def st_gh_balance(ht_traj: PoseTrajectory, st_traj: PoseTrajectory,
                  gh_traj: PoseTrajectory):
    num_frames = st_traj.rot_matrix.shape[0]
    elev_axes = compute_elev_axis(ht_traj.rot_matrix)
    hum_axes = ht_traj.rot_matrix[:, :, 1]

    ht_diff = ht_traj.quat[1:] * np.conjugate(ht_traj.quat[:-1])
    ht_proj = np.empty_like(ht_diff)

    for i in range(num_frames - 1):
        ht_proj[i] = quat_project(ht_diff[i], elev_axes[i])

    ht_remain = ht_diff * np.conjugate(ht_proj)
    ht_remain_float = q.as_float_array(ht_remain)
    ht_remain_float = np.concatenate(
        (ht_remain_float[:, 1:], ht_remain_float[:, 0][..., np.newaxis]), 1)
    ht_remain_vec = Rotation.from_quat(ht_remain_float).as_rotvec()

    ht_remain_angle = np.sqrt(extended_dot(ht_remain_vec, ht_remain_vec))
    ht_remain_axis = ht_remain_vec / ht_remain_angle[..., np.newaxis]
    ht_remain_angle = np.where(
        extended_dot(ht_remain_axis, hum_axes[:-1]) > 0, ht_remain_angle,

    return np.cumsum(ht_remain_angle)
    def raw_diff_scalar(self) -> np.ndarray:
        """Compute || vicon - biplane ||, where || . || indicates Euclidean norm.

        Note that NaNs can still be present because for a particular frame a marker could be measured via biplane
        fluoroscopy but not be visible to the Vicon cameras.
        return np.sqrt(extended_dot(self.raw_diff, self.raw_diff))
def compute_poe_axis(ht_traj: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    """Compute PoE rotation axis for each frame of ht_traj."""
    long_axis = ht_traj[:, :, 1]
    elev_axis = compute_elev_axis(ht_traj)
    poe_axis = np.cross(elev_axis, long_axis)
    poe_axis = poe_axis / np.sqrt(extended_dot(poe_axis, poe_axis))[...,
    return poe_axis
def wrt_torso_traj_proj_ext(wrt_torso_traj: np.ndarray,
                            wrt_torso_axes: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    """Project angular velocity of trajectory that is expressed with respect to torso onto supplied axes
    (also expressed with respect to torso) and integrate from start to end of motion."""
    num_frames = wrt_torso_traj.shape[0]

    # dt doesn't matter because we will integrate soon
    av = ang_vel(wrt_torso_traj, dt=1)

    av_x = (extended_dot(av, wrt_torso_traj[:, :, 0])[..., np.newaxis] *
            wrt_torso_traj[:, :, 0])
    av_y = (extended_dot(av, wrt_torso_traj[:, :, 1])[..., np.newaxis] *
            wrt_torso_traj[:, :, 1])
    av_z = (extended_dot(av, wrt_torso_traj[:, :, 2])[..., np.newaxis] *
            wrt_torso_traj[:, :, 2])

    av_proj_x = extended_dot(av_x, wrt_torso_axes)
    av_proj_y = extended_dot(av_y, wrt_torso_axes)
    av_proj_z = extended_dot(av_z, wrt_torso_axes)
    av_proj = extended_dot(av, wrt_torso_axes)

    induced = np.empty((num_frames, 4), dtype=np.float)
    induced[:, 0] = cumtrapz(av_proj_x, dx=1, initial=0)
    induced[:, 1] = cumtrapz(av_proj_y, dx=1, initial=0)
    induced[:, 2] = cumtrapz(av_proj_z, dx=1, initial=0)
    induced[:, 3] = cumtrapz(av_proj, dx=1, initial=0)

    return induced
def st_induced_axial_rot_fha(st: PoseTrajectory,
                             ht: PoseTrajectory) -> np.ndarray:
    """Compute ST-induced HT axial rotation using finite helical axes."""
    num_frames = st.rot_matrix.shape[0]
    st_diff = st.quat[1:] * np.conjugate(st.quat[:-1])
    st_fha = q.as_rotation_vector(st_diff)
    st_fha_x = (
        extended_dot(st_fha, st.rot_matrix[:-1, :, 0])[..., np.newaxis] *
        st.rot_matrix[:-1, :, 0])
    st_fha_y = (
        extended_dot(st_fha, st.rot_matrix[:-1, :, 1])[..., np.newaxis] *
        st.rot_matrix[:-1, :, 1])
    st_fha_z = (
        extended_dot(st_fha, st.rot_matrix[:-1, :, 2])[..., np.newaxis] *
        st.rot_matrix[:-1, :, 2])

    st_fha_proj_x = extended_dot(st_fha_x, ht.rot_matrix[:-1, :, 1])
    st_fha_proj_y = extended_dot(st_fha_y, ht.rot_matrix[:-1, :, 1])
    st_fha_proj_z = extended_dot(st_fha_z, ht.rot_matrix[:-1, :, 1])
    st_fha_proj = extended_dot(st_fha, ht.rot_matrix[:-1, :, 1])

    induced_axial_rot = np.empty((num_frames, 4), dtype=np.float)
    induced_axial_rot[0, :] = 0
    induced_axial_rot[1:, 0] = np.add.accumulate(st_fha_proj_x)
    induced_axial_rot[1:, 1] = np.add.accumulate(st_fha_proj_y)
    induced_axial_rot[1:, 2] = np.add.accumulate(st_fha_proj_z)
    induced_axial_rot[1:, 3] = np.add.accumulate(st_fha_proj)

    return induced_axial_rot
def st_induced_axial_rot_ang_vel(st: PoseTrajectory,
                                 ht: PoseTrajectory) -> np.ndarray:
    """Compute ST-induced HT axial rotation using angular velocity."""
    num_frames = st.rot_matrix.shape[0]
    # The ST velocity is expressed in the torso coordinate system so we can't just use its x,y,z components.
    # We need to first project it onto the x,y,z axes of the scapula. This is equivalent to expressing the ST velocity
    # in its own body coordinates.
    st_angvel_x = (
        extended_dot(st.ang_vel, st.rot_matrix[:, :, 0])[..., np.newaxis] *
        st.rot_matrix[:, :, 0])
    st_angvel_y = (
        extended_dot(st.ang_vel, st.rot_matrix[:, :, 1])[..., np.newaxis] *
        st.rot_matrix[:, :, 1])
    st_angvel_z = (
        extended_dot(st.ang_vel, st.rot_matrix[:, :, 2])[..., np.newaxis] *
        st.rot_matrix[:, :, 2])

    st_angvel_proj_x = extended_dot(st_angvel_x, ht.rot_matrix[:, :, 1])
    st_angvel_proj_y = extended_dot(st_angvel_y, ht.rot_matrix[:, :, 1])
    st_angvel_proj_z = extended_dot(st_angvel_z, ht.rot_matrix[:, :, 1])
    st_angvel_proj = extended_dot(st.ang_vel, ht.rot_matrix[:, :, 1])

    induced_axial_rot = np.empty((num_frames, 4), dtype=np.float)
    induced_axial_rot[:, 0] = cumtrapz(st_angvel_proj_x, dx=st.dt, initial=0)
    induced_axial_rot[:, 1] = cumtrapz(st_angvel_proj_y, dx=st.dt, initial=0)
    induced_axial_rot[:, 2] = cumtrapz(st_angvel_proj_z, dx=st.dt, initial=0)
    induced_axial_rot[:, 3] = cumtrapz(st_angvel_proj, dx=st.dt, initial=0)

    return induced_axial_rot
def wrt_torso_traj_proj(wrt_torso_traj: np.ndarray,
                        wrt_torso_axes: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    """Project angular velocity of trajectory that is expressed with respect to torso onto supplied axes
    (also expressed with respect to torso) and integrate from start to end of motion."""
    # dt doesn't matter because we will integrate soon
    av = ang_vel(wrt_torso_traj, dt=1)
    av_proj = extended_dot(av, wrt_torso_axes)

    return cumtrapz(av_proj, dx=1, initial=0)
def compute_elev_axis(ht_traj: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    """Compute elevation rotation axis for each frame of ht_traj."""
    num_frames = ht_traj.shape[0]
    long_axis = -ht_traj[:, :, 1]
    # compute axis that is perpendicular to the longitudinal axis projection
    long_proj_perp = np.cross(np.tile(np.array([0, 1, 0]), (num_frames, 1)),
    long_proj_perp = long_proj_perp / np.sqrt(
        extended_dot(long_proj_perp, long_proj_perp))[..., np.newaxis]
    return long_proj_perp
def gh_traj_proj(gh_traj: np.ndarray, st_traj: np.ndarray,
                 wrt_torso_axes: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    """Project angular velocity of GH trajectory onto supplied axes (expressed with respect to torso)
    and integrate from start to end of motion."""
    # dt doesn't matter because we will integrate soon
    av = ang_vel(gh_traj, dt=1)
    # express GH angular velocity in torso coordinate system
    av_torso = np.squeeze(st_traj @ av[..., np.newaxis])
    av_proj = extended_dot(av_torso, wrt_torso_axes)

    return cumtrapz(av_proj, dx=1, initial=0)
def true_axial_rot_fha(traj):
    num_frames = traj.rot_matrix.shape[0]
    traj_diff = traj.quat[1:] * np.conjugate(traj.quat[:-1])
    # Switch to using scipy.spatial.transform here because the quaternion package gives a rotation of close to 2*pi
    # sometimes. This isn't incorrect, but it's not consistent. The return should be 2*pi-ret
    # scipy.spatial.transform uses a scalar-last convention so account for that here
    traj_diff_float = q.as_float_array(traj_diff)
    traj_diff_float = np.concatenate((traj_diff_float[:, 1:], traj_diff_float[:, 0][..., np.newaxis]), axis=1)
    traj_fha = R.from_quat(traj_diff_float).as_rotvec()
    traj_fha_proj = extended_dot(traj_fha, traj.rot_matrix[:-1, :, 1])
    true_axial_rot = np.empty((num_frames,), dtype=np.float)
    true_axial_rot[0] = 0
    true_axial_rot[1:] = np.add.accumulate(traj_fha_proj)
    return true_axial_rot
def add_st_gh_contrib_ind(ht_joint: PoseTrajectory, st_joint: PoseTrajectory,
                          gh_joint: PoseTrajectory):
    """Compute HT, ST, and GH joint contributions for elevation, axial rotation, and PoE given the pose trajectories of
    these joints."""
    # Note that where these contributions are stored differs from the manuscript. To make it easy to compare to ISB
    # PoE changes are stored in index 0, elevation changes are stored in index 1, and axial rotation changes are stored
    # in index 2. The orthogonality of the frame is still respected just the index where these contributions are stored
    # is changed.
    poe_axes = compute_poe_axis(ht_joint.rot_matrix)
    elev_axes = compute_elev_axis(ht_joint.rot_matrix)
    axial_axes = compute_axial_axis(ht_joint.rot_matrix)

    st_contribs = np.empty((st_joint.ang_vel.shape[0], 4))
    st_contribs[:, 0] = wrt_torso_traj_proj(st_joint.rot_matrix, poe_axes)
    st_contribs[:, 1] = wrt_torso_traj_proj(st_joint.rot_matrix, elev_axes)
    st_contribs[:, 2] = wrt_torso_traj_proj(st_joint.rot_matrix, axial_axes)
    st_ang_vel_mag = np.sqrt(extended_dot(st_joint.ang_vel, st_joint.ang_vel))
    st_ang_vel_dir = st_joint.ang_vel / st_ang_vel_mag[..., np.newaxis]
    st_ang_vel_mag = np.where(
        extended_dot(st_ang_vel_dir, elev_axes) > 0, st_ang_vel_mag,
    st_contribs[:, 3] = cumtrapz(st_ang_vel_mag, dx=st_joint.dt, initial=0)

    ht_contribs = np.empty((ht_joint.ang_vel.shape[0], 4))
    ht_contribs[:, 0] = wrt_torso_traj_proj(ht_joint.rot_matrix, poe_axes)
    ht_contribs[:, 1] = wrt_torso_traj_proj(ht_joint.rot_matrix, elev_axes)
    ht_contribs[:, 2] = wrt_torso_traj_proj(ht_joint.rot_matrix, axial_axes)
    ht_ang_vel_mag = np.sqrt(extended_dot(ht_joint.ang_vel, ht_joint.ang_vel))
    ht_ang_vel_dir = ht_joint.ang_vel / ht_ang_vel_mag[..., np.newaxis]
    ht_ang_vel_mag = np.where(
        extended_dot(ht_ang_vel_dir, elev_axes) > 0, ht_ang_vel_mag,
    ht_contribs[:, 3] = cumtrapz(ht_ang_vel_mag, dx=ht_joint.dt, initial=0)

    gh_contribs = np.empty((gh_joint.ang_vel.shape[0], 4))
    gh_contribs[:, 0] = gh_traj_proj(gh_joint.rot_matrix, st_joint.rot_matrix,
    gh_contribs[:, 1] = gh_traj_proj(gh_joint.rot_matrix, st_joint.rot_matrix,
    gh_contribs[:, 2] = gh_traj_proj(gh_joint.rot_matrix, st_joint.rot_matrix,
    gh_ang_vel_mag = np.sqrt(extended_dot(gh_joint.ang_vel, gh_joint.ang_vel))
    gh_ang_vel_dir = (
        np.squeeze(st_joint.rot_matrix @ gh_joint.ang_vel[..., np.newaxis]) /
        ht_ang_vel_mag[..., np.newaxis])
    gh_ang_vel_mag = np.where(
        extended_dot(gh_ang_vel_dir, elev_axes) > 0, gh_ang_vel_mag,
    gh_contribs[:, 3] = cumtrapz(gh_ang_vel_mag, dx=gh_joint.dt, initial=0)

    return ht_contribs, st_contribs, gh_contribs
    # logging
    fileConfig(config_dir / 'logging.ini', disable_existing_loggers=False)
    log = logging.getLogger(params.logger_name)

               params.dtheta_coarse, [params.min_elev, params.max_elev],
    trial = db.loc[params.trial_name]

    # calculate st true axial rotation "manually"
    st_angvel_proj = extended_dot(trial.st.ang_vel, trial.ht.rot_matrix[:, :,
    st_axial_rot_manual = cumtrapz(st_angvel_proj, dx=trial.st.dt, initial=0)
    st_axial_rot = trial.ht.true_axial_rot - trial.gh.true_axial_rot

    # plot
    start_idx = trial.up_down_analysis.max_run_up_start_idx
    end_idx = trial.up_down_analysis.max_run_up_end_idx
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.subplots()
    ax.plot(np.rad2deg(st_axial_rot[start_idx:end_idx + 1]), label='HT-GH')
    ax.plot(np.rad2deg(st_axial_rot_manual[start_idx:end_idx + 1]),
    ax.legend(loc='upper left')
    tracking_markers = np.stack([
        trial.filled[marker] for marker in StaticTorsoSegment.TRACKING_MARKERS
    ], 0)
    torso_vicon = compute_trajectory(
        trial.subject.torso.static_markers_intrinsic, tracking_markers)
    torso_fluoro = change_cs(trial.subject.f_t_v, torso_vicon)
    torso_truncated = torso_fluoro[trial.vicon_endpts[0]:trial.vicon_endpts[1]]
    quat = quaternion.as_float_array(
        quaternion.from_rotation_matrix(torso_truncated[:, :3, :3],
    torso_pos_quat = np.concatenate((torso_truncated[:, :3, 3], quat), 1)

    # retrieve reference data
    ref_data = pd.read_csv(
        Path(params.matlab_threejs_dir) / subject_id /
        (params.trial_name + '.csv'))

    # since the negative of a quaternions represents the same orientation make the appropriate sign flip so graphs align
    mask = extended_dot(torso_pos_quat[:, 3:],
                        ref_data.iloc[:, 3:7].to_numpy()) < 0
    torso_pos_quat[mask, 3:] = -torso_pos_quat[mask, 3:]

    # graph
    for n in range(7):
        plt.figure(n + 1)
        plt.plot(torso_pos_quat[:, n], 'r')
        plt.plot(ref_data.iloc[:, n], 'g')
        ax_st = fig_st.subplots()
        plot_utils.style_axes(ax_st, 'HT Elevation Angle', 'Alignment (deg)')

        for trial_name, df_row in activity_df.iterrows():
            age_grp = df_row['age_group']
            ht = df_row['ht']
            st = df_row['st']
            gh = df_row['gh']
            up_down = df_row['up_down_analysis']
            start_idx = up_down.max_run_up_start_idx
            end_idx = up_down.max_run_up_end_idx
            sec = slice(start_idx, end_idx + 1)
            ht_elev = -np.rad2deg(ht.euler.ht_isb[sec, 1])
            elev_axis = compute_axial_axis(ht.rot_matrix)[sec]
            st_ang_vel_axis = st.ang_vel[sec] / np.sqrt(extended_dot(st.ang_vel[sec], st.ang_vel[sec])[..., np.newaxis])
            gh_ang_vel_axis = gh.ang_vel[sec] / np.sqrt(extended_dot(gh.ang_vel[sec], gh.ang_vel[sec])[..., np.newaxis])
            gh_ang_vel_axis = np.squeeze(st.rot_matrix[sec] @ gh_ang_vel_axis[..., np.newaxis])
            ang_st = extended_dot(st_ang_vel_axis, elev_axis)
            ang_gh = extended_dot(gh_ang_vel_axis, elev_axis)
            ax_gh.plot(ht_elev, ang_gh, label='_'.join(trial_name.split('_')[0:2]))
            ax_st.plot(ht_elev, ang_st, label='_'.join(trial_name.split('_')[0:2]))

        fig_gh.suptitle(activity + ' GH alignment')
        fig_gh.legend(ncol=10, handlelength=0.75, handletextpad=0.25, columnspacing=0.5, loc='lower left',
    prepare_db(db, params.torso_def, params.scap_lateral, params.dtheta_fine, params.dtheta_coarse,
               [params.min_elev, params.max_elev], should_fill=False, should_clean=False)
    trial = db.loc[params.trial_name]

    end_idx = trial.up_down_analysis.max_run_up_end_idx
    keep_every_vec = np.arange(6) + 1
    indices = np.arange(end_idx+1)
    gh_axial_rots = np.zeros(keep_every_vec.size)
    for keep_every_idx, keep_every in enumerate(keep_every_vec):
        indices_cur = indices[0::keep_every]
        if indices_cur[-1] != indices[-1]:
            indices_cur = np.concatenate((indices[0::keep_every], indices[-1][..., np.newaxis]))

        time = trial.ht.frame_nums[indices_cur] * trial.ht.dt
        gh_angvel_proj = extended_dot(np.squeeze(trial.st.rot_matrix[indices_cur] @
                                                 trial.gh.ang_vel[indices_cur][..., np.newaxis]),
                                      trial.ht.rot_matrix[indices_cur, :, 1])
        gh_axial_rot = cumtrapz(gh_angvel_proj, time, initial=0)
        gh_axial_rots[keep_every_idx] = gh_axial_rot[-1]

    # plot
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.subplots()
    ax.plot(keep_every_vec, np.rad2deg(gh_axial_rots))
def true_axial_rot_ang_vel(traj):
    ang_vel_proj = extended_dot(traj.ang_vel, traj.rot_matrix[:, :, 1])
    return cumtrapz(ang_vel_proj, dx=traj.dt, initial=0)