def run(self):
        self.res_fname = "result.txt"
        from_conn = "--server={0}".format(

        cmd_str = " {0}".format(from_conn)

        test_num = 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - do the help"
        cmd = "{0} --help".format(cmd_str)
        res = self.run_test_case(0, cmd, comment)
        if not res:
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - rotate and verbose option (-vv)"
        cmd = "{0} -vv".format(cmd_str)
        res = self.run_test_case(0, cmd, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server1_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000002", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - rotate and min_size option (-vv)"
        cmd = "{0} -vv --min-size={1}".format(cmd_str, 100)
        res = self.run_test_case(0, cmd, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server1_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000003", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        # Remove version information
        self.remove_result_and_lines_after("MySQL Utilities mysqlbinlogrotate"
                                           " version", 6)

            "# Rotating Binary log on Server: ",
            "# Rotating Binary log on Server: XXXXXX:XXXX\n"

            "# Active binlog file: ",
            "# Active binlog file: 'XXXXX-XXX:XXXXXX' (size: XXX bytes)\n"

        return True
    def run(self):
        self.res_fname = "result.txt"
        from_conn = "--server={0}".format(

        cmd_str = " {0}".format(from_conn)

        test_num = 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - simple purge"
        cmd = "{0}".format(cmd_str)
        res = self.run_test_case(0, cmd, comment)
        if not res or binlog_file_exists(self.server1_datadir,
                                         "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        # Flush master binary log to have some logs to purge
        self.server1.exec_query("FLUSH LOGS")

        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - purge using verbose (-v)"
        cmd = "{0} -v ".format(cmd_str)
        res = self.run_test_case(0, cmd, comment)
        if not res or binlog_file_exists(self.server1_datadir,
                                         "mysql-bin.000002", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        # Mask known source host name.
        self.replace_result("# Source on ",
                            "# Source on XXXX-XXXX: ... connected.\n")

        # Mask version
            "MySQL Utilities mysqlbinlogpurge version",
            "MySQL Utilities mysqlbinlogpurge version X.Y.Z "
            "(part of MySQL Workbench ... XXXXXX)\n"

        return True
    def run(self):
        self.res_fname = "result.txt"
        from_conn = "--server={0}".format(

        cmd_str = " {0}".format(from_conn)

        test_num = 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - simple purge" "".format(test_num))
        cmd = "{0}".format(cmd_str)
        res = self.run_test_case(0, cmd, comment)
        if not res or binlog_file_exists(self.server1_datadir,
                                         "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        # Flush master binary log to have some logs to purge
        self.server1.exec_query("FLUSH LOGS")

        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - purge using verbose (-v)"
        cmd = "{0} -v ".format(cmd_str)
        res = self.run_test_case(0, cmd, comment)
        if not res or binlog_file_exists(self.server1_datadir,
                                         "mysql-bin.000002", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        # Mask known source host name.
        self.replace_result("# Source on ",
                            "# Source on XXXX-XXXX: ... connected.\n")

        # Mask version
            "MySQL Utilities mysqlbinlogpurge version",
            "MySQL Utilities mysqlbinlogpurge version X.Y.Z "
            "(part of MySQL Workbench ... XXXXXX)\n")

        return True
    def run(self):
        self.res_fname = "result.txt"
        server_conn = "--server={0}".format(

        master_conn = "--master={0}".format(

        self.res_fname = "result.txt"
        server_conn3 = "--server={0}".format(

        master_conn3 = "--master={0}".format(

        cmd_str = " {0}"

        test_num = 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - No options"
        cmd = ""
        res = self.run_test_case(2, cmd, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server2_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - Master no Slave options"
        cmd = cmd_str.format(master_conn)
        res = self.run_test_case(2, cmd, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server2_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - Server with Slave option"
        cmd = "{0} --slave={1}".format(
        res = self.run_test_case(2, cmd, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server2_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - Server without binlog"
        cmd = "{0} {1}".format(
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmd, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server2_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - Master with wrong Slave"
        cmd = "{0} --slave={1}".format(
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmd, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server2_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - Server with Discover option"
        cmd = "{0} --discover={1}".format(
        res = self.run_test_case(2, cmd, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server2_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - Only discover option"
        cmd = " --discover={0}".format("root:rootpass")
        res = self.run_test_case(2, cmd, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server2_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - Only slaves option"
        cmd = " --slaves={0}".format(server_conn)
        res = self.run_test_case(2, cmd, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server2_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - Only dry-run and verbose options"
        cmd = "{0} -vv -d".format("")
        res = self.run_test_case(2, cmd, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server2_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - wrong binlog base name"
        cmd = "{0} --binlog={1}".format(cmd_str.format(server_conn),
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmd, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server2_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - server and master options mixed"
        cmd = "{0} {1}".format(cmd_str.format(server_conn), master_conn)
        res = self.run_test_case(2, cmd, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server2_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        # Mask results
        self.replace_substring("localhost", "XXXX-XXXX")
        p_n = 0
        for port in self.mask_ports:
            p_n += 1
            self.replace_substring(repr(port), "PORT{0}".format(p_n))

        return True
    def run(self):
        self.res_fname = "result.txt"
        from_conn = "--server={0}".format(

        server2_conn = "--server={0}".format(

        cmd_str = " "

        test_num = 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - no options"
        cmd = "{0}".format(cmd_str)
        res = self.run_test_case(2, cmd, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server1_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - server has no binlog"
        cmd = "{0} {1}".format(cmd_str, server2_conn)
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmd, comment)
        if not res:
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - rotate bad value min_size option"
        cmd = "{0} {1} --min-size={2}".format(cmd_str, from_conn, "A100")
        res = self.run_test_case(2, cmd, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server1_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - rotate high value min_size option"
        cmd = "{0} {1} --min-size={2}".format(cmd_str, from_conn, "10000")
        res = self.run_test_case(0, cmd, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server1_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - rotate on server without binlog and "
                   "option (-vv)".format(test_num))
        cmd = "{0} -vv {1}".format(cmd_str, server2_conn)
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmd, comment)
        if not res:
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        # Mask results
            "because it's size", "is lower than the minimum",
            "because it's size XXX is lower than the minimum"
            "ERROR:", " You are not using binary log",
            "ERROR: You are not using binary log"

        self.replace_substring("localhost", "XXXX-XXXX")
        p_n = 0
        for port in self.mask_ports:
            p_n += 1
            self.replace_substring(repr(port), "PORT{0}".format(p_n))

        return True
    def run(self):
        test_num = 1

        master_conn = self.build_connection_string(self.server1).strip(' ')
        slave1_conn = self.build_connection_string(self.server2).strip(' ')
        slave2_conn = self.build_connection_string(self.server3).strip(' ')
        std_server_conn = self.build_connection_string(self.server4).strip(' ')
        nb_server_conn = self.build_connection_string(self.server5).strip(' ')

        comment = ""
        cmd_opts = ("-r --discover-slaves-login={0} ").format(
        cmds = " --master={0} {1}".format(master_conn, cmd_opts)
        self.run_test_case(0, cmds, comment)

        cmd_str = " --master={0} ".format(master_conn)
        cmd_opts = "--discover-slaves={0} ".format("in:valid")

        comment = ("Test case {0} - mysqlbinlogpurge: with discover invalid "
        cmds = "{0} {1}".format(cmd_str, cmd_opts)
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmds, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server1_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - mysqlbinlogpurge: with discover invalid "
                   "login and verbose".format(test_num))
        cmds = "{0} {1} -vvv".format(cmd_str, cmd_opts)
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmds, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server1_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        cmd_str = " --master={0} "
        cmd_opts = "--discover-slaves={0} ".format(master_conn.split('@')[0])
        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - mysqlbinlogpurge: single server given as "
                   "master and --discover option".format(test_num))
        cmds = "{0} {1}".format(cmd_str.format(std_server_conn), cmd_opts)
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmds, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server4_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        cmd_opts = "--slaves={0},{1}".format(slave1_conn, slave2_conn)
        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - mysqlbinlogpurge: standalone server given "
                   "as master and --slaves from other master".format(test_num))
        cmds = "{0} {1}".format(cmd_str.format(std_server_conn), cmd_opts)
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmds, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server4_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - mysqlbinlogpurge: server without binlog "
                   "as master and --slaves from other master".format(test_num))
        cmds = "{0} {1}".format(cmd_str.format(nb_server_conn), cmd_opts)
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmds, comment)
        if not res:
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        cmd_opts = "--slaves={0},{1} ".format(slave1_conn, slave2_conn)
        cmd_str = " --master={0} ".format(master_conn)
        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - mysqlbinlogpurge: one slave from other "
        cmds = "{0} {1}".format(cmd_str.format(slave2_conn), cmd_opts)
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmds, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server1_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        cmd_opts = "--slaves={0},{1} ".format(slave1_conn, std_server_conn)
        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - mysqlbinlogpurge: with slaves including an"
                   " standalone server".format(test_num))
        cmds = "{0} {1}".format(cmd_str, cmd_opts)
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmds, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server1_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        cmd_opts = "--slaves={0},{1} ".format(slave1_conn, nb_server_conn)
        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - mysqlbinlogpurge: with slave without "
        cmds = "{0} {1}".format(cmd_str, cmd_opts)
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmds, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server1_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        cmd_str = " --master={0} ".format(nb_server_conn)
        cmd_opts = "--slaves={0},{1} ".format(slave1_conn, slave2_conn)
        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - mysqlbinlogpurge: Master without binlog"
                   " and --slaves from other master".format(test_num))
        cmds = "{0} {1}".format(cmd_str, cmd_opts)
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmds, comment)
        if not res:
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        cmd_str = " --server={0} ".format(master_conn)
        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - mysqlbinlogpurge: Master given as server"
                   " on --server option".format(test_num))
        cmds = "{0}".format(cmd_str)
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmds, comment)
        if not res:
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - mysqlbinlogpurge: Master given as server"
                   " on --server option and -v".format(test_num))
        cmds = "{0} -v".format(cmd_str)
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmds, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server1_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        self.server2.exec_query("FLUSH BINARY LOGS")
        self.server3.exec_query("STOP SLAVE IO_THREAD")

        disc_opts = "--discover-slaves={0} -vv".format("root:root")
        cmd_str = " --master={0} ".format(slave1_conn)
        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - mysqlbinlogpurge: Slave disconnected from "
                   "master using --discover-slave option".format(test_num))
        cmds = "{0} {1}".format(cmd_str, disc_opts)
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmds, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server2_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        cmd_str = " --master={0} ".format(slave1_conn)
        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - mysqlbinlogpurge: Slave disconnected from "
                   "master --slaves option".format(test_num))
        cmds = "{0} --slave={1} -vv".format(cmd_str, slave2_conn)
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmds, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server2_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        # Mask out non-deterministic data

        p_n = 0
        for port in self.mask_ports:
            p_n += 1
            self.replace_substring(str(port), "PORT{0}".format(p_n))

            "Slave with id:", "is connected",
            "Slave with id:XXX at localhost:PORT2 is connected")

        # following line is not available in MySQL servers version < 5.6
        self.remove_result("# Binary log basename path:")

        return True
    def run_set(self,
        """Runs a set of test for the given option.

        option_name[in]    Option to use along the server connection string
        test_num[in]       Test cane number
        cmd_str[in]        Utility module name to run
        server[in]         Server instance used to run the test
        datadir[in]        the datadir path to check
        ad_opt[in]         Additional command option

        Returns latest test case number used.
        server_con = self.build_custom_connection_string(
            server, 'a_user', 'a_pwd')

        # Create user without any privileges.
        if self.debug:
            print("\nCreating user without any privileges on server...")

        # Purge binary logs using a user with no privileges.
        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - Purge binlog using a user without "
                   "privileges, {1} option (fail).".format(
                       test_num, option_name))
        cmd = cmd_str.format("--{0}={1} {2}".format(option_name, server_con,
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmd, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(datadir, "mysql-bin.000001",
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        # Grant all required privilege to user (except REPLICATION SLAVE).
        if self.debug:
            print("\nGrant all required privileges except REPLICATION SLAVE.")
        grants = ['SUPER']

        # Purge binary logs using a user without REPLICATION SLAVE.
        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - Purge binlog using a user without "
                   "REPLICATION SLAVE, {1} option (fail).".format(
                       test_num, option_name))
        cmd = cmd_str.format("--{0}={1} {2}".format(option_name, server_con,
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmd, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(datadir, "mysql-bin.000001",
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        # Grant all required privilege to user (except SUPER).
        if self.debug:
            print("\nGrant all required privileges except SUPER.")
        revokes = ['SUPER']
        grants = ['REPLICATION SLAVE']

        # Purge binary logs using a user without REPLICATION SLAVE.
        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - Purge binlog using a user without "
                   "SUPER, {1} option (fail).".format(test_num, option_name))
        cmd = cmd_str.format("--{0}={1} {2}".format(option_name, server_con,
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmd, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(datadir, "mysql-bin.000001",
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        # Grant all required privilege to user (except SUPER).
        if self.debug:
            print("\nGrant all required privileges (REPLICATION SLAVE and "
        grants = ['SUPER']

        # Purge binary logs using a user with all required privileges
        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - Purge binlog using a user with required "
                   "privileges (REPLICATION SLAVE and SUPER)"
                   ", {1} option.".format(test_num, option_name))
        cmd = cmd_str.format("--{0}={1} {2}".format(option_name, server_con,
        res = self.run_test_case(0, cmd, comment)
        if not res or binlog_file_exists(datadir, "mysql-bin.000001",
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        # Mask results
        self.replace_substring("localhost", "XXXX-XXXX")
        p_n = 0
        for port in self.mask_ports:
            p_n += 1
            self.replace_substring(repr(port), "PORT{0}".format(p_n))

        return test_num
    def run(self):
        self.res_fname = "result.txt"
        server_conn = "--server={0}".format(

        master_conn = "--master={0}".format(

        self.res_fname = "result.txt"
        server_conn3 = "--server={0}".format(

        master_conn3 = "--master={0}".format(

        cmd_str = " {0}"

        test_num = 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - No options"
        cmd = ""
        res = self.run_test_case(2, cmd, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server2_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - Master no Slave options"
        cmd = cmd_str.format(master_conn)
        res = self.run_test_case(2, cmd, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server2_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - Server with Slave option"
        cmd = "{0} --slave={1}".format(
        res = self.run_test_case(2, cmd, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server2_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - Server without binlog"
        cmd = "{0} ".format(
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmd, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server2_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - Master with wrong Slave"
        cmd = "{0} --slave={1}".format(
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmd, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server2_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - Server with Discover option"
        cmd = "{0} --discover={1}".format(
        res = self.run_test_case(2, cmd, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server2_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - Only discover option"
        cmd = " --discover={0}".format("root:rootpass")
        res = self.run_test_case(2, cmd, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server2_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - Only slaves option"
        cmd = " --slaves={0}".format(server_conn)
        res = self.run_test_case(2, cmd, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server2_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - Only dry-run and verbose options"
        cmd = "{0} -vv -d".format("")
        res = self.run_test_case(2, cmd, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server2_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - wrong binlog base name"
        cmd = "{0} --binlog={1}".format(cmd_str.format(server_conn),
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmd, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server2_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - server and master options mixed"
        cmd = "{0} {1}".format(cmd_str.format(server_conn), master_conn)
        res = self.run_test_case(2, cmd, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server2_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        # Mask results
        self.replace_substring("localhost", "XXXX-XXXX")
        p_n = 0
        for port in self.mask_ports:
            p_n += 1
            self.replace_substring(repr(port), "PORT{0}".format(p_n))

        return True
    def run_set(self, option_name, test_num, cmd_str, server, datadir,
        """Runs a set of test for the given option.

        option_name[in]    Option to use along the server connection string
        test_num[in]       Test cane number
        cmd_str[in]        Utility module name to run
        server[in]         Server instance used to run the test
        datadir[in]        the datadir path to check
        ad_opt[in]         Additional command option

        Returns latest test case number used.
        server_con = self.build_custom_connection_string(server, 'a_user',

        # Create user without any privileges.
        if self.debug:
            print("\nCreating user without any privileges on server...")
        change_user_privileges(server, 'a_user', 'a_pwd',,
                               grant_list=None, revoke_list=None,
                               disable_binlog=True, create_user=True)

        # Purge binary logs using a user with no privileges.
        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - Purge binlog using a user without "
                   "privileges, {1} option (fail).".format(test_num,
        cmd = cmd_str.format("--{0}={1} {2}".format(option_name, server_con,
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmd, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(datadir, "mysql-bin.000001",
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        # Grant all required privilege to user (except REPLICATION SLAVE).
        if self.debug:
            print("\nGrant all required privileges except REPLICATION SLAVE.")
        grants = ['SUPER']
        change_user_privileges(server, 'a_user', 'a_pwd',,
                               grant_list=grants, revoke_list=None,
                               disable_binlog=True, create_user=False)

        # Purge binary logs using a user without REPLICATION SLAVE.
        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - Purge binlog using a user without "
                   "REPLICATION SLAVE, {1} option (fail).".format(test_num,
        cmd = cmd_str.format("--{0}={1} {2}".format(option_name, server_con,
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmd, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(datadir, "mysql-bin.000001",
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        # Grant all required privilege to user (except SUPER).
        if self.debug:
            print("\nGrant all required privileges except SUPER.")
        revokes = ['SUPER']
        grants = ['REPLICATION SLAVE']
        change_user_privileges(server, 'a_user', 'a_pwd',,
                               grant_list=grants, revoke_list=revokes,
                               disable_binlog=True, create_user=False)

        # Purge binary logs using a user without REPLICATION SLAVE.
        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - Purge binlog using a user without "
                   "SUPER, {1} option (fail).".format(test_num, option_name))
        cmd = cmd_str.format("--{0}={1} {2}".format(option_name, server_con,
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmd, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(datadir, "mysql-bin.000001",
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        # Grant all required privilege to user (except SUPER).
        if self.debug:
            print("\nGrant all required privileges (REPLICATION SLAVE and "
        grants = ['SUPER']
        change_user_privileges(server, 'a_user', 'a_pwd',,
                               grant_list=grants, revoke_list=None,
                               disable_binlog=True, create_user=False)

        # Purge binary logs using a user with all required privileges
        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - Purge binlog using a user with required "
                   "privileges (REPLICATION SLAVE and SUPER)"
                   ", {1} option.".format(test_num, option_name))
        cmd = cmd_str.format("--{0}={1} {2}".format(option_name, server_con,
        res = self.run_test_case(0, cmd, comment)
        if not res or binlog_file_exists(datadir, "mysql-bin.000001",
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        # Mask results
        self.replace_substring("localhost", "XXXX-XXXX")
        p_n = 0
        for port in self.mask_ports:
            p_n += 1
            self.replace_substring(repr(port), "PORT{0}".format(p_n))

        return test_num
    def run(self):
        test_num = 1

        master_conn = self.build_connection_string(self.server1).strip(' ')
        slave1_conn = self.build_connection_string(self.server2).strip(' ')
        slave2_conn = self.build_connection_string(self.server3).strip(' ')
        std_server_conn = self.build_connection_string(self.server4).strip(' ')
        nb_server_conn = self.build_connection_string(self.server5).strip(' ')

        comment = ""
        cmd_opts = ("-r --discover-slaves-login={0} "
        cmds = " --master={0} {1}".format(master_conn, cmd_opts)
        self.run_test_case(0, cmds, comment)

        cmd_str = " --master={0} ".format(master_conn)
        cmd_opts = "--discover-slaves={0} ".format("in:valid")

        comment = ("Test case {0} - mysqlbinlogpurge: with discover invalid "
        cmds = "{0} {1}".format(cmd_str, cmd_opts)
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmds, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server1_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - mysqlbinlogpurge: with discover invalid "
                   "login and verbose".format(test_num))
        cmds = "{0} {1} -vvv".format(cmd_str, cmd_opts)
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmds, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server1_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        cmd_str = " --master={0} "
        cmd_opts = "--discover-slaves={0} ".format(master_conn.split('@')[0])
        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - mysqlbinlogpurge: single server given as "
                   "master and --discover option".format(test_num))
        cmds = "{0} {1}".format(cmd_str.format(std_server_conn), cmd_opts)
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmds, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server4_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        cmd_opts = "--slaves={0},{1}".format(slave1_conn, slave2_conn)
        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - mysqlbinlogpurge: standalone server given "
                   "as master and --slaves from other master".format(test_num))
        cmds = "{0} {1}".format(cmd_str.format(std_server_conn), cmd_opts)
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmds, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server4_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - mysqlbinlogpurge: server without binlog "
                   "as master and --slaves from other master".format(test_num))
        cmds = "{0} {1}".format(cmd_str.format(nb_server_conn), cmd_opts)
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmds, comment)
        if not res:
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        cmd_opts = "--slaves={0},{1} ".format(slave1_conn, slave2_conn)
        cmd_str = " --master={0} ".format(master_conn)
        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - mysqlbinlogpurge: one slave from other "
        cmds = "{0} {1}".format(cmd_str.format(slave2_conn), cmd_opts)
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmds, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server1_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        cmd_opts = "--slaves={0},{1} ".format(slave1_conn, std_server_conn)
        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - mysqlbinlogpurge: with slaves including an"
                   " standalone server".format(test_num))
        cmds = "{0} {1}".format(cmd_str, cmd_opts)
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmds, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server1_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        cmd_opts = "--slaves={0},{1} ".format(slave1_conn, nb_server_conn)
        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - mysqlbinlogpurge: with slave without "
        cmds = "{0} {1}".format(cmd_str, cmd_opts)
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmds, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server1_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        cmd_str = " --master={0} ".format(nb_server_conn)
        cmd_opts = "--slaves={0},{1} ".format(slave1_conn, slave2_conn)
        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - mysqlbinlogpurge: Master without binlog"
                   " and --slaves from other master".format(test_num))
        cmds = "{0} {1}".format(cmd_str, cmd_opts)
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmds, comment)
        if not res:
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        cmd_str = " --server={0} ".format(master_conn)
        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - mysqlbinlogpurge: Master given as server"
                   " on --server option".format(test_num))
        cmds = "{0}".format(cmd_str)
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmds, comment)
        if not res:
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - mysqlbinlogpurge: Master given as server"
                   " on --server option and -v".format(test_num))
        cmds = "{0} -v".format(cmd_str)
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmds, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server1_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        self.server2.exec_query("FLUSH BINARY LOGS")
        self.server3.exec_query("STOP SLAVE IO_THREAD")

        disc_opts = "--discover-slaves={0} -vv".format("root:root")
        cmd_str = " --master={0} ".format(slave1_conn)
        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - mysqlbinlogpurge: Slave disconnected from "
                   "master using --discover-slave option".format(test_num))
        cmds = "{0} {1}".format(cmd_str, disc_opts)
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmds, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server2_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        cmd_str = " --master={0} ".format(slave1_conn)
        test_num += 1
        comment = ("Test case {0} - mysqlbinlogpurge: Slave disconnected from "
                   "master --slaves option".format(test_num))
        cmds = "{0} --slave={1} -vv".format(cmd_str, slave2_conn)
        res = self.run_test_case(1, cmds, comment)
        if not res or not binlog_file_exists(self.server2_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000001", self.debug):
            raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))

        # Mask out non-deterministic data

        p_n = 0
        for port in self.mask_ports:
            p_n += 1
            self.replace_substring(str(port), "PORT{0}".format(p_n))

            "Slave with id:", "is connected",
            "Slave with id:XXX at localhost:PORT2 is connected"

        # following line is not available in MySQL servers version < 5.6
        self.remove_result("# Binary log basename path:")

        return True
    def run(self):
        self.res_fname = "result.txt"
        cmd_str = " "
        serv_conn = self.build_custom_connection_string(self.server2,
                                                        'a_user', 'a_pwd')

        test_num = 1
        test_cases = (
            {"comment": "with no privileges",
             "grant_list": None,
             "revoke_list": None,
             "exp_cmd_res": 1,
             "rotation_expected": False},
            {"comment": "with RELOAD privilege only",
             "grant_list": ['RELOAD'],
             "revoke_list": None,
             "exp_cmd_res": 1,
             "rotation_expected": False},
            {"comment": "with REPLICATION CLIENT privilege only",
             "grant_list": ['REPLICATION CLIENT'],
             "revoke_list": ['RELOAD'],
             "exp_cmd_res": 1,
             "rotation_expected": False},
            {"comment": "with RELOAD and REPLICATION CLIENT privileges",
             "grant_list": ['RELOAD'],
             "revoke_list": None,
             "exp_cmd_res": 0,
             "rotation_expected": True}

        create_user = True
        for test_case in test_cases:
            # Create user if has not been created, also grant and revoke
            # privileges as required by the test case.
            if self.debug:
                print("\nChanging user privileges\n  granting: {0}\n  "
                      "revoking: {1}".format(test_case["grant_list"],
            change_user_privileges(self.server2, 'a_user', 'a_pwd',
            create_user = False

            rot_exp = test_case["rotation_expected"]
            comment = ("Test case {0} - rotate on server {1} "
                       "and -vv".format(test_num, test_case["comment"]))
            cmd = "{0} --server={1} -vv".format(cmd_str, serv_conn)
            res = self.run_test_case(test_case["exp_cmd_res"], cmd, comment)
            if not res or \
               (rot_exp ^ binlog_file_exists(self.server2_datadir,
                                             "mysql-bin.000002", self.debug)):
                raise MUTLibError("{0}: failed".format(comment))
            test_num += 1

        self.replace_substring("localhost", "XXXX-XXXX")
        p_n = 0
        for port in self.mask_ports:
            p_n += 1
            self.replace_substring(repr(port), "PORT{0}".format(p_n))

            "# Active binlog file: ",
            "# Active binlog file: 'XXXXX-XXX:XXXXXX' (size: XXX bytes)\n"

        return True