj.getInstrument()

                # Otherwise, use the Service's default instrument
                elif service.getInstrumentEntryOfResults():
                        instrument = service.getInstrument()

                if can_set_instrument:
                    # Edition allowed
                    voc = self.get_instruments_vocabulary(obj)
                    if voc:
                        # The service has at least one instrument available
                        item['Instrument'] = instrument.UID() if instrument else ''
                        item['choices']['Instrument'] = voc
                        show_methodinstr_columns = True

                    elif instrument:
                        # This should never happen
                        # The analysis has an instrument set, but the
                        # service hasn't any available instrument
                        item['Instrument'] = instrument.Title()
                        item['replace']['Instrument'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                            (instrument.absolute_url(), instrument.Title())
                        show_methodinstr_columns = True

                elif instrument:
                    # Edition not allowed, but instrument set
                    item['Instrument'] = instrument.Title()
                    item['replace']['Instrument'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                        (instrument.absolute_url(), instrument.Title())
                    show_methodinstr_columns = True

                # Manual entry of results, instrument not allowed
                item['Instrument'] = _('Manual')
                msgtitle = t(_(
                    "Instrument entry of results not allowed for ${service}",
                    mapping={"service": safe_unicode(service.Title())},
                item['replace']['Instrument'] = \
                    '<a href="#" title="%s">%s</a>' % (msgtitle, t(_('Manual')))

            # Sets the analyst assigned to this analysis
            if can_edit_analysis:
                analyst = obj.getAnalyst()
                # widget default: current user
                if not analyst:
                    analyst = mtool.getAuthenticatedMember().getUserName()
                items[i]['Analyst'] = analyst
                item['choices']['Analyst'] = self.getAnalysts()
                items[i]['Analyst'] = obj.getAnalystName()

            # If the user can attach files to analyses, show the attachment col
            can_add_attachment = \
                getSecurityManager().checkPermission(AddAttachment, obj)
            if can_add_attachment or can_view_result:
                attachments = ""
                if hasattr(obj, 'getAttachment'):
                    for attachment in obj.getAttachment():
                        af = attachment.getAttachmentFile()
                        icon = af.icon
                        attachments += "<span class='attachment' attachment_uid='%s'>" % (attachment.UID())
                        if icon: attachments += "<img src='%s/%s'/>" % (self.portal_url, icon)
                        attachments += '<a href="%s/at_download/AttachmentFile"/>%s</a>' % (attachment.absolute_url(), af.filename)
                        if can_edit_analysis:
                            attachments += "<img class='deleteAttachmentButton' attachment_uid='%s' src='%s'/>" % (attachment.UID(), "++resource++bika.lims.images/delete.png")
                        attachments += "</br></span>"
                items[i]['replace']['Attachments'] = attachments[:-12] + "</span>"

            # Only display data bearing fields if we have ViewResults
            # permission, otherwise just put an icon in Result column.
            if can_view_result:
                items[i]['Result'] = result
                scinot = self.context.bika_setup.getScientificNotationResults()
                items[i]['formatted_result'] = obj.getFormattedResult(sciformat=int(scinot),decimalmark=dmk)

                # LIMS-1379 Allow manual uncertainty value input
                # https://jira.bikalabs.com/browse/LIMS-1379
                fu = format_uncertainty(obj, result, decimalmark=dmk, sciformat=int(scinot))
                fu = fu if fu else ''
                if can_edit_analysis and service.getAllowManualUncertainty() == True:
                    unc = obj.getUncertainty(result)
                    items[i]['Uncertainty'] = unc if unc else ''
                    items[i]['before']['Uncertainty'] = '&plusmn;&nbsp;';
                    items[i]['after']['Uncertainty'] = '<em class="discreet" style="white-space:nowrap;"> %s</em>' % items[i]['Unit'];
                    items[i]['structure'] = False;
                elif fu:
                    items[i]['Uncertainty'] = fu
                    items[i]['before']['Uncertainty'] = '&plusmn;&nbsp;';
                    items[i]['after']['Uncertainty'] = '<em class="discreet" style="white-space:nowrap;"> %s</em>' % items[i]['Unit'];
                    items[i]['structure'] = True

                # LIMS-1700. Allow manual input of Detection Limits
                # LIMS-1775. Allow to select LDL or UDL defaults in results with readonly mode
                # https://jira.bikalabs.com/browse/LIMS-1700
                # https://jira.bikalabs.com/browse/LIMS-1775
                if can_edit_analysis and \
                    hasattr(obj, 'getDetectionLimitOperand') and \
                    hasattr(service, 'getDetectionLimitSelector') and \
                    service.getDetectionLimitSelector() == True:
                    isldl = obj.isBelowLowerDetectionLimit()
                    isudl = obj.isAboveUpperDetectionLimit()
                    if isldl or isudl:
                        dlval = '<' if isldl else '>'
                    item['DetectionLimit'] = dlval
                    choices=[{'ResultValue': '<', 'ResultText': '<'},
                             {'ResultValue': '>', 'ResultText': '>'}]
                    item['choices']['DetectionLimit'] = choices
                    self.columns['DetectionLimit']['toggle'] = True
                    srv = obj.getService()
                    defdls = {'min':srv.getLowerDetectionLimit(),
                    defin = '<input type="hidden" id="DefaultDLS.%s" value=\'%s\'/>'
                    defin = defin % (obj.UID(), json.dumps(defdls))
                    item['after']['DetectionLimit'] = defin

                # LIMS-1769. Allow to use LDL and UDL in calculations.
                # https://jira.bikalabs.com/browse/LIMS-1769
                # Since LDL, UDL, etc. are wildcards that can be used
                # in calculations, these fields must be loaded always
                # for 'live' calculations.
                if can_edit_analysis:
                    dls = {'default_ldl': 'none',
                           'default_udl': 'none',
                           'below_ldl': False,
                           'above_udl': False,
                           'is_ldl': False,
                           'is_udl': False,
                           'manual_allowed': False,
                           'dlselect_allowed': False}
                    if hasattr(obj, 'getDetectionLimits'):
                        dls['below_ldl'] = obj.isBelowLowerDetectionLimit()
                        dls['above_udl'] = obj.isBelowLowerDetectionLimit()
                        dls['is_ldl'] = obj.isLowerDetectionLimit()
                        dls['is_udl'] = obj.isUpperDetectionLimit()
                        dls['default_ldl'] = service.getLowerDetectionLimit()
                        dls['default_udl'] = service.getUpperDetectionLimit()
                        dls['manual_allowed'] = service.getAllowManualDetectionLimit()
                        dls['dlselect_allowed'] = service.getDetectionLimitSelector()
                    dlsin = '<input type="hidden" id="AnalysisDLS.%s" value=\'%s\'/>'
                    dlsin = dlsin % (obj.UID(), json.dumps(dls))
                    item['after']['Result'] = dlsin

                items[i]['Specification'] = ""
                if 'Result' in items[i]['allow_edit']:
                items[i]['before']['Result'] = \
                    '<img width="16" height="16" ' + \
                    'src="%s/++resource++bika.lims.images/to_follow.png"/>' % \
            # Everyone can see valid-ranges
            spec = self.get_analysis_spec(obj)
            if spec:
                min_val = spec.get('min', '')
                min_str = ">{0}".format(min_val) if min_val else ''
                max_val = spec.get('max', '')
                max_str = "<{0}".format(max_val) if max_val else ''
                error_val = spec.get('error', '')
                error_str = "{0}%".format(error_val) if error_val else ''
                rngstr = ",".join([x for x in [min_str, max_str, error_str] if x])
                rngstr = ""
            items[i]['Specification'] = rngstr
            # Add this analysis' interim fields to the interim_columns list
            for f in self.interim_fields[obj.UID()]:
                if f['keyword'] not in self.interim_columns and not f.get('hidden', False):
                    self.interim_columns[f['keyword']] = f['title']
                # and to the item itself
                items[i][f['keyword']] = f
                items[i]['class'][f['keyword']] = 'interim'

            # check if this analysis is late/overdue

            resultdate = obj.aq_parent.getDateSampled() \
                if obj.portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis' \
                else obj.getResultCaptureDate()

            duedate = obj.aq_parent.getExpiryDate() \
                if obj.portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis' \
                else obj.getDueDate()

            items[i]['replace']['DueDate'] = \
                self.ulocalized_time(duedate, long_format=1)

            if items[i]['review_state'] not in ['to_be_sampled',

                if (resultdate and resultdate > duedate) \
                    or (not resultdate and DateTime() > duedate):

                    items[i]['replace']['DueDate'] = '%s <img width="16" height="16" src="%s/++resource++bika.lims.images/late.png" title="%s"/>' % \
                        (self.ulocalized_time(duedate, long_format=1),
                         t(_("Late Analysis")))

            after_icons = []
            # Submitting user may not verify results unless the user is labman
            # or manager and the AS has isSelfVerificationEnabled set to True
            if items[i]['review_state'] == 'to_be_verified':
                # If multi-verification required, place an informative icon
                numverifications = obj.getNumberOfRequiredVerifications()
                if numverifications > 1:
                    # More than one verification required, place an icon
                    # Get the number of verifications already done:
                    done = obj.getNumberOfVerifications()
                    pending = numverifications - done
                    ratio = float(done)/float(numverifications) \
                        if done > 0 else 0
                    scale = '' if ratio < 0.25 else '25' \
                            if ratio < 0.50 else '50' \
                            if ratio < 0.75 else '75'
                    anchor = "<a href='#' title='%s &#13;%s %s' " \
                             "class='multi-verification scale-%s'>%s/%s</a>"
                    anchor = anchor % (t(_("Multi-verification required")),
                                       t(_("verification(s) pending")),
                                       scale, str(done), str(numverifications))

                username = member.getUserName()
                allowed = api.user.has_permission(VerifyPermission,
                if allowed and not obj.isUserAllowedToVerify(member):
                        "<img src='++resource++bika.lims.images/submitted-by-current-user.png' title='%s'/>" %
                        (t(_("Cannot verify, submitted or verified by current user before")))
                elif allowed:
                    if obj.getSubmittedBy() == member.getUser().getId():
                        "<img src='++resource++bika.lims.images/warning.png' title='%s'/>" %
                        (t(_("Can verify, but submitted by current user")))
            #If analysis Submitted and Verified by the same person, then warning icon will appear.
            if submitter and obj.wasVerifiedByUser(submitter):
                    "<img src='++resource++bika.lims.images/warning.png' title='%s'/>" %
                    (t(_("Submited and verified by the same user- "+ submitter)))

            # add icon for assigned analyses in AR views
            if self.context.portal_type == 'AnalysisRequest':
                obj = items[i]['obj']
                if obj.portal_type in ['ReferenceAnalysis',
                                       'DuplicateAnalysis'] or \
                   workflow.getInfoFor(obj, 'worksheetanalysis_review_state') == 'assigned':
                    br = obj.getBackReferences('WorksheetAnalysis')
                    if len(br) > 0:
                        ws = br[0]
                        after_icons.append("<a href='%s'><img src='++resource++bika.lims.images/worksheet.png' title='%s'/></a>" %
                         t(_("Assigned to: ${worksheet_id}",
                             mapping={'worksheet_id': safe_unicode(ws.id)}))))
            items[i]['after']['state_title'] = '&nbsp;'.join(after_icons)

        # the TAL requires values for all interim fields on all
        # items, so we set blank values in unused cells
        for item in items:
            for field in self.interim_columns:
                if field not in item:
                    item[field] = ''

        # XXX order the list of interim columns
        interim_keys = self.interim_columns.keys()

        # add InterimFields keys to columns
        for col_id in interim_keys:
            if col_id not in self.columns:
                self.columns[col_id] = {'title': self.interim_columns[col_id],
                                        'input_width': '6',
                                        'input_class': 'ajax_calculate numeric',
                                        'sortable': False}

        if can_edit_analyses:
            new_states = []
            for state in self.review_states:
                # InterimFields are displayed in review_state
                # They are anyway available through View.columns though.
                # In case of hidden fields, the calcs.py should check calcs/services
                # for additional InterimFields!!
                pos = 'Result' in state['columns'] and \
                    state['columns'].index('Result') or len(state['columns'])
                for col_id in interim_keys:
                    if col_id not in state['columns']:
                        state['columns'].insert(pos, col_id)
                # retested column is added after Result.
                pos = 'Result' in state['columns'] and \
                    state['columns'].index('Uncertainty') + 1 or len(state['columns'])
                state['columns'].insert(pos, 'retested')
            self.review_states = new_states
            # Allow selecting individual analyses
            self.show_select_column = True

        # Dry Matter.
        # The Dry Matter column is never enabled for reference sample contexts
        # and refers to getReportDryMatter in ARs.
        if items and \
            (hasattr(self.context, 'getReportDryMatter') and \

            # look through all items
            # if the item's Service supports ReportDryMatter, add getResultDM().
            for item in items:
                if item['obj'].getService().getReportDryMatter():
                    item['ResultDM'] = item['obj'].getResultDM()
                    item['ResultDM'] = ''
                if item['ResultDM']:
                    item['after']['ResultDM'] = "<em class='discreet'>%</em>"

            # modify the review_states list to include the ResultDM column
            new_states = []
            for state in self.review_states:
                pos = 'Result' in state['columns'] and \
                    state['columns'].index('Uncertainty') + 1 or len(state['columns'])
                state['columns'].insert(pos, 'ResultDM')
            self.review_states = new_states

        if self.show_categories:
            self.categories = map(lambda x: x[0], sorted(self.categories, key=lambda x: x[1]))

        # self.json_specs = json.dumps(self.specs)
        self.json_interim_fields = json.dumps(self.interim_fields)
        self.items = items

        # Method and Instrument columns must be shown or hidden at the
        # same time, because the value assigned to one causes
        # a value reassignment to the other (one method can be performed
        # by different instruments)
        self.columns['Method']['toggle'] = show_methodinstr_columns
        self.columns['Instrument']['toggle'] = show_methodinstr_columns

        return items
    def _analysis_data(self, analysis, decimalmark=None):
        keyword = analysis.getKeyword()
        service = analysis.getService()
        andict = {'obj': analysis,
                  'id': analysis.id,
                  'title': analysis.Title(),
                  'keyword': keyword,
                  'scientific_name': service.getScientificName(),
                  'accredited': service.getAccredited(),
                  'point_of_capture': to_utf8(POINTS_OF_CAPTURE.getValue(service.getPointOfCapture())),
                  'category': to_utf8(service.getCategoryTitle()),
                  'result': analysis.getResult(),
                  'isnumber': isnumber(analysis.getResult()),
                  'unit': to_utf8(service.getUnit()),
                  'formatted_unit': format_supsub(to_utf8(service.getUnit())),
                  'capture_date': analysis.getResultCaptureDate(),
                  'request_id': analysis.aq_parent.getId(),
                  'formatted_result': '',
                  'uncertainty': analysis.getUncertainty(),
                  'formatted_uncertainty': '',
                  'retested': analysis.getRetested(),
                  'remarks': to_utf8(analysis.getRemarks()),
                  'resultdm': to_utf8(analysis.getResultDM()),
                  'outofrange': False,
                  'type': analysis.portal_type,
                  'reftype': analysis.getReferenceType() \
                            if hasattr(analysis, 'getReferenceType')
                            else None,
                  'worksheet': None,
                  'specs': {},
                  'formatted_specs': ''}

        if analysis.portal_type == 'DuplicateAnalysis':
            andict['reftype'] = 'd'

        ws = analysis.getBackReferences('WorksheetAnalysis')
        andict['worksheet'] = ws[0].id if ws and len(ws) > 0 else None
        andict['worksheet_url'] = ws[0].absolute_url if ws and len(ws) > 0 else None
        andict['refsample'] = analysis.getSample().id \
                            if analysis.portal_type == 'Analysis' \
                            else '%s - %s' % (analysis.aq_parent.id, analysis.aq_parent.Title())

        if analysis.portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis':
            # The analysis is a Control or Blank. We might use the
            # reference results instead other specs
            uid = analysis.getServiceUID()
            specs = analysis.aq_parent.getResultsRangeDict().get(uid, {})

            # Get the specs directly from the analysis. The getResultsRange
            # function already takes care about which are the specs to be used:
            # AR, client or lab.
            specs = analysis.getResultsRange()

        andict['specs'] = specs
        scinot = self.context.bika_setup.getScientificNotationReport()
        andict['formatted_result'] = analysis.getFormattedResult(specs=specs, sciformat=int(scinot), decimalmark=decimalmark)

        fs = ''
        if specs.get('min', None) and specs.get('max', None):
            fs = '%s - %s' % (specs['min'], specs['max'])
        elif specs.get('min', None):
            fs = '> %s' % specs['min']
        elif specs.get('max', None):
            fs = '< %s' % specs['max']
        andict['formatted_specs'] = formatDecimalMark(fs, decimalmark)
        andict['formatted_uncertainty'] = format_uncertainty(analysis, analysis.getResult(), decimalmark=decimalmark, sciformat=int(scinot))

        # Out of range?
        if specs:
            adapters = getAdapters((analysis, ), IResultOutOfRange)
            bsc = getToolByName(self.context, "bika_setup_catalog")
            for name, adapter in adapters:
                ret = adapter(specification=specs)
                if ret and ret['out_of_range']:
                    andict['outofrange'] = True
        return andict
    def _analysis_data(self, analysis, decimalmark=None):
        if analysis.UID() in self._cache['_analysis_data']:
            return self._cache['_analysis_data'][analysis.UID()]

        keyword = analysis.getKeyword()
        service = analysis.getService()
        andict = {'obj': analysis,
                  'id': analysis.id,
                  'title': analysis.Title(),
                  'keyword': keyword,
                  'scientific_name': service.getScientificName(),
                  'accredited': service.getAccredited(),
                  'point_of_capture': to_utf8(POINTS_OF_CAPTURE.getValue(service.getPointOfCapture())),
                  'category': to_utf8(service.getCategoryTitle()),
                  'result': analysis.getResult(),
                  'isnumber': isnumber(analysis.getResult()),
                  'unit': to_utf8(service.getUnit()),
                  'formatted_unit': format_supsub(to_utf8(service.getUnit())),
                  'capture_date': analysis.getResultCaptureDate(),
                  'request_id': analysis.aq_parent.getId(),
                  'formatted_result': '',
                  'uncertainty': analysis.getUncertainty(),
                  'formatted_uncertainty': '',
                  'retested': analysis.getRetested(),
                  'remarks': to_utf8(analysis.getRemarks()),
                  'resultdm': to_utf8(analysis.getResultDM()),
                  'outofrange': False,
                  'type': analysis.portal_type,
                  'reftype': analysis.getReferenceType() \
                            if hasattr(analysis, 'getReferenceType')
                            else None,
                  'worksheet': None,
                  'specs': {},
                  'formatted_specs': ''}

        if analysis.portal_type == 'DuplicateAnalysis':
            andict['reftype'] = 'd'

        ws = analysis.getBackReferences('WorksheetAnalysis')
        andict['worksheet'] = ws[0].id if ws and len(ws) > 0 else None
        andict['worksheet_url'] = ws[0].absolute_url if ws and len(ws) > 0 else None
        andict['refsample'] = analysis.getSample().id \
                            if analysis.portal_type == 'Analysis' \
                            else '%s - %s' % (analysis.aq_parent.id, analysis.aq_parent.Title())

        if analysis.portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis':
            # The analysis is a Control or Blank. We might use the
            # reference results instead other specs
            uid = analysis.getServiceUID()
            specs = analysis.aq_parent.getResultsRangeDict().get(uid, {})

            # Get the specs directly from the analysis. The getResultsRange
            # function already takes care about which are the specs to be used:
            # AR, client or lab.
            specs = analysis.getResultsRange()

        andict['specs'] = specs
        scinot = self.context.bika_setup.getScientificNotationReport()
        fresult =  analysis.getFormattedResult(specs=specs, sciformat=int(scinot), decimalmark=decimalmark)

        # We don't use here cgi.encode because results fields must be rendered
        # using the 'structure' wildcard. The reason is that the result can be
        # expressed in sci notation, that may include <sup></sup> html tags.
        # Please note the default value for the 'html' parameter from
        # getFormattedResult signature is set to True, so the service will
        # already take into account LDLs and UDLs symbols '<' and '>' and escape
        # them if necessary.
        andict['formatted_result'] = fresult;

        fs = ''
        if specs.get('min', None) and specs.get('max', None):
            fs = '%s - %s' % (specs['min'], specs['max'])
        elif specs.get('min', None):
            fs = '> %s' % specs['min']
        elif specs.get('max', None):
            fs = '< %s' % specs['max']
        andict['formatted_specs'] = formatDecimalMark(fs, decimalmark)
        andict['formatted_uncertainty'] = format_uncertainty(analysis, analysis.getResult(), decimalmark=decimalmark, sciformat=int(scinot))

        # Out of range?
        if specs:
            adapters = getAdapters((analysis, ), IResultOutOfRange)
            bsc = getToolByName(self.context, "bika_setup_catalog")
            for name, adapter in adapters:
                ret = adapter(specification=specs)
                if ret and ret['out_of_range']:
                    andict['outofrange'] = True
        self._cache['_analysis_data'][analysis.UID()]  = andict
        return andict
    def _analysis_data(self, analysis, decimalmark=None):
        keyword = analysis.getKeyword()
        service = analysis.getService()
        andict = {'obj': analysis,
                  'id': analysis.id,
                  'title': analysis.Title(),
                  'keyword': keyword,
                  'scientific_name': service.getScientificName(),
                  'accredited': service.getAccredited(),
                  'point_of_capture': to_utf8(POINTS_OF_CAPTURE.getValue(service.getPointOfCapture())),
                  'category': to_utf8(service.getCategoryTitle()),
                  'result': analysis.getResult(),
                  'isnumber': isnumber(analysis.getResult()),
                  'unit': to_utf8(service.getUnit()),
                  'formatted_unit': format_supsub(to_utf8(service.getUnit())),
                  'capture_date': analysis.getResultCaptureDate(),
                  'request_id': analysis.aq_parent.getId(),
                  'formatted_result': '',
                  'uncertainty': analysis.getUncertainty(),
                  'formatted_uncertainty': '',
                  'retested': analysis.getRetested(),
                  'remarks': to_utf8(analysis.getRemarks()),
                  'resultdm': to_utf8(analysis.getResultDM()),
                  'outofrange': False,
                  'type': analysis.portal_type,
                  'reftype': analysis.getReferenceType() \
                            if hasattr(analysis, 'getReferenceType')
                            else None,
                  'worksheet': None,
                  'specs': {},
                  'formatted_specs': ''}

        if analysis.portal_type == 'DuplicateAnalysis':
            andict['reftype'] = 'd'

        ws = analysis.getBackReferences('WorksheetAnalysis')
        andict['worksheet'] = ws[0].id if ws and len(ws) > 0 else None
        andict['worksheet_url'] = ws[0].absolute_url if ws and len(
            ws) > 0 else None
        andict['refsample'] = analysis.getSample().id \
                            if analysis.portal_type == 'Analysis' \
                            else '%s - %s' % (analysis.aq_parent.id, analysis.aq_parent.Title())

        # Which analysis specs must be used?
        # Try first with those defined at AR Publish Specs level
        if analysis.portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis':
            # The analysis is a Control or Blank. We might use the
            # reference results instead other specs
            uid = analysis.getServiceUID()
            specs = analysis.aq_parent.getResultsRangeDict().get(uid, {})

        elif analysis.portal_type == 'DuplicateAnalysis':
            specs = analysis.getAnalysisSpecs()

            ar = analysis.aq_parent
            specs = ar.getPublicationSpecification()
            if not specs or keyword not in specs.getResultsRangeDict():
                specs = analysis.getAnalysisSpecs()
            specs = specs.getResultsRangeDict().get(keyword, {}) \
                    if specs else {}

        andict['specs'] = specs
        scinot = self.context.bika_setup.getScientificNotationReport()
        andict['formatted_result'] = analysis.getFormattedResult(
            specs=specs, sciformat=int(scinot), decimalmark=decimalmark)

        fs = ''
        if specs.get('min', None) and specs.get('max', None):
            fs = '%s - %s' % (specs['min'], specs['max'])
        elif specs.get('min', None):
            fs = '> %s' % specs['min']
        elif specs.get('max', None):
            fs = '< %s' % specs['max']
        andict['formatted_specs'] = formatDecimalMark(fs, decimalmark)
        andict['formatted_uncertainty'] = format_uncertainty(

        # Return specs of current analysis
        andict['specs_dict'] = analysis.getSpecification().getResultsRangeDict(

        # Out of range?
        if specs:
            adapters = getAdapters((analysis, ), IResultOutOfRange)
            bsc = getToolByName(self.context, "bika_setup_catalog")
            for name, adapter in adapters:
                ret = adapter(specification=specs)
                if ret and ret['out_of_range']:
                    andict['outofrange'] = True
        return andict
    def folderitems(self):
        bsc = getToolByName(self.context, 'bika_setup_catalog')
        analysis_categories = bsc(portal_type="AnalysisCategory",
        analysis_categories_order = dict([
            (b.Title, "{:04}".format(a))
            for a, b in enumerate(analysis_categories)
        workflow = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_workflow')
        mtool = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_membership')
        checkPermission = mtool.checkPermission
        if not self.allow_edit:
            can_edit_analyses = False
            if self.contentFilter.get('getPointOfCapture', '') == 'field':
                can_edit_analyses = checkPermission(EditFieldResults,
                can_edit_analyses = checkPermission(EditResults, self.context)
            self.allow_edit = can_edit_analyses
        self.show_select_column = self.allow_edit
        context_active = isActive(self.context)

        self.categories = []
        items = super(AnalysesView, self).folderitems(full_objects=True)

        member = mtool.getAuthenticatedMember()

        self.interim_fields = {}
        self.interim_columns = {}
        self.specs = {}
        show_methodinstr_columns = False
        dmk = self.context.bika_setup.getResultsDecimalMark()

        for item in items:
            if 'obj' not in item:
                    "Missing 'obj' key in Analysis item '{}'".format(item))

            # self.contentsMethod may return brains or objects.
            obj = api.get_object(item["obj"])

            if workflow.getInfoFor(obj, 'review_state') == 'retracted' \
               and not checkPermission(ViewRetractedAnalyses, self.context):
                logger.info("Skipping retracted analysis {}".format(

            result = obj.getResult()
            service = obj.getService()
            calculation = service.getCalculation()
            unit = service.getUnit()
            keyword = service.getKeyword()

            if self.show_categories:
                cat = obj.getService().getCategoryTitle()
                cat_order = analysis_categories_order.get(cat)
                item['category'] = cat
                if (cat, cat_order) not in self.categories:
                    self.categories.append((cat, cat_order))

            # Check for InterimFields attribute on our object,
            interim_fields = hasattr(obj, 'getInterimFields') \
                and obj.getInterimFields() or []
            # kick some pretty display values in.
            for x in range(len(interim_fields)):
                interim_fields[x]['formatted_value'] = \
                    formatDecimalMark(interim_fields[x]['value'], dmk)
            self.interim_fields[obj.UID()] = interim_fields
            item['service_uid'] = service.UID()
            item['Service'] = service.Title()
            item['Keyword'] = keyword
            item['Unit'] = format_supsub(unit) if unit else ''
            item['Result'] = ''
            item['formatted_result'] = ''
            item['interim_fields'] = interim_fields
            item['Remarks'] = obj.getRemarks()
            item['Uncertainty'] = ''
            item['DetectionLimit'] = ''
            item['retested'] = obj.getRetested()
            item['class']['retested'] = 'center'
            item['result_captured'] = self.ulocalized_time(
                obj.getResultCaptureDate(), long_format=0)
            item['calculation'] = calculation and True or False
                item['Partition'] = obj.getSamplePartition().getId()
            except AttributeError:
                item['Partition'] = ''
            if obj.portal_type == "ReferenceAnalysis":
                item['DueDate'] = self.ulocalized_time(
                    obj.aq_parent.getExpiryDate(), long_format=0)
                item['DueDate'] = self.ulocalized_time(obj.getDueDate(),
            cd = obj.getResultCaptureDate()
            item['CaptureDate'] = cd and self.ulocalized_time(
                cd, long_format=1) or ''
            item['Attachments'] = ''

            item['allow_edit'] = []

            tblrowclass = item.get('table_row_class')
            if obj.portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis':
                item['st_uid'] = obj.aq_parent.UID()
                item['table_row_class'] = ' '.join(
                    [tblrowclass, 'qc-analysis'])
            elif obj.portal_type == 'DuplicateAnalysis' and \
                    obj.getAnalysis().portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis':
                item['st_uid'] = obj.aq_parent.UID()
                item['table_row_class'] = ' '.join(
                    [tblrowclass, 'qc-analysis'])
                sample = None
                if self.context.portal_type == 'AnalysisRequest':
                    sample = self.context.getSample()
                elif self.context.portal_type == 'Worksheet':
                    if obj.portal_type in ('DuplicateAnalysis',
                        sample = obj.getAnalysis().getSample()
                        sample = obj.aq_parent.getSample()
                elif self.context.portal_type == 'Sample':
                    sample = self.context
                st_uid = sample.getSampleType().UID() if sample else ''
                item['st_uid'] = st_uid

            if checkPermission(ManageBika, self.context):
                # service_uid = service.UID()
                # latest = rc.lookupObject(service_uid).version_id
                item['Service'] = service.Title()
                item['class']['Service'] = "service_title"

            # Show version number of out-of-date objects
            # No: This should be done in another column, if at all.
            # The (vX) value confuses some more fragile forms.
            #     if hasattr(obj, 'reference_versions') and \
            #        service_uid in obj.reference_versions and \
            #        latest != obj.reference_versions[service_uid]:
            #         items[i]['after']['Service'] = "(v%s)" % \
            #              (obj.reference_versions[service_uid])

            # choices defined on Service apply to result fields.
            choices = service.getResultOptions()
            if choices:
                item['choices']['Result'] = choices

            # permission to view this item's results
            can_view_result = \
                getSecurityManager().checkPermission(ViewResults, obj)

            # permission to edit this item's results
            # Editing Field Results is possible while in Sample Due.
            poc = self.contentFilter.get("getPointOfCapture", 'lab')
            can_edit_analysis = self.allow_edit and context_active and \
                ((poc == 'field' and getSecurityManager().checkPermission(EditFieldResults, obj)) or
                 (poc != 'field' and getSecurityManager().checkPermission(EditResults, obj)))

            allowed_method_states = [

            # Prevent from being edited if the instrument assigned
            # is not valid (out-of-date or uncalibrated), except if
            # the analysis is a QC with assigned status
            can_edit_analysis = can_edit_analysis \
                and (obj.isInstrumentValid() or
                     (obj.portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis' and
                      item['review_state'] in allowed_method_states))

            if can_edit_analysis:
                item['allow_edit'].extend(['Analyst', 'Result', 'Remarks'])
                # if the Result field is editable, our interim fields are too
                for f in self.interim_fields[obj.UID()]:

                # if there isn't a calculation then result must be re-testable,
                # and if there are interim fields, they too must be re-testable.
                if not item['calculation'] or \
                   (item['calculation'] and self.interim_fields[obj.UID()]):

            # TODO: Only the labmanager must be able to change the method
            # can_set_method = getSecurityManager().checkPermission(SetAnalysisMethod, obj)
            can_set_method = can_edit_analysis \
                and item['review_state'] in allowed_method_states
            method = obj.getMethod() \
                if hasattr(obj, 'getMethod') and obj.getMethod() else service.getMethod()

            # Display the methods selector if the AS has at least one
            # method assigned
            item['Method'] = ''
            item['replace']['Method'] = ''
            if can_set_method:
                voc = self.get_methods_vocabulary(obj)
                if voc:
                    # The service has at least one method available
                    item['Method'] = method.UID() if method else ''
                    item['choices']['Method'] = voc
                    show_methodinstr_columns = True

                elif method:
                    # This should never happen
                    # The analysis has set a method, but its parent
                    # service hasn't any method available O_o
                    item['Method'] = method.Title()
                    item['replace']['Method'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                        (method.absolute_url(), method.Title())
                    show_methodinstr_columns = True

            elif method:
                # Edition not allowed, but method set
                item['Method'] = method.Title()
                item['replace']['Method'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                    (method.absolute_url(), method.Title())
                show_methodinstr_columns = True

            # TODO: Instrument selector dynamic behavior in worksheet Results
            # Only the labmanager must be able to change the instrument to be used. Also,
            # the instrument selection should be done in accordance with the method selected
            # can_set_instrument = service.getInstrumentEntryOfResults() and getSecurityManager().checkPermission(SetAnalysisInstrument, obj)
            can_set_instrument = service.getInstrumentEntryOfResults() \
                and can_edit_analysis \
                and item['review_state'] in allowed_method_states

            item['Instrument'] = ''
            item['replace']['Instrument'] = ''
            if service.getInstrumentEntryOfResults():
                instrument = None

                # If the analysis has an instrument already assigned, use it
                if service.getInstrumentEntryOfResults() \
                    and hasattr(obj, 'getInstrument') \
                        and obj.getInstrument():
                    instrument = obj.getInstrument()

                # Otherwise, use the Service's default instrument
                elif service.getInstrumentEntryOfResults():
                    instrument = service.getInstrument()

                if can_set_instrument:
                    # Edition allowed
                    voc = self.get_instruments_vocabulary(obj)
                    if voc:
                        # The service has at least one instrument available
                        item['Instrument'] = instrument.UID(
                        ) if instrument else ''
                        item['choices']['Instrument'] = voc
                        show_methodinstr_columns = True

                    elif instrument:
                        # This should never happen
                        # The analysis has an instrument set, but the
                        # service hasn't any available instrument
                        item['Instrument'] = instrument.Title()
                        item['replace']['Instrument'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                            (instrument.absolute_url(), instrument.Title())
                        show_methodinstr_columns = True

                elif instrument:
                    # Edition not allowed, but instrument set
                    item['Instrument'] = instrument.Title()
                    item['replace']['Instrument'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                        (instrument.absolute_url(), instrument.Title())
                    show_methodinstr_columns = True

                # Manual entry of results, instrument not allowed
                item['Instrument'] = _('Manual')
                msgtitle = t(
                        "Instrument entry of results not allowed for ${service}",
                        mapping={"service": safe_unicode(service.Title())},
                item['replace']['Instrument'] = \
                    '<a href="#" title="%s">%s</a>' % (msgtitle, t(_('Manual')))

            # Sets the analyst assigned to this analysis
            if can_edit_analysis:
                analyst = obj.getAnalyst()
                # widget default: current user
                if not analyst:
                    analyst = mtool.getAuthenticatedMember().getUserName()
                item['Analyst'] = analyst
                item['choices']['Analyst'] = self.getAnalysts()
                item['Analyst'] = obj.getAnalystName()

            # If the user can attach files to analyses, show the attachment col
            can_add_attachment = \
                getSecurityManager().checkPermission(AddAttachment, obj)
            if can_add_attachment or can_view_result:
                attachments = ""
                if hasattr(obj, 'getAttachment'):
                    for attachment in obj.getAttachment():
                        af = attachment.getAttachmentFile()
                        icon = af.icon
                        attachments += "<span class='attachment' attachment_uid='%s'>" % (
                        if icon:
                            attachments += "<img src='%s/%s'/>" % (
                                self.portal_url, icon)
                        attachments += '<a href="%s/at_download/AttachmentFile"/>%s</a>' % (
                            attachment.absolute_url(), af.filename)
                        if can_edit_analysis:
                            attachments += "<img class='deleteAttachmentButton' attachment_uid='%s' src='%s'/>" % (
                        attachments += "</br></span>"
                item['replace']['Attachments'] = attachments[:-12] + "</span>"

            # Only display data bearing fields if we have ViewResults
            # permission, otherwise just put an icon in Result column.
            if can_view_result:
                item['Result'] = result
                scinot = self.context.bika_setup.getScientificNotationResults()
                item['formatted_result'] = obj.getFormattedResult(
                    sciformat=int(scinot), decimalmark=dmk)

                # LIMS-1379 Allow manual uncertainty value input
                # https://jira.bikalabs.com/browse/LIMS-1379
                fu = format_uncertainty(obj,
                fu = fu if fu else ''
                if can_edit_analysis and service.getAllowManualUncertainty(
                ) is True:
                    unc = obj.getUncertainty(result)
                    item['Uncertainty'] = unc if unc else ''
                    item['before']['Uncertainty'] = '&plusmn;&nbsp;'
                        'Uncertainty'] = '<em class="discreet" style="white-space:nowrap;"> %s</em>' % item[
                    item['structure'] = False
                elif fu:
                    item['Uncertainty'] = fu
                    item['before']['Uncertainty'] = '&plusmn;&nbsp;'
                        'Uncertainty'] = '<em class="discreet" style="white-space:nowrap;"> %s</em>' % item[
                    item['structure'] = True

                # LIMS-1700. Allow manual input of Detection Limits
                # LIMS-1775. Allow to select LDL or UDL defaults in results with readonly mode
                # https://jira.bikalabs.com/browse/LIMS-1700
                # https://jira.bikalabs.com/browse/LIMS-1775
                if can_edit_analysis and \
                    hasattr(obj, 'getDetectionLimitOperand') and \
                    hasattr(service, 'getDetectionLimitSelector') and \
                        service.getDetectionLimitSelector() is True:
                    isldl = obj.isBelowLowerDetectionLimit()
                    isudl = obj.isAboveUpperDetectionLimit()
                    dlval = ''
                    if isldl or isudl:
                        dlval = '<' if isldl else '>'
                    item['DetectionLimit'] = dlval
                    choices = [{
                        'ResultValue': '<',
                        'ResultText': '<'
                    }, {
                        'ResultValue': '>',
                        'ResultText': '>'
                    item['choices']['DetectionLimit'] = choices
                    self.columns['DetectionLimit']['toggle'] = True
                    srv = obj.getService()
                    defdls = {
                        'min': srv.getLowerDetectionLimit(),
                        'max': srv.getUpperDetectionLimit(),
                        'manual': srv.getAllowManualDetectionLimit()
                    defin = '<input type="hidden" id="DefaultDLS.%s" value=\'%s\'/>'
                    defin = defin % (obj.UID(), json.dumps(defdls))
                    item['after']['DetectionLimit'] = defin

                # LIMS-1769. Allow to use LDL and UDL in calculations.
                # https://jira.bikalabs.com/browse/LIMS-1769
                # Since LDL, UDL, etc. are wildcards that can be used
                # in calculations, these fields must be loaded always
                # for 'live' calculations.
                if can_edit_analysis:
                    dls = {
                        'default_ldl': 'none',
                        'default_udl': 'none',
                        'below_ldl': False,
                        'above_udl': False,
                        'is_ldl': False,
                        'is_udl': False,
                        'manual_allowed': False,
                        'dlselect_allowed': False
                    if hasattr(obj, 'getDetectionLimits'):
                        dls['below_ldl'] = obj.isBelowLowerDetectionLimit()
                        dls['above_udl'] = obj.isBelowLowerDetectionLimit()
                        dls['is_ldl'] = obj.isLowerDetectionLimit()
                        dls['is_udl'] = obj.isUpperDetectionLimit()
                        dls['default_ldl'] = service.getLowerDetectionLimit()
                        dls['default_udl'] = service.getUpperDetectionLimit()
                        dls['manual_allowed'] = service.getAllowManualDetectionLimit(
                        dls['dlselect_allowed'] = service.getDetectionLimitSelector(
                    dlsin = '<input type="hidden" id="AnalysisDLS.%s" value=\'%s\'/>'
                    dlsin = dlsin % (obj.UID(), json.dumps(dls))
                    item['after']['Result'] = dlsin

                item['Specification'] = ""
                if 'Result' in item['allow_edit']:
                item['before']['Result'] = \
                    '<img width="16" height="16" ' + \
                    'src="%s/++resource++bika.lims.images/to_follow.png"/>' % \
            # Everyone can see valid-ranges
            spec = self.get_analysis_spec(obj)
            if spec:
                min_val = spec.get('min', '')
                min_str = ">{0}".format(min_val) if min_val else ''
                max_val = spec.get('max', '')
                max_str = "<{0}".format(max_val) if max_val else ''
                error_val = spec.get('error', '')
                error_str = "{0}%".format(error_val) if error_val else ''
                rngstr = ",".join(
                    [x for x in [min_str, max_str, error_str] if x])
                rngstr = ""
            item['Specification'] = rngstr
            # Add this analysis' interim fields to the interim_columns list
            for f in self.interim_fields[obj.UID()]:
                if f['keyword'] not in self.interim_columns and not f.get(
                        'hidden', False):
                    self.interim_columns[f['keyword']] = f['title']
                # and to the item itself
                item[f['keyword']] = f
                item['class'][f['keyword']] = 'interim'

            # check if this analysis is late/overdue

            resultdate = obj.aq_parent.getDateSampled() \
                if obj.portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis' \
                else obj.getResultCaptureDate()

            duedate = obj.aq_parent.getExpiryDate() \
                if obj.portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis' \
                else obj.getDueDate()

            item['replace']['DueDate'] = \
                self.ulocalized_time(duedate, long_format=1)

            if item['review_state'] not in [
                    'to_be_sampled', 'to_be_preserved', 'sample_due',

                if (resultdate and resultdate > duedate) \
                   or (not resultdate and DateTime() > duedate):

                    item['replace']['DueDate'] = '%s <img width="16" height="16" src="%s/++resource++bika.lims.images/late.png" title="%s"/>' % \
                        (self.ulocalized_time(duedate, long_format=1),
                         t(_("Late Analysis")))

            after_icons = []
            # Submitting user may not verify results unless the user is labman
            # or manager and the AS has isSelfVerificationEnabled set to True
            if item['review_state'] == 'to_be_verified':
                # If multi-verification required, place an informative icon
                numverifications = obj.getNumberOfRequiredVerifications()
                if numverifications > 1:
                    # More than one verification required, place an icon
                    # Get the number of verifications already done:
                    done = obj.getNumberOfVerifications()
                    pending = numverifications - done
                    ratio = float(done) / float(numverifications) \
                        if done > 0 else 0
                    scale = '' if ratio < 0.25 else '25' \
                            if ratio < 0.50 else '50' \
                            if ratio < 0.75 else '75'
                    anchor = "<a href='#' title='%s &#13;%s %s' " \
                             "class='multi-verification scale-%s'>%s/%s</a>"
                    anchor = anchor % (t(
                        _("Multi-verification required")), str(pending),
                                       t(_("verification(s) pending")), scale,
                                       str(done), str(numverifications))

                username = member.getUserName()
                allowed = ploneapi.user.has_permission(VerifyPermission,
                if allowed and not obj.isUserAllowedToVerify(member):
                        "<img src='++resource++bika.lims.images/submitted-by-current-user.png' title='%s'/>"
                        % (t(
                            _("Cannot verify, submitted or verified by current user before"
                elif allowed:
                    if obj.getSubmittedBy() == member.getUser().getId():
                            "<img src='++resource++bika.lims.images/warning.png' title='%s'/>"
                            (t(_("Can verify, but submitted by current user")))
            # If analysis Submitted and Verified by the same person, then warning icon will appear.
            submitter = obj.getSubmittedBy()
            if submitter and obj.wasVerifiedByUser(submitter):
                    "<img src='++resource++bika.lims.images/warning.png' title='%s'/>"
                    % (t(
                        _("Submited and verified by the same user- " +

            # add icon for assigned analyses in AR views
            if self.context.portal_type == 'AnalysisRequest':
                obj = item['obj']
                if obj.portal_type in ['ReferenceAnalysis',
                                       'DuplicateAnalysis'] or \
                   workflow.getInfoFor(obj, 'worksheetanalysis_review_state') == 'assigned':
                    br = obj.getBackReferences('WorksheetAnalysis')
                    if len(br) > 0:
                        ws = br[0]
                            "<a href='%s'><img src='++resource++bika.lims.images/worksheet.png' title='%s'/></a>"
                            % (ws.absolute_url(),
                                   _("Assigned to: ${worksheet_id}",
                                         'worksheet_id': safe_unicode(ws.id)
            item['after']['state_title'] = '&nbsp;'.join(after_icons)

        # the TAL requires values for all interim fields on all
        # items, so we set blank values in unused cells
        for item in items:
            for field in self.interim_columns:
                if field not in item:
                    item[field] = ''

        # XXX order the list of interim columns
        interim_keys = self.interim_columns.keys()

        # add InterimFields keys to columns
        for col_id in interim_keys:
            if col_id not in self.columns:
                self.columns[col_id] = {
                    'title': self.interim_columns[col_id],
                    'input_width': '6',
                    'input_class': 'ajax_calculate numeric',
                    'sortable': False

        if can_edit_analyses:
            new_states = []
            for state in self.review_states:
                # InterimFields are displayed in review_state
                # They are anyway available through View.columns though.
                # In case of hidden fields, the calcs.py should check calcs/services
                # for additional InterimFields!!
                pos = 'Result' in state['columns'] and \
                    state['columns'].index('Result') or len(state['columns'])
                for col_id in interim_keys:
                    if col_id not in state['columns']:
                        state['columns'].insert(pos, col_id)
                # retested column is added after Result.
                pos = 'Result' in state['columns'] and \
                    state['columns'].index('Uncertainty') + 1 or len(state['columns'])
                state['columns'].insert(pos, 'retested')
            self.review_states = new_states
            # Allow selecting individual analyses
            self.show_select_column = True

        # Dry Matter.
        # The Dry Matter column is never enabled for reference sample contexts
        # and refers to getReportDryMatter in ARs.
        if items and \
            (hasattr(self.context, 'getReportDryMatter') and

            # look through all items
            # if the item's Service supports ReportDryMatter, add getResultDM().
            for item in items:
                if item['obj'].getService().getReportDryMatter():
                    item['ResultDM'] = item['obj'].getResultDM()
                    item['ResultDM'] = ''
                if item['ResultDM']:
                    item['after']['ResultDM'] = "<em class='discreet'>%</em>"

            # modify the review_states list to include the ResultDM column
            new_states = []
            for state in self.review_states:
                pos = 'Result' in state['columns'] and \
                    state['columns'].index('Uncertainty') + 1 or len(state['columns'])
                state['columns'].insert(pos, 'ResultDM')
            self.review_states = new_states

        if self.show_categories:
            self.categories = map(lambda x: x[0],
                                  sorted(self.categories, key=lambda x: x[1]))

        # self.json_specs = json.dumps(self.specs)
        self.json_interim_fields = json.dumps(self.interim_fields)
        self.items = items

        # Method and Instrument columns must be shown or hidden at the
        # same time, because the value assigned to one causes
        # a value reassignment to the other (one method can be performed
        # by different instruments)
        self.columns['Method']['toggle'] = show_methodinstr_columns
        self.columns['Instrument']['toggle'] = show_methodinstr_columns

        return items
    def folderitem(self, obj, item, index):
        """Service triggered each time an item is iterated in folderitems.

        The use of this service prevents the extra-loops in child objects.

        :obj: the instance of the class to be foldered
        :item: dict containing the properties of the object to be used by
            the template
        :index: current index of the item
        # ensure we have an object and not a brain
        obj = api.get_object(obj)
        uid = api.get_uid(obj)
        url = api.get_url(obj)
        title = api.get_title(obj)

        # get the category
        if self.show_categories_enabled():
            category = obj.getCategoryTitle()
            if category not in self.categories:
            item["category"] = category

        config = self.configuration.get(uid, {})
        hidden = config.get("hidden", False)

        item["replace"]["Title"] = get_link(url, value=title)
        item["Price"] = self.format_price(obj.Price)
        item["allow_edit"] = self.get_editable_columns()
        item["selected"] = False
        item["Hidden"] = hidden
        item["selected"] = uid in self.configuration

        # Add methods
        methods = obj.getMethods()
        if methods:
            links = map(
                lambda m: get_link(
                    m.absolute_url(), value=m.Title(), css_class="link"),
            item["replace"]["Methods"] = ", ".join(links)
            item["methods"] = ""

        # Unit
        unit = obj.getUnit()
        item["Unit"] = unit and format_supsub(unit) or ""

        # Icons
        after_icons = ""
        if obj.getAccredited():
            after_icons += get_image("accredited.png", title=_("Accredited"))
        if obj.getAttachmentOption() == "r":
            after_icons += get_image("attach_reqd.png",
                                     title=_("Attachment required"))
        if obj.getAttachmentOption() == "n":
            after_icons += get_image("attach_no.png",
                                     title=_("Attachment not permitted"))
        if after_icons:
            item["after"]["Title"] = after_icons

        return item
    def folderitem(self, obj, item, index):
        """Prepare a data item for the listing.

        :param obj: The catalog brain or content object
        :param item: Listing item (dictionary)
        :param index: Index of the listing item
        :returns: Augmented listing data item

        item['Service'] = obj.Title
        item['class']['service'] = 'service_title'
        item['service_uid'] = obj.getServiceUID
        item['Keyword'] = obj.getKeyword
        item['Unit'] = format_supsub(obj.getUnit) if obj.getUnit else ''
        item['retested'] = obj.getRetested
        item['class']['retested'] = 'center'

        # Note that getSampleTypeUID returns the type of the Sample, no matter
        # if the sample associated to the analysis is a regular Sample (routine
        # analysis) or if is a Reference Sample (Reference Analysis). If the
        # analysis is a duplicate, it returns the Sample Type of the sample
        # associated to the source analysis.
        item['st_uid'] = obj.getSampleTypeUID

        # Fill item's category
        self._folder_item_category(obj, item)
        # Fill item's row class
        self._folder_item_css_class(obj, item)
        # Fill result and/or result options
        self._folder_item_result(obj, item)
        # Fill calculation and interim fields
        self._folder_item_calculation(obj, item)
        # Fill method
        self._folder_item_method(obj, item)
        # Fill instrument
        self._folder_item_instrument(obj, item)
        # Fill analyst
        self._folder_item_analyst(obj, item)
        # Fill attachments
        self._folder_item_attachments(obj, item)
        # Fill uncertainty
        self._folder_item_uncertainty(obj, item)
        # Fill Detection Limits
        self._folder_item_detection_limits(obj, item)
        # Fill Specifications
        self._folder_item_specifications(obj, item)
        # Fill Due Date and icon if late/overdue
        self._folder_item_duedate(obj, item)
        # Fill verification criteria
        self._folder_item_verify_icons(obj, item)
        # Fill worksheet anchor/icon
        self._folder_item_assigned_worksheet(obj, item)
        # Fill reflex analysis icons
        self._folder_item_reflex_icons(obj, item)
        # Fill hidden field (report visibility)
        self._folder_item_report_visibility(obj, item)
        # Renders additional icons to be displayed
        # Renders remarks toggle button
        self._folder_item_remarks(obj, item)

        return item
    def _analysis_data(self, analysis):
        """ Returns a dict that represents the analysis
        decimalmark = analysis.aq_parent.aq_parent.getDecimalMark()
        keyword = analysis.getKeyword()
        service = analysis.getService()
        andict = {'obj': analysis,
                  'id': analysis.id,
                  'title': analysis.Title(),
                  'keyword': keyword,
                  'scientific_name': service.getScientificName(),
                  'accredited': service.getAccredited(),
                  'point_of_capture': to_utf8(POINTS_OF_CAPTURE.getValue(service.getPointOfCapture())),
                  'category': to_utf8(service.getCategoryTitle()),
                  'result': analysis.getResult(),
                  'unit': to_utf8(service.getUnit()),
                  'formatted_unit': format_supsub(to_utf8(service.getUnit())),
                  'capture_date': analysis.getResultCaptureDate(),
                  'request_id': analysis.aq_parent.getId(),
                  'formatted_result': '',
                  'uncertainty': analysis.getUncertainty(),
                  'formatted_uncertainty': '',
                  'retested': analysis.getRetested(),
                  'remarks': to_utf8(analysis.getRemarks()),
                  'resultdm': to_utf8(analysis.getResultDM()),
                  'outofrange': False,
                  'type': analysis.portal_type,
                  'reftype': analysis.getReferenceType() \
                            if hasattr(analysis, 'getReferenceType')
                            else None,
                  'worksheet': None,
                  'specs': {},
                  'formatted_specs': ''}

        andict['refsample'] = analysis.getSample().id \
                            if analysis.portal_type == 'Analysis' \
                            else '%s - %s' % (analysis.aq_parent.id, analysis.aq_parent.Title())

        # Which analysis specs must be used?
        # Try first with those defined at AR Publish Specs level
        if analysis.portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis':
            # The analysis is a Control or Blank. We might use the
            # reference results instead other specs
            uid = analysis.getServiceUID()
            specs = analysis.aq_parent.getResultsRangeDict().get(uid, {})

            # Get the specs directly from the analysis. The getResultsRange
            # function already takes care about which are the specs to be used:
            # AR, client or lab.
            specs = analysis.getResultsRange()

        andict['specs'] = specs
        scinot = self.context.bika_setup.getScientificNotationReport()
        andict['formatted_result'] = analysis.getFormattedResult(
            specs=specs, sciformat=int(scinot), decimalmark=decimalmark)

        fs = ''
        if specs.get('min', None) and specs.get('max', None):
            fs = '%s - %s' % (specs['min'], specs['max'])
        elif specs.get('min', None):
            fs = '> %s' % specs['min']
        elif specs.get('max', None):
            fs = '< %s' % specs['max']
        andict['formatted_specs'] = formatDecimalMark(fs, decimalmark)
        andict['formatted_uncertainty'] = format_uncertainty(

        # Out of range?
        if specs:
            adapters = getAdapters((analysis, ), IResultOutOfRange)
            bsc = getToolByName(self.context, "bika_setup_catalog")
            for name, adapter in adapters:
                ret = adapter(specification=specs)
                if ret and ret['out_of_range']:
                    andict['outofrange'] = True
        return andict
 def get_formatted_unit(self, analysis):
     """Return formatted Unit
     return format_supsub(to_utf8(analysis.Unit))
    def _analysis_data(self, analysis):
        """ Returns a dict that represents the analysis
        decimalmark = analysis.aq_parent.aq_parent.getDecimalMark()
        keyword = analysis.getKeyword()
        andict = {
            'obj': analysis,
            'id': analysis.id,
            'title': analysis.Title(),
            'keyword': keyword,
            'scientific_name': analysis.getScientificName(),
            'accredited': analysis.getAccredited(),
            'point_of_capture': to_utf8(POINTS_OF_CAPTURE.getValue(analysis.getPointOfCapture())),
            'category': to_utf8(analysis.getCategoryTitle()),
            'result': analysis.getResult(),
            'unit': to_utf8(analysis.getUnit()),
            'formatted_unit': format_supsub(to_utf8(analysis.getUnit())),
            'capture_date': analysis.getResultCaptureDate(),
            'request_id': analysis.aq_parent.getId(),
            'formatted_result': '',
            'uncertainty': analysis.getUncertainty(),
            'formatted_uncertainty': '',
            'retested': analysis.getRetested(),
            'remarks': to_utf8(analysis.getRemarks()),
            'resultdm': to_utf8(analysis.getResultDM()),
            'outofrange': False,
            'type': analysis.portal_type,
            'reftype': analysis.getReferenceType() if hasattr(
                analysis, 'getReferenceType') else None,
            'worksheet': None,
            'specs': {},
            'formatted_specs': '',
            'review_state': api.get_workflow_status_of(analysis),

        andict['refsample'] = analysis.getSample().id \
            if analysis.portal_type == 'Analysis' \
            else '%s - %s' % (analysis.aq_parent.id, analysis.aq_parent.Title())

        # Which analysis specs must be used?
        # Try first with those defined at AR Publish Specs level
        if analysis.portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis':
            # The analysis is a Control or Blank. We might use the
            # reference results instead other specs
            uid = analysis.getServiceUID()
            specs = analysis.aq_parent.getResultsRangeDict().get(uid, {})

            # Get the specs directly from the analysis. The getResultsRange
            # function already takes care about which are the specs to be used:
            # AR, client or lab.
            specs = analysis.getResultsRange()

        andict['specs'] = specs
        scinot = self.context.bika_setup.getScientificNotationReport()
        andict['formatted_result'] = analysis.getFormattedResult(specs=specs, sciformat=int(scinot), decimalmark=decimalmark)

        fs = ''
        if specs.get('min', None) and specs.get('max', None):
            fs = '%s - %s' % (specs['min'], specs['max'])
        elif specs.get('min', None):
            fs = '> %s' % specs['min']
        elif specs.get('max', None):
            fs = '< %s' % specs['max']
        andict['formatted_specs'] = formatDecimalMark(fs, decimalmark)
        andict['formatted_uncertainty'] = format_uncertainty(analysis, analysis.getResult(), decimalmark=decimalmark, sciformat=int(scinot))

        # Out of range?
        if specs:
            adapters = getAdapters((analysis, ), IResultOutOfRange)
            for name, adapter in adapters:
                ret = adapter(specification=specs)
                if ret and ret['out_of_range']:
                    andict['outofrange'] = True
        return andict
    def _analysis_data(self, analysis, decimalmark=None):
        if analysis.UID() in self._cache['_analysis_data']:
            return self._cache['_analysis_data'][analysis.UID()]

        keyword = analysis.getKeyword()
        service = analysis.getService()
        andict = {'obj': analysis,
                  'id': analysis.id,
                  'title': analysis.Title(),
                  'keyword': keyword,
                  'scientific_name': service.getScientificName(),
                  'accredited': service.getAccredited(),
                  'point_of_capture': to_utf8(POINTS_OF_CAPTURE.getValue(service.getPointOfCapture())),
                  'category': to_utf8(service.getCategoryTitle()),
                  'result': analysis.getResult(),
                  'isnumber': isnumber(analysis.getResult()),
                  'unit': to_utf8(service.getUnit()),
                  'formatted_unit': format_supsub(to_utf8(service.getUnit())),
                  'capture_date': analysis.getResultCaptureDate(),
                  'request_id': analysis.aq_parent.getId(),
                  'formatted_result': '',
                  'uncertainty': analysis.getUncertainty(),
                  'formatted_uncertainty': '',
                  'retested': analysis.getRetested(),
                  'remarks': to_utf8(analysis.getRemarks()),
                  'resultdm': to_utf8(analysis.getResultDM()),
                  'outofrange': False,
                  'type': analysis.portal_type,
                  'reftype': analysis.getReferenceType() \
                            if hasattr(analysis, 'getReferenceType')
                            else None,
                  'worksheet': None,
                  'specs': {},
                  'formatted_specs': ''}

        if analysis.portal_type == 'DuplicateAnalysis':
            andict['reftype'] = 'd'

        ws = analysis.getBackReferences('WorksheetAnalysis')
        andict['worksheet'] = ws[0].id if ws and len(ws) > 0 else None
        andict['worksheet_url'] = ws[0].absolute_url if ws and len(ws) > 0 else None
        andict['refsample'] = analysis.getSample().id \
                            if analysis.portal_type == 'Analysis' \
                            else '%s - %s' % (analysis.aq_parent.id, analysis.aq_parent.Title())

        if analysis.portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis':
            # The analysis is a Control or Blank. We might use the
            # reference results instead other specs
            uid = analysis.getServiceUID()
            specs = analysis.aq_parent.getResultsRangeDict().get(uid, {})

            # Get the specs directly from the analysis. The getResultsRange
            # function already takes care about which are the specs to be used:
            # AR, client or lab.
            specs = analysis.getResultsRange()

        andict['specs'] = specs
        scinot = self.context.bika_setup.getScientificNotationReport()
        fresult =  analysis.getFormattedResult(specs=specs, sciformat=int(scinot), decimalmark=decimalmark)

        # We don't use here cgi.encode because results fields must be rendered
        # using the 'structure' wildcard. The reason is that the result can be
        # expressed in sci notation, that may include <sup></sup> html tags.
        # Please note the default value for the 'html' parameter from
        # getFormattedResult signature is set to True, so the service will
        # already take into account LDLs and UDLs symbols '<' and '>' and escape
        # them if necessary.
        andict['formatted_result'] = fresult;

        fs = ''
        if specs.get('min', None) and specs.get('max', None):
            fs = '%s - %s' % (specs['min'], specs['max'])
        elif specs.get('min', None):
            fs = '> %s' % specs['min']
        elif specs.get('max', None):
            fs = '< %s' % specs['max']
        andict['formatted_specs'] = formatDecimalMark(fs, decimalmark)
        andict['formatted_uncertainty'] = format_uncertainty(analysis, analysis.getResult(), decimalmark=decimalmark, sciformat=int(scinot))

        # Out of range?
        if specs:
            adapters = getAdapters((analysis, ), IResultOutOfRange)
            bsc = getToolByName(self.context, "bika_setup_catalog")
            for name, adapter in adapters:
                ret = adapter(specification=specs)
                if ret and ret['out_of_range']:
                    andict['outofrange'] = True
        self._cache['_analysis_data'][analysis.UID()]  = andict
        return andict
    def folderitem(self, obj, item, index):
        """Service triggered each time an item is iterated in folderitems.
        The use of this service prevents the extra-loops in child objects.
        :obj: the instance of the class to be foldered
        :item: dict containing the properties of the object to be used by
            the template
        :index: current index of the item

        cat = obj.getCategoryTitle()
        cat_order = self.an_cats_order.get(cat)
        if self.do_cats:
            # category groups entries
            item["category"] = cat
            if (cat, cat_order) not in self.categories:
                self.categories.append((cat, cat_order))

        # Category
        category = obj.getCategory()
        if category:
            title = category.Title()
            url = category.absolute_url()
            item["Category"] = title
            item["replace"]["Category"] = get_link(url, value=title)

        # Calculation
        calculation = obj.getCalculation()
        if calculation:
            title = calculation.Title()
            url = calculation.absolute_url()
            item["Calculation"] = title
            item["replace"]["Calculation"] = get_link(url, value=title)

        # Methods
        methods = obj.getMethods()
        if methods:
            links = map(
                lambda m: get_link(
                    m.absolute_url(), value=m.Title(), css_class="link"),
            item["replace"]["Methods"] = ", ".join(links)

        # Max time allowed
        maxtime = obj.MaxTimeAllowed
        if maxtime:
            item["MaxTimeAllowed"] = self.format_maxtime(maxtime)

        # Price
        item["Price"] = self.format_price(obj.Price)

        # Duplicate Variation
        dup_variation = obj.DuplicateVariation
        if dup_variation:
            item["DuplicateVariation"] = self.format_duplication_variation(

        # Unit
        unit = obj.getUnit()
        item["Unit"] = unit and format_supsub(unit) or ""

        # Icons
        after_icons = ""
        if obj.getAccredited():
            after_icons += get_image("accredited.png", title=_("Accredited"))
        if obj.getAttachmentOption() == "r":
            after_icons += get_image("attach_reqd.png",
                                     title=_("Attachment required"))
        if obj.getAttachmentOption() == "n":
            after_icons += get_image("attach_no.png",
                                     title=_("Attachment not permitted"))
        if after_icons:
            item["after"]["Title"] = after_icons

        return item
    def folderitems(self):
        rc = getToolByName(self.context, REFERENCE_CATALOG)
        bsc = getToolByName(self.context, 'bika_setup_catalog')
        workflow = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_workflow')
        mtool = getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_membership')
        checkPermission = mtool.checkPermission
        if not self.allow_edit:
            can_edit_analyses = False
            if self.contentFilter.get('getPointOfCapture', '') == 'field':
                can_edit_analyses = checkPermission(EditFieldResults, self.context)
                can_edit_analyses = checkPermission(EditResults, self.context)
            self.allow_edit = can_edit_analyses
        self.show_select_column = self.allow_edit
        context_active = isActive(self.context)

        self.categories = []
        items = super(AnalysesView, self).folderitems(full_objects = True)

        # manually skim retracted analyses from the list
        new_items = []
        for i,item in enumerate(items):
            # self.contentsMethod may return brains or objects.
            if not ('obj' in items[i]):
            obj = hasattr(items[i]['obj'], 'getObject') and \
                items[i]['obj'].getObject() or \
            if workflow.getInfoFor(obj, 'review_state') == 'retracted' \
                and not checkPermission(ViewRetractedAnalyses, self.context):
        items = new_items

        methods = self.get_methods_vocabulary()

        self.interim_fields = {}
        self.interim_columns = {}
        self.specs = {}
        show_methodinstr_columns = False
        for i, item in enumerate(items):
            # self.contentsMethod may return brains or objects.
            obj = hasattr(items[i]['obj'], 'getObject') and \
                items[i]['obj'].getObject() or \
            if workflow.getInfoFor(obj, 'review_state') == 'retracted' \
                and not checkPermission(ViewRetractedAnalyses, self.context):

            result = obj.getResult()
            service = obj.getService()
            calculation = service.getCalculation()
            unit = service.getUnit()
            keyword = service.getKeyword()

            if self.show_categories:
                cat = obj.getService().getCategoryTitle()
                items[i]['category'] = cat
                if cat not in self.categories:

            # Check for InterimFields attribute on our object,
            interim_fields = hasattr(obj, 'getInterimFields') \
                and obj.getInterimFields() or []
            # kick some pretty display values in.
            for x in range(len(interim_fields)):
                interim_fields[x]['formatted_value'] = \
                    format_numeric_result(obj, interim_fields[x]['value'])
            self.interim_fields[obj.UID()] = interim_fields
            items[i]['service_uid'] = service.UID()
            items[i]['Service'] = service.Title()
            items[i]['Keyword'] = keyword
            items[i]['Unit'] = format_supsub(unit) if unit else ''
            items[i]['Result'] = ''
            items[i]['formatted_result'] = ''
            items[i]['interim_fields'] = interim_fields
            items[i]['Remarks'] = obj.getRemarks()
            items[i]['Uncertainty'] = ''
            items[i]['retested'] = obj.getRetested()
            items[i]['class']['retested'] = 'center'
            items[i]['result_captured'] = self.ulocalized_time(
                obj.getResultCaptureDate(), long_format=0)
            items[i]['calculation'] = calculation and True or False
                items[i]['Partition'] = obj.getSamplePartition().getId()
            except AttributeError:
                items[i]['Partition'] = ''
            if obj.portal_type == "ReferenceAnalysis":
                items[i]['DueDate'] = self.ulocalized_time(obj.aq_parent.getExpiryDate(), long_format=0)
                items[i]['DueDate'] = self.ulocalized_time(obj.getDueDate(), long_format=1)
            cd = obj.getResultCaptureDate()
            items[i]['CaptureDate'] = cd and self.ulocalized_time(cd, long_format=1) or ''
            items[i]['Attachments'] = ''

            item['allow_edit'] = []
            client_or_lab = ""

            tblrowclass = items[i].get('table_row_class');
            if obj.portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis':
                items[i]['st_uid'] = obj.aq_parent.UID()
                items[i]['table_row_class'] = ' '.join([tblrowclass, 'qc-analysis']);
            elif obj.portal_type == 'DuplicateAnalysis' and \
                obj.getAnalysis().portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis':
                items[i]['st_uid'] = obj.aq_parent.UID()
                items[i]['table_row_class'] = ' '.join([tblrowclass, 'qc-analysis']);
                if self.context.portal_type == 'AnalysisRequest':
                    sample = self.context.getSample()
                    st_uid = sample.getSampleType().UID()
                    items[i]['st_uid'] = st_uid
                    if st_uid not in self.specs:
                        proxies = bsc(portal_type = 'AnalysisSpec',
                                      getSampleTypeUID = st_uid)
                elif self.context.portal_type == "Worksheet":
                    if obj.portal_type == "DuplicateAnalysis":
                        sample = obj.getAnalysis().getSample()
                    elif obj.portal_type == "RejectAnalysis":
                        sample = obj.getAnalysis().getSample()
                        sample = obj.aq_parent.getSample()
                    st_uid = sample.getSampleType().UID()
                    items[i]['st_uid'] = st_uid
                    if st_uid not in self.specs:
                        proxies = bsc(portal_type = 'AnalysisSpec',
                                      getSampleTypeUID = st_uid)
                elif self.context.portal_type == 'Sample':
                    st_uid = self.context.getSampleType().UID()
                    items[i]['st_uid'] = st_uid
                    if st_uid not in self.specs:
                        proxies = bsc(portal_type = 'AnalysisSpec',
                                      getSampleTypeUID = st_uid)
                    proxies = []
                if st_uid not in self.specs:
                    for spec in (p.getObject() for p in proxies):
                        if spec.getClientUID() == obj.getClientUID():
                            client_or_lab = 'client'
                        elif spec.getClientUID() == self.context.bika_setup.bika_analysisspecs.UID():
                            client_or_lab = 'lab'
                        for keyword, results_range in \
                            # hidden form field 'specs' keyed by sampletype uid:
                            # {st_uid: {'lab/client':{keyword:{min,max,error}}}}
                            if st_uid in self.specs:
                                if client_or_lab in self.specs[st_uid]:
                                    self.specs[st_uid][client_or_lab][keyword] = results_range
                                    self.specs[st_uid][client_or_lab] = {keyword: results_range}
                                self.specs[st_uid] = {client_or_lab: {keyword: results_range}}

            if checkPermission(ManageBika, self.context):
                service_uid = service.UID()
                latest = rc.lookupObject(service_uid).version_id
                items[i]['Service'] = service.Title()
                items[i]['class']['Service'] = "service_title"

            # Show version number of out-of-date objects
            # No: This should be done in another column, if at all.
            # The (vX) value confuses some more fragile forms.
            #     if hasattr(obj, 'reference_versions') and \
            #        service_uid in obj.reference_versions and \
            #        latest != obj.reference_versions[service_uid]:
            #         items[i]['after']['Service'] = "(v%s)" % \
            #              (obj.reference_versions[service_uid])

            # choices defined on Service apply to result fields.
            choices = service.getResultOptions()
            if choices:
                item['choices']['Result'] = choices

            # permission to view this item's results
            can_view_result = \
                getSecurityManager().checkPermission(ViewResults, obj)

            # permission to edit this item's results
            # Editing Field Results is possible while in Sample Due.
            poc = self.contentFilter.get("getPointOfCapture", 'lab')
            can_edit_analysis = self.allow_edit and context_active and \
                ( (poc == 'field' and getSecurityManager().checkPermission(EditFieldResults, obj))
                  (poc != 'field' and getSecurityManager().checkPermission(EditResults, obj)) )

            allowed_method_states = ['to_be_sampled',

            # Prevent from being edited if the instrument assigned
            # is not valid (out-of-date or uncalibrated), except if
            # the analysis is a QC with assigned status
            can_edit_analysis = can_edit_analysis \
                and (obj.isInstrumentValid() \
                    or (obj.portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis' \
                        and item['review_state'] in allowed_method_states))

            if can_edit_analysis:
                # if the Result field is editable, our interim fields are too
                for f in self.interim_fields[obj.UID()]:

                # if there isn't a calculation then result must be re-testable,
                # and if there are interim fields, they too must be re-testable.
                if not items[i]['calculation'] or \
                   (items[i]['calculation'] and self.interim_fields[obj.UID()]):

            # TODO: Only the labmanager must be able to change the method
            # can_set_method = getSecurityManager().checkPermission(SetAnalysisMethod, obj)
            can_set_method = can_edit_analysis \
                and item['review_state'] in allowed_method_states
            method = obj.getMethod() \
                        if hasattr(obj, 'getMethod') and obj.getMethod() \
                        else service.getMethod()

            # Display the methods selector if the AS has at least one
            # method assigned
            item['Method'] = ''
            item['replace']['Method'] = ''
            if can_set_method:
                voc = self.get_methods_vocabulary(obj)
                if voc:
                    # The service has at least one method available
                    item['Method'] = method.UID() if method else ''
                    item['choices']['Method'] = voc
                    show_methodinstr_columns = True

                elif method:
                    # This should never happen
                    # The analysis has set a method, but its parent
                    # service hasn't any method available O_o
                    item['Method'] = method.Title()
                    item['replace']['Method'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                        (method.absolute_url(), method.Title())
                    show_methodinstr_columns = True

            elif method:
                # Edition not allowed, but method set
                item['Method'] = method.Title()
                item['replace']['Method'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                    (method.absolute_url(), method.Title())
                show_methodinstr_columns = True

            # TODO: Instrument selector dynamic behavior in worksheet Results
            # Only the labmanager must be able to change the instrument to be used. Also,
            # the instrument selection should be done in accordance with the method selected
            # can_set_instrument = service.getInstrumentEntryOfResults() and getSecurityManager().checkPermission(SetAnalysisInstrument, obj)
            can_set_instrument = service.getInstrumentEntryOfResults() \
                and can_edit_analysis \
                and item['review_state'] in allowed_method_states

            item['Instrument'] = ''
            item['replace']['Instrument'] = ''
            if service.getInstrumentEntryOfResults():
                instrument = None

                # If the analysis has an instrument already assigned, use it
                if service.getInstrumentEntryOfResults() \
                    and hasattr(obj, 'getInstrument') \
                    and obj.getInstrument():
                        instrument = obj.getInstrument()

                # Otherwise, use the Service's default instrument
                elif service.getInstrumentEntryOfResults():
                        instrument = service.getInstrument()

                if can_set_instrument:
                    # Edition allowed
                    voc = self.get_instruments_vocabulary(obj)
                    if voc:
                        # The service has at least one instrument available
                        item['Instrument'] = instrument.UID() if instrument else ''
                        item['choices']['Instrument'] = voc
                        show_methodinstr_columns = True

                    elif instrument:
                        # This should never happen
                        # The analysis has an instrument set, but the
                        # service hasn't any available instrument
                        item['Instrument'] = instrument.Title()
                        item['replace']['Instrument'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                            (instrument.absolute_url(), instrument.Title())
                        show_methodinstr_columns = True

                elif instrument:
                    # Edition not allowed, but instrument set
                    item['Instrument'] = instrument.Title()
                    item['replace']['Instrument'] = "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % \
                        (instrument.absolute_url(), instrument.Title())
                    show_methodinstr_columns = True

                # Manual entry of results, instrument not allowed
                item['Instrument'] = _('Manual')
                msgtitle = t(_(
                    "Instrument entry of results not allowed for ${service}",
                    mapping={"service": safe_unicode(service.Title())},
                item['replace']['Instrument'] = \
                    '<a href="#" title="%s">%s</a>' % (msgtitle, t(_('Manual')))

            # Sets the analyst assigned to this analysis
            if can_edit_analysis:
                analyst = obj.getAnalyst()
                # widget default: current user
                if not analyst:
                    analyst = mtool.getAuthenticatedMember().getUserName()
                items[i]['Analyst'] = analyst
                item['choices']['Analyst'] = self.getAnalysts()
                items[i]['Analyst'] = obj.getAnalystName()

            # If the user can attach files to analyses, show the attachment col
            can_add_attachment = \
                getSecurityManager().checkPermission(AddAttachment, obj)
            if can_add_attachment or can_view_result:
                attachments = ""
                if hasattr(obj, 'getAttachment'):
                    for attachment in obj.getAttachment():
                        af = attachment.getAttachmentFile()
                        icon = af.getBestIcon()
                        attachments += "<span class='attachment' attachment_uid='%s'>" % (attachment.UID())
                        if icon: attachments += "<img src='%s/%s'/>" % (self.portal_url, icon)
                        attachments += '<a href="%s/at_download/AttachmentFile"/>%s</a>' % (attachment.absolute_url(), af.filename)
                        if can_edit_analysis:
                            attachments += "<img class='deleteAttachmentButton' attachment_uid='%s' src='%s'/>" % (attachment.UID(), "++resource++bika.lims.images/delete.png")
                        attachments += "</br></span>"
                items[i]['replace']['Attachments'] = attachments[:-12] + "</span>"

            # Only display data bearing fields if we have ViewResults
            # permission, otherwise just put an icon in Result column.
            if can_view_result:
                items[i]['Result'] = result
                scinot = self.context.bika_setup.getScientificNotationResults()
                dmk = self.context.bika_setup.getResultsDecimalMark()
                items[i]['formatted_result'] = obj.getFormattedResult(sciformat=int(scinot),decimalmark=dmk)
                items[i]['Uncertainty'] = format_uncertainty(obj, result, decimalmark=dmk, sciformat=int(scinot))

                items[i]['Specification'] = ""
                if 'Result' in items[i]['allow_edit']:
                items[i]['before']['Result'] = \
                    '<img width="16" height="16" ' + \
                    'src="%s/++resource++bika.lims.images/to_follow.png"/>' % \
            # Everyone can see valid-ranges
            spec = self.get_analysis_spec(obj)
            if spec:
                min_val = spec.get('min', '')
                min_str = ">{0}".format(min_val) if min_val else ''
                max_val = spec.get('max', '')
                max_str = "<{0}".format(max_val) if max_val else ''
                error_val = spec.get('error', '')
                error_str = "{0}%".format(error_val) if error_val else ''
                rngstr = ",".join([x for x in [min_str, max_str, error_str] if x])
                rngstr = ""
            items[i]['Specification'] = rngstr
            # Add this analysis' interim fields to the interim_columns list
            for f in self.interim_fields[obj.UID()]:
                if f['keyword'] not in self.interim_columns and not f.get('hidden', False):
                    self.interim_columns[f['keyword']] = f['title']
                # and to the item itself
                items[i][f['keyword']] = f
                items[i]['class'][f['keyword']] = 'interim'

            # check if this analysis is late/overdue

            resultdate = obj.aq_parent.getDateSampled() \
                if obj.portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis' \
                else obj.getResultCaptureDate()

            duedate = obj.aq_parent.getExpiryDate() \
                if obj.portal_type == 'ReferenceAnalysis' \
                else obj.getDueDate()

            items[i]['replace']['DueDate'] = \
                self.ulocalized_time(duedate, long_format=1)

            if items[i]['review_state'] not in ['to_be_sampled',

                if (resultdate and resultdate > duedate) \
                    or (not resultdate and DateTime() > duedate):

                    items[i]['replace']['DueDate'] = '%s <img width="16" height="16" src="%s/++resource++bika.lims.images/late.png" title="%s"/>' % \
                        (self.ulocalized_time(duedate, long_format=1),
                         t(_("Late Analysis")))

            # Submitting user may not verify results (admin can though)
            if items[i]['review_state'] == 'to_be_verified' and \
               not checkPermission(VerifyOwnResults, obj):
                user_id = getSecurityManager().getUser().getId()
                self_submitted = False
                    review_history = list(workflow.getInfoFor(obj, 'review_history'))
                    for event in review_history:
                        if event.get('action') == 'submit':
                            if event.get('actor') == user_id:
                                self_submitted = True
                    if self_submitted:
                        items[i]['after']['state_title'] = \
                             "<img src='++resource++bika.lims.images/submitted-by-current-user.png' title='%s'/>" % \
                             (t(_("Cannot verify: Submitted by current user")))
                except WorkflowException:

            # add icon for assigned analyses in AR views
            if self.context.portal_type == 'AnalysisRequest':
                obj = items[i]['obj']
                if obj.portal_type in ['ReferenceAnalysis',
                                       'DuplicateAnalysis'] or \
                   workflow.getInfoFor(obj, 'worksheetanalysis_review_state') == 'assigned':
                    br = obj.getBackReferences('WorksheetAnalysis')
                    if len(br) > 0:
                        ws = br[0]
                        items[i]['after']['state_title'] = \
                             "<a href='%s'><img src='++resource++bika.lims.images/worksheet.png' title='%s'/></a>" % \
                              t(_("Assigned to: ${worksheet_id}",
                                  mapping={'worksheet_id': safe_unicode(ws.id)})))

        # the TAL requires values for all interim fields on all
        # items, so we set blank values in unused cells
        for item in items:
            for field in self.interim_columns:
                if field not in item:
                    item[field] = ''

        # XXX order the list of interim columns
        interim_keys = self.interim_columns.keys()

        # add InterimFields keys to columns
        for col_id in interim_keys:
            if col_id not in self.columns:
                self.columns[col_id] = {'title': self.interim_columns[col_id],
                                        'input_width': '6',
                                        'input_class': 'ajax_calculate numeric',
                                        'sortable': False}

        if can_edit_analyses:
            new_states = []
            for state in self.review_states:
                # InterimFields are displayed in review_state
                # They are anyway available through View.columns though.
                # In case of hidden fields, the calcs.py should check calcs/services
                # for additional InterimFields!!
                pos = 'Result' in state['columns'] and \
                    state['columns'].index('Result') or len(state['columns'])
                for col_id in interim_keys:
                    if col_id not in state['columns']:
                        state['columns'].insert(pos, col_id)
                # retested column is added after Result.
                pos = 'Result' in state['columns'] and \
                    state['columns'].index('Uncertainty') + 1 or len(state['columns'])
                state['columns'].insert(pos, 'retested')
            self.review_states = new_states
            # Allow selecting individual analyses
            self.show_select_column = True

        # Dry Matter.
        # The Dry Matter column is never enabled for reference sample contexts
        # and refers to getReportDryMatter in ARs.
        if items and \
            (hasattr(self.context, 'getReportDryMatter') and \

            # look through all items
            # if the item's Service supports ReportDryMatter, add getResultDM().
            for item in items:
                if item['obj'].getService().getReportDryMatter():
                    item['ResultDM'] = item['obj'].getResultDM()
                    item['ResultDM'] = ''
                if item['ResultDM']:
                    item['after']['ResultDM'] = "<em class='discreet'>%</em>"

            # modify the review_states list to include the ResultDM column
            new_states = []
            for state in self.review_states:
                pos = 'Result' in state['columns'] and \
                    state['columns'].index('Uncertainty') + 1 or len(state['columns'])
                state['columns'].insert(pos, 'ResultDM')
            self.review_states = new_states


        # self.json_specs = json.dumps(self.specs)
        self.json_interim_fields = json.dumps(self.interim_fields)
        self.items = items

        # Method and Instrument columns must be shown or hidden at the
        # same time, because the value assigned to one causes
        # a value reassignment to the other (one method can be performed
        # by different instruments)
        self.columns['Method']['toggle'] = show_methodinstr_columns
        self.columns['Instrument']['toggle'] = show_methodinstr_columns

        return items
def get_historicresults(patient):
    if not patient:
        return [], {}

    rows = {}
    dates = []

    # Retrieve the AR IDs for the current patient
    query = {
        "portal_type": "AnalysisRequest",
        "getPatientUID": api.get_uid(patient),
        "review_state": ["verified", "published"],
        "sort_on": "getDateSampled",
        "sort_order": "descending"
    brains = api.search(query, CATALOG_ANALYSIS_REQUEST_LISTING)
    samples = map(api.get_object, brains)

    # Retrieve all analyses
    analyses = map(lambda samp: samp.objectValues("Analysis"), samples)
    analyses = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(analyses))

    # Build the dictionary of rows
    for analysis in analyses:
        sample = analysis.aq_parent
        sample_type = sample.getSampleType()
        row = {
            "object": sample_type,
            "analyses": {},
        sample_type_uid = api.get_uid(sample_type)
        if sample_type_uid in rows:
            row = rows.get(sample_type_uid)

        anrow = row.get("analyses")
        service_uid = analysis.getServiceUID()
        asdict = {
            "object": analysis,
            "title": api.get_title(analysis),
            "keyword": to_utf8(analysis.getKeyword()),
        if service_uid in anrow:
            asdict = anrow.get(service_uid)

        if not anrow.get("units", None):
                {"units": format_supsub(to_utf8(analysis.getUnit()))})

        date = analysis.getResultCaptureDate() or analysis.created()
        date_time = DT2dt(to_date(date)).replace(tzinfo=None)
        date_time = datetime.strftime(date_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")

        # If more than one analysis of the same type has been
        # performed in the same datetime, get only the last one
        if date_time not in asdict.keys():
            asdict[date_time] = {
                "object": analysis,
                "result": analysis.getResult(),
                "formattedresult": analysis.getFormattedResult()
            # Get the specs
            # Only the specs applied to the last analysis for that
            # sample type will be taken into consideration.
            # We assume specs from previous analyses are obsolete.
            if "specs" not in asdict.keys():
                specs = analysis.getResultsRange()
                asdict["specs"] = get_formatted_interval(specs, "")

            if date_time not in dates:

        anrow[service_uid] = asdict
        row['analyses'] = anrow
        rows[sample_type_uid] = row
    return dates, rows